
262 lines
9.3 KiB

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class ftDetectSettings
[DllImport ("frender", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern System.IntPtr RunLocalProcess([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string commandline, bool setWorkDir);
[DllImport ("frender", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern bool IsProcessFinished(System.IntPtr proc);
[DllImport ("frender", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int GetProcessReturnValueAndClose(System.IntPtr proc);
[DllImport ("simpleProgressBar", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern int simpleProgressBarShow(string header, string msg, float percent, float step, bool onTop);
[DllImport ("simpleProgressBar", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern bool simpleProgressBarCancelled();
[DllImport ("simpleProgressBar", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void simpleProgressBarEnd();
static IEnumerator progressFunc;
static int lastReturnValue = -1;
static bool userCanceled = false;
static bool runsRTX, runsNonRTX, runsOptix5, runsOptix6, runsOptix7, runsOIDN;
const string progressHeader = "Detecting compatible configuration";
static void ShowProgress(string msg, float percent)
simpleProgressBarShow(progressHeader, msg, percent, 0, true);
static void ValidateFileAttribs(string file)
var attribs = File.GetAttributes(file);
if ((attribs & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0)
File.SetAttributes(file, attribs & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly);
[MenuItem("Bakery/Utilities/Detect optimal settings", false, 54)]
public static void DetectCompatSettings()
var bakeryPath = ftLightmaps.GetEditorPath();
progressFunc = DetectCoroutine();
EditorApplication.update += DetectUpdate;
static IEnumerator DetectCoroutine()
float stages = 6;
float step = 1.0f / stages;
float progress = 0;
IEnumerator crt;
ShowProgress("Testing: RTX ray-tracing", progress);
crt = ProcessCoroutine("ftraceRTX.exe /sun hwtestdata light 4 0 0 direct0.bin");
while (crt.MoveNext()) yield return null;
if (userCanceled) yield break;
runsRTX = lastReturnValue==0;
progress += step;
ShowProgress("Testing: non-RTX ray-tracing", progress);
crt = ProcessCoroutine("ftrace.exe /sun hwtestdata light 4 0 0 direct0.bin");
while (crt.MoveNext()) yield return null;
if (userCanceled) yield break;
runsNonRTX = lastReturnValue==0;
progress += step;
ShowProgress("Testing: OptiX 5.1 denoiser", progress);
crt = ProcessCoroutine("denoiserLegacy c hwtestdata/image.lz4 hwtestdata/image.lz4 16 0");
while (crt.MoveNext()) yield return null;
if (userCanceled) yield break;
runsOptix5 = lastReturnValue==0;
progress += step;
ShowProgress("Testing: OptiX 6.0 denoiser", progress);
crt = ProcessCoroutine("denoiser c hwtestdata/image.lz4 hwtestdata/image.lz4 16 0");
while (crt.MoveNext()) yield return null;
if (userCanceled) yield break;
runsOptix6 = lastReturnValue==0;
progress += step;
ShowProgress("Testing: OptiX 7.2 denoiser", progress);
crt = ProcessCoroutine("denoiser72 c hwtestdata/image.lz4 hwtestdata/image.lz4 16 0");
while (crt.MoveNext()) yield return null;
if (userCanceled) yield break;
runsOptix7 = lastReturnValue==0;
progress += step;
ShowProgress("Testing: OpenImageDenoise", progress);
crt = ProcessCoroutine("denoiserOIDN c hwtestdata/image.lz4 hwtestdata/image.lz4 16 0");
while (crt.MoveNext()) yield return null;
if (userCanceled) yield break;
runsOIDN = lastReturnValue==0;
progress += step;
if (!runsRTX && !runsNonRTX)
EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Both RTX and non-RTX lightmapper failed to run. Make sure you are using NVIDIA GPU and the drivers are up to date.", "OK");
yield break;
string str = "Testing results:\n\n";
str += "RTX ray-tracing: " + (runsRTX ? "yes" : "no") + "\n";
str += "Non-RTX ray-tracing: " + (runsNonRTX ? "yes" : "no") + "\n";
str += "OptiX 5.1 denoiser: " + (runsOptix5 ? "yes" : "no") + "\n";
str += "OptiX 6.0 denoiser: " + (runsOptix6 ? "yes" : "no") + "\n";
str += "OptiX 7.2 denoiser: " + (runsOptix7 ? "yes" : "no") + "\n";
str += "OpenImageDenoise: " + (runsOIDN ? "yes" : "no") + "\n";
str += "\n";
str += "Recommended RTX mode: ";
if (runsRTX && runsNonRTX)
str += "ON if you are using a GPU with RT acceleration (e.g. 2xxx or 3xxx GeForce series), OFF otherwise.\n";
else if (runsRTX)
str += "ON\n";
else if (runsNonRTX)
str += "OFF\n";
str += "\n";
str += "Recommended denoiser: ";
if (runsOptix5)
// OptiX 5.1 has stable quality since release, but not supported on 30XX
str += "OptiX 5.1\n";
else if (runsOIDN)
// OIDN is stable and pretty good, but might be slower
str += "OpenImageDenoise\n";
// OptiX 6 and 7.2 should run on 30XX, but quality is sometimes questionable IF driver is newer than 442.50
// as the network is now part of the driver.
// On older drivers they should work similar to 5.1.
else if (runsOptix7)
str += "OptiX 7.2\n";
else if (runsOptix6)
str += "OptiX 6.0\n";
str += "all denoiser tests failed. Try updating GPU drivers.\n";
var bakeryRuntimePath = ftLightmaps.GetRuntimePath();
var gstorage = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(bakeryRuntimePath + "ftGlobalStorage.asset", typeof(ftGlobalStorage)) as ftGlobalStorage;
if (gstorage == null) Debug.LogError("Can't find global storage");
var storage = ftRenderLightmap.FindRenderSettingsStorage();
if (gstorage != null)
gstorage.foundCompatibleSetup = true;
gstorage.gpuName = SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName;
gstorage.runsNonRTX = runsNonRTX;
gstorage.alwaysEnableRTX = false;
gstorage.runsOptix5 = runsOptix5;
gstorage.runsOptix6 = runsOptix6;
gstorage.runsOptix7 = runsOptix7;
gstorage.runsOIDN = runsOIDN;
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Results", str, "OK", "Set recommended as default"))
if (runsRTX && runsNonRTX)
gstorage.renderSettingsRTXMode = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Question", "Does your GPU have RT cores (set RTX mode as default)?", "Yes", "No");
else if (runsRTX)
gstorage.renderSettingsRTXMode = true;
gstorage.renderSettingsRTXMode = false;
if (runsOptix5)
gstorage.renderSettingsDenoiserType = (int)ftGlobalStorage.DenoiserType.Optix5;
else if (runsOIDN)
gstorage.renderSettingsDenoiserType = (int)ftGlobalStorage.DenoiserType.OpenImageDenoise;
else if (runsOptix7)
gstorage.renderSettingsDenoiserType = (int)ftGlobalStorage.DenoiserType.Optix7;
else if (runsOptix6)
gstorage.renderSettingsDenoiserType = (int)ftGlobalStorage.DenoiserType.Optix6;
Debug.Log("Default settings saved");
if (storage != null)
storage.renderSettingsRTXMode = gstorage.renderSettingsRTXMode;
storage.renderSettingsDenoiserType = gstorage.renderSettingsDenoiserType;
var bakery = ftRenderLightmap.instance != null ? ftRenderLightmap.instance : new ftRenderLightmap();
static void DetectUpdate()
if (!progressFunc.MoveNext())
EditorApplication.update -= DetectUpdate;
static IEnumerator ProcessCoroutine(string cmd)
var exeProcess = RunLocalProcess(cmd, true);
if (exeProcess == (System.IntPtr)null)
lastReturnValue = -1;
yield break;
yield return null;
userCanceled = simpleProgressBarCancelled();
if (userCanceled)
yield break;
lastReturnValue = GetProcessReturnValueAndClose(exeProcess);