2224 lines
74 KiB
2224 lines
74 KiB
Implement the random and np.random module functions.
import math
import random
import numpy as np
from llvmlite import ir
from numba.core.cgutils import is_nonelike
from numba.core.extending import intrinsic, overload, register_jitable
from numba.core.imputils import (Registry, impl_ret_untracked,
from numba.core.typing import signature
from numba.core import types, cgutils
from numba.np import arrayobj
from numba.core.errors import NumbaTypeError
registry = Registry('randomimpl')
lower = registry.lower
int32_t = ir.IntType(32)
int64_t = ir.IntType(64)
def const_int(x):
return ir.Constant(int32_t, x)
double = ir.DoubleType()
N = 624
N_const = ir.Constant(int32_t, N)
# This is the same struct as rnd_state_t in _random.c.
rnd_state_t = ir.LiteralStructType([
# index
# mt[N]
ir.ArrayType(int32_t, N),
# has_gauss
# gauss
# is_initialized
rnd_state_ptr_t = ir.PointerType(rnd_state_t)
def get_state_ptr(context, builder, name):
Get a pointer to the given thread-local random state
(depending on *name*: "py" or "np").
If the state isn't initialized, it is lazily initialized with
system entropy.
assert name in ('py', 'np', 'internal')
func_name = "numba_get_%s_random_state" % name
fnty = ir.FunctionType(rnd_state_ptr_t, ())
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.module, fnty, func_name)
# These two attributes allow LLVM to hoist the function call
# outside of loops.
return builder.call(fn, ())
def get_py_state_ptr(context, builder):
Get a pointer to the thread-local Python random state.
return get_state_ptr(context, builder, 'py')
def get_np_state_ptr(context, builder):
Get a pointer to the thread-local Numpy random state.
return get_state_ptr(context, builder, 'np')
def get_internal_state_ptr(context, builder):
Get a pointer to the thread-local internal random state.
return get_state_ptr(context, builder, 'internal')
# Accessors
def get_index_ptr(builder, state_ptr):
return cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, state_ptr, 0, 0)
def get_array_ptr(builder, state_ptr):
return cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, state_ptr, 0, 1)
def get_has_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr):
return cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, state_ptr, 0, 2)
def get_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr):
return cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, state_ptr, 0, 3)
def get_rnd_shuffle(builder):
Get the internal function to shuffle the MT taste.
fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), (rnd_state_ptr_t,))
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.function.module, fnty,
return fn
def get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr):
Get the next int32 generated by the PRNG at *state_ptr*.
idxptr = get_index_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
idx = builder.load(idxptr)
need_reshuffle = builder.icmp_unsigned('>=', idx, N_const)
with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, need_reshuffle):
fn = get_rnd_shuffle(builder)
builder.call(fn, (state_ptr,))
builder.store(const_int(0), idxptr)
idx = builder.load(idxptr)
array_ptr = get_array_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
y = builder.load(cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, array_ptr, 0, idx))
idx = builder.add(idx, const_int(1))
builder.store(idx, idxptr)
# Tempering
y = builder.xor(y, builder.lshr(y, const_int(11)))
y = builder.xor(y, builder.and_(builder.shl(y, const_int(7)),
y = builder.xor(y, builder.and_(builder.shl(y, const_int(15)),
y = builder.xor(y, builder.lshr(y, const_int(18)))
return y
def get_next_double(context, builder, state_ptr):
Get the next double generated by the PRNG at *state_ptr*.
# a = rk_random(state) >> 5, b = rk_random(state) >> 6;
a = builder.lshr(get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr), const_int(5))
b = builder.lshr(get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr), const_int(6))
# return (a * 67108864.0 + b) / 9007199254740992.0;
a = builder.uitofp(a, double)
b = builder.uitofp(b, double)
return builder.fdiv(
builder.fadd(b, builder.fmul(a, ir.Constant(double, 67108864.0))),
ir.Constant(double, 9007199254740992.0))
def get_next_int(context, builder, state_ptr, nbits, is_numpy):
Get the next integer with width *nbits*.
c32 = ir.Constant(nbits.type, 32)
def get_shifted_int(nbits):
shift = builder.sub(c32, nbits)
y = get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr)
# This truncation/extension is safe because 0 < nbits <= 64
if nbits.type.width < y.type.width:
shift = builder.zext(shift, y.type)
elif nbits.type.width > y.type.width:
shift = builder.trunc(shift, y.type)
if is_numpy:
# Use the last N bits, to match np.random
mask = builder.not_(ir.Constant(y.type, 0))
mask = builder.lshr(mask, shift)
return builder.and_(y, mask)
# Use the first N bits, to match CPython random
return builder.lshr(y, shift)
ret = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, ir.Constant(int64_t, 0))
is_32b = builder.icmp_unsigned('<=', nbits, c32)
with builder.if_else(is_32b) as (ifsmall, iflarge):
with ifsmall:
low = get_shifted_int(nbits)
builder.store(builder.zext(low, int64_t), ret)
with iflarge:
# XXX This assumes nbits <= 64
if is_numpy:
# Get the high bits first to match np.random
high = get_shifted_int(builder.sub(nbits, c32))
low = get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr)
if not is_numpy:
# Get the high bits second to match CPython random
high = get_shifted_int(builder.sub(nbits, c32))
total = builder.add(
builder.zext(low, int64_t),
builder.shl(builder.zext(high, int64_t),
ir.Constant(int64_t, 32)))
builder.store(total, ret)
return builder.load(ret)
def seed_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, types.Integer):
fn = register_jitable(_seed_impl('py'))
def impl(a):
return fn(a)
return impl
def seed_impl(seed):
if isinstance(seed, types.Integer):
return _seed_impl('np')
def _seed_impl(state_type):
def _impl(typingcontext, seed):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
seed_value, = args
fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), (rnd_state_ptr_t, int32_t))
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.function.module, fnty,
builder.call(fn, (get_state_ptr(context, builder, state_type),
return context.get_constant(types.none, None)
return signature(types.void, types.uint32), codegen
return lambda seed: _impl(seed)
def random_impl():
def _impl(typingcontext):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, "py")
return get_next_double(context, builder, state_ptr)
return signature(types.double), codegen
return lambda: _impl()
def random_impl0():
def _impl(typingcontext):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, "np")
return get_next_double(context, builder, state_ptr)
return signature(types.float64), codegen
return lambda: _impl()
def random_impl1(size=None):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda size=None: np.random.random()
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(size=None):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.random()
return out
return _impl
def gauss_impl(mu, sigma):
if isinstance(mu, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
sigma, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, mu, sigma):
loc_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(mu)
scale_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(sigma)
return signature(types.float64, mu, sigma),\
_gauss_impl("py", loc_preprocessor, scale_preprocessor)
return lambda mu, sigma: _impl(mu, sigma)
def np_gauss_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0)
def np_gauss_impl1(loc):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda loc: np.random.normal(loc, 1.0)
def np_gauss_impl2(loc, scale):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, loc, scale):
loc_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(loc)
scale_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(scale)
return signature(types.float64, loc, scale),\
_gauss_impl("np", loc_preprocessor, scale_preprocessor)
return lambda loc, scale: _impl(loc, scale)
def standard_normal_impl1(size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda size: np.random.standard_normal()
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_normal()
return out
return _impl
def np_gauss_impl3(loc, scale, size):
if (isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
return lambda loc, scale, size: np.random.normal(loc, scale)
if (isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
(isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(loc, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.normal(loc, scale)
return out
return _impl
def _gauss_pair_impl(_random):
def compute_gauss_pair():
Compute a pair of numbers on the normal distribution.
while True:
x1 = 2.0 * _random() - 1.0
x2 = 2.0 * _random() - 1.0
r2 = x1*x1 + x2*x2
if r2 < 1.0 and r2 != 0.0:
# Box-Muller transform
f = math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(r2) / r2)
return f * x1, f * x2
return compute_gauss_pair
def _gauss_impl(state, loc_preprocessor, scale_preprocessor):
def _impl(context, builder, sig, args):
# The type for all computations (either float or double)
ty = sig.return_type
llty = context.get_data_type(ty)
_random = {"py": random.random,
"np": np.random.random}[state]
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, state)
ret = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, llty, name="result")
gauss_ptr = get_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
has_gauss_ptr = get_has_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
has_gauss = cgutils.is_true(builder, builder.load(has_gauss_ptr))
with builder.if_else(has_gauss) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
# if has_gauss: return it
builder.store(builder.load(gauss_ptr), ret)
builder.store(const_int(0), has_gauss_ptr)
with otherwise:
# if not has_gauss: compute a pair of numbers using the Box-Muller
# transform; keep one and return the other
pair = context.compile_internal(builder,
signature(types.UniTuple(ty, 2)),
first, second = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, pair, 2)
builder.store(first, gauss_ptr)
builder.store(second, ret)
builder.store(const_int(1), has_gauss_ptr)
mu, sigma = args
return builder.fadd(loc_preprocessor(builder, mu),
builder.fmul(scale_preprocessor(builder, sigma),
return _impl
def _double_preprocessor(value):
ty = ir.types.DoubleType()
if isinstance(value, types.Integer):
if value.signed:
return lambda builder, v: builder.sitofp(v, ty)
return lambda builder, v: builder.uitofp(v, ty)
elif isinstance(value, types.Float):
if value.bitwidth != 64:
return lambda builder, v: builder.fpext(v, ty)
return lambda _builder, v: v
raise TypeError("Cannot convert {} to floating point type" % value)
def getrandbits_impl(k):
if isinstance(k, types.Integer):
def _impl(typingcontext, k):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
nbits, = args
too_large = builder.icmp_unsigned(">=", nbits, const_int(65))
too_small = builder.icmp_unsigned("==", nbits, const_int(0))
with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, builder.or_(too_large,
msg = "getrandbits() limited to 64 bits"
context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, OverflowError,
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, "py")
return get_next_int(context, builder, state_ptr, nbits, False)
return signature(types.uint64, k), codegen
return lambda k: _impl(k)
def _randrange_impl(context, builder, start, stop, step, ty, signed, state):
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, state)
zero = ir.Constant(ty, 0)
one = ir.Constant(ty, 1)
nptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ty, name="n")
# n = stop - start
builder.store(builder.sub(stop, start), nptr)
with builder.if_then(builder.icmp_signed('<', step, zero)):
# n = (n + step + 1) // step
w = builder.add(builder.add(builder.load(nptr), step), one)
n = builder.sdiv(w, step)
builder.store(n, nptr)
with builder.if_then(builder.icmp_signed('>', step, one)):
# n = (n + step - 1) // step
w = builder.sub(builder.add(builder.load(nptr), step), one)
n = builder.sdiv(w, step)
builder.store(n, nptr)
n = builder.load(nptr)
with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, builder.icmp_signed('<=', n, zero)):
# n <= 0
msg = "empty range for randrange()"
context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, ValueError, (msg,))
fnty = ir.FunctionType(ty, [ty, cgutils.true_bit.type])
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.function.module, fnty,
"llvm.ctlz.%s" % ty)
# Since the upper bound is exclusive, we need to subtract one before
# calculating the number of bits. This leads to a special case when
# n == 1; there's only one possible result, so we don't need bits from
# the PRNG. This case is handled separately towards the end of this
# function. CPython's implementation is simpler and just runs another
# iteration of the while loop when the resulting number is too large
# instead of subtracting one, to avoid needing to handle a special
# case. Thus, we only perform this subtraction for the NumPy case.
nm1 = builder.sub(n, one) if state == "np" else n
nbits = builder.trunc(builder.call(fn, [nm1, cgutils.true_bit]), int32_t)
nbits = builder.sub(ir.Constant(int32_t, ty.width), nbits)
rptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ty, name="r")
def get_num():
bbwhile = builder.append_basic_block("while")
bbend = builder.append_basic_block("while.end")
r = get_next_int(context, builder, state_ptr, nbits, state == "np")
r = builder.trunc(r, ty)
too_large = builder.icmp_signed('>=', r, n)
builder.cbranch(too_large, bbwhile, bbend)
builder.store(r, rptr)
if state == "np":
# Handle n == 1 case, per previous comment.
with builder.if_else(builder.icmp_signed('==', n, one)) as (is_one, is_not_one):
with is_one:
builder.store(zero, rptr)
with is_not_one:
return builder.add(start, builder.mul(builder.load(rptr), step))
def randrange_impl_1(start):
if isinstance(start, types.Integer):
return lambda start: random.randrange(0, start, 1)
def randrange_impl_2(start, stop):
if isinstance(start, types.Integer) and isinstance(stop, types.Integer):
return lambda start, stop: random.randrange(start, stop, 1)
def _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, ty):
if ty.bitwidth != bitwidth:
return (ir.IRBuilder.sext if ty.signed
else ir.IRBuilder.zext)
return lambda _builder, v, _ty: v
def randrange_impl_3(start, stop, step):
if (isinstance(start, types.Integer) and isinstance(stop, types.Integer) and
isinstance(step, types.Integer)):
signed = max(start.signed, stop.signed, step.signed)
bitwidth = max(start.bitwidth, stop.bitwidth, step.bitwidth)
int_ty = types.Integer.from_bitwidth(bitwidth, signed)
llvm_type = ir.IntType(bitwidth)
start_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, start)
stop_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, stop)
step_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, step)
def _impl(typingcontext, start, stop, step):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
start, stop, step = args
start = start_preprocessor(builder, start, llvm_type)
stop = stop_preprocessor(builder, stop, llvm_type)
step = step_preprocessor(builder, step, llvm_type)
return _randrange_impl(context, builder, start, stop, step,
llvm_type, signed, 'py')
return signature(int_ty, start, stop, step), codegen
return lambda start, stop, step: _impl(start, stop, step)
def randint_impl_1(a, b):
if isinstance(a, types.Integer) and isinstance(b, types.Integer):
return lambda a, b: random.randrange(a, b + 1, 1)
def np_randint_impl_1(low):
if isinstance(low, types.Integer):
return lambda low: np.random.randint(0, low)
def np_randint_impl_2(low, high):
if isinstance(low, types.Integer) and isinstance(high, types.Integer):
signed = max(low.signed, high.signed)
bitwidth = max(low.bitwidth, high.bitwidth)
int_ty = types.Integer.from_bitwidth(bitwidth, signed)
llvm_type = ir.IntType(bitwidth)
start_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, low)
stop_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, high)
def _impl(typingcontext, low, high):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
start, stop = args
start = start_preprocessor(builder, start, llvm_type)
stop = stop_preprocessor(builder, stop, llvm_type)
step = ir.Constant(llvm_type, 1)
return _randrange_impl(context, builder, start, stop, step,
llvm_type, signed, 'np')
return signature(int_ty, low, high), codegen
return lambda low, high: _impl(low, high)
def np_randint_impl_3(low, high, size):
if (isinstance(low, types.Integer) and isinstance(high, types.Integer) and
return lambda low, high, size: np.random.randint(low, high)
if (isinstance(low, types.Integer) and isinstance(high, types.Integer) and
(isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
bitwidth = max(low.bitwidth, high.bitwidth)
result_type = getattr(np, f'int{bitwidth}')
def _impl(low, high, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=result_type)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.randint(low, high)
return out
return _impl
def np_uniform_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
def uniform_impl2(a, b):
if isinstance(a, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
b, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, a, b):
low_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(a)
high_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(b)
return signature(types.float64, a, b), uniform_impl(
'py', low_preprocessor, high_preprocessor)
return lambda a, b: _impl(a, b)
def np_uniform_impl2(low, high):
if isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, low, high):
low_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(low)
high_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(high)
return signature(types.float64, low, high), uniform_impl(
'np', low_preprocessor, high_preprocessor)
return lambda low, high: _impl(low, high)
def uniform_impl(state, a_preprocessor, b_preprocessor):
def impl(context, builder, sig, args):
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, state)
a, b = args
a = a_preprocessor(builder, a)
b = b_preprocessor(builder, b)
width = builder.fsub(b, a)
r = get_next_double(context, builder, state_ptr)
return builder.fadd(a, builder.fmul(width, r))
return impl
def np_uniform_impl3(low, high, size):
if (isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
return lambda low, high, size: np.random.uniform(low, high)
if (isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
(isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(low, high, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.uniform(low, high)
return out
return _impl
def triangular_impl_2(low, high):
def _impl(low, high):
u = random.random()
c = 0.5
if u > c:
u = 1.0 - u
low, high = high, low
return low + (high - low) * math.sqrt(u * c)
if isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return _impl
def triangular_impl_3(low, high, mode):
if (isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
isinstance(mode, (types.Float, types.Integer))):
def _impl(low, high, mode):
if high == low:
return low
u = random.random()
c = (mode - low) / (high - low)
if u > c:
u = 1.0 - u
c = 1.0 - c
low, high = high, low
return low + (high - low) * math.sqrt(u * c)
return _impl
def triangular_impl_3(left, mode, right):
if (isinstance(left, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
mode, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
isinstance(right, (types.Float, types.Integer))):
def _impl(left, mode, right):
if right == left:
return left
u = np.random.random()
c = (mode - left) / (right - left)
if u > c:
u = 1.0 - u
c = 1.0 - c
left, right = right, left
return left + (right - left) * math.sqrt(u * c)
return _impl
def triangular_impl(left, mode, right, size=None):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda left, mode, right, size=None: np.random.triangular(left,
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(left, mode, right, size=None):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.triangular(left, mode, right)
return out
return _impl
def gammavariate_impl(alpha, beta):
if isinstance(alpha, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
beta, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return _gammavariate_impl(random.random)
def ol_np_random_gamma1(shape):
if isinstance(shape, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda shape: np.random.gamma(shape, 1.0)
def ol_np_random_gamma2(shape, scale):
if isinstance(shape, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
fn = register_jitable(_gammavariate_impl(np.random.random))
def impl(shape, scale):
return fn(shape, scale)
return impl
def _gammavariate_impl(_random):
def _impl(alpha, beta):
"""Gamma distribution. Taken from CPython.
SG_MAGICCONST = 1.0 + math.log(4.5)
# alpha > 0, beta > 0, mean is alpha*beta, variance is alpha*beta**2
# Warning: a few older sources define the gamma distribution in terms
# of alpha > -1.0
if alpha <= 0.0 or beta <= 0.0:
raise ValueError('gammavariate: alpha and beta must be > 0.0')
if alpha > 1.0:
# Uses R.C.H. Cheng, "The generation of Gamma
# variables with non-integral shape parameters",
# Applied Statistics, (1977), 26, No. 1, p71-74
ainv = math.sqrt(2.0 * alpha - 1.0)
bbb = alpha - math.log(4.0)
ccc = alpha + ainv
while 1:
u1 = _random()
if not 1e-7 < u1 < .9999999:
u2 = 1.0 - _random()
v = math.log(u1/(1.0-u1))/ainv
x = alpha*math.exp(v)
z = u1*u1*u2
r = bbb+ccc*v-x
if r + SG_MAGICCONST - 4.5*z >= 0.0 or r >= math.log(z):
return x * beta
elif alpha == 1.0:
# expovariate(1)
# Adjust due to cpython
# commit 63d152232e1742660f481c04a811f824b91f6790
return -math.log(1.0 - _random()) * beta
else: # alpha is between 0 and 1 (exclusive)
# Uses ALGORITHM GS of Statistical Computing - Kennedy & Gentle
while 1:
u = _random()
b = (math.e + alpha)/math.e
p = b*u
if p <= 1.0:
x = p ** (1.0/alpha)
x = -math.log((b-p)/alpha)
u1 = _random()
if p > 1.0:
if u1 <= x ** (alpha - 1.0):
elif u1 <= math.exp(-x):
return x * beta
return _impl
def gamma_impl(shape, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda shape, scale, size: np.random.gamma(shape, scale)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(shape, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.gamma(shape, scale)
return out
return _impl
def standard_gamma_impl(shape, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda shape, size: np.random.standard_gamma(shape)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(shape, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_gamma(shape)
return out
return _impl
def betavariate_impl(alpha, beta):
if isinstance(alpha, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
beta, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return _betavariate_impl(random.gammavariate)
def ol_np_random_beta(a, b):
if isinstance(a, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
b, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
fn = register_jitable(_betavariate_impl(np.random.gamma))
def impl(a, b):
return fn(a, b)
return impl
def _betavariate_impl(gamma):
def _impl(alpha, beta):
"""Beta distribution. Taken from CPython.
# This version due to Janne Sinkkonen, and matches all the std
# texts (e.g., Knuth Vol 2 Ed 3 pg 134 "the beta distribution").
y = gamma(alpha, 1.)
if y == 0.0:
return 0.0
return y / (y + gamma(beta, 1.))
return _impl
def beta_impl(a, b, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, b, size: np.random.beta(a, b)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(a, b, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.beta(a, b)
return out
return _impl
def expovariate_impl(lambd):
if isinstance(lambd, types.Float):
def _impl(lambd):
"""Exponential distribution. Taken from CPython.
# lambd: rate lambd = 1/mean
# ('lambda' is a Python reserved word)
# we use 1-random() instead of random() to preclude the
# possibility of taking the log of zero.
return -math.log(1.0 - random.random()) / lambd
return _impl
def exponential_impl(scale):
if isinstance(scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(scale):
return -math.log(1.0 - np.random.random()) * scale
return _impl
def exponential_impl(scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda scale, size: np.random.exponential(scale)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.exponential(scale)
return out
return _impl
def exponential_impl():
def _impl():
return -math.log(1.0 - np.random.random())
return _impl
def standard_exponential_impl(size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda size: np.random.standard_exponential()
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or
(isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_exponential()
return out
return _impl
def np_lognormal_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.lognormal(0.0, 1.0)
def np_log_normal_impl1(mean):
if isinstance(mean, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda mean: np.random.lognormal(mean, 1.0)
def np_log_normal_impl2(mean, sigma):
if isinstance(mean, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
sigma, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
fn = register_jitable(_lognormvariate_impl(np.random.normal))
return lambda mean, sigma: fn(mean, sigma)
def lognormal_impl(mean, sigma, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda mean, sigma, size: np.random.lognormal(mean, sigma)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(mean, sigma, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.lognormal(mean, sigma)
return out
return _impl
def lognormvariate_impl(mu, sigma):
if isinstance(mu, types.Float) and isinstance(sigma, types.Float):
fn = register_jitable(_lognormvariate_impl(random.gauss))
return lambda mu, sigma: fn(mu, sigma)
def _lognormvariate_impl(_gauss):
return lambda mu, sigma: math.exp(_gauss(mu, sigma))
def paretovariate_impl(alpha):
if isinstance(alpha, types.Float):
def _impl(alpha):
"""Pareto distribution. Taken from CPython."""
# Jain, pg. 495
u = 1.0 - random.random()
return 1.0 / u ** (1.0/alpha)
return _impl
def pareto_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, types.Float):
def _impl(a):
# Same as paretovariate() - 1.
u = 1.0 - np.random.random()
return 1.0 / u ** (1.0/a) - 1
return _impl
def pareto_impl(a, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, size: np.random.pareto(a)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(a, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.pareto(a)
return out
return _impl
def weibullvariate_impl(alpha, beta):
if isinstance(alpha, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
beta, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(alpha, beta):
"""Weibull distribution. Taken from CPython."""
# Jain, pg. 499; bug fix courtesy Bill Arms
u = 1.0 - random.random()
return alpha * (-math.log(u)) ** (1.0/beta)
return _impl
def weibull_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(a):
# Same as weibullvariate(1.0, a)
u = 1.0 - np.random.random()
return (-math.log(u)) ** (1.0/a)
return _impl
def weibull_impl2(a, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, size: np.random.weibull(a)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(a, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.weibull(a)
return out
return _impl
def vonmisesvariate_impl(mu, kappa):
if isinstance(mu, types.Float) and isinstance(kappa, types.Float):
return _vonmisesvariate_impl(random.random)
def vonmisesvariate_impl(mu, kappa):
if isinstance(mu, types.Float) and isinstance(kappa, types.Float):
return _vonmisesvariate_impl(np.random.random)
def _vonmisesvariate_impl(_random):
def _impl(mu, kappa):
"""Circular data distribution. Taken from CPython.
Note the algorithm in Python 2.6 and Numpy is different:
# mu: mean angle (in radians between 0 and 2*pi)
# kappa: concentration parameter kappa (>= 0)
# if kappa = 0 generate uniform random angle
# Based upon an algorithm published in: Fisher, N.I.,
# "Statistical Analysis of Circular Data", Cambridge
# University Press, 1993.
# Thanks to Magnus Kessler for a correction to the
# implementation of step 4.
if kappa <= 1e-6:
return 2.0 * math.pi * _random()
s = 0.5 / kappa
r = s + math.sqrt(1.0 + s * s)
while 1:
u1 = _random()
z = math.cos(math.pi * u1)
d = z / (r + z)
u2 = _random()
if u2 < 1.0 - d * d or u2 <= (1.0 - d) * math.exp(d):
q = 1.0 / r
f = (q + z) / (1.0 + q * z)
u3 = _random()
if u3 > 0.5:
theta = (mu + math.acos(f)) % (2.0 * math.pi)
theta = (mu - math.acos(f)) % (2.0 * math.pi)
return theta
return _impl
def vonmises_impl(mu, kappa, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda mu, kappa, size: np.random.vonmises(mu, kappa)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(mu, kappa, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.vonmises(mu, kappa)
return out
return _impl
def binomial_impl(n, p):
if isinstance(n, types.Integer) and isinstance(
p, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(n, p):
Binomial distribution. Numpy's variant of the BINV algorithm
is used.
(Numpy uses BTPE for n*p >= 30, though)
if n < 0:
raise ValueError("binomial(): n <= 0")
if not (0.0 <= p <= 1.0):
raise ValueError("binomial(): p outside of [0, 1]")
if p == 0.0:
return 0
if p == 1.0:
return n
flipped = p > 0.5
if flipped:
p = 1.0 - p
q = 1.0 - p
niters = 1
qn = q ** n
while qn <= 1e-308:
# Underflow => split into several iterations
# Note this is much slower than Numpy's BTPE
niters <<= 2
n >>= 2
qn = q ** n
assert n > 0
np_prod = n * p
bound = min(n, np_prod + 10.0 * math.sqrt(np_prod * q + 1))
total = 0
while niters > 0:
X = 0
U = np.random.random()
px = qn
while X <= bound:
if U <= px:
total += n - X if flipped else X
niters -= 1
U -= px
X += 1
px = ((n - X + 1) * p * px) / (X * q)
return total
return _impl
def binomial_impl(n, p, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda n, p, size: np.random.binomial(n, p)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(n, p, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.intp)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.binomial(n, p)
return out
return _impl
def chisquare_impl(df):
if isinstance(df, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(df):
return 2.0 * np.random.standard_gamma(df / 2.0)
return _impl
def chisquare_impl2(df, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda df, size: np.random.chisquare(df)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(df, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.chisquare(df)
return out
return _impl
def f_impl(dfnum, dfden):
if isinstance(dfnum, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
dfden, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(dfnum, dfden):
return ((np.random.chisquare(dfnum) * dfden) /
(np.random.chisquare(dfden) * dfnum))
return _impl
def f_impl(dfnum, dfden, size):
if (isinstance(dfnum, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
dfden, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
return lambda dfnum, dfden, size: np.random.f(dfnum, dfden)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(dfnum, dfden, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.f(dfnum, dfden)
return out
return _impl
def geometric_impl(p):
if isinstance(p, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(p):
# Numpy's algorithm.
if p <= 0.0 or p > 1.0:
raise ValueError("geometric(): p outside of (0, 1]")
q = 1.0 - p
if p >= 0.333333333333333333333333:
X = int(1)
sum = prod = p
U = np.random.random()
while U > sum:
prod *= q
sum += prod
X += 1
return X
return math.ceil(math.log(1.0 - np.random.random()) /
return _impl
def geometric_impl(p, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda p, size: np.random.geometric(p)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(p, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.int64)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.geometric(p)
return out
return _impl
def gumbel_impl(loc, scale):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(loc, scale):
U = 1.0 - np.random.random()
return loc - scale * math.log(-math.log(U))
return _impl
def gumbel_impl3(loc, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda loc, scale, size: np.random.gumbel(loc, scale)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(loc, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.gumbel(loc, scale)
return out
return _impl
def hypergeometric_impl(ngood, nbad, nsample):
if (isinstance(ngood, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
nbad, (types.Float, types.Integer))
and isinstance(nsample, (types.Float, types.Integer))):
def _impl(ngood, nbad, nsample):
"""Numpy's algorithm for hypergeometric()."""
d1 = int(nbad) + int(ngood) - int(nsample)
d2 = float(min(nbad, ngood))
Y = d2
K = int(nsample)
while Y > 0.0 and K > 0:
Y -= math.floor(np.random.random() + Y / (d1 + K))
K -= 1
Z = int(d2 - Y)
if ngood > nbad:
return int(nsample) - Z
return Z
return _impl
def hypergeometric_impl(ngood, nbad, nsample, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda ngood, nbad, nsample, size:\
np.random.hypergeometric(ngood, nbad, nsample)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(ngood, nbad, nsample, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.intp)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.hypergeometric(ngood, nbad, nsample)
return out
return _impl
def laplace_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.laplace(0.0, 1.0)
def laplace_impl1(loc):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda loc: np.random.laplace(loc, 1.0)
def laplace_impl2(loc, scale):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return laplace_impl
def laplace_impl3(loc, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda loc, scale, size: np.random.laplace(loc, scale)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(loc, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.laplace(loc, scale)
return out
return _impl
def laplace_impl(loc, scale):
U = np.random.random()
if U < 0.5:
return loc + scale * math.log(U + U)
return loc - scale * math.log(2.0 - U - U)
def logistic_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.logistic(0.0, 1.0)
def logistic_impl1(loc):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda loc: np.random.logistic(loc, 1.0)
def logistic_impl2(loc, scale):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return logistic_impl
def logistic_impl3(loc, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda loc, scale, size: np.random.logistic(loc, scale)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(loc, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.logistic(loc, scale)
return out
return _impl
def logistic_impl(loc, scale):
U = np.random.random()
return loc + scale * math.log(U / (1.0 - U))
def _logseries_impl(p):
"""Numpy's algorithm for logseries()."""
if p <= 0.0 or p > 1.0:
raise ValueError("logseries(): p outside of (0, 1]")
r = math.log(1.0 - p)
while 1:
V = np.random.random()
if V >= p:
return 1
U = np.random.random()
q = 1.0 - math.exp(r * U)
if V <= q * q:
# XXX what if V == 0.0 ?
return np.int64(1.0 + math.log(V) / math.log(q))
elif V >= q:
return 1
return 2
def logseries_impl(p):
if isinstance(p, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return _logseries_impl
def logseries_impl(p, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda p, size: np.random.logseries(p)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(p, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.int64)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.logseries(p)
return out
return _impl
def negative_binomial_impl(n, p):
if isinstance(n, types.Integer) and isinstance(
p,(types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(n, p):
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError("negative_binomial(): n <= 0")
if p < 0.0 or p > 1.0:
raise ValueError("negative_binomial(): p outside of [0, 1]")
Y = np.random.gamma(n, (1.0 - p) / p)
return np.random.poisson(Y)
return _impl
def poisson_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.poisson(1.0)
def poisson_impl1(lam):
if isinstance(lam, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, lam):
lam_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(lam)
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
state_ptr = get_np_state_ptr(context, builder)
retptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, int64_t, name="ret")
bbcont = builder.append_basic_block("bbcont")
bbend = builder.append_basic_block("bbend")
lam, = args
lam = lam_preprocessor(builder, lam)
big_lam = builder.fcmp_ordered('>=', lam,
ir.Constant(double, 10.0))
with builder.if_then(big_lam):
# For lambda >= 10.0, we switch to a more accurate
# algorithm (see _random.c).
fnty = ir.FunctionType(int64_t, (rnd_state_ptr_t, double))
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.function.module,
ret = builder.call(fn, (state_ptr, lam))
builder.store(ret, retptr)
_random = np.random.random
_exp = math.exp
def poisson_impl(lam):
"""Numpy's algorithm for poisson() on small *lam*.
This method is invoked only if the parameter lambda of the
distribution is small ( < 10 ). The algorithm used is
described in "Knuth, D. 1969. 'Seminumerical Algorithms.
The Art of Computer Programming' vol 2.
if lam < 0.0:
raise ValueError("poisson(): lambda < 0")
if lam == 0.0:
return 0
enlam = _exp(-lam)
X = 0
prod = 1.0
while 1:
U = _random()
prod *= U
if prod <= enlam:
return X
X += 1
ret = context.compile_internal(builder, poisson_impl, sig, args)
builder.store(ret, retptr)
return builder.load(retptr)
return signature(types.int64, lam), codegen
return lambda lam: _impl(lam)
def poisson_impl2(lam, size):
if isinstance(lam, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and is_nonelike(size):
return lambda lam, size: np.random.poisson(lam)
if isinstance(lam, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and (
isinstance(size, types.Integer) or
(isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(lam, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.intp)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.poisson(lam)
return out
return _impl
def power_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(a):
if a <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("power(): a <= 0")
return math.pow(1 - math.exp(-np.random.standard_exponential()),
return _impl
def power_impl(a, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, size: np.random.power(a)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(a, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.power(a)
return out
return _impl
def rayleigh_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.rayleigh(1.0)
def rayleigh_impl1(scale):
if isinstance(scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def impl(scale):
if scale <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("rayleigh(): scale <= 0")
return scale * math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(1.0 - np.random.random()))
return impl
def rayleigh_impl2(scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda scale, size: np.random.rayleigh(scale)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.rayleigh(scale)
return out
return _impl
def cauchy_impl():
def _impl():
return np.random.standard_normal() / np.random.standard_normal()
return _impl
def standard_cauchy_impl(size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda size: np.random.standard_cauchy()
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_cauchy()
return out
return _impl
def standard_t_impl(df):
if isinstance(df, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(df):
N = np.random.standard_normal()
G = np.random.standard_gamma(df / 2.0)
X = math.sqrt(df / 2.0) * N / math.sqrt(G)
return X
return _impl
def standard_t_impl2(df, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda p, size: np.random.standard_t(p)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(df, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_t(df)
return out
return _impl
def wald_impl(mean, scale):
if isinstance(mean, types.Float) and isinstance(scale, types.Float):
def _impl(mean, scale):
if mean <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("wald(): mean <= 0")
if scale <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("wald(): scale <= 0")
mu_2l = mean / (2.0 * scale)
Y = np.random.standard_normal()
Y = mean * Y * Y
X = mean + mu_2l * (Y - math.sqrt(4 * scale * Y + Y * Y))
U = np.random.random()
if U <= mean / (mean + X):
return X
return mean * mean / X
return _impl
def wald_impl2(mean, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda mean, scale, size: np.random.wald(mean, scale)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(mean, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.wald(mean, scale)
return out
return _impl
def zipf_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, types.Float):
def _impl(a):
if a <= 1.0:
raise ValueError("zipf(): a <= 1")
am1 = a - 1.0
b = 2.0 ** am1
while 1:
U = 1.0 - np.random.random()
V = np.random.random()
X = int(math.floor(U ** (-1.0 / am1)))
T = (1.0 + 1.0 / X) ** am1
if X >= 1 and V * X * (T - 1.0) / (b - 1.0) <= (T / b):
return X
return _impl
def zipf_impl(a, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, size: np.random.zipf(a)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(a, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.intp)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.zipf(a)
return out
return _impl
def do_shuffle_impl(x, rng):
if not isinstance(x, types.Buffer):
raise TypeError("The argument to shuffle() should be a buffer type")
if rng == "np":
rand = np.random.randint
elif rng == "py":
rand = random.randrange
if x.ndim == 1:
def impl(x):
i = x.shape[0] - 1
while i > 0:
j = rand(i + 1)
x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]
i -= 1
def impl(x):
i = x.shape[0] - 1
while i > 0:
j = rand(i + 1)
x[i], x[j] = np.copy(x[j]), np.copy(x[i])
i -= 1
return impl
def shuffle_impl(x):
return do_shuffle_impl(x, "py")
def shuffle_impl(x):
return do_shuffle_impl(x, "np")
def permutation_impl(x):
if isinstance(x, types.Integer):
def permutation_impl(x):
y = np.arange(x)
return y
elif isinstance(x, types.Array):
def permutation_impl(x):
arr_copy = x.copy()
return arr_copy
permutation_impl = None
return permutation_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Irregular aliases: np.random.rand, np.random.randn
def rand(*size):
if len(size) == 0:
# Scalar output
def rand_impl(*size):
return np.random.random()
# Array output
def rand_impl(*size):
return np.random.random(size)
return rand_impl
def randn(*size):
if len(size) == 0:
# Scalar output
def randn_impl(*size):
return np.random.standard_normal()
# Array output
def randn_impl(*size):
return np.random.standard_normal(size)
return randn_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# np.random.choice
def choice(a, size=None, replace=True):
if isinstance(a, types.Array):
# choice() over an array population
assert a.ndim == 1
dtype = a.dtype
def get_source_size(a):
return len(a)
def copy_source(a):
return a.copy()
def getitem(a, a_i):
return a[a_i]
elif isinstance(a, types.Integer):
# choice() over an implied arange() population
dtype = np.intp
def get_source_size(a):
return a
def copy_source(a):
return np.arange(a)
def getitem(a, a_i):
return a_i
raise TypeError("np.random.choice() first argument should be "
"int or array, got %s" % (a,))
if size in (None, types.none):
def choice_impl(a, size=None, replace=True):
choice() implementation returning a single sample
(note *replace* is ignored)
n = get_source_size(a)
i = np.random.randint(0, n)
return getitem(a, i)
def choice_impl(a, size=None, replace=True):
choice() implementation returning an array of samples
n = get_source_size(a)
if replace:
out = np.empty(size, dtype)
fl = out.flat
for i in range(len(fl)):
j = np.random.randint(0, n)
fl[i] = getitem(a, j)
return out
# Note we have to construct the array to compute out.size
# (`size` can be an arbitrary int or tuple of ints)
out = np.empty(size, dtype)
if out.size > n:
raise ValueError("Cannot take a larger sample than "
"population when 'replace=False'")
# Get a permuted copy of the source array
# we need this implementation in order to get the
# np.random.choice inside numba to match the output
# of np.random.choice outside numba when np.random.seed
# is set to the same value
permuted_a = np.random.permutation(a)
fl = out.flat
for i in range(len(fl)):
fl[i] = permuted_a[i]
return out
return choice_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# np.random.multinomial
def multinomial(n, pvals, size=None):
dtype = np.intp
def multinomial_inner(n, pvals, out):
# Numpy's algorithm for multinomial()
fl = out.flat
sz = out.size
plen = len(pvals)
for i in range(0, sz, plen):
# Loop body: take a set of n experiments and fill up
# fl[i:i + plen] with the distribution of results.
# Current sum of outcome probabilities
p_sum = 1.0
# Current remaining number of experiments
n_experiments = n
# For each possible outcome `j`, compute the number of results
# with this outcome. This is done by considering the
# conditional probability P(X=j | X>=j) and running a binomial
# distribution over the remaining number of experiments.
for j in range(0, plen - 1):
p_j = pvals[j]
n_j = fl[i + j] = np.random.binomial(n_experiments, p_j / p_sum)
n_experiments -= n_j
if n_experiments <= 0:
# Note the output was initialized to zero
p_sum -= p_j
if n_experiments > 0:
# The remaining experiments end up in the last bucket
fl[i + plen - 1] = n_experiments
if not isinstance(n, types.Integer):
raise TypeError("np.random.multinomial(): n should be an "
"integer, got %s" % (n,))
if not isinstance(pvals, (types.Sequence, types.Array)):
raise TypeError("np.random.multinomial(): pvals should be an "
"array or sequence, got %s" % (pvals,))
if size in (None, types.none):
def multinomial_impl(n, pvals, size=None):
multinomial(..., size=None)
out = np.zeros(len(pvals), dtype)
multinomial_inner(n, pvals, out)
return out
elif isinstance(size, types.Integer):
def multinomial_impl(n, pvals, size=None):
multinomial(..., size=int)
out = np.zeros((size, len(pvals)), dtype)
multinomial_inner(n, pvals, out)
return out
elif isinstance(size, types.BaseTuple):
def multinomial_impl(n, pvals, size=None):
multinomial(..., size=tuple)
out = np.zeros(size + (len(pvals),), dtype)
multinomial_inner(n, pvals, out)
return out
raise TypeError("np.random.multinomial(): size should be int or "
"tuple or None, got %s" % (size,))
return multinomial_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# np.random.dirichlet
def dirichlet(alpha):
if isinstance(alpha, (types.Sequence, types.Array)):
def dirichlet_impl(alpha):
out = np.empty(len(alpha))
dirichlet_arr(alpha, out)
return out
return dirichlet_impl
def dirichlet(alpha, size=None):
if not isinstance(alpha, (types.Sequence, types.Array)):
raise NumbaTypeError(
"np.random.dirichlet(): alpha should be an "
"array or sequence, got %s" % (alpha,)
if size in (None, types.none):
def dirichlet_impl(alpha, size=None):
out = np.empty(len(alpha))
dirichlet_arr(alpha, out)
return out
elif isinstance(size, types.Integer):
def dirichlet_impl(alpha, size=None):
dirichlet(..., size=int)
out = np.empty((size, len(alpha)))
dirichlet_arr(alpha, out)
return out
elif isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and isinstance(size.dtype,
def dirichlet_impl(alpha, size=None):
dirichlet(..., size=tuple)
out = np.empty(size + (len(alpha),))
dirichlet_arr(alpha, out)
return out
raise NumbaTypeError(
"np.random.dirichlet(): size should be int or "
"tuple of ints or None, got %s" % size
return dirichlet_impl
def dirichlet_arr(alpha, out):
# Gamma distribution method to generate a Dirichlet distribution
for a_val in iter(alpha):
if a_val <= 0:
raise ValueError("dirichlet: alpha must be > 0.0")
a_len = len(alpha)
size = out.size
flat = out.flat
for i in range(0, size, a_len):
# calculate gamma random numbers per alpha specifications
norm = 0 # use this to normalize every the group total to 1
for k, w in enumerate(alpha):
flat[i + k] = np.random.gamma(w, 1)
norm += flat[i + k].item()
for k, w in enumerate(alpha):
flat[i + k] /= norm
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# np.random.noncentral_chisquare
def noncentral_chisquare(df, nonc):
if isinstance(df, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
nonc, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def noncentral_chisquare_impl(df, nonc):
validate_noncentral_chisquare_input(df, nonc)
return noncentral_chisquare_single(df, nonc)
return noncentral_chisquare_impl
def noncentral_chisquare(df, nonc, size=None):
if size in (None, types.none):
def noncentral_chisquare_impl(df, nonc, size=None):
validate_noncentral_chisquare_input(df, nonc)
return noncentral_chisquare_single(df, nonc)
return noncentral_chisquare_impl
elif isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def noncentral_chisquare_impl(df, nonc, size=None):
validate_noncentral_chisquare_input(df, nonc)
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = noncentral_chisquare_single(df, nonc)
return out
return noncentral_chisquare_impl
raise NumbaTypeError(
"np.random.noncentral_chisquare(): size should be int or "
"tuple of ints or None, got %s" % size
def noncentral_chisquare_single(df, nonc):
# identical to numpy implementation from distributions.c
# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/c65bc212ec1987caefba0ea7efe6a55803318de9/numpy/random/src/distributions/distributions.c#L797
if np.isnan(nonc):
return np.nan
if 1 < df:
chi2 = np.random.chisquare(df-1)
n = np.random.standard_normal() + np.sqrt(nonc)
return chi2 + n * n
i = np.random.poisson(nonc/2.0)
return np.random.chisquare(df + 2 * i)
def validate_noncentral_chisquare_input(df, nonc):
if df <= 0:
raise ValueError("df <= 0")
if nonc < 0:
raise ValueError("nonc < 0")