231 lines
9.9 KiB
231 lines
9.9 KiB
// Disable 'obsolete' warnings
#pragma warning disable 0618
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
public class BakeryVolumeInspector : Editor
BoxBoundsHandle boundsHandle = new BoxBoundsHandle(typeof(BakeryVolumeInspector).GetHashCode());
SerializedProperty ftraceAdaptiveRes, ftraceResX, ftraceResY, ftraceResZ, ftraceVoxelsPerUnit, ftraceAdjustSamples, ftraceEnableBaking, ftraceEncoding, ftraceShadowmaskEncoding, ftraceShadowmaskFirstLightIsAlwaysAlpha, ftraceDenoise, ftraceGlobal, ftraceRotation;
bool showExperimental = false;
ftLightmapsStorage storage;
static BakeryProjectSettings pstorage;
void OnEnable()
ftraceAdaptiveRes = serializedObject.FindProperty("adaptiveRes");
ftraceVoxelsPerUnit = serializedObject.FindProperty("voxelsPerUnit");
ftraceResX = serializedObject.FindProperty("resolutionX");
ftraceResY = serializedObject.FindProperty("resolutionY");
ftraceResZ = serializedObject.FindProperty("resolutionZ");
ftraceEnableBaking = serializedObject.FindProperty("enableBaking");
ftraceEncoding = serializedObject.FindProperty("encoding");
ftraceShadowmaskEncoding = serializedObject.FindProperty("shadowmaskEncoding");
ftraceShadowmaskFirstLightIsAlwaysAlpha = serializedObject.FindProperty("firstLightIsAlwaysAlpha");
ftraceDenoise = serializedObject.FindProperty("denoise");
ftraceGlobal = serializedObject.FindProperty("isGlobal");
ftraceRotation = serializedObject.FindProperty("supportRotationAfterBake");
//ftraceAdjustSamples = serializedObject.FindProperty("adjustSamples");
string F(float f)
// Unity keeps using comma for float printing on some systems since ~2018, even if system-wide decimal symbol is "."
return (f + "").Replace(",", ".");
string FormatSize(int b)
float mb = b / (float)(1024*1024);
return mb.ToString("0.0");
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
var vol = target as BakeryVolume;
if (pstorage == null) pstorage = ftLightmaps.GetProjectSettings();
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceEnableBaking, new GUIContent("Enable baking", "Should the volume be (re)computed? Disable to prevent overwriting existing data."));
bool wasGlobal = ftraceGlobal.boolValue;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceGlobal, new GUIContent("Global", "Automatically assign this volume to all volume-compatible shaders, unless they have overrides."));
if (!wasGlobal && ftraceGlobal.boolValue)
(target as BakeryVolume).SetGlobalParams();
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceDenoise, new GUIContent("Denoise", "Apply denoising after baking the volume."));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceAdaptiveRes, new GUIContent("Adaptive resolution", "Calculate voxel resolution based on size?"));
if (ftraceAdaptiveRes.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceVoxelsPerUnit, new GUIContent("Voxels per unit"));
GUI.enabled = false;
var size = vol.bounds.size;
ftraceResX.intValue = System.Math.Max((int)(size.x * vol.voxelsPerUnit), 1);
ftraceResY.intValue = System.Math.Max((int)(size.y * vol.voxelsPerUnit), 1);
ftraceResZ.intValue = System.Math.Max((int)(size.z * vol.voxelsPerUnit), 1);
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceResX, new GUIContent("Resolution X"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceResY, new GUIContent("Resolution Y"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceResZ, new GUIContent("Resolution Z"));
if (ftraceResX.intValue < 1) ftraceResX.intValue = 1;
if (ftraceResY.intValue < 1) ftraceResY.intValue = 1;
if (ftraceResZ.intValue < 1) ftraceResZ.intValue = 1;
GUI.enabled = true;
if (storage == null) storage = ftRenderLightmap.FindRenderSettingsStorage();
var rmode = storage.renderSettingsUserRenderMode;
int sizeX = ftRenderLightmap.VolumeDimension(ftraceResX.intValue);
int sizeY = ftRenderLightmap.VolumeDimension(ftraceResY.intValue);
int sizeZ = ftRenderLightmap.VolumeDimension(ftraceResZ.intValue);
int vSize = 0;
if (storage.renderSettingsCompressVolumes)
const int blockDimension = 4;
const int blockByteSize = 16; // both BC6H and BC7
int numBlocks = (sizeX/blockDimension) * (sizeY/blockDimension);
vSize = numBlocks * blockByteSize * sizeZ * 4;
vSize = sizeX*sizeY*sizeZ*8*3;
string note = "VRAM: " + FormatSize(vSize) + " MB " + (storage.renderSettingsCompressVolumes ? "(compressed color)" : "(color)");
if (rmode == (int)ftRenderLightmap.RenderMode.Shadowmask || pstorage.volumeRenderMode == (int)BakeryLightmapGroup.RenderMode.Shadowmask)
note += ", " + FormatSize(sizeX*sizeY*sizeZ * (ftraceShadowmaskEncoding.intValue == 0 ? 4 : 1)) + " MB (mask)";
//EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceAdjustSamples, new GUIContent("Adjust sample positions", "Fixes light leaking from inside surfaces"));
showExperimental = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showExperimental, "Experimental", EditorStyles.foldout);
if (showExperimental)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceEncoding, new GUIContent("Encoding"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceShadowmaskEncoding, new GUIContent("Shadowmask Encoding"));
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceShadowmaskFirstLightIsAlwaysAlpha, new GUIContent("First light uses Alpha", "In RGBA8 mode, the first light will always be in the alpha channel. This is useful when unifying RGBA8 and A8 volumes, as the main/first light is always in the same channel."));
bool wasSet = ftraceRotation.boolValue;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ftraceRotation, new GUIContent("Support rotation after bake", "Normally volumes can only be repositioned or rescaled at runtime. With this checkbox volume's rotation matrix will also be sent to shaders. Shaders must have a similar checkbox enabled."));
if (wasSet != ftraceRotation.boolValue)
(target as BakeryVolume).SetGlobalParams();
if (vol.bakedTexture0 == null)
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Baked texture: none");
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Baked texture: " + vol.bakedTexture0.name);
var wrapObj = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Wrap to object", null, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;
if (wrapObj != null)
var mrs = wrapObj.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>() as MeshRenderer[];
if (mrs.Length > 0)
var b = mrs[0].bounds;
for(int i=1; i<mrs.Length; i++)
Undo.RecordObject(vol, "Change Bounds");
Undo.RecordObject(vol.transform, "Change Bounds");
vol.transform.position = b.center;
vol.bounds = b;
Debug.Log("Bounds set");
Debug.LogError("No mesh renderers to wrap to");
var boxCol = vol.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
if (boxCol != null)
if (GUILayout.Button("Set from box collider"))
Undo.RecordObject(vol, "Change Bounds");
vol.bounds = boxCol.bounds;
if (GUILayout.Button("Set to box collider"))
boxCol.center = Vector3.zero;
boxCol.size = vol.bounds.size;
var bmin = vol.bounds.min;
var bmax = vol.bounds.max;
var bsize = vol.bounds.size;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Min: " + bmin.x+", "+bmin.y+", "+bmin.z);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Max: " + bmax.x+", "+bmax.y+", "+bmax.z);
if (GUILayout.Button("Copy bounds to clipboard"))
GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = "float3 bmin = float3(" + F(bmin.x)+", "+F(bmin.y)+", "+F(bmin.z) + "); float3 bmax = float3(" + F(bmax.x)+", "+F(bmax.y)+", "+F(bmax.z) + "); float3 binvsize = float3(" + F(1.0f/bsize.x)+", "+F(1.0f/bsize.y)+", "+F(1.0f/bsize.z) + ");";
protected virtual void OnSceneGUI()
var vol = (BakeryVolume)target;
boundsHandle.center = vol.transform.position;
boundsHandle.size = vol.bounds.size;
Handles.zTest = UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.Less;
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Undo.RecordObject(vol, "Change Bounds");
Undo.RecordObject(vol.transform, "Change Bounds");
Bounds newBounds = new Bounds();
newBounds.center = boundsHandle.center;
newBounds.size = boundsHandle.size;
vol.bounds = newBounds;
vol.transform.position = boundsHandle.center;
else if ((vol.bounds.center - boundsHandle.center).sqrMagnitude > 0.0001f)
Bounds newBounds = new Bounds();
newBounds.center = boundsHandle.center;
newBounds.size = boundsHandle.size;
vol.bounds = newBounds;