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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
"""Strptime-related classes and functions.
import calendar
import locale
import re
import time
from cpython.datetime cimport (
from _thread import allocate_lock as _thread_allocate_lock
import numpy as np
import pytz
from numpy cimport (
from pandas._libs.missing cimport checknull_with_nat_and_na
from pandas._libs.tslibs.nattype cimport (
c_nat_strings as nat_strings,
from pandas._libs.tslibs.np_datetime cimport (
cdef dict _parse_code_table = {'y': 0,
'Y': 1,
'm': 2,
'B': 3,
'b': 4,
'd': 5,
'H': 6,
'I': 7,
'M': 8,
'S': 9,
'f': 10,
'A': 11,
'a': 12,
'w': 13,
'j': 14,
'U': 15,
'W': 16,
'Z': 17,
'p': 18, # an additional key, only with I
'z': 19,
'G': 20,
'V': 21,
'u': 22}
def array_strptime(ndarray[object] values, str fmt, bint exact=True, errors='raise'):
Calculates the datetime structs represented by the passed array of strings
values : ndarray of string-like objects
fmt : string-like regex
exact : matches must be exact if True, search if False
errors : string specifying error handling, {'raise', 'ignore', 'coerce'}
Py_ssize_t i, n = len(values)
npy_datetimestruct dts
int64_t[::1] iresult
object[::1] result_timezone
int year, month, day, minute, hour, second, weekday, julian
int week_of_year, week_of_year_start, parse_code, ordinal
int iso_week, iso_year
int64_t us, ns
object val, group_key, ampm, found, timezone
dict found_key
bint is_raise = errors=='raise'
bint is_ignore = errors=='ignore'
bint is_coerce = errors=='coerce'
assert is_raise or is_ignore or is_coerce
if fmt is not None:
if '%W' in fmt or '%U' in fmt:
if '%Y' not in fmt and '%y' not in fmt:
raise ValueError("Cannot use '%W' or '%U' without day and year")
if '%A' not in fmt and '%a' not in fmt and '%w' not in fmt:
raise ValueError("Cannot use '%W' or '%U' without day and year")
elif '%Z' in fmt and '%z' in fmt:
raise ValueError("Cannot parse both %Z and %z")
global _TimeRE_cache, _regex_cache
with _cache_lock:
if _getlang() != _TimeRE_cache.locale_time.lang:
_TimeRE_cache = TimeRE()
if len(_regex_cache) > _CACHE_MAX_SIZE:
locale_time = _TimeRE_cache.locale_time
format_regex = _regex_cache.get(fmt)
if not format_regex:
format_regex = _TimeRE_cache.compile(fmt)
# KeyError raised when a bad format is found; can be specified as
# \\, in which case it was a stray % but with a space after it
except KeyError, err:
bad_directive = err.args[0]
if bad_directive == "\\":
bad_directive = "%"
del err
raise ValueError(f"'{bad_directive}' is a bad directive "
f"in format '{fmt}'")
# IndexError only occurs when the format string is "%"
except IndexError:
raise ValueError(f"stray % in format '{fmt}'")
_regex_cache[fmt] = format_regex
result = np.empty(n, dtype='M8[ns]')
iresult = result.view('i8')
result_timezone = np.empty(n, dtype='object') = = = 0
for i in range(n):
val = values[i]
if isinstance(val, str):
if val in nat_strings:
iresult[i] = NPY_NAT
if checknull_with_nat_and_na(val):
iresult[i] = NPY_NAT
val = str(val)
# exact matching
if exact:
found = format_regex.match(val)
if not found:
if is_coerce:
iresult[i] = NPY_NAT
raise ValueError(f"time data '{val}' does not match "
f"format '{fmt}' (match)")
if len(val) != found.end():
if is_coerce:
iresult[i] = NPY_NAT
raise ValueError(f"unconverted data remains: {val[found.end():]}")
# search
found =
if not found:
if is_coerce:
iresult[i] = NPY_NAT
raise ValueError(f"time data {repr(val)} does not match format "
f"{repr(fmt)} (search)")
iso_year = -1
year = 1900
month = day = 1
hour = minute = second = ns = us = 0
timezone = None
# Default to -1 to signify that values not known; not critical to have,
# though
iso_week = week_of_year = -1
week_of_year_start = -1
# weekday and julian defaulted to -1 so as to signal need to calculate
# values
weekday = julian = -1
found_dict = found.groupdict()
for group_key in found_dict.iterkeys():
# Directives not explicitly handled below:
# c, x, X
# handled by making out of other directives
# U, W
# worthless without day of the week
parse_code = _parse_code_table[group_key]
if parse_code == 0:
year = int(found_dict['y'])
# Open Group specification for strptime() states that a %y
# value in the range of [00, 68] is in the century 2000, while
# [69,99] is in the century 1900
if year <= 68:
year += 2000
year += 1900
elif parse_code == 1:
year = int(found_dict['Y'])
elif parse_code == 2:
month = int(found_dict['m'])
# elif group_key == 'B':
elif parse_code == 3:
month = locale_time.f_month.index(found_dict['B'].lower())
# elif group_key == 'b':
elif parse_code == 4:
month = locale_time.a_month.index(found_dict['b'].lower())
# elif group_key == 'd':
elif parse_code == 5:
day = int(found_dict['d'])
# elif group_key == 'H':
elif parse_code == 6:
hour = int(found_dict['H'])
elif parse_code == 7:
hour = int(found_dict['I'])
ampm = found_dict.get('p', '').lower()
# If there was no AM/PM indicator, we'll treat this like AM
if ampm in ('', locale_time.am_pm[0]):
# We're in AM so the hour is correct unless we're
# looking at 12 midnight.
# 12 midnight == 12 AM == hour 0
if hour == 12:
hour = 0
elif ampm == locale_time.am_pm[1]:
# We're in PM so we need to add 12 to the hour unless
# we're looking at 12 noon.
# 12 noon == 12 PM == hour 12
if hour != 12:
hour += 12
elif parse_code == 8:
minute = int(found_dict['M'])
elif parse_code == 9:
second = int(found_dict['S'])
elif parse_code == 10:
s = found_dict['f']
# Pad to always return nanoseconds
s += "0" * (9 - len(s))
us = long(s)
ns = us % 1000
us = us // 1000
elif parse_code == 11:
weekday = locale_time.f_weekday.index(found_dict['A'].lower())
elif parse_code == 12:
weekday = locale_time.a_weekday.index(found_dict['a'].lower())
elif parse_code == 13:
weekday = int(found_dict['w'])
if weekday == 0:
weekday = 6
weekday -= 1
elif parse_code == 14:
julian = int(found_dict['j'])
elif parse_code == 15 or parse_code == 16:
week_of_year = int(found_dict[group_key])
if group_key == 'U':
# U starts week on Sunday.
week_of_year_start = 6
# W starts week on Monday.
week_of_year_start = 0
elif parse_code == 17:
timezone = pytz.timezone(found_dict['Z'])
elif parse_code == 19:
timezone = parse_timezone_directive(found_dict['z'])
elif parse_code == 20:
iso_year = int(found_dict['G'])
elif parse_code == 21:
iso_week = int(found_dict['V'])
elif parse_code == 22:
weekday = int(found_dict['u'])
weekday -= 1
# don't assume default values for ISO week/year
if iso_year != -1:
if iso_week == -1 or weekday == -1:
raise ValueError("ISO year directive '%G' must be used with "
"the ISO week directive '%V' and a weekday "
"directive '%A', '%a', '%w', or '%u'.")
if julian != -1:
raise ValueError("Day of the year directive '%j' is not "
"compatible with ISO year directive '%G'. "
"Use '%Y' instead.")
elif year != -1 and week_of_year == -1 and iso_week != -1:
if weekday == -1:
raise ValueError("ISO week directive '%V' must be used with "
"the ISO year directive '%G' and a weekday "
"directive '%A', '%a', '%w', or '%u'.")
raise ValueError("ISO week directive '%V' is incompatible with "
"the year directive '%Y'. Use the ISO year "
"'%G' instead.")
# If we know the wk of the year and what day of that wk, we can figure
# out the Julian day of the year.
if julian == -1 and weekday != -1:
if week_of_year != -1:
week_starts_Mon = week_of_year_start == 0
julian = _calc_julian_from_U_or_W(year, week_of_year, weekday,
elif iso_year != -1 and iso_week != -1:
year, julian = _calc_julian_from_V(iso_year, iso_week,
weekday + 1)
# Cannot pre-calculate date() since can change in Julian
# calculation and thus could have different value for the day of the wk
# calculation.
if julian == -1:
# Need to add 1 to result since first day of the year is 1, not
# 0.
ordinal = date(year, month, day).toordinal()
julian = ordinal - date(year, 1, 1).toordinal() + 1
# Assume that if they bothered to include Julian day it will
# be accurate.
datetime_result = date.fromordinal(
(julian - 1) + date(year, 1, 1).toordinal())
year = datetime_result.year
month = datetime_result.month
day =
except ValueError:
if is_coerce:
iresult[i] = NPY_NAT
if weekday == -1:
weekday = date(year, month, day).weekday()
dts.year = year
dts.month = month = day
dts.hour = hour
dts.min = minute
dts.sec = second = us = ns * 1000
iresult[i] = dtstruct_to_dt64(&dts)
except ValueError:
if is_coerce:
iresult[i] = NPY_NAT
result_timezone[i] = timezone
return result, result_timezone.base
TimeRE, _calc_julian_from_U_or_W are vendored
from the standard library, see
The original module-level docstring follows.
Strptime-related classes and functions.
LocaleTime -- Discovers and stores locale-specific time information
TimeRE -- Creates regexes for pattern matching a string of text containing
time information
_getlang -- Figure out what language is being used for the locale
strptime -- Calculates the time struct represented by the passed-in string
from _strptime import (
TimeRE as _TimeRE,
class TimeRE(_TimeRE):
Handle conversion from format directives to regexes.
Creates regexes for pattern matching a string of text containing
time information
def __init__(self, locale_time=None):
Create keys/values.
Order of execution is important for dependency reasons.
self._Z = None
# GH 48767: Overrides for cpython's TimeRE
# 1) Parse up to nanos instead of micros
self.update({"f": r"(?P<f>[0-9]{1,9})"}),
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == "Z":
# lazy computation
if self._Z is None:
self._Z = self.__seqToRE(pytz.all_timezones, 'Z')
# Note: handling Z is the key difference vs using the stdlib
# _strptime.TimeRE. test_to_datetime_parse_tzname_or_tzoffset with
# fmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z' fails with the stdlib version.
return self._Z
return super().__getitem__(key)
_cache_lock = _thread_allocate_lock()
# DO NOT modify _TimeRE_cache or _regex_cache without acquiring the cache lock
# first!
_TimeRE_cache = TimeRE()
_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 5 # Max number of regexes stored in _regex_cache
_regex_cache = {}
cdef int _calc_julian_from_U_or_W(int year, int week_of_year,
int day_of_week, int week_starts_Mon):
Calculate the Julian day based on the year, week of the year, and day of
the week, with week_start_day representing whether the week of the year
assumes the week starts on Sunday or Monday (6 or 0).
year : int
the year
week_of_year : int
week taken from format U or W
week_starts_Mon : int
represents whether the week of the year
assumes the week starts on Sunday or Monday (6 or 0)
converted julian day
int first_weekday, week_0_length, days_to_week
first_weekday = date(year, 1, 1).weekday()
# If we are dealing with the %U directive (week starts on Sunday), it's
# easier to just shift the view to Sunday being the first day of the
# week.
if not week_starts_Mon:
first_weekday = (first_weekday + 1) % 7
day_of_week = (day_of_week + 1) % 7
# Need to watch out for a week 0 (when the first day of the year is not
# the same as that specified by %U or %W).
week_0_length = (7 - first_weekday) % 7
if week_of_year == 0:
return 1 + day_of_week - first_weekday
days_to_week = week_0_length + (7 * (week_of_year - 1))
return 1 + days_to_week + day_of_week
cdef (int, int) _calc_julian_from_V(int iso_year, int iso_week, int iso_weekday):
Calculate the Julian day based on the ISO 8601 year, week, and weekday.
ISO weeks start on Mondays, with week 01 being the week containing 4 Jan.
ISO week days range from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).
iso_year : int
the year taken from format %G
iso_week : int
the week taken from format %V
iso_weekday : int
weekday taken from format %u
(int, int)
the iso year and the Gregorian ordinal date / julian date
int correction, ordinal
correction = date(iso_year, 1, 4).isoweekday() + 3
ordinal = (iso_week * 7) + iso_weekday - correction
# ordinal may be negative or 0 now, which means the date is in the previous
# calendar year
if ordinal < 1:
ordinal += date(iso_year, 1, 1).toordinal()
iso_year -= 1
ordinal -= date(iso_year, 1, 1).toordinal()
return iso_year, ordinal
cdef tzinfo parse_timezone_directive(str z):
Parse the '%z' directive and return a pytz.FixedOffset
z : string of the UTC offset
This is essentially similar to the cpython implementation
int gmtoff_fraction, hours, minutes, seconds, pad_number, microseconds
int total_minutes
object gmtoff_remainder, gmtoff_remainder_padding
if z == 'Z':
return pytz.FixedOffset(0)
if z[3] == ':':
z = z[:3] + z[4:]
if len(z) > 5:
if z[5] != ':':
raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent use of : in {z}")
z = z[:5] + z[6:]
hours = int(z[1:3])
minutes = int(z[3:5])
seconds = int(z[5:7] or 0)
# Pad to always return microseconds.
gmtoff_remainder = z[8:]
pad_number = 6 - len(gmtoff_remainder)
gmtoff_remainder_padding = "0" * pad_number
microseconds = int(gmtoff_remainder + gmtoff_remainder_padding)
total_minutes = ((hours * 60) + minutes + (seconds // 60) +
(microseconds // 60_000_000))
total_minutes = -total_minutes if z.startswith("-") else total_minutes
return pytz.FixedOffset(total_minutes)