using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using UnityEngine.Rendering; [CustomEditor(typeof(BakeryPointLight))] [CanEditMultipleObjects] public class ftPointLightInspector : UnityEditor.Editor { SerializedProperty ftraceLightColor; SerializedProperty ftraceLightIntensity; SerializedProperty ftraceLightShadowSpread; SerializedProperty ftraceLightCutoff; SerializedProperty ftraceLightSamples; SerializedProperty ftraceLightProj; SerializedProperty ftraceLightTexture; SerializedProperty ftraceLightTexture2D; SerializedProperty ftraceLightAngle; SerializedProperty ftraceLightIES; SerializedProperty ftraceLightBitmask; SerializedProperty ftraceLightBakeToIndirect; SerializedProperty ftraceLightRealisticFalloff; SerializedProperty ftraceLightLegacySampling; SerializedProperty ftraceLightShadowmask; SerializedProperty ftraceLightShadowmaskFalloff; SerializedProperty ftraceLightIndirectIntensity; SerializedProperty ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius; SerializedProperty ftraceLightInnerAngle; SerializedProperty ftraceShadowmaskGroupID; SerializedProperty ftraceDirectionMode; UnityEngine.Object spotCookieTexture; ftLightmapsStorage storage; bool isHDRP = false; bool isLWRP = false; int projModeCached = -1; int texCached = -1; int tex2DCached = -1; int iesCached = -1; static string[] selStrings = new string[] {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16", "17","18","19","20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29","30"};//,"31"}; void InitSerializedProperties(SerializedObject obj) { ftraceLightColor = obj.FindProperty("color"); ftraceLightIntensity = obj.FindProperty("intensity"); ftraceLightIndirectIntensity = obj.FindProperty("indirectIntensity"); ftraceLightShadowSpread = obj.FindProperty("shadowSpread"); ftraceLightCutoff = obj.FindProperty("cutoff"); ftraceLightAngle = obj.FindProperty("angle"); ftraceLightInnerAngle = obj.FindProperty("innerAngle"); ftraceLightSamples = obj.FindProperty("samples"); ftraceLightProj = obj.FindProperty("projMode"); ftraceLightTexture = obj.FindProperty("cubemap"); ftraceLightTexture2D = obj.FindProperty("cookie"); ftraceLightIES = obj.FindProperty("iesFile"); ftraceLightBitmask = obj.FindProperty("bitmask"); ftraceLightBakeToIndirect = obj.FindProperty("bakeToIndirect"); ftraceLightRealisticFalloff = obj.FindProperty("realisticFalloff"); ftraceLightLegacySampling = obj.FindProperty("legacySampling"); ftraceLightShadowmask = obj.FindProperty("shadowmask"); ftraceLightShadowmaskFalloff = obj.FindProperty("shadowmaskFalloff"); ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius = obj.FindProperty("falloffMinRadius"); ftraceShadowmaskGroupID = obj.FindProperty("shadowmaskGroupID"); ftraceDirectionMode = obj.FindProperty("directionMode"); var hdrpLight = (target as BakeryPointLight).GetComponent("HDAdditionalLightData"); isHDRP = hdrpLight != null; #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER var rpipe = GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline; #else var rpipe = GraphicsSettings.renderPipelineAsset; #endif if (rpipe != null && (rpipe.GetType().Name.StartsWith("Lightweight") || rpipe.GetType().Name.StartsWith("Universal"))) { isLWRP = true; } #endif } void OnEnable() { InitSerializedProperties(serializedObject); if (spotCookieTexture == null) { var bakeryRuntimePath = ftLightmaps.GetRuntimePath(); spotCookieTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(bakeryRuntimePath + "ftUnitySpotTexture.bmp", typeof(Texture2D)); } } void GetLinearLightParameters(Light light, out float lightR, out float lightG, out float lightB, out float lightInt) { if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear) { lightInt = light.intensity; lightR = light.color.r; lightG = light.color.g; lightB = light.color.b; return; } if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity) { lightR = Mathf.Pow(light.color.r * light.intensity, 2.2f); lightG = Mathf.Pow(light.color.g * light.intensity, 2.2f); lightB = Mathf.Pow(light.color.b * light.intensity, 2.2f); lightInt = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(lightR, lightG), lightB); lightR /= lightInt; lightG /= lightInt; lightB /= lightInt; } else { lightInt = light.intensity; lightR = light.color.r; lightG = light.color.g; lightB = light.color.b; if (GraphicsSettings.lightsUseColorTemperature) { #if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER if (light.useColorTemperature) #endif { var temp = Mathf.CorrelatedColorTemperatureToRGB(light.colorTemperature).gamma; lightR *= temp.r; lightG *= temp.g; lightB *= temp.b; } } } } bool CompareWithLWRP(Light l, ref string why) { if (l.type == LightType.Spot) { var so = new SerializedObject(l); if (so == null) { why = "no SerializedObject"; return false; } if (ftraceLightProj.intValue != (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone) { why = "spot shape doesn't match."; return false; } SerializedProperty innerAngle = so.FindProperty("m_InnerSpotAngle"); if (innerAngle == null) { why = "no m_InnerSpotAngle"; return false; } if (Mathf.Abs(((ftraceLightInnerAngle.floatValue * 0.01f) * ftraceLightAngle.floatValue) - innerAngle.floatValue) > 0.001f) { why = "inner angle doesn't match."; return false; } } return true; } bool CompareWithHDRP(Light l, ref string why) { var hdrpLight = l.GetComponent("HDAdditionalLightData"); if (hdrpLight == null) { why = "no HDAdditionalLightData"; return false; } var so = new SerializedObject(hdrpLight); if (so == null) { why = "no SerializedObject"; return false; } SerializedProperty hdrpLightTypeExtent = so.FindProperty("m_PointlightHDType"); if (hdrpLightTypeExtent == null) { why = "no m_PointlightHDType"; return false; } int extendedLightType = hdrpLightTypeExtent.intValue; if (extendedLightType != 0) { why = "Only punctual sounrces are supported.\nUse rectangle/tube geometry with Light Mesh instead."; return false; } if (l.type == LightType.Spot) { SerializedProperty hdrpLightSpotShape = so.FindProperty("m_SpotLightShape"); if (hdrpLightSpotShape == null) { why = "no m_SpotLightShape"; return false; } SerializedProperty hdrpLightInnerAngle = so.FindProperty("m_InnerSpotPercent"); if (hdrpLightInnerAngle == null) { why = "no m_InnerSpotPercent"; return false; } int spotShape = hdrpLightSpotShape.intValue; if (spotShape != 0) { why = "Only cone spotlights are supported."; return false; } if (ftraceLightProj.intValue != (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone) { why = "spot shape doesn't match."; return false; } if (Mathf.Abs(ftraceLightInnerAngle.floatValue - hdrpLightInnerAngle.floatValue) > 0.001f) { why = "inner angle doesn't match."; return false; } } SerializedProperty hdrpLightRadius = so.FindProperty("m_ShapeRadius"); if (hdrpLightRadius != null) { if (hdrpLightRadius.floatValue != 0) { why = "light radius is not 0."; return false; } } return true; } void MatchToLWRPLight(Light l) { ftraceLightRealisticFalloff.boolValue = true; ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius.floatValue = 0.01f; if (l.type == LightType.Spot) { ftraceLightProj.intValue = (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone; var so = new SerializedObject(l); if (so == null) return; SerializedProperty lightInnerAngle = so.FindProperty("m_InnerSpotAngle"); if (lightInnerAngle == null) return; ftraceLightInnerAngle.floatValue = (lightInnerAngle.floatValue / ftraceLightAngle.floatValue) * 100; } } void MatchToHDRPLight(Light l) { ftraceLightRealisticFalloff.boolValue = true; ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius.floatValue = 0.01f; ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue /= Mathf.PI; var hdrpLight = l.GetComponent("HDAdditionalLightData"); if (hdrpLight == null) return; var so = new SerializedObject(hdrpLight); if (so == null) return; SerializedProperty hdrpLightTypeExtent = so.FindProperty("m_PointlightHDType"); if (hdrpLightTypeExtent == null) return; int extendedLightType = hdrpLightTypeExtent.intValue; if (extendedLightType != 0) return; if (l.type == LightType.Spot) { SerializedProperty hdrpLightSpotShape = so.FindProperty("m_SpotLightShape"); if (hdrpLightSpotShape == null) return; int spotShape = hdrpLightSpotShape.intValue; if (spotShape != 0) return; ftraceLightProj.intValue = (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone; } SerializedProperty hdrpLightInnerAngle = so.FindProperty("m_InnerSpotPercent"); if (hdrpLightInnerAngle == null) return; ftraceLightInnerAngle.floatValue = hdrpLightInnerAngle.floatValue; } void SetLWRPLight(Light l) { if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone) { var so = new SerializedObject(l); if (so == null) return; SerializedProperty lightInnerAngle = so.FindProperty("m_InnerSpotAngle"); if (lightInnerAngle == null) return; lightInnerAngle.floatValue = (ftraceLightInnerAngle.floatValue * 0.01f) * ftraceLightAngle.floatValue; so.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } void SetHDRPLight(Light l) { #if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER l.useBoundingSphereOverride = false; l.useShadowMatrixOverride = false; #endif l.intensity *= Mathf.PI; var hdrpLight = l.GetComponent("HDAdditionalLightData"); if (hdrpLight == null) return; var so = new SerializedObject(hdrpLight); if (so == null) return; SerializedProperty hdrpUnits = so.FindProperty("m_LightUnit"); if (hdrpUnits != null) hdrpUnits.intValue = 1; // candela SerializedProperty hdrpInt2 = so.FindProperty("m_Intensity"); if (hdrpInt2 != null) hdrpInt2.floatValue = l.intensity; SerializedProperty hdrpLightTypeExtent = so.FindProperty("m_PointlightHDType"); if (hdrpLightTypeExtent == null) return; hdrpLightTypeExtent.intValue = 0; // punctual if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone) { SerializedProperty hdrpLightSpotShape = so.FindProperty("m_SpotLightShape"); if (hdrpLightSpotShape == null) return; hdrpLightSpotShape.intValue = 0; // cone } SerializedProperty hdrpLightInnerAngle = so.FindProperty("m_InnerSpotPercent"); if (hdrpLightInnerAngle == null) return; hdrpLightInnerAngle.floatValue = ftraceLightInnerAngle.floatValue; SerializedProperty hdrpLightRadius = so.FindProperty("m_ShapeRadius"); if (hdrpLightRadius != null) { hdrpLightRadius.floatValue = 0; } so.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } void TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref int cached, int newVal) { if (cached >= 0) { if (cached != newVal) { BakeryPointLight.lightsChanged = 2; } } cached = newVal; } void TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref int cached, UnityEngine.Object newVal) { if (newVal == null) { TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref cached, 0); return; } TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref cached, newVal.GetInstanceID()); } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { //if (showFtrace) { OnEnable(); serializedObject.Update(); TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref projModeCached, ftraceLightProj.intValue); TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref texCached, ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue); TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref tex2DCached, ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue); TestPreviewRefreshProperty(ref iesCached, ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightColor, new GUIContent("Color", "Color of the light")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIntensity, new GUIContent("Intensity", "Color multiplier (Candela / PI)")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightShadowSpread, new GUIContent("Shadow spread", "Controls shadow blurriness from 0 to 1")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightRealisticFalloff, new GUIContent("Physical falloff", "Use inverse-squared falloff instead of Unity falloff")); if (ftraceLightRealisticFalloff.boolValue) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius, new GUIContent("Falloff min size", "As point lights don't have area, at zero distance 1/(d*d) will become infinity. This value avoids this issue by assuming the light to have some minimum radius and changing the formula to 1/(d*d+R*R).")); } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightCutoff, new GUIContent("Range", "Lighting distance limit. When 'Physical falloff' is on, for maximum corectness set to a very high value. Using smaller values is useful for faster render times and to match real-time lights. Bakery uses Skyforge falloff to maintain balance between correct inverse-squared attenuation and practical limits (")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightSamples, new GUIContent("Samples", "The amount of sample points generated on the surface of this light. Point light shadows are traced towards points on a sphere (with radius = shadowSpread) around the light. ")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightLegacySampling, new GUIContent("Legacy sampling", "Use Bakery's original more biased shadow sampling strategy. Produces noise-free shadows, but wide penumbras can exhibit banding. If disabled, an unbiased, but noisier technique is used.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightProj, new GUIContent("Projection mask", "Determines additional light masking mode.")); switch(ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex) { case (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cookie: EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightTexture2D, new GUIContent("Cookie texture", "Texture")); EditorGUILayout.Slider(ftraceLightAngle, 1, 179, new GUIContent("Angle", "Angle of projection (like in spotlights).")); break; case (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone: EditorGUILayout.Slider(ftraceLightAngle, 1, 180, new GUIContent("Outer angle")); EditorGUILayout.Slider(ftraceLightInnerAngle, 0, 100, new GUIContent("Inner angle percent")); break; case (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cubemap: EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightTexture, new GUIContent("Projected cubemap", "Cubemap")); break; case (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.IES: ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("IES file", ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue, typeof(UnityEngine.Object), false); if (ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue != null) { var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue); if (path.Length < 4 || path.Substring(path.Length - 4).ToLower() != ".ies") { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Bakery", "File must have IES extension.", "OK"); ftraceLightIES.objectReferenceValue = null; } } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceDirectionMode, new GUIContent("Orientation", "Defines forward axis for the IES light.")); break; default: break; } int prevVal = ftraceLightBitmask.intValue; int newVal = EditorGUILayout.MaskField(new GUIContent("Bitmask", "Lights only affect renderers with overlapping bits"), ftraceLightBitmask.intValue, selStrings); if (prevVal != newVal) ftraceLightBitmask.intValue = newVal; /* EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightBakeToIndirect, new GUIContent("Bake to indirect", "Add direct contribution from this light to indirect-only lightmaps")); if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue && ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue = false; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightShadowmask, new GUIContent("Shadowmask", "Enable mixed lighting. Static shadows from this light will be baked, and real-time light will cast shadows from dynamic objects.")); if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue && ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false; */ if (storage == null) storage = ftRenderLightmap.FindRenderSettingsStorage(); var rmode = storage.renderSettingsUserRenderMode; if (rmode != (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.FullLighting) { ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat contrib; if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) { if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue) { contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.DirectIndirectShadowmask; } else { contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectAndShadowmask; } } else if (ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue) { contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.DirectAndIndirect; } else { contrib = ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectOnly; } var prevContrib = contrib; if (rmode == (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.Indirect) { contrib = (ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat)EditorGUILayout.Popup("Baked contribution", (int)contrib, ftDirectLightInspector.directContributionIndirectOptions); } else if (rmode == (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.Shadowmask) { contrib = (ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat)EditorGUILayout.Popup("Baked contribution", (int)contrib, ftDirectLightInspector.directContributionOptions); } if (prevContrib != contrib) { if (contrib == ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectOnly) { ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue = false; ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false; } else if (contrib == ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.IndirectAndShadowmask) { ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue = true; ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = false; } else if (contrib == ftDirectLightInspector.BakeWhat.DirectIndirectShadowmask) { ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue = true; ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = true; } else { ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue = false; ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue = true; } } } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightIndirectIntensity, new GUIContent("Indirect intensity", "Non-physical GI multiplier for this light")); if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) { EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceShadowmaskGroupID, new GUIContent("Shadowmask Group ID", "If set to 0, each shadowmasked light will have a separate mask. Lights sharing any other positive value will share the same mask. This is useful to avoid 4 channel limit in cases where light bounds overlap, but the overlapping part is occluded in both anyway.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceLightShadowmaskFalloff, new GUIContent("Shadowmask with falloff", "Only useful for custom lighting. Bakes complete light attenuation (except distance) into the shadowmask.")); } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } bool showWarningCant = false; bool showError = false; string why = ""; bool shadowmaskNoDynamicLight = false; foreach(BakeryPointLight selectedLight in targets) { bool match = true; //string why = ""; var light = selectedLight.GetComponent(); if (light == null) { if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) shadowmaskNoDynamicLight = true; continue; } if (!light.enabled) { if (ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue) shadowmaskNoDynamicLight = true; } if (isHDRP) { if (!ftraceLightRealisticFalloff.boolValue || Mathf.Abs(ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius.floatValue - 0.01f) > 0.0001f) { match = false; why = "falloff doesn't match HDRP"; } else { match = CompareWithHDRP(light, ref why); } } if (isLWRP) { if (!ftraceLightRealisticFalloff.boolValue || Mathf.Abs(ftraceLightFalloffMinRadius.floatValue - 0.01f) > 0.0001f) { match = false; why = "falloff doesn't match URP"; } else { match = CompareWithLWRP(light, ref why); } } var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight); InitSerializedProperties(so); if (ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue != light.bounceIntensity) { match = false; why = "indirect intensity doesn't match"; } if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.IES) { showWarningCant = true; } else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Omni) { if (light.type != LightType.Point) { match = false; why = "real-time light is not point"; } else if (light.cookie != null) { match = false; why = "real-time light has cookie"; } } else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cubemap) { if (light.type != LightType.Point) { match = false; why = "real-time light is not point"; } else if (light.cookie == null) { match = false; why = "real-time light has no cookie"; } } else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cookie) { if (light.type != LightType.Spot) { match = false; why = "real-time light is not spot"; } else if (light.cookie == null && ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue != spotCookieTexture) { match = false; why = "wrong cookie texture"; } else if (light.cookie != null && ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue != light.cookie) { match = false; why = "wrong cookie texture"; } else if (light.spotAngle != ftraceLightAngle.floatValue) { match = false; why = "spot angle doesn't match"; } } else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone) { if (light.type != LightType.Spot) { match = false; why = "real-time light is not spot"; } else if (light.spotAngle != ftraceLightAngle.floatValue) { match = false; why = "outer angle doesn't match"; } } var clr = ftraceLightColor.colorValue; float eps = 1.0f / 255.0f; float lightR, lightG, lightB, lightInt; float fr, fg, fb; float fintensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue; if (isHDRP) fintensity *= Mathf.PI; if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear) { fr = clr.r;// * fintensity; fg = clr.g;// * fintensity; fb = clr.b;// * fintensity; } else { fr = clr.r; fg = clr.g; fb = clr.b; } GetLinearLightParameters(light, out lightR, out lightG, out lightB, out lightInt); if (GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity || PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear) { if (Mathf.Abs(lightR - fr) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightG - fg) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightB - fb) > eps) { match = false; why = "color doesn't match"; } else if (Mathf.Abs(lightInt - fintensity) > eps) { match = false; why = "intensity doesn't match"; } } else { eps *= Mathf.Max(lightInt, fintensity); if (Mathf.Abs(lightR*lightInt - fr*fintensity) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightG*lightInt - fg*fintensity) > eps || Mathf.Abs(lightB*lightInt - fb*fintensity) > eps) { match = false; why = "intensity doesn't match"; } } if (Mathf.Abs(light.range - ftraceLightCutoff.floatValue) > 0.001f) { match = false; why = "range doesn't match"; } if (!match) { showError = true; } } if (shadowmaskNoDynamicLight) { if (!(ftraceLightShadowmask.boolValue && ftraceLightBakeToIndirect.boolValue)) // not applicable to direct/indirect/shadowmask mode { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Warning: shadowmask needs enabled real-time light to work"); } } if (showWarningCant) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Warning: real-time light can't match baked IES light"); EditorGUILayout.Space(); } if (showError) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Real-time light doesn't match lightmap: " + why); if (GUILayout.Button("Match lightmapped to real-time")) { foreach(BakeryPointLight selectedLight in targets) { var light = selectedLight.GetComponent(); if (light == null) continue; //if (!light.enabled) continue; var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight); InitSerializedProperties(so); float lightR, lightG, lightB, lightInt; GetLinearLightParameters(light, out lightR, out lightG, out lightB, out lightInt); ftraceLightColor.colorValue = new Color(lightR, lightG, lightB); ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue = lightInt; ftraceLightCutoff.floatValue = light.range; ftraceLightAngle.floatValue = light.spotAngle; if (light.type == LightType.Point) { if (light.cookie == null) { ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex = (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Omni; ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue = null; } else { ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex = (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cubemap; ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue = light.cookie; } } else if (light.type == LightType.Spot) { ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex = (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cookie; if (light.cookie == null) { ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue = spotCookieTexture; } else { ftraceLightTexture2D.objectReferenceValue = light.cookie; } } ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue = light.bounceIntensity; if (isHDRP) MatchToHDRPLight(light); if (isLWRP) MatchToLWRPLight(light); so.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Match real-time to lightmapped")) { foreach(BakeryPointLight selectedLight in targets) { var light = selectedLight.GetComponent(); if (light == null) continue; //if (!light.enabled) continue; var so = new SerializedObject(selectedLight); InitSerializedProperties(so); Undo.RecordObject(light, "Change light"); if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace != ColorSpace.Linear) { light.color = ftraceLightColor.colorValue; light.intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue; } else if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity) { var clr = ftraceLightColor.colorValue; float fintensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue; float fr = clr.linear.r;// * fintensity; float fg = clr.linear.g;// * fintensity; float fb = clr.linear.b;// * fintensity; fr = Mathf.Pow(fr * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f); fg = Mathf.Pow(fg * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f); fb = Mathf.Pow(fb * fintensity, 1.0f / 2.2f); float fint = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(fr, fg), fb); fr /= fint; fg /= fint; fb /= fint; light.color = new Color(fr, fg, fb); light.intensity = fint; } else { light.color = ftraceLightColor.colorValue; light.intensity = ftraceLightIntensity.floatValue; } light.range = ftraceLightCutoff.floatValue; light.spotAngle = ftraceLightAngle.floatValue; if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Omni) { light.type = LightType.Point; light.cookie = null; } else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cubemap) { light.type = LightType.Point; light.cookie = ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue as Cubemap; } else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cookie) { light.type = LightType.Spot; light.cookie = ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue == spotCookieTexture ? null : (ftraceLightTexture.objectReferenceValue as Texture2D); } else if (ftraceLightProj.enumValueIndex == (int)BakeryPointLight.ftLightProjectionMode.Cone) { light.type = LightType.Spot; } light.bounceIntensity = ftraceLightIndirectIntensity.floatValue; if (isHDRP) SetHDRPLight(light); if (isLWRP) SetLWRPLight(light); } } } if (PlayerSettings.colorSpace == ColorSpace.Linear) { if (!GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity) { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Warning: project is not set up to use linear light intensity."); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity should be TRUE."); if (GUILayout.Button("Fix")) { GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = true; } } else { EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Project is using linear light intensity. This is nice."); if (GUILayout.Button("Change to non-linear")) { GraphicsSettings.lightsUseLinearIntensity = false; } } } } }