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using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class BakeryProjectSettings : ScriptableObject
// Affects texture import settings for lightmaps
public bool mipmapLightmaps = false;
// Use PNG instead of TGA for shadowmasks, directions and L1 maps?
// 'Asset' converts to Unity's own format. It is possible to limit the mipmap count here.
public enum FileFormat
TGA = 0,
PNG = 1,
Asset = 2
public FileFormat format8bit = FileFormat.TGA;
// Use .hdr files or Unity assets for color/RNM/L0 lightmaps
public enum FileFormatHDR
HDR = 0,
Asset = 1
public FileFormatHDR formatHDR = FileFormatHDR.HDR;
// Compress lightmaps?
public enum Compression
CompressButAllowOverridingAsset = 0, // default behaviour
ForceCompress = 1,
ForceNoCompress = 2
public Compression lightmapCompression = Compression.CompressButAllowOverridingAsset;
// Max mipmap count when format8bit or formatHDR are set to Asset
public int maxAssetMip = 100;
// Use high quality compression for directional and SH L1 maps? (on desktop, high = BC7, not high = DXT1)
public bool dirHighQuality = true;
// Padding values for atlas packers
public int texelPaddingForDefaultAtlasPacker = 3;
public int texelPaddingForXatlasAtlasPacker = 1;
// Scales resolution for alpha Meta Pass maps
public int alphaMetaPassResolutionMultiplier = 2;
// Render mode for all volumes in the scene. Defaults to Auto, which uses global scene render mode.
public int volumeRenderMode = 1000;//BakeryLightmapGroup.RenderMode.Auto;
// Should previously rendered Bakery lightmaps be deleted before the new bake?
// Turned off by default because I'm scared of deleting anything
public bool deletePreviousLightmapsBeforeBake = false;
// Print information about the bake process to console?
public enum LogLevel
Nothing = 0,
Info = 1, // print to Debug.Log
Warning = 2 // print to Debug.LogWarning
public int logLevel = (int)(LogLevel.Info | LogLevel.Warning);
// Make it work more similar to original Unity behaviour
public bool alternativeScaleInLightmap = false;
// Make xatlas align charts to 4x4 block boundaries to make texture compression happy
public bool alignToTextureBlocksWithXatlas = true;
// Should we adjust sample positions to prevent incorrect shadowing on very low-poly meshes with smooth normals?
public bool generateSmoothPos = true;
public bool perTriangleSmoothPos = true;
// Use renderer.receiveGI
public bool takeReceiveGIIntoAccount = true;
public bool removeRinging = false;