using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; public class ftAdditionalConfig { // Affects texture import settings for lightmaps public const bool mipmapLightmaps = false; // Shader eval coeff * gaussian convolution coeff // ... replaced with more typical convolution coeffs // Used for legacy light probes public const float irradianceConvolutionL0 = 0.2820947917f; public const float irradianceConvolutionL1 = 0.32573500793527993f;//0.4886025119f * 0.7346029443286334f; public const float irradianceConvolutionL2_4_5_7 = 0.2731371076480198f;//0.29121293321402086f * 1.0925484306f; public const float irradianceConvolutionL2_6 = 0.07884789131313001f;//0.29121293321402086f * 0.3153915652f; public const float irradianceConvolutionL2_8 = 0.1365685538240099f;//0.29121293321402086f * 0.5462742153f; // Coefficients used in "Remove ringing" mode public const float rr_irradianceConvolutionL0 = irradianceConvolutionL0; public const float rr_irradianceConvolutionL1 = irradianceConvolutionL1; public const float rr_irradianceConvolutionL2_4_5_7 = irradianceConvolutionL2_4_5_7 * 0.6F; public const float rr_irradianceConvolutionL2_6 = irradianceConvolutionL2_6 * 0.6f; public const float rr_irradianceConvolutionL2_8 = irradianceConvolutionL2_8 * 0.6f; // Used for L1 light probes and volumes public const float convL0 = 1; public const float convL1 = 0.9f; // approx convolution // Calculate multiple point lights in one pass. No reason to disable it, unless there is a bug. public static bool batchPointLights = true; #if UNITY_2017_3_OR_NEWER public const int sectorFarSphereResolution = 256; #else // older version can't handle 32 bit meshes public const int sectorFarSphereResolution = 64; #endif /* Following settings are moved to Project Settings (on >= 2018.3; you can also edit BakeryProjectSettings.asset directly) // Use PNG instead of TGA for shadowmasks, directions and L1 maps public const bool preferPNG = false; // Padding values for atlas packers public const int texelPaddingForDefaultAtlasPacker = 3; public const int texelPaddingForXatlasAtlasPacker = 1; // Scales resolution for alpha Meta Pass maps public const int alphaMetaPassResolutionMultiplier = 2; // Render mode for all volumes in the scene. Defaults to Auto, which uses global scene render mode. public const BakeryLightmapGroup.RenderMode volumeRenderMode = BakeryLightmapGroup.RenderMode.Auto; // Should previously rendered Bakery lightmaps be deleted before the new bake? // Turned off by default because I'm scared of deleting anything public const bool deletePreviousLightmapsBeforeBake = false; // Print information about the bake process to console? public enum LogLevel { Nothing = 0, Info = 1, // print to Debug.Log Warning = 2 // print to Debug.LogWarning } public const LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.Info | LogLevel.Warning; // Make it work more similar to original Unity behaviour public const bool alternativeScaleInLightmap = false; // Should we adjust sample positions to prevent incorrect shadowing on very low-poly meshes with smooth normals? public const bool generateSmoothPos = true; */ }