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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
Implement the random and np.random module functions.
import math
import random
import numpy as np
from llvmlite import ir
from numba.core.cgutils import is_nonelike
from numba.core.extending import intrinsic, overload, register_jitable
from numba.core.imputils import (Registry, impl_ret_untracked,
from numba.core.typing import signature
from numba.core import types, cgutils
from import arrayobj
from numba.core.errors import NumbaTypeError
registry = Registry('randomimpl')
lower = registry.lower
int32_t = ir.IntType(32)
int64_t = ir.IntType(64)
def const_int(x):
return ir.Constant(int32_t, x)
double = ir.DoubleType()
N = 624
N_const = ir.Constant(int32_t, N)
# This is the same struct as rnd_state_t in _random.c.
rnd_state_t = ir.LiteralStructType([
# index
# mt[N]
ir.ArrayType(int32_t, N),
# has_gauss
# gauss
# is_initialized
rnd_state_ptr_t = ir.PointerType(rnd_state_t)
def get_state_ptr(context, builder, name):
Get a pointer to the given thread-local random state
(depending on *name*: "py" or "np").
If the state isn't initialized, it is lazily initialized with
system entropy.
assert name in ('py', 'np', 'internal')
func_name = "numba_get_%s_random_state" % name
fnty = ir.FunctionType(rnd_state_ptr_t, ())
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.module, fnty, func_name)
# These two attributes allow LLVM to hoist the function call
# outside of loops.
return, ())
def get_py_state_ptr(context, builder):
Get a pointer to the thread-local Python random state.
return get_state_ptr(context, builder, 'py')
def get_np_state_ptr(context, builder):
Get a pointer to the thread-local Numpy random state.
return get_state_ptr(context, builder, 'np')
def get_internal_state_ptr(context, builder):
Get a pointer to the thread-local internal random state.
return get_state_ptr(context, builder, 'internal')
# Accessors
def get_index_ptr(builder, state_ptr):
return cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, state_ptr, 0, 0)
def get_array_ptr(builder, state_ptr):
return cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, state_ptr, 0, 1)
def get_has_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr):
return cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, state_ptr, 0, 2)
def get_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr):
return cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, state_ptr, 0, 3)
def get_rnd_shuffle(builder):
Get the internal function to shuffle the MT taste.
fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), (rnd_state_ptr_t,))
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.function.module, fnty,
return fn
def get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr):
Get the next int32 generated by the PRNG at *state_ptr*.
idxptr = get_index_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
idx = builder.load(idxptr)
need_reshuffle = builder.icmp_unsigned('>=', idx, N_const)
with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, need_reshuffle):
fn = get_rnd_shuffle(builder), (state_ptr,)), idxptr)
idx = builder.load(idxptr)
array_ptr = get_array_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
y = builder.load(cgutils.gep_inbounds(builder, array_ptr, 0, idx))
idx = builder.add(idx, const_int(1)), idxptr)
# Tempering
y = builder.xor(y, builder.lshr(y, const_int(11)))
y = builder.xor(y, builder.and_(builder.shl(y, const_int(7)),
y = builder.xor(y, builder.and_(builder.shl(y, const_int(15)),
y = builder.xor(y, builder.lshr(y, const_int(18)))
return y
def get_next_double(context, builder, state_ptr):
Get the next double generated by the PRNG at *state_ptr*.
# a = rk_random(state) >> 5, b = rk_random(state) >> 6;
a = builder.lshr(get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr), const_int(5))
b = builder.lshr(get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr), const_int(6))
# return (a * 67108864.0 + b) / 9007199254740992.0;
a = builder.uitofp(a, double)
b = builder.uitofp(b, double)
return builder.fdiv(
builder.fadd(b, builder.fmul(a, ir.Constant(double, 67108864.0))),
ir.Constant(double, 9007199254740992.0))
def get_next_int(context, builder, state_ptr, nbits, is_numpy):
Get the next integer with width *nbits*.
c32 = ir.Constant(nbits.type, 32)
def get_shifted_int(nbits):
shift = builder.sub(c32, nbits)
y = get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr)
# This truncation/extension is safe because 0 < nbits <= 64
if nbits.type.width < y.type.width:
shift = builder.zext(shift, y.type)
elif nbits.type.width > y.type.width:
shift = builder.trunc(shift, y.type)
if is_numpy:
# Use the last N bits, to match np.random
mask = builder.not_(ir.Constant(y.type, 0))
mask = builder.lshr(mask, shift)
return builder.and_(y, mask)
# Use the first N bits, to match CPython random
return builder.lshr(y, shift)
ret = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, ir.Constant(int64_t, 0))
is_32b = builder.icmp_unsigned('<=', nbits, c32)
with builder.if_else(is_32b) as (ifsmall, iflarge):
with ifsmall:
low = get_shifted_int(nbits), int64_t), ret)
with iflarge:
# XXX This assumes nbits <= 64
if is_numpy:
# Get the high bits first to match np.random
high = get_shifted_int(builder.sub(nbits, c32))
low = get_next_int32(context, builder, state_ptr)
if not is_numpy:
# Get the high bits second to match CPython random
high = get_shifted_int(builder.sub(nbits, c32))
total = builder.add(
builder.zext(low, int64_t),
builder.shl(builder.zext(high, int64_t),
ir.Constant(int64_t, 32))), ret)
return builder.load(ret)
def seed_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, types.Integer):
fn = register_jitable(_seed_impl('py'))
def impl(a):
return fn(a)
return impl
def seed_impl(seed):
if isinstance(seed, types.Integer):
return _seed_impl('np')
def _seed_impl(state_type):
def _impl(typingcontext, seed):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
seed_value, = args
fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), (rnd_state_ptr_t, int32_t))
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.function.module, fnty,
'numba_rnd_init'), (get_state_ptr(context, builder, state_type),
return context.get_constant(types.none, None)
return signature(types.void, types.uint32), codegen
return lambda seed: _impl(seed)
def random_impl():
def _impl(typingcontext):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, "py")
return get_next_double(context, builder, state_ptr)
return signature(types.double), codegen
return lambda: _impl()
def random_impl0():
def _impl(typingcontext):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, "np")
return get_next_double(context, builder, state_ptr)
return signature(types.float64), codegen
return lambda: _impl()
def random_impl1(size=None):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda size=None: np.random.random()
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(size=None):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.random()
return out
return _impl
def gauss_impl(mu, sigma):
if isinstance(mu, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
sigma, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, mu, sigma):
loc_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(mu)
scale_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(sigma)
return signature(types.float64, mu, sigma),\
_gauss_impl("py", loc_preprocessor, scale_preprocessor)
return lambda mu, sigma: _impl(mu, sigma)
def np_gauss_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0)
def np_gauss_impl1(loc):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda loc: np.random.normal(loc, 1.0)
def np_gauss_impl2(loc, scale):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, loc, scale):
loc_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(loc)
scale_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(scale)
return signature(types.float64, loc, scale),\
_gauss_impl("np", loc_preprocessor, scale_preprocessor)
return lambda loc, scale: _impl(loc, scale)
def standard_normal_impl1(size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda size: np.random.standard_normal()
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_normal()
return out
return _impl
def np_gauss_impl3(loc, scale, size):
if (isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
return lambda loc, scale, size: np.random.normal(loc, scale)
if (isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
(isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(loc, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.normal(loc, scale)
return out
return _impl
def _gauss_pair_impl(_random):
def compute_gauss_pair():
Compute a pair of numbers on the normal distribution.
while True:
x1 = 2.0 * _random() - 1.0
x2 = 2.0 * _random() - 1.0
r2 = x1*x1 + x2*x2
if r2 < 1.0 and r2 != 0.0:
# Box-Muller transform
f = math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(r2) / r2)
return f * x1, f * x2
return compute_gauss_pair
def _gauss_impl(state, loc_preprocessor, scale_preprocessor):
def _impl(context, builder, sig, args):
# The type for all computations (either float or double)
ty = sig.return_type
llty = context.get_data_type(ty)
_random = {"py": random.random,
"np": np.random.random}[state]
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, state)
ret = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, llty, name="result")
gauss_ptr = get_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
has_gauss_ptr = get_has_gauss_ptr(builder, state_ptr)
has_gauss = cgutils.is_true(builder, builder.load(has_gauss_ptr))
with builder.if_else(has_gauss) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
# if has_gauss: return it, ret), has_gauss_ptr)
with otherwise:
# if not has_gauss: compute a pair of numbers using the Box-Muller
# transform; keep one and return the other
pair = context.compile_internal(builder,
signature(types.UniTuple(ty, 2)),
first, second = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, pair, 2), gauss_ptr), ret), has_gauss_ptr)
mu, sigma = args
return builder.fadd(loc_preprocessor(builder, mu),
builder.fmul(scale_preprocessor(builder, sigma),
return _impl
def _double_preprocessor(value):
ty = ir.types.DoubleType()
if isinstance(value, types.Integer):
if value.signed:
return lambda builder, v: builder.sitofp(v, ty)
return lambda builder, v: builder.uitofp(v, ty)
elif isinstance(value, types.Float):
if value.bitwidth != 64:
return lambda builder, v: builder.fpext(v, ty)
return lambda _builder, v: v
raise TypeError("Cannot convert {} to floating point type" % value)
def getrandbits_impl(k):
if isinstance(k, types.Integer):
def _impl(typingcontext, k):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
nbits, = args
too_large = builder.icmp_unsigned(">=", nbits, const_int(65))
too_small = builder.icmp_unsigned("==", nbits, const_int(0))
with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, builder.or_(too_large,
msg = "getrandbits() limited to 64 bits"
context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, OverflowError,
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, "py")
return get_next_int(context, builder, state_ptr, nbits, False)
return signature(types.uint64, k), codegen
return lambda k: _impl(k)
def _randrange_impl(context, builder, start, stop, step, ty, signed, state):
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, state)
zero = ir.Constant(ty, 0)
one = ir.Constant(ty, 1)
nptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ty, name="n")
# n = stop - start, start), nptr)
with builder.if_then(builder.icmp_signed('<', step, zero)):
# n = (n + step + 1) // step
w = builder.add(builder.add(builder.load(nptr), step), one)
n = builder.sdiv(w, step), nptr)
with builder.if_then(builder.icmp_signed('>', step, one)):
# n = (n + step - 1) // step
w = builder.sub(builder.add(builder.load(nptr), step), one)
n = builder.sdiv(w, step), nptr)
n = builder.load(nptr)
with cgutils.if_unlikely(builder, builder.icmp_signed('<=', n, zero)):
# n <= 0
msg = "empty range for randrange()"
context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, ValueError, (msg,))
fnty = ir.FunctionType(ty, [ty, cgutils.true_bit.type])
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.function.module, fnty,
"llvm.ctlz.%s" % ty)
# Since the upper bound is exclusive, we need to subtract one before
# calculating the number of bits. This leads to a special case when
# n == 1; there's only one possible result, so we don't need bits from
# the PRNG. This case is handled separately towards the end of this
# function. CPython's implementation is simpler and just runs another
# iteration of the while loop when the resulting number is too large
# instead of subtracting one, to avoid needing to handle a special
# case. Thus, we only perform this subtraction for the NumPy case.
nm1 = builder.sub(n, one) if state == "np" else n
nbits = builder.trunc(, [nm1, cgutils.true_bit]), int32_t)
nbits = builder.sub(ir.Constant(int32_t, ty.width), nbits)
rptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ty, name="r")
def get_num():
bbwhile = builder.append_basic_block("while")
bbend = builder.append_basic_block("while.end")
r = get_next_int(context, builder, state_ptr, nbits, state == "np")
r = builder.trunc(r, ty)
too_large = builder.icmp_signed('>=', r, n)
builder.cbranch(too_large, bbwhile, bbend)
builder.position_at_end(bbend), rptr)
if state == "np":
# Handle n == 1 case, per previous comment.
with builder.if_else(builder.icmp_signed('==', n, one)) as (is_one, is_not_one):
with is_one:, rptr)
with is_not_one:
return builder.add(start, builder.mul(builder.load(rptr), step))
def randrange_impl_1(start):
if isinstance(start, types.Integer):
return lambda start: random.randrange(0, start, 1)
def randrange_impl_2(start, stop):
if isinstance(start, types.Integer) and isinstance(stop, types.Integer):
return lambda start, stop: random.randrange(start, stop, 1)
def _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, ty):
if ty.bitwidth != bitwidth:
return (ir.IRBuilder.sext if ty.signed
else ir.IRBuilder.zext)
return lambda _builder, v, _ty: v
def randrange_impl_3(start, stop, step):
if (isinstance(start, types.Integer) and isinstance(stop, types.Integer) and
isinstance(step, types.Integer)):
signed = max(start.signed, stop.signed, step.signed)
bitwidth = max(start.bitwidth, stop.bitwidth, step.bitwidth)
int_ty = types.Integer.from_bitwidth(bitwidth, signed)
llvm_type = ir.IntType(bitwidth)
start_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, start)
stop_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, stop)
step_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, step)
def _impl(typingcontext, start, stop, step):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
start, stop, step = args
start = start_preprocessor(builder, start, llvm_type)
stop = stop_preprocessor(builder, stop, llvm_type)
step = step_preprocessor(builder, step, llvm_type)
return _randrange_impl(context, builder, start, stop, step,
llvm_type, signed, 'py')
return signature(int_ty, start, stop, step), codegen
return lambda start, stop, step: _impl(start, stop, step)
def randint_impl_1(a, b):
if isinstance(a, types.Integer) and isinstance(b, types.Integer):
return lambda a, b: random.randrange(a, b + 1, 1)
def np_randint_impl_1(low):
if isinstance(low, types.Integer):
return lambda low: np.random.randint(0, low)
def np_randint_impl_2(low, high):
if isinstance(low, types.Integer) and isinstance(high, types.Integer):
signed = max(low.signed, high.signed)
bitwidth = max(low.bitwidth, high.bitwidth)
int_ty = types.Integer.from_bitwidth(bitwidth, signed)
llvm_type = ir.IntType(bitwidth)
start_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, low)
stop_preprocessor = _randrange_preprocessor(bitwidth, high)
def _impl(typingcontext, low, high):
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
start, stop = args
start = start_preprocessor(builder, start, llvm_type)
stop = stop_preprocessor(builder, stop, llvm_type)
step = ir.Constant(llvm_type, 1)
return _randrange_impl(context, builder, start, stop, step,
llvm_type, signed, 'np')
return signature(int_ty, low, high), codegen
return lambda low, high: _impl(low, high)
def np_randint_impl_3(low, high, size):
if (isinstance(low, types.Integer) and isinstance(high, types.Integer) and
return lambda low, high, size: np.random.randint(low, high)
if (isinstance(low, types.Integer) and isinstance(high, types.Integer) and
(isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
bitwidth = max(low.bitwidth, high.bitwidth)
result_type = getattr(np, f'int{bitwidth}')
def _impl(low, high, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=result_type)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.randint(low, high)
return out
return _impl
def np_uniform_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
def uniform_impl2(a, b):
if isinstance(a, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
b, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, a, b):
low_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(a)
high_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(b)
return signature(types.float64, a, b), uniform_impl(
'py', low_preprocessor, high_preprocessor)
return lambda a, b: _impl(a, b)
def np_uniform_impl2(low, high):
if isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, low, high):
low_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(low)
high_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(high)
return signature(types.float64, low, high), uniform_impl(
'np', low_preprocessor, high_preprocessor)
return lambda low, high: _impl(low, high)
def uniform_impl(state, a_preprocessor, b_preprocessor):
def impl(context, builder, sig, args):
state_ptr = get_state_ptr(context, builder, state)
a, b = args
a = a_preprocessor(builder, a)
b = b_preprocessor(builder, b)
width = builder.fsub(b, a)
r = get_next_double(context, builder, state_ptr)
return builder.fadd(a, builder.fmul(width, r))
return impl
def np_uniform_impl3(low, high, size):
if (isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
return lambda low, high, size: np.random.uniform(low, high)
if (isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
(isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(low, high, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.uniform(low, high)
return out
return _impl
def triangular_impl_2(low, high):
def _impl(low, high):
u = random.random()
c = 0.5
if u > c:
u = 1.0 - u
low, high = high, low
return low + (high - low) * math.sqrt(u * c)
if isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return _impl
def triangular_impl_3(low, high, mode):
if (isinstance(low, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
high, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
isinstance(mode, (types.Float, types.Integer))):
def _impl(low, high, mode):
if high == low:
return low
u = random.random()
c = (mode - low) / (high - low)
if u > c:
u = 1.0 - u
c = 1.0 - c
low, high = high, low
return low + (high - low) * math.sqrt(u * c)
return _impl
def triangular_impl_3(left, mode, right):
if (isinstance(left, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
mode, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
isinstance(right, (types.Float, types.Integer))):
def _impl(left, mode, right):
if right == left:
return left
u = np.random.random()
c = (mode - left) / (right - left)
if u > c:
u = 1.0 - u
c = 1.0 - c
left, right = right, left
return left + (right - left) * math.sqrt(u * c)
return _impl
def triangular_impl(left, mode, right, size=None):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda left, mode, right, size=None: np.random.triangular(left,
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(left, mode, right, size=None):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.triangular(left, mode, right)
return out
return _impl
def gammavariate_impl(alpha, beta):
if isinstance(alpha, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
beta, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return _gammavariate_impl(random.random)
def ol_np_random_gamma1(shape):
if isinstance(shape, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda shape: np.random.gamma(shape, 1.0)
def ol_np_random_gamma2(shape, scale):
if isinstance(shape, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
fn = register_jitable(_gammavariate_impl(np.random.random))
def impl(shape, scale):
return fn(shape, scale)
return impl
def _gammavariate_impl(_random):
def _impl(alpha, beta):
"""Gamma distribution. Taken from CPython.
SG_MAGICCONST = 1.0 + math.log(4.5)
# alpha > 0, beta > 0, mean is alpha*beta, variance is alpha*beta**2
# Warning: a few older sources define the gamma distribution in terms
# of alpha > -1.0
if alpha <= 0.0 or beta <= 0.0:
raise ValueError('gammavariate: alpha and beta must be > 0.0')
if alpha > 1.0:
# Uses R.C.H. Cheng, "The generation of Gamma
# variables with non-integral shape parameters",
# Applied Statistics, (1977), 26, No. 1, p71-74
ainv = math.sqrt(2.0 * alpha - 1.0)
bbb = alpha - math.log(4.0)
ccc = alpha + ainv
while 1:
u1 = _random()
if not 1e-7 < u1 < .9999999:
u2 = 1.0 - _random()
v = math.log(u1/(1.0-u1))/ainv
x = alpha*math.exp(v)
z = u1*u1*u2
r = bbb+ccc*v-x
if r + SG_MAGICCONST - 4.5*z >= 0.0 or r >= math.log(z):
return x * beta
elif alpha == 1.0:
# expovariate(1)
# Adjust due to cpython
# commit 63d152232e1742660f481c04a811f824b91f6790
return -math.log(1.0 - _random()) * beta
else: # alpha is between 0 and 1 (exclusive)
# Uses ALGORITHM GS of Statistical Computing - Kennedy & Gentle
while 1:
u = _random()
b = (math.e + alpha)/math.e
p = b*u
if p <= 1.0:
x = p ** (1.0/alpha)
x = -math.log((b-p)/alpha)
u1 = _random()
if p > 1.0:
if u1 <= x ** (alpha - 1.0):
elif u1 <= math.exp(-x):
return x * beta
return _impl
def gamma_impl(shape, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda shape, scale, size: np.random.gamma(shape, scale)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(shape, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.gamma(shape, scale)
return out
return _impl
def standard_gamma_impl(shape, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda shape, size: np.random.standard_gamma(shape)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(shape, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_gamma(shape)
return out
return _impl
def betavariate_impl(alpha, beta):
if isinstance(alpha, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
beta, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return _betavariate_impl(random.gammavariate)
def ol_np_random_beta(a, b):
if isinstance(a, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
b, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
fn = register_jitable(_betavariate_impl(np.random.gamma))
def impl(a, b):
return fn(a, b)
return impl
def _betavariate_impl(gamma):
def _impl(alpha, beta):
"""Beta distribution. Taken from CPython.
# This version due to Janne Sinkkonen, and matches all the std
# texts (e.g., Knuth Vol 2 Ed 3 pg 134 "the beta distribution").
y = gamma(alpha, 1.)
if y == 0.0:
return 0.0
return y / (y + gamma(beta, 1.))
return _impl
def beta_impl(a, b, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, b, size: np.random.beta(a, b)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(a, b, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.beta(a, b)
return out
return _impl
def expovariate_impl(lambd):
if isinstance(lambd, types.Float):
def _impl(lambd):
"""Exponential distribution. Taken from CPython.
# lambd: rate lambd = 1/mean
# ('lambda' is a Python reserved word)
# we use 1-random() instead of random() to preclude the
# possibility of taking the log of zero.
return -math.log(1.0 - random.random()) / lambd
return _impl
def exponential_impl(scale):
if isinstance(scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(scale):
return -math.log(1.0 - np.random.random()) * scale
return _impl
def exponential_impl(scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda scale, size: np.random.exponential(scale)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.exponential(scale)
return out
return _impl
def exponential_impl():
def _impl():
return -math.log(1.0 - np.random.random())
return _impl
def standard_exponential_impl(size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda size: np.random.standard_exponential()
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or
(isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_exponential()
return out
return _impl
def np_lognormal_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.lognormal(0.0, 1.0)
def np_log_normal_impl1(mean):
if isinstance(mean, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda mean: np.random.lognormal(mean, 1.0)
def np_log_normal_impl2(mean, sigma):
if isinstance(mean, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
sigma, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
fn = register_jitable(_lognormvariate_impl(np.random.normal))
return lambda mean, sigma: fn(mean, sigma)
def lognormal_impl(mean, sigma, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda mean, sigma, size: np.random.lognormal(mean, sigma)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(mean, sigma, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.lognormal(mean, sigma)
return out
return _impl
def lognormvariate_impl(mu, sigma):
if isinstance(mu, types.Float) and isinstance(sigma, types.Float):
fn = register_jitable(_lognormvariate_impl(random.gauss))
return lambda mu, sigma: fn(mu, sigma)
def _lognormvariate_impl(_gauss):
return lambda mu, sigma: math.exp(_gauss(mu, sigma))
def paretovariate_impl(alpha):
if isinstance(alpha, types.Float):
def _impl(alpha):
"""Pareto distribution. Taken from CPython."""
# Jain, pg. 495
u = 1.0 - random.random()
return 1.0 / u ** (1.0/alpha)
return _impl
def pareto_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, types.Float):
def _impl(a):
# Same as paretovariate() - 1.
u = 1.0 - np.random.random()
return 1.0 / u ** (1.0/a) - 1
return _impl
def pareto_impl(a, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, size: np.random.pareto(a)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(a, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.pareto(a)
return out
return _impl
def weibullvariate_impl(alpha, beta):
if isinstance(alpha, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
beta, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(alpha, beta):
"""Weibull distribution. Taken from CPython."""
# Jain, pg. 499; bug fix courtesy Bill Arms
u = 1.0 - random.random()
return alpha * (-math.log(u)) ** (1.0/beta)
return _impl
def weibull_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(a):
# Same as weibullvariate(1.0, a)
u = 1.0 - np.random.random()
return (-math.log(u)) ** (1.0/a)
return _impl
def weibull_impl2(a, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, size: np.random.weibull(a)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(a, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.weibull(a)
return out
return _impl
def vonmisesvariate_impl(mu, kappa):
if isinstance(mu, types.Float) and isinstance(kappa, types.Float):
return _vonmisesvariate_impl(random.random)
def vonmisesvariate_impl(mu, kappa):
if isinstance(mu, types.Float) and isinstance(kappa, types.Float):
return _vonmisesvariate_impl(np.random.random)
def _vonmisesvariate_impl(_random):
def _impl(mu, kappa):
"""Circular data distribution. Taken from CPython.
Note the algorithm in Python 2.6 and Numpy is different:
# mu: mean angle (in radians between 0 and 2*pi)
# kappa: concentration parameter kappa (>= 0)
# if kappa = 0 generate uniform random angle
# Based upon an algorithm published in: Fisher, N.I.,
# "Statistical Analysis of Circular Data", Cambridge
# University Press, 1993.
# Thanks to Magnus Kessler for a correction to the
# implementation of step 4.
if kappa <= 1e-6:
return 2.0 * math.pi * _random()
s = 0.5 / kappa
r = s + math.sqrt(1.0 + s * s)
while 1:
u1 = _random()
z = math.cos(math.pi * u1)
d = z / (r + z)
u2 = _random()
if u2 < 1.0 - d * d or u2 <= (1.0 - d) * math.exp(d):
q = 1.0 / r
f = (q + z) / (1.0 + q * z)
u3 = _random()
if u3 > 0.5:
theta = (mu + math.acos(f)) % (2.0 * math.pi)
theta = (mu - math.acos(f)) % (2.0 * math.pi)
return theta
return _impl
def vonmises_impl(mu, kappa, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda mu, kappa, size: np.random.vonmises(mu, kappa)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(mu, kappa, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.vonmises(mu, kappa)
return out
return _impl
def binomial_impl(n, p):
if isinstance(n, types.Integer) and isinstance(
p, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(n, p):
Binomial distribution. Numpy's variant of the BINV algorithm
is used.
(Numpy uses BTPE for n*p >= 30, though)
if n < 0:
raise ValueError("binomial(): n <= 0")
if not (0.0 <= p <= 1.0):
raise ValueError("binomial(): p outside of [0, 1]")
if p == 0.0:
return 0
if p == 1.0:
return n
flipped = p > 0.5
if flipped:
p = 1.0 - p
q = 1.0 - p
niters = 1
qn = q ** n
while qn <= 1e-308:
# Underflow => split into several iterations
# Note this is much slower than Numpy's BTPE
niters <<= 2
n >>= 2
qn = q ** n
assert n > 0
np_prod = n * p
bound = min(n, np_prod + 10.0 * math.sqrt(np_prod * q + 1))
total = 0
while niters > 0:
X = 0
U = np.random.random()
px = qn
while X <= bound:
if U <= px:
total += n - X if flipped else X
niters -= 1
U -= px
X += 1
px = ((n - X + 1) * p * px) / (X * q)
return total
return _impl
def binomial_impl(n, p, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda n, p, size: np.random.binomial(n, p)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(n, p, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.intp)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.binomial(n, p)
return out
return _impl
def chisquare_impl(df):
if isinstance(df, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(df):
return 2.0 * np.random.standard_gamma(df / 2.0)
return _impl
def chisquare_impl2(df, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda df, size: np.random.chisquare(df)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(df, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.chisquare(df)
return out
return _impl
def f_impl(dfnum, dfden):
if isinstance(dfnum, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
dfden, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(dfnum, dfden):
return ((np.random.chisquare(dfnum) * dfden) /
(np.random.chisquare(dfden) * dfnum))
return _impl
def f_impl(dfnum, dfden, size):
if (isinstance(dfnum, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
dfden, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and
return lambda dfnum, dfden, size: np.random.f(dfnum, dfden)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(dfnum, dfden, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.f(dfnum, dfden)
return out
return _impl
def geometric_impl(p):
if isinstance(p, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(p):
# Numpy's algorithm.
if p <= 0.0 or p > 1.0:
raise ValueError("geometric(): p outside of (0, 1]")
q = 1.0 - p
if p >= 0.333333333333333333333333:
X = int(1)
sum = prod = p
U = np.random.random()
while U > sum:
prod *= q
sum += prod
X += 1
return X
return math.ceil(math.log(1.0 - np.random.random()) /
return _impl
def geometric_impl(p, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda p, size: np.random.geometric(p)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(p, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.int64)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.geometric(p)
return out
return _impl
def gumbel_impl(loc, scale):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(loc, scale):
U = 1.0 - np.random.random()
return loc - scale * math.log(-math.log(U))
return _impl
def gumbel_impl3(loc, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda loc, scale, size: np.random.gumbel(loc, scale)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(loc, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.gumbel(loc, scale)
return out
return _impl
def hypergeometric_impl(ngood, nbad, nsample):
if (isinstance(ngood, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
nbad, (types.Float, types.Integer))
and isinstance(nsample, (types.Float, types.Integer))):
def _impl(ngood, nbad, nsample):
"""Numpy's algorithm for hypergeometric()."""
d1 = int(nbad) + int(ngood) - int(nsample)
d2 = float(min(nbad, ngood))
Y = d2
K = int(nsample)
while Y > 0.0 and K > 0:
Y -= math.floor(np.random.random() + Y / (d1 + K))
K -= 1
Z = int(d2 - Y)
if ngood > nbad:
return int(nsample) - Z
return Z
return _impl
def hypergeometric_impl(ngood, nbad, nsample, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda ngood, nbad, nsample, size:\
np.random.hypergeometric(ngood, nbad, nsample)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(ngood, nbad, nsample, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.intp)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.hypergeometric(ngood, nbad, nsample)
return out
return _impl
def laplace_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.laplace(0.0, 1.0)
def laplace_impl1(loc):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda loc: np.random.laplace(loc, 1.0)
def laplace_impl2(loc, scale):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return laplace_impl
def laplace_impl3(loc, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda loc, scale, size: np.random.laplace(loc, scale)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(loc, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.laplace(loc, scale)
return out
return _impl
def laplace_impl(loc, scale):
U = np.random.random()
if U < 0.5:
return loc + scale * math.log(U + U)
return loc - scale * math.log(2.0 - U - U)
def logistic_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.logistic(0.0, 1.0)
def logistic_impl1(loc):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return lambda loc: np.random.logistic(loc, 1.0)
def logistic_impl2(loc, scale):
if isinstance(loc, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return logistic_impl
def logistic_impl3(loc, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda loc, scale, size: np.random.logistic(loc, scale)
if (isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(loc, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.logistic(loc, scale)
return out
return _impl
def logistic_impl(loc, scale):
U = np.random.random()
return loc + scale * math.log(U / (1.0 - U))
def _logseries_impl(p):
"""Numpy's algorithm for logseries()."""
if p <= 0.0 or p > 1.0:
raise ValueError("logseries(): p outside of (0, 1]")
r = math.log(1.0 - p)
while 1:
V = np.random.random()
if V >= p:
return 1
U = np.random.random()
q = 1.0 - math.exp(r * U)
if V <= q * q:
# XXX what if V == 0.0 ?
return np.int64(1.0 + math.log(V) / math.log(q))
elif V >= q:
return 1
return 2
def logseries_impl(p):
if isinstance(p, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
return _logseries_impl
def logseries_impl(p, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda p, size: np.random.logseries(p)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(p, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.int64)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.logseries(p)
return out
return _impl
def negative_binomial_impl(n, p):
if isinstance(n, types.Integer) and isinstance(
p,(types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(n, p):
if n <= 0:
raise ValueError("negative_binomial(): n <= 0")
if p < 0.0 or p > 1.0:
raise ValueError("negative_binomial(): p outside of [0, 1]")
Y = np.random.gamma(n, (1.0 - p) / p)
return np.random.poisson(Y)
return _impl
def poisson_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.poisson(1.0)
def poisson_impl1(lam):
if isinstance(lam, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(typingcontext, lam):
lam_preprocessor = _double_preprocessor(lam)
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
state_ptr = get_np_state_ptr(context, builder)
retptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, int64_t, name="ret")
bbcont = builder.append_basic_block("bbcont")
bbend = builder.append_basic_block("bbend")
lam, = args
lam = lam_preprocessor(builder, lam)
big_lam = builder.fcmp_ordered('>=', lam,
ir.Constant(double, 10.0))
with builder.if_then(big_lam):
# For lambda >= 10.0, we switch to a more accurate
# algorithm (see _random.c).
fnty = ir.FunctionType(int64_t, (rnd_state_ptr_t, double))
fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.function.module,
ret =, (state_ptr, lam)), retptr)
_random = np.random.random
_exp = math.exp
def poisson_impl(lam):
"""Numpy's algorithm for poisson() on small *lam*.
This method is invoked only if the parameter lambda of the
distribution is small ( < 10 ). The algorithm used is
described in "Knuth, D. 1969. 'Seminumerical Algorithms.
The Art of Computer Programming' vol 2.
if lam < 0.0:
raise ValueError("poisson(): lambda < 0")
if lam == 0.0:
return 0
enlam = _exp(-lam)
X = 0
prod = 1.0
while 1:
U = _random()
prod *= U
if prod <= enlam:
return X
X += 1
ret = context.compile_internal(builder, poisson_impl, sig, args), retptr)
return builder.load(retptr)
return signature(types.int64, lam), codegen
return lambda lam: _impl(lam)
def poisson_impl2(lam, size):
if isinstance(lam, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and is_nonelike(size):
return lambda lam, size: np.random.poisson(lam)
if isinstance(lam, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and (
isinstance(size, types.Integer) or
(isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(lam, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.intp)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.poisson(lam)
return out
return _impl
def power_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(a):
if a <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("power(): a <= 0")
return math.pow(1 - math.exp(-np.random.standard_exponential()),
return _impl
def power_impl(a, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, size: np.random.power(a)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(a, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.power(a)
return out
return _impl
def rayleigh_impl0():
return lambda: np.random.rayleigh(1.0)
def rayleigh_impl1(scale):
if isinstance(scale, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def impl(scale):
if scale <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("rayleigh(): scale <= 0")
return scale * math.sqrt(-2.0 * math.log(1.0 - np.random.random()))
return impl
def rayleigh_impl2(scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda scale, size: np.random.rayleigh(scale)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.rayleigh(scale)
return out
return _impl
def cauchy_impl():
def _impl():
return np.random.standard_normal() / np.random.standard_normal()
return _impl
def standard_cauchy_impl(size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda size: np.random.standard_cauchy()
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def _impl(size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_cauchy()
return out
return _impl
def standard_t_impl(df):
if isinstance(df, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def _impl(df):
N = np.random.standard_normal()
G = np.random.standard_gamma(df / 2.0)
X = math.sqrt(df / 2.0) * N / math.sqrt(G)
return X
return _impl
def standard_t_impl2(df, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda p, size: np.random.standard_t(p)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(df, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.standard_t(df)
return out
return _impl
def wald_impl(mean, scale):
if isinstance(mean, types.Float) and isinstance(scale, types.Float):
def _impl(mean, scale):
if mean <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("wald(): mean <= 0")
if scale <= 0.0:
raise ValueError("wald(): scale <= 0")
mu_2l = mean / (2.0 * scale)
Y = np.random.standard_normal()
Y = mean * Y * Y
X = mean + mu_2l * (Y - math.sqrt(4 * scale * Y + Y * Y))
U = np.random.random()
if U <= mean / (mean + X):
return X
return mean * mean / X
return _impl
def wald_impl2(mean, scale, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda mean, scale, size: np.random.wald(mean, scale)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(mean, scale, size):
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.wald(mean, scale)
return out
return _impl
def zipf_impl(a):
if isinstance(a, types.Float):
def _impl(a):
if a <= 1.0:
raise ValueError("zipf(): a <= 1")
am1 = a - 1.0
b = 2.0 ** am1
while 1:
U = 1.0 - np.random.random()
V = np.random.random()
X = int(math.floor(U ** (-1.0 / am1)))
T = (1.0 + 1.0 / X) ** am1
if X >= 1 and V * X * (T - 1.0) / (b - 1.0) <= (T / b):
return X
return _impl
def zipf_impl(a, size):
if is_nonelike(size):
return lambda a, size: np.random.zipf(a)
if isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and
def _impl(a, size):
out = np.empty(size, dtype=np.intp)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = np.random.zipf(a)
return out
return _impl
def do_shuffle_impl(x, rng):
if not isinstance(x, types.Buffer):
raise TypeError("The argument to shuffle() should be a buffer type")
if rng == "np":
rand = np.random.randint
elif rng == "py":
rand = random.randrange
if x.ndim == 1:
def impl(x):
i = x.shape[0] - 1
while i > 0:
j = rand(i + 1)
x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]
i -= 1
def impl(x):
i = x.shape[0] - 1
while i > 0:
j = rand(i + 1)
x[i], x[j] = np.copy(x[j]), np.copy(x[i])
i -= 1
return impl
def shuffle_impl(x):
return do_shuffle_impl(x, "py")
def shuffle_impl(x):
return do_shuffle_impl(x, "np")
def permutation_impl(x):
if isinstance(x, types.Integer):
def permutation_impl(x):
y = np.arange(x)
return y
elif isinstance(x, types.Array):
def permutation_impl(x):
arr_copy = x.copy()
return arr_copy
permutation_impl = None
return permutation_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Irregular aliases: np.random.rand, np.random.randn
def rand(*size):
if len(size) == 0:
# Scalar output
def rand_impl(*size):
return np.random.random()
# Array output
def rand_impl(*size):
return np.random.random(size)
return rand_impl
def randn(*size):
if len(size) == 0:
# Scalar output
def randn_impl(*size):
return np.random.standard_normal()
# Array output
def randn_impl(*size):
return np.random.standard_normal(size)
return randn_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# np.random.choice
def choice(a, size=None, replace=True):
if isinstance(a, types.Array):
# choice() over an array population
assert a.ndim == 1
dtype = a.dtype
def get_source_size(a):
return len(a)
def copy_source(a):
return a.copy()
def getitem(a, a_i):
return a[a_i]
elif isinstance(a, types.Integer):
# choice() over an implied arange() population
dtype = np.intp
def get_source_size(a):
return a
def copy_source(a):
return np.arange(a)
def getitem(a, a_i):
return a_i
raise TypeError("np.random.choice() first argument should be "
"int or array, got %s" % (a,))
if size in (None, types.none):
def choice_impl(a, size=None, replace=True):
choice() implementation returning a single sample
(note *replace* is ignored)
n = get_source_size(a)
i = np.random.randint(0, n)
return getitem(a, i)
def choice_impl(a, size=None, replace=True):
choice() implementation returning an array of samples
n = get_source_size(a)
if replace:
out = np.empty(size, dtype)
fl = out.flat
for i in range(len(fl)):
j = np.random.randint(0, n)
fl[i] = getitem(a, j)
return out
# Note we have to construct the array to compute out.size
# (`size` can be an arbitrary int or tuple of ints)
out = np.empty(size, dtype)
if out.size > n:
raise ValueError("Cannot take a larger sample than "
"population when 'replace=False'")
# Get a permuted copy of the source array
# we need this implementation in order to get the
# np.random.choice inside numba to match the output
# of np.random.choice outside numba when np.random.seed
# is set to the same value
permuted_a = np.random.permutation(a)
fl = out.flat
for i in range(len(fl)):
fl[i] = permuted_a[i]
return out
return choice_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# np.random.multinomial
def multinomial(n, pvals, size=None):
dtype = np.intp
def multinomial_inner(n, pvals, out):
# Numpy's algorithm for multinomial()
fl = out.flat
sz = out.size
plen = len(pvals)
for i in range(0, sz, plen):
# Loop body: take a set of n experiments and fill up
# fl[i:i + plen] with the distribution of results.
# Current sum of outcome probabilities
p_sum = 1.0
# Current remaining number of experiments
n_experiments = n
# For each possible outcome `j`, compute the number of results
# with this outcome. This is done by considering the
# conditional probability P(X=j | X>=j) and running a binomial
# distribution over the remaining number of experiments.
for j in range(0, plen - 1):
p_j = pvals[j]
n_j = fl[i + j] = np.random.binomial(n_experiments, p_j / p_sum)
n_experiments -= n_j
if n_experiments <= 0:
# Note the output was initialized to zero
p_sum -= p_j
if n_experiments > 0:
# The remaining experiments end up in the last bucket
fl[i + plen - 1] = n_experiments
if not isinstance(n, types.Integer):
raise TypeError("np.random.multinomial(): n should be an "
"integer, got %s" % (n,))
if not isinstance(pvals, (types.Sequence, types.Array)):
raise TypeError("np.random.multinomial(): pvals should be an "
"array or sequence, got %s" % (pvals,))
if size in (None, types.none):
def multinomial_impl(n, pvals, size=None):
multinomial(..., size=None)
out = np.zeros(len(pvals), dtype)
multinomial_inner(n, pvals, out)
return out
elif isinstance(size, types.Integer):
def multinomial_impl(n, pvals, size=None):
multinomial(..., size=int)
out = np.zeros((size, len(pvals)), dtype)
multinomial_inner(n, pvals, out)
return out
elif isinstance(size, types.BaseTuple):
def multinomial_impl(n, pvals, size=None):
multinomial(..., size=tuple)
out = np.zeros(size + (len(pvals),), dtype)
multinomial_inner(n, pvals, out)
return out
raise TypeError("np.random.multinomial(): size should be int or "
"tuple or None, got %s" % (size,))
return multinomial_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# np.random.dirichlet
def dirichlet(alpha):
if isinstance(alpha, (types.Sequence, types.Array)):
def dirichlet_impl(alpha):
out = np.empty(len(alpha))
dirichlet_arr(alpha, out)
return out
return dirichlet_impl
def dirichlet(alpha, size=None):
if not isinstance(alpha, (types.Sequence, types.Array)):
raise NumbaTypeError(
"np.random.dirichlet(): alpha should be an "
"array or sequence, got %s" % (alpha,)
if size in (None, types.none):
def dirichlet_impl(alpha, size=None):
out = np.empty(len(alpha))
dirichlet_arr(alpha, out)
return out
elif isinstance(size, types.Integer):
def dirichlet_impl(alpha, size=None):
dirichlet(..., size=int)
out = np.empty((size, len(alpha)))
dirichlet_arr(alpha, out)
return out
elif isinstance(size, types.UniTuple) and isinstance(size.dtype,
def dirichlet_impl(alpha, size=None):
dirichlet(..., size=tuple)
out = np.empty(size + (len(alpha),))
dirichlet_arr(alpha, out)
return out
raise NumbaTypeError(
"np.random.dirichlet(): size should be int or "
"tuple of ints or None, got %s" % size
return dirichlet_impl
def dirichlet_arr(alpha, out):
# Gamma distribution method to generate a Dirichlet distribution
for a_val in iter(alpha):
if a_val <= 0:
raise ValueError("dirichlet: alpha must be > 0.0")
a_len = len(alpha)
size = out.size
flat = out.flat
for i in range(0, size, a_len):
# calculate gamma random numbers per alpha specifications
norm = 0 # use this to normalize every the group total to 1
for k, w in enumerate(alpha):
flat[i + k] = np.random.gamma(w, 1)
norm += flat[i + k].item()
for k, w in enumerate(alpha):
flat[i + k] /= norm
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# np.random.noncentral_chisquare
def noncentral_chisquare(df, nonc):
if isinstance(df, (types.Float, types.Integer)) and isinstance(
nonc, (types.Float, types.Integer)):
def noncentral_chisquare_impl(df, nonc):
validate_noncentral_chisquare_input(df, nonc)
return noncentral_chisquare_single(df, nonc)
return noncentral_chisquare_impl
def noncentral_chisquare(df, nonc, size=None):
if size in (None, types.none):
def noncentral_chisquare_impl(df, nonc, size=None):
validate_noncentral_chisquare_input(df, nonc)
return noncentral_chisquare_single(df, nonc)
return noncentral_chisquare_impl
elif isinstance(size, types.Integer) or (isinstance(size, types.UniTuple)
and isinstance(size.dtype,
def noncentral_chisquare_impl(df, nonc, size=None):
validate_noncentral_chisquare_input(df, nonc)
out = np.empty(size)
out_flat = out.flat
for idx in range(out.size):
out_flat[idx] = noncentral_chisquare_single(df, nonc)
return out
return noncentral_chisquare_impl
raise NumbaTypeError(
"np.random.noncentral_chisquare(): size should be int or "
"tuple of ints or None, got %s" % size
def noncentral_chisquare_single(df, nonc):
# identical to numpy implementation from distributions.c
if np.isnan(nonc):
return np.nan
if 1 < df:
chi2 = np.random.chisquare(df-1)
n = np.random.standard_normal() + np.sqrt(nonc)
return chi2 + n * n
i = np.random.poisson(nonc/2.0)
return np.random.chisquare(df + 2 * i)
def validate_noncentral_chisquare_input(df, nonc):
if df <= 0:
raise ValueError("df <= 0")
if nonc < 0:
raise ValueError("nonc < 0")