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2024-05-11 23:00:43 +03:00
from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import os
import re
import time
import typing
from base64 import b64encode
from urllib.request import parse_http_list
from ._exceptions import ProtocolError
from ._models import Cookies, Request, Response
from ._utils import to_bytes, to_str, unquote
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from hashlib import _Hash
class Auth:
Base class for all authentication schemes.
To implement a custom authentication scheme, subclass `Auth` and override
the `.auth_flow()` method.
If the authentication scheme does I/O such as disk access or network calls, or uses
synchronization primitives such as locks, you should override `.sync_auth_flow()`
and/or `.async_auth_flow()` instead of `.auth_flow()` to provide specialized
implementations that will be used by `Client` and `AsyncClient` respectively.
requires_request_body = False
requires_response_body = False
def auth_flow(self, request: Request) -> typing.Generator[Request, Response, None]:
Execute the authentication flow.
To dispatch a request, `yield` it:
yield request
The client will `.send()` the response back into the flow generator. You can
access it like so:
response = yield request
A `return` (or reaching the end of the generator) will result in the
client returning the last response obtained from the server.
You can dispatch as many requests as is necessary.
yield request
def sync_auth_flow(
self, request: Request
) -> typing.Generator[Request, Response, None]:
Execute the authentication flow synchronously.
By default, this defers to `.auth_flow()`. You should override this method
when the authentication scheme does I/O and/or uses concurrency primitives.
if self.requires_request_body:
flow = self.auth_flow(request)
request = next(flow)
while True:
response = yield request
if self.requires_response_body:
request = flow.send(response)
except StopIteration:
async def async_auth_flow(
self, request: Request
) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[Request, Response]:
Execute the authentication flow asynchronously.
By default, this defers to `.auth_flow()`. You should override this method
when the authentication scheme does I/O and/or uses concurrency primitives.
if self.requires_request_body:
await request.aread()
flow = self.auth_flow(request)
request = next(flow)
while True:
response = yield request
if self.requires_response_body:
await response.aread()
request = flow.send(response)
except StopIteration:
class FunctionAuth(Auth):
Allows the 'auth' argument to be passed as a simple callable function,
that takes the request, and returns a new, modified request.
def __init__(self, func: typing.Callable[[Request], Request]) -> None:
self._func = func
def auth_flow(self, request: Request) -> typing.Generator[Request, Response, None]:
yield self._func(request)
class BasicAuth(Auth):
Allows the 'auth' argument to be passed as a (username, password) pair,
and uses HTTP Basic authentication.
def __init__(self, username: str | bytes, password: str | bytes) -> None:
self._auth_header = self._build_auth_header(username, password)
def auth_flow(self, request: Request) -> typing.Generator[Request, Response, None]:
request.headers["Authorization"] = self._auth_header
yield request
def _build_auth_header(self, username: str | bytes, password: str | bytes) -> str:
userpass = b":".join((to_bytes(username), to_bytes(password)))
token = b64encode(userpass).decode()
return f"Basic {token}"
class NetRCAuth(Auth):
Use a 'netrc' file to lookup basic auth credentials based on the url host.
def __init__(self, file: str | None = None) -> None:
# Lazily import 'netrc'.
# There's no need for us to load this module unless 'NetRCAuth' is being used.
import netrc
self._netrc_info = netrc.netrc(file)
def auth_flow(self, request: Request) -> typing.Generator[Request, Response, None]:
auth_info = self._netrc_info.authenticators(
if auth_info is None or not auth_info[2]:
# The netrc file did not have authentication credentials for this host.
yield request
# Build a basic auth header with credentials from the netrc file.
request.headers["Authorization"] = self._build_auth_header(
username=auth_info[0], password=auth_info[2]
yield request
def _build_auth_header(self, username: str | bytes, password: str | bytes) -> str:
userpass = b":".join((to_bytes(username), to_bytes(password)))
token = b64encode(userpass).decode()
return f"Basic {token}"
class DigestAuth(Auth):
_ALGORITHM_TO_HASH_FUNCTION: dict[str, typing.Callable[[bytes], _Hash]] = {
"MD5": hashlib.md5,
"MD5-SESS": hashlib.md5,
"SHA": hashlib.sha1,
"SHA-SESS": hashlib.sha1,
"SHA-256": hashlib.sha256,
"SHA-256-SESS": hashlib.sha256,
"SHA-512": hashlib.sha512,
"SHA-512-SESS": hashlib.sha512,
def __init__(self, username: str | bytes, password: str | bytes) -> None:
self._username = to_bytes(username)
self._password = to_bytes(password)
self._last_challenge: _DigestAuthChallenge | None = None
self._nonce_count = 1
def auth_flow(self, request: Request) -> typing.Generator[Request, Response, None]:
if self._last_challenge:
request.headers["Authorization"] = self._build_auth_header(
request, self._last_challenge
response = yield request
if response.status_code != 401 or "www-authenticate" not in response.headers:
# If the response is not a 401 then we don't
# need to build an authenticated request.
for auth_header in response.headers.get_list("www-authenticate"):
if auth_header.lower().startswith("digest "):
# If the response does not include a 'WWW-Authenticate: Digest ...'
# header, then we don't need to build an authenticated request.
self._last_challenge = self._parse_challenge(request, response, auth_header)
self._nonce_count = 1
request.headers["Authorization"] = self._build_auth_header(
request, self._last_challenge
if response.cookies:
yield request
def _parse_challenge(
self, request: Request, response: Response, auth_header: str
) -> _DigestAuthChallenge:
Returns a challenge from a Digest WWW-Authenticate header.
These take the form of:
`Digest realm="",qop="auth,auth-int",nonce="abc",opaque="xyz"`
scheme, _, fields = auth_header.partition(" ")
# This method should only ever have been called with a Digest auth header.
assert scheme.lower() == "digest"
header_dict: dict[str, str] = {}
for field in parse_http_list(fields):
key, value = field.strip().split("=", 1)
header_dict[key] = unquote(value)
realm = header_dict["realm"].encode()
nonce = header_dict["nonce"].encode()
algorithm = header_dict.get("algorithm", "MD5")
opaque = header_dict["opaque"].encode() if "opaque" in header_dict else None
qop = header_dict["qop"].encode() if "qop" in header_dict else None
return _DigestAuthChallenge(
realm=realm, nonce=nonce, algorithm=algorithm, opaque=opaque, qop=qop
except KeyError as exc:
message = "Malformed Digest WWW-Authenticate header"
raise ProtocolError(message, request=request) from exc
def _build_auth_header(
self, request: Request, challenge: _DigestAuthChallenge
) -> str:
hash_func = self._ALGORITHM_TO_HASH_FUNCTION[challenge.algorithm.upper()]
def digest(data: bytes) -> bytes:
return hash_func(data).hexdigest().encode()
A1 = b":".join((self._username, challenge.realm, self._password))
path = request.url.raw_path
A2 = b":".join((request.method.encode(), path))
# TODO: implement auth-int
HA2 = digest(A2)
nc_value = b"%08x" % self._nonce_count
cnonce = self._get_client_nonce(self._nonce_count, challenge.nonce)
self._nonce_count += 1
HA1 = digest(A1)
if challenge.algorithm.lower().endswith("-sess"):
HA1 = digest(b":".join((HA1, challenge.nonce, cnonce)))
qop = self._resolve_qop(challenge.qop, request=request)
if qop is None:
# Following RFC 2069
digest_data = [HA1, challenge.nonce, HA2]
# Following RFC 2617/7616
digest_data = [HA1, challenge.nonce, nc_value, cnonce, qop, HA2]
format_args = {
"username": self._username,
"realm": challenge.realm,
"nonce": challenge.nonce,
"uri": path,
"response": digest(b":".join(digest_data)),
"algorithm": challenge.algorithm.encode(),
if challenge.opaque:
format_args["opaque"] = challenge.opaque
if qop:
format_args["qop"] = b"auth"
format_args["nc"] = nc_value
format_args["cnonce"] = cnonce
return "Digest " + self._get_header_value(format_args)
def _get_client_nonce(self, nonce_count: int, nonce: bytes) -> bytes:
s = str(nonce_count).encode()
s += nonce
s += time.ctime().encode()
s += os.urandom(8)
return hashlib.sha1(s).hexdigest()[:16].encode()
def _get_header_value(self, header_fields: dict[str, bytes]) -> str:
NON_QUOTED_FIELDS = ("algorithm", "qop", "nc")
header_value = ""
for i, (field, value) in enumerate(header_fields.items()):
if i > 0:
header_value += ", "
template = (
if field not in NON_QUOTED_FIELDS
header_value += template.format(field, to_str(value))
return header_value
def _resolve_qop(self, qop: bytes | None, request: Request) -> bytes | None:
if qop is None:
return None
qops = re.split(b", ?", qop)
if b"auth" in qops:
return b"auth"
if qops == [b"auth-int"]:
raise NotImplementedError("Digest auth-int support is not yet implemented")
message = f'Unexpected qop value "{qop!r}" in digest auth'
raise ProtocolError(message, request=request)
class _DigestAuthChallenge(typing.NamedTuple):
realm: bytes
nonce: bytes
algorithm: str
opaque: bytes | None
qop: bytes | None