
267 lines
11 KiB

using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ftErrorCodes
static Dictionary<int, string> ftraceMap = new Dictionary<int, string>
{1, "Unknown error. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{2, "Error selecting pass"},
{5120, "Can't open lms.bin"},
{984, "lmlod.bin doesn't match lms.bin"},
{500, "Can't load geometry data. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{501, "Can't load UVGBuffer smooth position"},
{502, "Can't load UVGBuffer face normal"},
{505, "Can't load trimarks.bin"},
{5005, "Can't load sky.bin"},
{500599, "Can't load ao.bin"},
{5005991, "Can't load sss.bin"},
{507, "Can't load vbtraceUV0.bin"},
{508, "Can't load UVGBuffer tangent"},
{550, "Can't load light data. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{557, "Can't load alpha IDs. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{512, "Can't load compositing data. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{51298, "Can't open addao.bin"},
{875, "Can't load heightmap. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{90, "Can't load normal to compose. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{91, "Can't load lightmap to compose. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{909, "No enabled CUDA devices. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{910, "Can't load direction to compose. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{92, "Can't load lightmap to compose. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{920, "Can't load lightmap to compose. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{921, "Can't load emission. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{93, "Can't load lightmap to compose. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{94, "Can't load lightmap. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{940, "Can't read direction for GI. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{95, "Can't read lightmap for GI. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{510, "Can't write composed lightmap. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{514, "Can't write composed lightmap. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{7500, "Can't load UVGBuffer normal or position"},
{5090, "Can't decompress UVGBuffer normal"},
{5091, "Can't decompress UVGBuffer position"},
{5092, "Can't decompress UVGBuffer smooth position"},
{5093, "Can't decompress UVGBuffer face normal"},
{5083, "Can't decompress UVGBuffer tangent"},
{7007, "Can't load direct.bin"},
{7771, "Can't read sky texture"},
{7772, "Can't read light texture"},
{888, "No texture name for cubemaplight"},
{8008, "Can't load direct lighting."},
{1000, "Can't read albedo for GI. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{1001, "Can't read lightmap for GI. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{1007, "Can't read direction for GI. See .ftracelog.txt for details."},
{1888, "Failed to initialize"},
{10000, "Can't load gi.bin"},
{850, "Can't open log file"}
static Dictionary<int, string> combineMasksMap = new Dictionary<int, string>
{23, "Can't load texture"},
{501, "Can't write file. See console for details."},
{5, "Failed to save TGA file. See console for details."},
{55, "Failed to save PNG file. See console for details."}
static Dictionary<int, string> denoiserMap = new Dictionary<int, string>
{2, "Incorrect arguments"},
{3, "Incorrect tile size. Must be between 64 and 8192"},
{500, "Can't load texture. See console for details."},
{5001, "Can't load texture. See console for details."},
{5002, "Can't load texture. See console for details."},
{5003, "Can't load texture. See console for details."},
{4, "Incorrect tile size. Must be width%tile == height%tile == 0"},
{501, "Can't write file. See console for details."},
{505, "Unknown error (old driver?)"}
static Dictionary<int, string> h2hMap = new Dictionary<int, string>
{23, "Can't load texture. See console for details."},
{2, "Failed to get image data from DDS. See console for details."},
{3, "Failed to init D3D11"},
{4, "Failed to convert"},
{45, "Failed to transform pixels"},
{5, "Failed to save HDR file. See console for details."}
static Dictionary<int, string> i2tMap = new Dictionary<int, string>
{1, "Incorrect arguments"},
{2, "Can't read file. See console for details."},
{3, "Can't write file. See console for details."},
{4, "IES file is not valid. See console for details."},
{5, "IES file uses unknown symmetry mode. See console for details."}
static Dictionary<int, string> seamfixerMap = new Dictionary<int, string>
{1, "Incorrect arguments"},
{2, "Failed to init D3D11"},
{501, "Can't load vbtraceTex.bin"},
{10, "Can't load lms.bin"},
{600, "Can't load lightmap"},
{22, "Can't create D3D11 resource"},
{3, "Can't create D3D11 resource"},
{4, "Can't allocate RAM texture"},
{8, "Can't save texture. See console for details."}
static Dictionary<int, string> lmrMap = new Dictionary<int, string>
{2, "Failed to init D3D11 or create resource"},
{3, "Can't create D3D11 resource"},
{601, "Can't load lodmask"},
{602, "Can't decompress lodmask (unexpected size)"},
{32, "Can't create mip texture"},
{33, "Can't create mip render target"},
{34, "Can't create mip shader resource view"},
{4, "Can't allocate RAM mip texture"},
{8, "Can't save texture"}
static Dictionary<int, string> serverMap = new Dictionary<int, string>
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_IDLE, "Idle"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_COPY, "File copying failed"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_GIPARAMS, "Failed to generate GI parameters"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED, "Feature is not implemented"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_UNKNOWNTASK, "Unknown task submitted"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_SCENENAMETOOLONG, "Scene name is too long"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_FILENOTFOUND, "File not found"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_FILEHASZEROSIZE, "File has zero size"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_NOMEM, "Out of memory"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_INCORRECT, "Incorrect request"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_INCORRECTFILENAME, "Incorrect filename"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_WRITEFAILED, "write failed"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_INCORRECTARGS, "incorrect arguments"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_FILESIZE, "file size is too large"},
{ftClient.SERVERERROR_STATUSLIMIT, "status message can't fit filename"}
static Dictionary<int, string> serverAppMap = new Dictionary<int, string>
{ftClient.SERVERTASK_FTRACE, "ftrace"},
{ftClient.SERVERTASK_COMBINEMASKS, "combineMasks"},
{ftClient.SERVERTASK_DENOISE5, "denoiserLegacy"},
{ftClient.SERVERTASK_DENOISE6, "denoiser"},
{ftClient.SERVERTASK_DENOISE7, "denoiser72"},
{ftClient.SERVERTASK_HF2HDR, "halffloat2hdr"},
{ftClient.SERVERTASK_RGBA2TGA, "rgba2tga"},
{ftClient.SERVERTASK_SEAMFIX, "seamfixer"}
public static string TranslateFtrace(int code, bool rtx)
bool unknown = false;
string text;
if (!ftraceMap.TryGetValue(code, out text))
unknown = true;
text = "Unknown error";
text += " (" + code + ")";
if (unknown || code == 1)
text += "\n\nPossibly incompatible RTX mode? Try running Bakery -> Utilities -> Detect optimal settings.";
return text;
public static string TranslateCombineMasks(int code)
string text;
if (!combineMasksMap.TryGetValue(code, out text)) text = "Unknown error";
return text + " (" + code + ")";
public static string TranslateDenoiser(int code)
string text;
if (!denoiserMap.TryGetValue(code, out text)) text = "Unknown error";
return text + " (" + code + ")";
public static string TranslateH2H(int code)
string text;
if (!h2hMap.TryGetValue(code, out text)) text = "Unknown error";
return text + " (" + code + ")";
public static string TranslateI2T(int code)
string text;
if (!i2tMap.TryGetValue(code, out text)) text = "Unknown error";
return text + " (" + code + ")";
public static string TranslateSeamfixer(int code)
string text;
if (!seamfixerMap.TryGetValue(code, out text)) text = "Unknown error";
return text + " (" + code + ")";
public static string TranslateLMRebake(int code)
string text;
if (!lmrMap.TryGetValue(code, out text)) text = "Unknown error";
return text + " (" + code + ")";
public static string TranslateServerApp(int app)
string text;
if (!serverAppMap.TryGetValue(app, out text)) text = "Unknown executable " + " (" + app + ")";
return text;
public static string TranslateServer(int code, int app=0, int appCode=0)
string text;
if (code == ftClient.SERVERERROR_BUSY)
text = "Busy (" + app + "/" + appCode + ")";
else if (code == ftClient.SERVERERROR_APPERR)
var appName = TranslateServerApp(app);
text = appName + " error: " + Translate(appName, appCode);
else if (code == ftClient.SERVERERROR_EXEC)
text = "Failed to run " + TranslateServerApp(app);
if (!serverMap.TryGetValue(code, out text)) text = "Unknown error (" + code + ")";
return text;
public static string Translate(string app, int code)
if (app == "ftrace") return TranslateFtrace(code, false);
if (app == "ftraceRTX") return TranslateFtrace(code, true);
if (app == "combineMasks") return TranslateCombineMasks(code);
if (app == "denoiser") return TranslateDenoiser(code);
if (app == "denoiser72") return TranslateDenoiser(code);
if (app == "denoiserLegacy") return TranslateDenoiser(code);
if (app == "denoiserOIDN") return TranslateDenoiser(code);
if (app == "halffloat2hdr") return TranslateH2H(code);
if (app == "ies2tex") return TranslateI2T(code);
if (app == "rgba2tga") return TranslateCombineMasks(code);
if (app == "seamfixer") return TranslateSeamfixer(code);
return ""+code;