using UdonSharp; using UnityEngine; using VRC.SDKBase; using VRC.Udon; using VRC.SDK3.Video.Components; using VRC.SDK3.Video.Components.AVPro; using VRC.SDK3.Video.Components.Base; #if UNITY_EDITOR && !COMPILER_UDONSHARP using UnityEditor; using UdonSharpEditor; #endif namespace UdonSharp.Video { /// /// Forwards events sent by Udon video player components to the main video player controller and further abstracts the video players between AVPro and Unity players /// This exists so that we can put the Udon video player components on a different object from the main video player /// Prior to using this, people would get confused and change settings on the Udon video player components which would break things /// [UdonBehaviourSyncMode(BehaviourSyncMode.NoVariableSync)] [AddComponentMenu("Udon Sharp/Video/Internal/Video Player Manager")] public class VideoPlayerManager : UdonSharpBehaviour { public USharpVideoPlayer receiver; public VRCUnityVideoPlayer unityVideoPlayer; public VRCAVProVideoPlayer avProPlayer; public Renderer unityTextureRenderer; public Renderer avProTextureRenderer; public AudioSource[] audioSources; BaseVRCVideoPlayer _currentPlayer; MaterialPropertyBlock _fetchBlock; Material avproFetchMaterial; bool _initialized = false; public void Start() { if (_initialized) return; _currentPlayer = unityVideoPlayer; Material m = unityTextureRenderer.material; m = avProTextureRenderer.material; _fetchBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); avproFetchMaterial = avProTextureRenderer.material; _initialized = true; } public override void OnVideoEnd() { receiver.OnVideoEnd(); } public override void OnVideoError(VRC.SDK3.Components.Video.VideoError videoError) { receiver._OnVideoErrorCallback(videoError); } public override void OnVideoLoop() { receiver.OnVideoLoop(); } public override void OnVideoPause() { receiver.OnVideoPause(); } public override void OnVideoPlay() { receiver.OnVideoPlay(); } public override void OnVideoReady() { receiver.OnVideoReady(); } public override void OnVideoStart() { receiver.OnVideoStart(); } public void Play() => _currentPlayer.Play(); public void Pause() => _currentPlayer.Pause(); public void Stop() => _currentPlayer.Stop(); public float GetTime() => _currentPlayer.GetTime(); public float GetDuration() => _currentPlayer.GetDuration(); public bool IsPlaying() => _currentPlayer.IsPlaying; public void LoadURL(VRCUrl url) => _currentPlayer.LoadURL(url); public void SetTime(float time) => _currentPlayer.SetTime(time); public void SetLooping(bool loop) { unityVideoPlayer.Loop = loop; avProPlayer.Loop = loop; } public void SetToStreamPlayerMode() { if (_currentPlayer == avProPlayer) return; _currentPlayer.Stop(); _currentPlayer = avProPlayer; } public void SetToVideoPlayerMode() { if (_currentPlayer == unityVideoPlayer) return; _currentPlayer.Stop(); _currentPlayer = unityVideoPlayer; } public Texture GetVideoTexture() { if (_currentPlayer == unityVideoPlayer) { unityTextureRenderer.GetPropertyBlock(_fetchBlock); return _fetchBlock.GetTexture("_MainTex"); } else { return avproFetchMaterial.GetTexture("_MainTex"); } } float _currentVolume = 1f; bool _currentlyMuted = false; public float GetVolume() => _currentVolume; public bool IsMuted() => _currentlyMuted; public void SetVolume(float volume) { if (!_currentlyMuted) { // thanks TCL for help with finding and understanding this // Using the 50dB dynamic range constants float adjustedVolume = Mathf.Clamp01(3.1623e-3f * Mathf.Exp(volume * 5.757f) - 3.1623e-3f); foreach (AudioSource audioSource in audioSources) audioSource.volume = adjustedVolume; } _currentVolume = volume; } public void SetMuted(bool muted) { _currentlyMuted = muted; if (muted) { foreach (AudioSource audioSource in audioSources) audioSource.volume = 0f; } else { SetVolume(_currentVolume); } } } #if UNITY_EDITOR && !COMPILER_UDONSHARP [CustomEditor(typeof(VideoPlayerManager))] class VideoPlayerManagerInspector : Editor { SerializedProperty receiverProperty; SerializedProperty unityVideoProperty; SerializedProperty avProVideoProperty; SerializedProperty unityRendererProperty; SerializedProperty avProRendererProperty; SerializedProperty audioSourcesProperty; private void OnEnable() { receiverProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(VideoPlayerManager.receiver)); unityVideoProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(VideoPlayerManager.unityVideoPlayer)); avProVideoProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(VideoPlayerManager.avProPlayer)); unityRendererProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(VideoPlayerManager.unityTextureRenderer)); avProRendererProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(VideoPlayerManager.avProTextureRenderer)); audioSourcesProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(VideoPlayerManager.audioSources)); } public override void OnInspectorGUI() { if (UdonSharpGUI.DrawConvertToUdonBehaviourButton(target)) return; if (UdonSharpGUI.DrawProgramSource(target, false)) return; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Do not modify the video players on this game object, all modifications must be done on the USharpVideoPlayer. If you change the settings on these, you will break things.", MessageType.Warning); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(receiverProperty); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(unityVideoProperty); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(avProVideoProperty); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(unityRendererProperty); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(avProRendererProperty); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(audioSourcesProperty, true); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } #endif }