505 lines
17 KiB
505 lines
17 KiB
import itertools as it
from sympy.core.expr import unchanged
from sympy.core.function import Function
from sympy.core.numbers import I, oo, Rational
from sympy.core.power import Pow
from sympy.core.singleton import S
from sympy.core.symbol import Symbol
from sympy.external import import_module
from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import log
from sympy.functions.elementary.integers import floor, ceiling
from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import (sqrt, cbrt, root, Min,
Max, real_root, Rem)
from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import cos, sin
from sympy.functions.special.delta_functions import Heaviside
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify
from sympy.testing.pytest import raises, skip, ignore_warnings
def test_Min():
from sympy.abc import x, y, z
n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
n_ = Symbol('n_', negative=True)
nn = Symbol('nn', nonnegative=True)
nn_ = Symbol('nn_', nonnegative=True)
p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
p_ = Symbol('p_', positive=True)
np = Symbol('np', nonpositive=True)
np_ = Symbol('np_', nonpositive=True)
r = Symbol('r', real=True)
assert Min(5, 4) == 4
assert Min(-oo, -oo) is -oo
assert Min(-oo, n) is -oo
assert Min(n, -oo) is -oo
assert Min(-oo, np) is -oo
assert Min(np, -oo) is -oo
assert Min(-oo, 0) is -oo
assert Min(0, -oo) is -oo
assert Min(-oo, nn) is -oo
assert Min(nn, -oo) is -oo
assert Min(-oo, p) is -oo
assert Min(p, -oo) is -oo
assert Min(-oo, oo) is -oo
assert Min(oo, -oo) is -oo
assert Min(n, n) == n
assert unchanged(Min, n, np)
assert Min(np, n) == Min(n, np)
assert Min(n, 0) == n
assert Min(0, n) == n
assert Min(n, nn) == n
assert Min(nn, n) == n
assert Min(n, p) == n
assert Min(p, n) == n
assert Min(n, oo) == n
assert Min(oo, n) == n
assert Min(np, np) == np
assert Min(np, 0) == np
assert Min(0, np) == np
assert Min(np, nn) == np
assert Min(nn, np) == np
assert Min(np, p) == np
assert Min(p, np) == np
assert Min(np, oo) == np
assert Min(oo, np) == np
assert Min(0, 0) == 0
assert Min(0, nn) == 0
assert Min(nn, 0) == 0
assert Min(0, p) == 0
assert Min(p, 0) == 0
assert Min(0, oo) == 0
assert Min(oo, 0) == 0
assert Min(nn, nn) == nn
assert unchanged(Min, nn, p)
assert Min(p, nn) == Min(nn, p)
assert Min(nn, oo) == nn
assert Min(oo, nn) == nn
assert Min(p, p) == p
assert Min(p, oo) == p
assert Min(oo, p) == p
assert Min(oo, oo) is oo
assert Min(n, n_).func is Min
assert Min(nn, nn_).func is Min
assert Min(np, np_).func is Min
assert Min(p, p_).func is Min
# lists
assert Min() is S.Infinity
assert Min(x) == x
assert Min(x, y) == Min(y, x)
assert Min(x, y, z) == Min(z, y, x)
assert Min(x, Min(y, z)) == Min(z, y, x)
assert Min(x, Max(y, -oo)) == Min(x, y)
assert Min(p, oo, n, p, p, p_) == n
assert Min(p_, n_, p) == n_
assert Min(n, oo, -7, p, p, 2) == Min(n, -7)
assert Min(2, x, p, n, oo, n_, p, 2, -2, -2) == Min(-2, x, n, n_)
assert Min(0, x, 1, y) == Min(0, x, y)
assert Min(1000, 100, -100, x, p, n) == Min(n, x, -100)
assert unchanged(Min, sin(x), cos(x))
assert Min(sin(x), cos(x)) == Min(cos(x), sin(x))
assert Min(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, 1) == cos(1)
assert Min(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, S.Half) == sin(S.Half)
raises(ValueError, lambda: Min(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, I))
raises(ValueError, lambda: Min(I))
raises(ValueError, lambda: Min(I, x))
raises(ValueError, lambda: Min(S.ComplexInfinity, x))
assert Min(1, x).diff(x) == Heaviside(1 - x)
assert Min(x, 1).diff(x) == Heaviside(1 - x)
assert Min(0, -x, 1 - 2*x).diff(x) == -Heaviside(x + Min(0, -2*x + 1)) \
- 2*Heaviside(2*x + Min(0, -x) - 1)
# issue 7619
f = Function('f')
assert Min(1, 2*Min(f(1), 2)) # doesn't fail
# issue 7233
e = Min(0, x)
assert e.n().args == (0, x)
# issue 8643
m = Min(n, p_, n_, r)
assert m.is_positive is False
assert m.is_nonnegative is False
assert m.is_negative is True
m = Min(p, p_)
assert m.is_positive is True
assert m.is_nonnegative is True
assert m.is_negative is False
m = Min(p, nn_, p_)
assert m.is_positive is None
assert m.is_nonnegative is True
assert m.is_negative is False
m = Min(nn, p, r)
assert m.is_positive is None
assert m.is_nonnegative is None
assert m.is_negative is None
def test_Max():
from sympy.abc import x, y, z
n = Symbol('n', negative=True)
n_ = Symbol('n_', negative=True)
nn = Symbol('nn', nonnegative=True)
p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
p_ = Symbol('p_', positive=True)
r = Symbol('r', real=True)
assert Max(5, 4) == 5
# lists
assert Max() is S.NegativeInfinity
assert Max(x) == x
assert Max(x, y) == Max(y, x)
assert Max(x, y, z) == Max(z, y, x)
assert Max(x, Max(y, z)) == Max(z, y, x)
assert Max(x, Min(y, oo)) == Max(x, y)
assert Max(n, -oo, n_, p, 2) == Max(p, 2)
assert Max(n, -oo, n_, p) == p
assert Max(2, x, p, n, -oo, S.NegativeInfinity, n_, p, 2) == Max(2, x, p)
assert Max(0, x, 1, y) == Max(1, x, y)
assert Max(r, r + 1, r - 1) == 1 + r
assert Max(1000, 100, -100, x, p, n) == Max(p, x, 1000)
assert Max(cos(x), sin(x)) == Max(sin(x), cos(x))
assert Max(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, 1) == sin(1)
assert Max(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, S.Half) == cos(S.Half)
raises(ValueError, lambda: Max(cos(x), sin(x)).subs(x, I))
raises(ValueError, lambda: Max(I))
raises(ValueError, lambda: Max(I, x))
raises(ValueError, lambda: Max(S.ComplexInfinity, 1))
assert Max(n, -oo, n_, p, 2) == Max(p, 2)
assert Max(n, -oo, n_, p, 1000) == Max(p, 1000)
assert Max(1, x).diff(x) == Heaviside(x - 1)
assert Max(x, 1).diff(x) == Heaviside(x - 1)
assert Max(x**2, 1 + x, 1).diff(x) == \
2*x*Heaviside(x**2 - Max(1, x + 1)) \
+ Heaviside(x - Max(1, x**2) + 1)
e = Max(0, x)
assert e.n().args == (0, x)
# issue 8643
m = Max(p, p_, n, r)
assert m.is_positive is True
assert m.is_nonnegative is True
assert m.is_negative is False
m = Max(n, n_)
assert m.is_positive is False
assert m.is_nonnegative is False
assert m.is_negative is True
m = Max(n, n_, r)
assert m.is_positive is None
assert m.is_nonnegative is None
assert m.is_negative is None
m = Max(n, nn, r)
assert m.is_positive is None
assert m.is_nonnegative is True
assert m.is_negative is False
def test_minmax_assumptions():
r = Symbol('r', real=True)
a = Symbol('a', real=True, algebraic=True)
t = Symbol('t', real=True, transcendental=True)
q = Symbol('q', rational=True)
p = Symbol('p', irrational=True)
n = Symbol('n', rational=True, integer=False)
i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
o = Symbol('o', odd=True)
e = Symbol('e', even=True)
k = Symbol('k', prime=True)
reals = [r, a, t, q, p, n, i, o, e, k]
for ext in (Max, Min):
for x, y in it.product(reals, repeat=2):
# Must be real
assert ext(x, y).is_real
# Algebraic?
if x.is_algebraic and y.is_algebraic:
assert ext(x, y).is_algebraic
elif x.is_transcendental and y.is_transcendental:
assert ext(x, y).is_transcendental
assert ext(x, y).is_algebraic is None
# Rational?
if x.is_rational and y.is_rational:
assert ext(x, y).is_rational
elif x.is_irrational and y.is_irrational:
assert ext(x, y).is_irrational
assert ext(x, y).is_rational is None
# Integer?
if x.is_integer and y.is_integer:
assert ext(x, y).is_integer
elif x.is_noninteger and y.is_noninteger:
assert ext(x, y).is_noninteger
assert ext(x, y).is_integer is None
# Odd?
if x.is_odd and y.is_odd:
assert ext(x, y).is_odd
elif x.is_odd is False and y.is_odd is False:
assert ext(x, y).is_odd is False
assert ext(x, y).is_odd is None
# Even?
if x.is_even and y.is_even:
assert ext(x, y).is_even
elif x.is_even is False and y.is_even is False:
assert ext(x, y).is_even is False
assert ext(x, y).is_even is None
# Prime?
if x.is_prime and y.is_prime:
assert ext(x, y).is_prime
elif x.is_prime is False and y.is_prime is False:
assert ext(x, y).is_prime is False
assert ext(x, y).is_prime is None
def test_issue_8413():
x = Symbol('x', real=True)
# we can't evaluate in general because non-reals are not
# comparable: Min(floor(3.2 + I), 3.2 + I) -> ValueError
assert Min(floor(x), x) == floor(x)
assert Min(ceiling(x), x) == x
assert Max(floor(x), x) == x
assert Max(ceiling(x), x) == ceiling(x)
def test_root():
from sympy.abc import x
n = Symbol('n', integer=True)
k = Symbol('k', integer=True)
assert root(2, 2) == sqrt(2)
assert root(2, 1) == 2
assert root(2, 3) == 2**Rational(1, 3)
assert root(2, 3) == cbrt(2)
assert root(2, -5) == 2**Rational(4, 5)/2
assert root(-2, 1) == -2
assert root(-2, 2) == sqrt(2)*I
assert root(-2, 1) == -2
assert root(x, 2) == sqrt(x)
assert root(x, 1) == x
assert root(x, 3) == x**Rational(1, 3)
assert root(x, 3) == cbrt(x)
assert root(x, -5) == x**Rational(-1, 5)
assert root(x, n) == x**(1/n)
assert root(x, -n) == x**(-1/n)
assert root(x, n, k) == (-1)**(2*k/n)*x**(1/n)
def test_real_root():
assert real_root(-8, 3) == -2
assert real_root(-16, 4) == root(-16, 4)
r = root(-7, 4)
assert real_root(r) == r
r1 = root(-1, 3)
r2 = r1**2
r3 = root(-1, 4)
assert real_root(r1 + r2 + r3) == -1 + r2 + r3
assert real_root(root(-2, 3)) == -root(2, 3)
assert real_root(-8., 3) == -2.0
x = Symbol('x')
n = Symbol('n')
g = real_root(x, n)
assert g.subs({"x": -8, "n": 3}) == -2
assert g.subs({"x": 8, "n": 3}) == 2
# give principle root if there is no real root -- if this is not desired
# then maybe a Root class is needed to raise an error instead
assert g.subs({"x": I, "n": 3}) == cbrt(I)
assert g.subs({"x": -8, "n": 2}) == sqrt(-8)
assert g.subs({"x": I, "n": 2}) == sqrt(I)
def test_issue_11463():
numpy = import_module('numpy')
if not numpy:
skip("numpy not installed.")
x = Symbol('x')
f = lambdify(x, real_root((log(x/(x-2))), 3), 'numpy')
# numpy.select evaluates all options before considering conditions,
# so it raises a warning about root of negative number which does
# not affect the outcome. This warning is suppressed here
with ignore_warnings(RuntimeWarning):
assert f(numpy.array(-1)) < -1
def test_rewrite_MaxMin_as_Heaviside():
from sympy.abc import x
assert Max(0, x).rewrite(Heaviside) == x*Heaviside(x)
assert Max(3, x).rewrite(Heaviside) == x*Heaviside(x - 3) + \
3*Heaviside(-x + 3)
assert Max(0, x+2, 2*x).rewrite(Heaviside) == \
2*x*Heaviside(2*x)*Heaviside(x - 2) + \
(x + 2)*Heaviside(-x + 2)*Heaviside(x + 2)
assert Min(0, x).rewrite(Heaviside) == x*Heaviside(-x)
assert Min(3, x).rewrite(Heaviside) == x*Heaviside(-x + 3) + \
3*Heaviside(x - 3)
assert Min(x, -x, -2).rewrite(Heaviside) == \
x*Heaviside(-2*x)*Heaviside(-x - 2) - \
x*Heaviside(2*x)*Heaviside(x - 2) \
- 2*Heaviside(-x + 2)*Heaviside(x + 2)
def test_rewrite_MaxMin_as_Piecewise():
from sympy.core.symbol import symbols
from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise
x, y, z, a, b = symbols('x y z a b', real=True)
vx, vy, va = symbols('vx vy va')
assert Max(a, b).rewrite(Piecewise) == Piecewise((a, a >= b), (b, True))
assert Max(x, y, z).rewrite(Piecewise) == Piecewise((x, (x >= y) & (x >= z)), (y, y >= z), (z, True))
assert Max(x, y, a, b).rewrite(Piecewise) == Piecewise((a, (a >= b) & (a >= x) & (a >= y)),
(b, (b >= x) & (b >= y)), (x, x >= y), (y, True))
assert Min(a, b).rewrite(Piecewise) == Piecewise((a, a <= b), (b, True))
assert Min(x, y, z).rewrite(Piecewise) == Piecewise((x, (x <= y) & (x <= z)), (y, y <= z), (z, True))
assert Min(x, y, a, b).rewrite(Piecewise) == Piecewise((a, (a <= b) & (a <= x) & (a <= y)),
(b, (b <= x) & (b <= y)), (x, x <= y), (y, True))
# Piecewise rewriting of Min/Max does also takes place for not explicitly real arguments
assert Max(vx, vy).rewrite(Piecewise) == Piecewise((vx, vx >= vy), (vy, True))
assert Min(va, vx, vy).rewrite(Piecewise) == Piecewise((va, (va <= vx) & (va <= vy)), (vx, vx <= vy), (vy, True))
def test_issue_11099():
from sympy.abc import x, y
# some fixed value tests
fixed_test_data = {x: -2, y: 3}
assert Min(x, y).evalf(subs=fixed_test_data) == \
Min(x, y).subs(fixed_test_data).evalf()
assert Max(x, y).evalf(subs=fixed_test_data) == \
Max(x, y).subs(fixed_test_data).evalf()
# randomly generate some test data
from sympy.core.random import randint
for i in range(20):
random_test_data = {x: randint(-100, 100), y: randint(-100, 100)}
assert Min(x, y).evalf(subs=random_test_data) == \
Min(x, y).subs(random_test_data).evalf()
assert Max(x, y).evalf(subs=random_test_data) == \
Max(x, y).subs(random_test_data).evalf()
def test_issue_12638():
from sympy.abc import a, b, c
assert Min(a, b, c, Max(a, b)) == Min(a, b, c)
assert Min(a, b, Max(a, b, c)) == Min(a, b)
assert Min(a, b, Max(a, c)) == Min(a, b)
def test_issue_21399():
from sympy.abc import a, b, c
assert Max(Min(a, b), Min(a, b, c)) == Min(a, b)
def test_instantiation_evaluation():
from sympy.abc import v, w, x, y, z
assert Min(1, Max(2, x)) == 1
assert Max(3, Min(2, x)) == 3
assert Min(Max(x, y), Max(x, z)) == Max(x, Min(y, z))
assert set(Min(Max(w, x), Max(y, z)).args) == {
Max(w, x), Max(y, z)}
assert Min(Max(x, y), Max(x, z), w) == Min(
w, Max(x, Min(y, z)))
A, B = Min, Max
for i in range(2):
assert A(x, B(x, y)) == x
assert A(x, B(y, A(x, w, z))) == A(x, B(y, A(w, z)))
A, B = B, A
assert Min(w, Max(x, y), Max(v, x, z)) == Min(
w, Max(x, Min(y, Max(v, z))))
def test_rewrite_as_Abs():
from itertools import permutations
from sympy.functions.elementary.complexes import Abs
from sympy.abc import x, y, z, w
def test(e):
free = e.free_symbols
a = e.rewrite(Abs)
assert not a.has(Min, Max)
for i in permutations(range(len(free))):
reps = dict(zip(free, i))
assert a.xreplace(reps) == e.xreplace(reps)
test(Min(x, y))
test(Max(x, y))
test(Min(x, y, z))
test(Min(Max(w, x), Max(y, z)))
def test_issue_14000():
assert isinstance(sqrt(4, evaluate=False), Pow) == True
assert isinstance(cbrt(3.5, evaluate=False), Pow) == True
assert isinstance(root(16, 4, evaluate=False), Pow) == True
assert sqrt(4, evaluate=False) == Pow(4, S.Half, evaluate=False)
assert cbrt(3.5, evaluate=False) == Pow(3.5, Rational(1, 3), evaluate=False)
assert root(4, 2, evaluate=False) == Pow(4, S.Half, evaluate=False)
assert root(16, 4, 2, evaluate=False).has(Pow) == True
assert real_root(-8, 3, evaluate=False).has(Pow) == True
def test_issue_6899():
from sympy.core.function import Lambda
x = Symbol('x')
eqn = Lambda(x, x)
assert eqn.func(*eqn.args) == eqn
def test_Rem():
from sympy.abc import x, y
assert Rem(5, 3) == 2
assert Rem(-5, 3) == -2
assert Rem(5, -3) == 2
assert Rem(-5, -3) == -2
assert Rem(x**3, y) == Rem(x**3, y)
assert Rem(Rem(-5, 3) + 3, 3) == 1
def test_minmax_no_evaluate():
from sympy import evaluate
p = Symbol('p', positive=True)
assert Max(1, 3) == 3
assert Max(1, 3).args == ()
assert Max(0, p) == p
assert Max(0, p).args == ()
assert Min(0, p) == 0
assert Min(0, p).args == ()
assert Max(1, 3, evaluate=False) != 3
assert Max(1, 3, evaluate=False).args == (1, 3)
assert Max(0, p, evaluate=False) != p
assert Max(0, p, evaluate=False).args == (0, p)
assert Min(0, p, evaluate=False) != 0
assert Min(0, p, evaluate=False).args == (0, p)
with evaluate(False):
assert Max(1, 3) != 3
assert Max(1, 3).args == (1, 3)
assert Max(0, p) != p
assert Max(0, p).args == (0, p)
assert Min(0, p) != 0
assert Min(0, p).args == (0, p)