using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; [CustomEditor(typeof(BakeryLightmappedPrefab))] [CanEditMultipleObjects] public class ftLightmappedPrefabInspector : UnityEditor.Editor { bool allPrefabsGood = true; SerializedProperty isEnabled; SerializedProperty ignoreWarnings; void Refresh(BakeryLightmappedPrefab selected) { allPrefabsGood = selected.IsValid() && allPrefabsGood; } void OnPrefabInstanceUpdate(GameObject go) { allPrefabsGood = true; foreach(BakeryLightmappedPrefab selected in targets) { //if (go != selected.gameObject) continue; Refresh(selected); } } void OnEnable() { allPrefabsGood = true; foreach(BakeryLightmappedPrefab selected in targets) { Refresh(selected); } PrefabUtility.prefabInstanceUpdated += OnPrefabInstanceUpdate; isEnabled = serializedObject.FindProperty("enableBaking"); ignoreWarnings = serializedObject.FindProperty("ignoreWarnings"); } void OnDisable() { PrefabUtility.prefabInstanceUpdated -= OnPrefabInstanceUpdate; } public ftLightmapsStorage FindPrefabStorage(BakeryLightmappedPrefab pref) { var p = pref.gameObject; var bdataName = "BakeryPrefabLightmapData"; var pstoreT = p.transform.Find(bdataName); if (pstoreT == null) { var pstoreG = new GameObject(); = bdataName; pstoreT = pstoreG.transform; pstoreT.parent = p.transform; } var pstore = pstoreT.gameObject.GetComponent(); if (pstore == null) pstore = pstoreT.gameObject.AddComponent(); return pstore; } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { serializedObject.Update(); var prev = isEnabled.boolValue; EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(isEnabled, new GUIContent("Enable baking", "Prefab contents will be patched after baking if this checkbox is on. Patched prefab will be lightmapped when instantiated in any scene.")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ignoreWarnings, new GUIContent("Ignore warnings", "Still attempt to bake the prefab, even if it has unapplied properties.")); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); if (isEnabled.boolValue != prev) { allPrefabsGood = true; foreach(BakeryLightmappedPrefab selected in targets) { selected.enableBaking = isEnabled.boolValue; Refresh(selected); } } if (allPrefabsGood) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Prefab connection: OK"); } else { foreach(BakeryLightmappedPrefab selected in targets) { if (selected.errorMessage.Length > 0) EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Error: " + selected.errorMessage); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Load render settings from prefab")) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Bakery", "Change current render settings to prefab?", "OK", "Cancel")) { var storage = ftRenderLightmap.FindRenderSettingsStorage(); foreach(BakeryLightmappedPrefab pref in targets) { var prefabStorage = FindPrefabStorage(pref); ftLightmapsStorage.CopySettings(prefabStorage, storage); } var instance = (ftRenderLightmap)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ftRenderLightmap)); if (instance != null) instance.LoadRenderSettings(); } } if (GUILayout.Button("Save current render settings to prefab")) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Bakery", "Save current render settings to prefab?", "OK", "Cancel")) { var storage = ftRenderLightmap.FindRenderSettingsStorage(); foreach(BakeryLightmappedPrefab pref in targets) { var prefabStorage = FindPrefabStorage(pref); ftLightmapsStorage.CopySettings(storage, prefabStorage); EditorUtility.SetDirty(prefabStorage); } } } } }