using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.UIElements; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using VRC.PackageManagement.Core.Types.Packages; namespace VRC.PackageManagement.PackageMaker { public class PackageMakerWindow : EditorWindow { // VisualElements private VisualElement _rootView; private TextField _targetAssetFolderField; private TextField _packageIDField; private Button _actionButton; private EnumField _targetVRCPackageField; private TextField _authorNameField; private TextField _authorEmailField; private TextField _authorUrlField; private static string _projectDir; private PackageMakerWindowData _windowData; private void LoadDataFromSave() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_windowData.targetAssetFolder)) { _targetAssetFolderField.SetValueWithoutNotify(_windowData.targetAssetFolder); } _packageIDField.SetValueWithoutNotify(_windowData.packageID); _targetVRCPackageField.SetValueWithoutNotify(_windowData.relatedPackage); _authorEmailField.SetValueWithoutNotify(_windowData.authorEmail); _authorNameField.SetValueWithoutNotify(_windowData.authorName); _authorUrlField.SetValueWithoutNotify(_windowData.authorUrl); RefreshActionButtonState(); } private void OnEnable() { _projectDir = Directory.GetParent(Application.dataPath).FullName; Refresh(); } [MenuItem("VRChat SDK/Utilities/Package Maker")] public static void ShowWindow() { PackageMakerWindow wnd = GetWindow(); wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("Package Maker"); } [MenuItem("Assets/Export VPM as UnityPackage")] private static void ExportAsUnityPackage () { var foldersToExport = new List(); StringBuilder exportFilename = new StringBuilder("exported"); foreach (string guid in Selection.assetGUIDs) { string selectedFolder = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); var manifestPath = Path.Combine(selectedFolder, VRCPackageManifest.Filename); var manifest = VRCPackageManifest.GetManifestAtPath(manifestPath); if (manifest == null) { Debug.LogWarning($"Could not read valid Package Manifest at {manifestPath}. You need to create this first to export a VPM Package."); continue; } exportFilename.Append($"-{manifest.Id}-{manifest.Version}"); foldersToExport.Add(selectedFolder); } exportFilename.Append(".unitypackage"); var exportDir = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Exports"); Directory.CreateDirectory(exportDir); AssetDatabase.ExportPackage ( foldersToExport.ToArray(), Path.Combine(exportDir, exportFilename.ToString()), ExportPackageOptions.Recurse | ExportPackageOptions.Interactive ); } private void Refresh() { if (_windowData == null) { _windowData = PackageMakerWindowData.GetOrCreate(); } if (_rootView == null) return; if (_windowData != null) { LoadDataFromSave(); } } private void RefreshActionButtonState() { _actionButton.SetEnabled( StringIsValidAssetFolder(_windowData.targetAssetFolder) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_windowData.packageID) && _authorNameField.value != null && IsValidEmail(_authorEmailField.value) ); } /// /// Unity calls the CreateGUI method automatically when the window needs to display /// private void CreateGUI() { if (_windowData == null) { _windowData = PackageMakerWindowData.GetOrCreate(); } _rootView = rootVisualElement; = "root-view"; _rootView.styleSheets.Add((StyleSheet) Resources.Load("PackageMakerWindowStyle")); // Create Target Asset folder and register for drag and drop events _rootView.Add(CreateTargetFolderElement()); _rootView.Add(CreatePackageIDElement()); _rootView.Add(CreateAuthorElement()); _rootView.Add(CreateTargetVRCPackageElement()); _rootView.Add(CreateActionButton()); Refresh(); } public enum VRCPackageEnum { None = 0, Worlds = 1, Avatars = 2, Base = 3 } private VisualElement CreateTargetVRCPackageElement() { _targetVRCPackageField = new EnumField("Related VRChat Package", VRCPackageEnum.None); _targetVRCPackageField.RegisterValueChangedCallback(OnTargetVRCPackageChanged); var box = new Box(); box.Add(_targetVRCPackageField); return box; } private void OnTargetVRCPackageChanged(ChangeEvent evt) { _windowData.relatedPackage = (VRCPackageEnum)evt.newValue; _windowData.Save(); } private VisualElement CreateActionButton() { _actionButton = new Button(OnActionButtonPressed) { text = "Convert Assets to Package", name = "action-button" }; return _actionButton; } private void OnActionButtonPressed() { bool result = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("One-Way Conversion", $"This process will move the assets from {_windowData.targetAssetFolder} into a new Package with the id {_windowData.packageID} and give it references to {_windowData.relatedPackage}.", "Ok", "Wait, not yet."); if (result) { string newPackageFolderPath = Path.Combine(_projectDir, "Packages", _windowData.packageID); Directory.CreateDirectory(newPackageFolderPath); var fullTargetAssetFolder = Path.Combine(_projectDir, _windowData.targetAssetFolder); DoMigration(fullTargetAssetFolder, newPackageFolderPath); ForceRefresh(); } } public static void ForceRefresh () { MethodInfo method = typeof( UnityEditor.PackageManager.Client ).GetMethod( "Resolve", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly ); if( method != null ) method.Invoke( null, null ); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } private VisualElement CreatePackageIDElement() { var box = new Box() { name = "package-name-box" }; _packageIDField = new TextField("Package ID", 255, false, false, '*'); _packageIDField.RegisterValueChangedCallback(OnPackageIDChanged); box.Add(_packageIDField); box.Add(new Label("Lowercase letters, numbers and dots only.") { name="description", tooltip = "Standard practice is reverse domain notation like com.vrchat.packagename. Needs to be unique across VRChat, so if you don't own a domain you can try your username.", }); return box; } private VisualElement CreateAuthorElement() { // Construct author fields _authorNameField = new TextField("Author Name"); _authorEmailField = new TextField("Author Email"); _authorUrlField = new TextField("Author URL (optional)"); // Save name to window data and toggle the Action Button if its status changed _authorNameField.RegisterValueChangedCallback((evt) => { _windowData.authorName = evt.newValue; Debug.Log($"Window author name is {evt.newValue}"); RefreshActionButtonState(); }); // Save email to window data if valid and toggle the Action Button if its status changed _authorEmailField.RegisterValueChangedCallback((evt) => { // Only save email if it appears valid if (IsValidEmail(evt.newValue)) { _windowData.authorEmail = evt.newValue; } RefreshActionButtonState(); }); // Save url to window data, doesn't affect action button state _authorUrlField.RegisterValueChangedCallback((evt) => { _windowData.authorUrl = evt.newValue; }); // Add new fields to layout var box = new Box(); box.Add(_authorNameField); box.Add(_authorEmailField); box.Add(_authorUrlField); return box; } private bool IsValidEmail(string evtNewValue) { try { var addr = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(evtNewValue); return addr.Address == evtNewValue; } catch { return false; } } private Regex packageIdRegex = new Regex("[^a-z0-9.]"); private void OnPackageIDChanged(ChangeEvent evt) { if (evt.newValue != null) { string newId = packageIdRegex.Replace(evt.newValue, "-"); _packageIDField.SetValueWithoutNotify(newId); _windowData.packageID = newId; _windowData.Save(); } RefreshActionButtonState(); } private VisualElement CreateTargetFolderElement() { var targetFolderBox = new Box() { name = "editor-target-box" }; _targetAssetFolderField = new TextField("Target Folder"); _targetAssetFolderField.RegisterCallback(OnTargetAssetFolderDragEnter, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); _targetAssetFolderField.RegisterCallback(OnTargetAssetFolderDragLeave, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); _targetAssetFolderField.RegisterCallback(OnTargetAssetFolderDragUpdated, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); _targetAssetFolderField.RegisterCallback(OnTargetAssetFolderDragPerform, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); _targetAssetFolderField.RegisterCallback(OnTargetAssetFolderDragExited, TrickleDown.TrickleDown); _targetAssetFolderField.RegisterValueChangedCallback(OnTargetAssetFolderValueChanged); targetFolderBox.Add(_targetAssetFolderField); targetFolderBox.Add(new Label("Drag and Drop an Assets Folder to Convert Above"){name="description"}); return targetFolderBox; } #region TargetAssetFolder Field Events private bool StringIsValidAssetFolder(string targetFolder) { return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetFolder) && AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(targetFolder); } private void OnTargetAssetFolderValueChanged(ChangeEvent evt) { string targetFolder = evt.newValue; if (StringIsValidAssetFolder(targetFolder)) { _windowData.targetAssetFolder = evt.newValue; _windowData.Save(); RefreshActionButtonState(); } else { _targetAssetFolderField.SetValueWithoutNotify(evt.previousValue); } } private void OnTargetAssetFolderDragExited(DragExitedEvent evt) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.None; } private void OnTargetAssetFolderDragPerform(DragPerformEvent evt) { var targetFolder = DragAndDrop.paths[0]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetFolder) && AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(targetFolder)) { _targetAssetFolderField.value = targetFolder; } else { Debug.LogError($"Could not accept {targetFolder}. Needs to be a folder within the project"); } } private void OnTargetAssetFolderDragUpdated(DragUpdatedEvent evt) { if (DragAndDrop.paths.Length == 1) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag(); } else { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Rejected; } } private void OnTargetAssetFolderDragLeave(DragLeaveEvent evt) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.None; } private void OnTargetAssetFolderDragEnter(DragEnterEvent evt) { if (DragAndDrop.paths.Length == 1) { DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; DragAndDrop.AcceptDrag(); } } #endregion #region Migration Logic private void DoMigration(string corePath, string targetDir) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Migrating Package", "Creating Starter Package", 0.1f); // Convert PackageType enum to VRC Package ID string string packageType = null; switch (_windowData.relatedPackage) { case VRCPackageEnum.Avatars: packageType = "com.vrchat.avatars"; break; case VRCPackageEnum.Base: packageType = "com.vrchat.base"; break; case VRCPackageEnum.Worlds: packageType = "com.vrchat.worlds"; break; } string parentDir = new DirectoryInfo(targetDir)?.Parent.FullName; var packageDir = Core.Utilities.CreateStarterPackage(_windowData.packageID, parentDir, packageType); // Modify manifest to add author // Todo: add support for passing author into CreateStarterPackage var manifest = VRCPackageManifest.GetManifestAtPath(Path.Combine(packageDir, VRCPackageManifest.Filename)) as VRCPackageManifest; = new Author() { email = _windowData.authorEmail, name = _windowData.authorName, url = _windowData.authorUrl }; manifest.Save(); var allFiles = GetAllFiles(corePath).ToList(); MoveFilesToPackageDir(allFiles, corePath, targetDir); // Clear target asset folder since it should no longer exist _windowData.targetAssetFolder = ""; } private static IEnumerable GetAllFiles(string path) { var excludedPaths = new List() { "Editor.meta" }; return Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where( s => excludedPaths.All(entry => !s.Contains(entry)) ); } public static void MoveFilesToPackageDir(List files, string pathBase, string targetDir) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Migrating Package", "Moving Package Files", 0f); float totalFiles = files.Count; for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { try { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Migrating Package", "Moving Package Files", i / totalFiles); var file = files[i]; string simplifiedPath = file.Replace($"{pathBase}\\", ""); string dest = null; if (simplifiedPath.Contains("Editor\\")) { // Remove extra 'Editor' subfolders dest = simplifiedPath.Replace("Editor\\", ""); dest = Path.Combine(targetDir, "Editor", dest); } else { // Make complete path to Runtime folder dest = Path.Combine(targetDir, "Runtime", simplifiedPath); } string targetEnclosingDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dest); Directory.CreateDirectory(targetEnclosingDir); var sourceFile = Path.Combine(pathBase, simplifiedPath); File.Move(sourceFile, dest); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError($"Error moving {files[i]}: {e.Message}"); continue; } } Directory.Delete(pathBase, true); // cleans up leftover folders since only files are moved EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } // Important while we're doing copy-and-rename in order to rename paths with "Assets" without renaming paths with "Sample Assets" public static string ReplaceFirst(string text, string search, string replace) { int pos = text.IndexOf(search); if (pos < 0) { return text; } return text.Substring(0, pos) + replace + text.Substring(pos + search.Length); } #endregion } }