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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
import importlib
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import types
from unittest import mock
import pytest
import lazy_loader as lazy
def test_lazy_import_basics():
math = lazy.load("math")
anything_not_real = lazy.load("anything_not_real")
# Now test that accessing attributes does what it should
assert math.sin(math.pi) == pytest.approx(0, 1e-6)
# poor-mans pytest.raises for testing errors on attribute access
raise AssertionError() # Should not get here
except ModuleNotFoundError:
assert isinstance(anything_not_real, lazy.DelayedImportErrorModule)
# see if it changes for second access
raise AssertionError() # Should not get here
except ModuleNotFoundError:
def test_lazy_import_subpackages():
with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning):
hp = lazy.load("html.parser")
assert "html" in sys.modules
assert type(sys.modules["html"]) == type(pytest)
assert isinstance(hp, importlib.util._LazyModule)
assert "html.parser" in sys.modules
assert sys.modules["html.parser"] == hp
def test_lazy_import_impact_on_sys_modules():
math = lazy.load("math")
anything_not_real = lazy.load("anything_not_real")
assert isinstance(math, types.ModuleType)
assert "math" in sys.modules
assert isinstance(anything_not_real, lazy.DelayedImportErrorModule)
assert "anything_not_real" not in sys.modules
# only do this if numpy is installed
np = lazy.load("numpy")
assert isinstance(np, types.ModuleType)
assert "numpy" in sys.modules
np.pi # trigger load of numpy
assert isinstance(np, types.ModuleType)
assert "numpy" in sys.modules
def test_lazy_import_nonbuiltins():
np = lazy.load("numpy")
sp = lazy.load("scipy")
if not isinstance(np, lazy.DelayedImportErrorModule):
assert np.sin(np.pi) == pytest.approx(0, 1e-6)
if isinstance(sp, lazy.DelayedImportErrorModule):
raise AssertionError()
except ModuleNotFoundError:
def test_lazy_attach():
name = "mymod"
submods = ["mysubmodule", "anothersubmodule"]
myall = {"not_real_submod": ["some_var_or_func"]}
locls = {
"attach": lazy.attach,
"name": name,
"submods": submods,
"myall": myall,
s = "__getattr__, __lazy_dir__, __all__ = attach(name, submods, myall)"
exec(s, {}, locls)
expected = {
"attach": lazy.attach,
"name": name,
"submods": submods,
"myall": myall,
"__getattr__": None,
"__lazy_dir__": None,
"__all__": None,
assert locls.keys() == expected.keys()
for k, v in expected.items():
if v is not None:
assert locls[k] == v
def test_attach_same_module_and_attr_name():
from lazy_loader.tests import fake_pkg
# Grab attribute twice, to ensure that importing it does not
# override function by module
assert isinstance(fake_pkg.some_func, types.FunctionType)
assert isinstance(fake_pkg.some_func, types.FunctionType)
# Ensure imports from submodule still work
from lazy_loader.tests.fake_pkg.some_func import some_func
assert isinstance(some_func, types.FunctionType)
from . import rank
from ._gaussian import gaussian
from .edges import sobel, scharr, prewitt, roberts
def test_stub_loading(tmp_path):
stub = tmp_path / "stub.pyi"
_get, _dir, _all = lazy.attach_stub("my_module", str(stub))
expect = {"gaussian", "sobel", "scharr", "prewitt", "roberts", "rank"}
assert set(_dir()) == set(_all) == expect
def test_stub_loading_parity():
from lazy_loader.tests import fake_pkg
from_stub = lazy.attach_stub(fake_pkg.__name__, fake_pkg.__file__)
stub_getter, stub_dir, stub_all = from_stub
assert stub_all == fake_pkg.__all__
assert stub_dir() == fake_pkg.__lazy_dir__()
assert stub_getter("some_func") == fake_pkg.some_func
def test_stub_loading_errors(tmp_path):
stub = tmp_path / "stub.pyi"
stub.write_text("from ..mod import func\n")
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Only within-module imports are supported"):
lazy.attach_stub("name", str(stub))
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot load imports from non-existent stub"):
lazy.attach_stub("name", "not a file")
stub2 = tmp_path / "stub2.pyi"
stub2.write_text("from .mod import *\n")
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=".*does not support star import"):
lazy.attach_stub("name", str(stub2))
def test_require_kwarg():
have_importlib_metadata = importlib.util.find_spec("importlib.metadata") is not None
dot = "." if have_importlib_metadata else "_"
# Test with a module that definitely exists, behavior hinges on requirement
with mock.patch(f"importlib{dot}metadata.version") as version:
version.return_value = "1.0.0"
math = lazy.load("math", require="somepkg >= 2.0")
assert isinstance(math, lazy.DelayedImportErrorModule)
math = lazy.load("math", require="somepkg >= 1.0")
assert math.sin(math.pi) == pytest.approx(0, 1e-6)
# We can fail even after a successful import
math = lazy.load("math", require="somepkg >= 2.0")
assert isinstance(math, lazy.DelayedImportErrorModule)
# When a module can be loaded but the version can't be checked,
# raise a ValueError
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
lazy.load("math", require="somepkg >= 1.0")
def test_parallel_load():
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ""),