2673 lines
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2673 lines
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import sys
import operator
import numpy as np
from llvmlite.ir import IntType, Constant
from numba.core.cgutils import is_nonelike
from numba.core.extending import (
from numba.core.imputils import (lower_constant, lower_cast, lower_builtin,
iternext_impl, impl_ret_new_ref, RefType)
from numba.core.datamodel import register_default, StructModel
from numba.core import types, cgutils
from numba.core.utils import PYVERSION
from numba.core.pythonapi import (
from numba._helperlib import c_helpers
from numba.cpython.hashing import _Py_hash_t
from numba.core.unsafe.bytes import memcpy_region
from numba.core.errors import TypingError
from numba.cpython.unicode_support import (_Py_TOUPPER, _Py_TOLOWER, _Py_UCS4,
from numba.cpython import slicing
if PYVERSION in ((3, 9), (3, 10), (3, 11)):
from numba.core.pythonapi import PY_UNICODE_WCHAR_KIND
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L84-L85 # noqa: E501
_MAX_UNICODE = 0x10ffff
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1960eb005e04b7ad8a91018088cfdb0646bc1ca0/Objects/stringlib/fastsearch.h#L31 # noqa: E501
_BLOOM_WIDTH = types.intp.bitwidth
class UnicodeModel(models.StructModel):
def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
members = [
('data', types.voidptr),
('length', types.intp),
('kind', types.int32),
('is_ascii', types.uint32),
('hash', _Py_hash_t),
('meminfo', types.MemInfoPointer(types.voidptr)),
# A pointer to the owner python str/unicode object
('parent', types.pyobject),
models.StructModel.__init__(self, dmm, fe_type, members)
make_attribute_wrapper(types.UnicodeType, 'data', '_data')
make_attribute_wrapper(types.UnicodeType, 'length', '_length')
make_attribute_wrapper(types.UnicodeType, 'kind', '_kind')
make_attribute_wrapper(types.UnicodeType, 'is_ascii', '_is_ascii')
make_attribute_wrapper(types.UnicodeType, 'hash', '_hash')
class UnicodeIteratorModel(StructModel):
def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
members = [('index', types.EphemeralPointer(types.uintp)),
('data', fe_type.data)]
super(UnicodeIteratorModel, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
def compile_time_get_string_data(obj):
"""Get string data from a python string for use at compile-time to embed
the string data into the LLVM module.
from ctypes import (
CFUNCTYPE, c_void_p, c_int, c_uint, c_ssize_t, c_ubyte, py_object,
POINTER, byref,
extract_unicode_fn = c_helpers['extract_unicode']
proto = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, py_object, POINTER(c_ssize_t), POINTER(c_int),
POINTER(c_uint), POINTER(c_ssize_t))
fn = proto(extract_unicode_fn)
length = c_ssize_t()
kind = c_int()
is_ascii = c_uint()
hashv = c_ssize_t()
data = fn(obj, byref(length), byref(kind), byref(is_ascii), byref(hashv))
if data is None:
raise ValueError("cannot extract unicode data from the given string")
length = length.value
kind = kind.value
is_ascii = is_ascii.value
nbytes = (length + 1) * _kind_to_byte_width(kind)
out = (c_ubyte * nbytes).from_address(data)
return bytes(out), length, kind, is_ascii, hashv.value
def make_string_from_constant(context, builder, typ, literal_string):
Get string data by `compile_time_get_string_data()` and return a
unicode_type LLVM value
databytes, length, kind, is_ascii, hashv = \
mod = builder.module
gv = context.insert_const_bytes(mod, databytes)
uni_str = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)(context, builder)
uni_str.data = gv
uni_str.length = uni_str.length.type(length)
uni_str.kind = uni_str.kind.type(kind)
uni_str.is_ascii = uni_str.is_ascii.type(is_ascii)
# Set hash to -1 to indicate that it should be computed.
# We cannot bake in the hash value because of hashseed randomization.
uni_str.hash = uni_str.hash.type(-1)
return uni_str._getvalue()
@lower_cast(types.StringLiteral, types.unicode_type)
def cast_from_literal(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
return make_string_from_constant(
context, builder, toty, fromty.literal_value,
def constant_unicode(context, builder, typ, pyval):
return make_string_from_constant(context, builder, typ, pyval)
def unbox_unicode_str(typ, obj, c):
Convert a unicode str object to a native unicode structure.
ok, data, length, kind, is_ascii, hashv = \
uni_str = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)(c.context, c.builder)
uni_str.data = data
uni_str.length = length
uni_str.kind = kind
uni_str.is_ascii = is_ascii
uni_str.hash = hashv
uni_str.meminfo = c.pyapi.nrt_meminfo_new_from_pyobject(
data, # the borrowed data pointer
obj, # the owner pyobject; the call will incref it.
uni_str.parent = obj
is_error = cgutils.is_not_null(c.builder, c.pyapi.err_occurred())
return NativeValue(uni_str._getvalue(), is_error=is_error)
def box_unicode_str(typ, val, c):
Convert a native unicode structure to a unicode string
uni_str = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)(c.context, c.builder, value=val)
res = c.pyapi.string_from_kind_and_data(
uni_str.kind, uni_str.data, uni_str.length)
# hash isn't needed now, just compute it so it ends up in the unicodeobject
# hash cache, cpython doesn't always do this, depends how a string was
# created it's safe, just burns the cycles required to hash on @box
c.context.nrt.decref(c.builder, typ, val)
return res
def make_deref_codegen(bitsize):
def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
data, idx = args
ptr = builder.bitcast(data, IntType(bitsize).as_pointer())
ch = builder.load(builder.gep(ptr, [idx]))
return builder.zext(ch, IntType(32))
return codegen
def deref_uint8(typingctx, data, offset):
sig = types.uint32(types.voidptr, types.intp)
return sig, make_deref_codegen(8)
def deref_uint16(typingctx, data, offset):
sig = types.uint32(types.voidptr, types.intp)
return sig, make_deref_codegen(16)
def deref_uint32(typingctx, data, offset):
sig = types.uint32(types.voidptr, types.intp)
return sig, make_deref_codegen(32)
def _malloc_string(typingctx, kind, char_bytes, length, is_ascii):
"""make empty string with data buffer of size alloc_bytes.
Must set length and kind values for string after it is returned
def details(context, builder, signature, args):
[kind_val, char_bytes_val, length_val, is_ascii_val] = args
# fill the struct
uni_str_ctor = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(types.unicode_type)
uni_str = uni_str_ctor(context, builder)
# add null padding character
nbytes_val = builder.mul(char_bytes_val,
Constant(length_val.type, 1)))
uni_str.meminfo = context.nrt.meminfo_alloc(builder, nbytes_val)
uni_str.kind = kind_val
uni_str.is_ascii = is_ascii_val
uni_str.length = length_val
# empty string has hash value -1 to indicate "need to compute hash"
uni_str.hash = context.get_constant(_Py_hash_t, -1)
uni_str.data = context.nrt.meminfo_data(builder, uni_str.meminfo)
# Set parent to NULL
uni_str.parent = cgutils.get_null_value(uni_str.parent.type)
return uni_str._getvalue()
sig = types.unicode_type(types.int32, types.intp, types.intp, types.uint32)
return sig, details
def _empty_string(kind, length, is_ascii=0):
char_width = _kind_to_byte_width(kind)
s = _malloc_string(kind, char_width, length, is_ascii)
_set_code_point(s, length, np.uint32(0)) # Write NULL character
return s
# Disable RefCt for performance.
def _get_code_point(a, i):
if a._kind == PY_UNICODE_1BYTE_KIND:
return deref_uint8(a._data, i)
elif a._kind == PY_UNICODE_2BYTE_KIND:
return deref_uint16(a._data, i)
elif a._kind == PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND:
return deref_uint32(a._data, i)
# there's also a wchar kind, but that's one of the above,
# so skipping for this example
return 0
def make_set_codegen(bitsize):
def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
data, idx, ch = args
if bitsize < 32:
ch = builder.trunc(ch, IntType(bitsize))
ptr = builder.bitcast(data, IntType(bitsize).as_pointer())
builder.store(ch, builder.gep(ptr, [idx]))
return context.get_dummy_value()
return codegen
def set_uint8(typingctx, data, idx, ch):
sig = types.void(types.voidptr, types.int64, types.uint32)
return sig, make_set_codegen(8)
def set_uint16(typingctx, data, idx, ch):
sig = types.void(types.voidptr, types.int64, types.uint32)
return sig, make_set_codegen(16)
def set_uint32(typingctx, data, idx, ch):
sig = types.void(types.voidptr, types.int64, types.uint32)
return sig, make_set_codegen(32)
def _set_code_point(a, i, ch):
# WARNING: This method is very dangerous:
# * Assumes that data contents can be changed (only allowed for new
# strings)
# * Assumes that the kind of unicode string is sufficiently wide to
# accept ch. Will truncate ch to make it fit.
# * Assumes that i is within the valid boundaries of the function
if a._kind == PY_UNICODE_1BYTE_KIND:
set_uint8(a._data, i, ch)
elif a._kind == PY_UNICODE_2BYTE_KIND:
set_uint16(a._data, i, ch)
elif a._kind == PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND:
set_uint32(a._data, i, ch)
raise AssertionError(
"Unexpected unicode representation in _set_code_point")
if PYVERSION in ((3, 12),):
def _pick_kind(kind1, kind2):
if kind1 == PY_UNICODE_1BYTE_KIND:
return kind2
elif kind1 == PY_UNICODE_2BYTE_KIND:
if kind2 == PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND:
return kind2
return kind1
elif kind1 == PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND:
return kind1
raise AssertionError(
"Unexpected unicode representation in _pick_kind")
elif PYVERSION in ((3, 9), (3, 10), (3, 11)):
def _pick_kind(kind1, kind2):
raise AssertionError("PY_UNICODE_WCHAR_KIND unsupported")
if kind1 == PY_UNICODE_1BYTE_KIND:
return kind2
elif kind1 == PY_UNICODE_2BYTE_KIND:
if kind2 == PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND:
return kind2
return kind1
elif kind1 == PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND:
return kind1
raise AssertionError(
"Unexpected unicode representation in _pick_kind")
raise NotImplementedError(PYVERSION)
def _pick_ascii(is_ascii1, is_ascii2):
if is_ascii1 == 1 and is_ascii2 == 1:
return types.uint32(1)
return types.uint32(0)
if PYVERSION in ((3, 12),):
def _kind_to_byte_width(kind):
return 1
elif kind == PY_UNICODE_2BYTE_KIND:
return 2
elif kind == PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND:
return 4
raise AssertionError("Unexpected unicode encoding encountered")
elif PYVERSION in ((3, 9), (3, 10), (3, 11)):
def _kind_to_byte_width(kind):
return 1
elif kind == PY_UNICODE_2BYTE_KIND:
return 2
elif kind == PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND:
return 4
raise AssertionError("PY_UNICODE_WCHAR_KIND unsupported")
raise AssertionError("Unexpected unicode encoding encountered")
raise NotImplementedError(PYVERSION)
def _cmp_region(a, a_offset, b, b_offset, n):
if n == 0:
return 0
elif a_offset + n > a._length:
return -1
elif b_offset + n > b._length:
return 1
for i in range(n):
a_chr = _get_code_point(a, a_offset + i)
b_chr = _get_code_point(b, b_offset + i)
if a_chr < b_chr:
return -1
elif a_chr > b_chr:
return 1
return 0
def _codepoint_to_kind(cp):
Compute the minimum unicode kind needed to hold a given codepoint
if cp < 256:
elif cp < 65536:
# Maximum code point of Unicode 6.0: 0x10ffff (1,114,111)
MAX_UNICODE = 0x10ffff
if cp > MAX_UNICODE:
msg = "Invalid codepoint. Found value greater than Unicode maximum"
raise ValueError(msg)
def _codepoint_is_ascii(ch):
Returns true if a codepoint is in the ASCII range
return ch < 128
def unicode_len(s):
if isinstance(s, types.UnicodeType):
def len_impl(s):
return s._length
return len_impl
def unicode_eq(a, b):
if not (a.is_internal and b.is_internal):
if isinstance(a, types.Optional):
check_a = a.type
check_a = a
if isinstance(b, types.Optional):
check_b = b.type
check_b = b
accept = (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral, types.UnicodeCharSeq)
a_unicode = isinstance(check_a, accept)
b_unicode = isinstance(check_b, accept)
if a_unicode and b_unicode:
def eq_impl(a, b):
# handle Optionals at runtime
a_none = a is None
b_none = b is None
if a_none or b_none:
if a_none and b_none:
return True
return False
# the str() is for UnicodeCharSeq, it's a nop else
a = str(a)
b = str(b)
if len(a) != len(b):
return False
return _cmp_region(a, 0, b, 0, len(a)) == 0
return eq_impl
elif a_unicode ^ b_unicode:
# one of the things is unicode, everything compares False
def eq_impl(a, b):
return False
return eq_impl
def unicode_ne(a, b):
if not (a.is_internal and b.is_internal):
accept = (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral, types.UnicodeCharSeq)
a_unicode = isinstance(a, accept)
b_unicode = isinstance(b, accept)
if a_unicode and b_unicode:
def ne_impl(a, b):
return not (a == b)
return ne_impl
elif a_unicode ^ b_unicode:
# one of the things is unicode, everything compares True
def eq_impl(a, b):
return True
return eq_impl
def unicode_lt(a, b):
a_unicode = isinstance(a, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral))
b_unicode = isinstance(b, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral))
if a_unicode and b_unicode:
def lt_impl(a, b):
minlen = min(len(a), len(b))
eqcode = _cmp_region(a, 0, b, 0, minlen)
if eqcode == -1:
return True
elif eqcode == 0:
return len(a) < len(b)
return False
return lt_impl
def unicode_gt(a, b):
a_unicode = isinstance(a, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral))
b_unicode = isinstance(b, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral))
if a_unicode and b_unicode:
def gt_impl(a, b):
minlen = min(len(a), len(b))
eqcode = _cmp_region(a, 0, b, 0, minlen)
if eqcode == 1:
return True
elif eqcode == 0:
return len(a) > len(b)
return False
return gt_impl
def unicode_le(a, b):
a_unicode = isinstance(a, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral))
b_unicode = isinstance(b, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral))
if a_unicode and b_unicode:
def le_impl(a, b):
return not (a > b)
return le_impl
def unicode_ge(a, b):
a_unicode = isinstance(a, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral))
b_unicode = isinstance(b, (types.UnicodeType, types.StringLiteral))
if a_unicode and b_unicode:
def ge_impl(a, b):
return not (a < b)
return ge_impl
def unicode_contains(a, b):
if isinstance(a, types.UnicodeType) and isinstance(b, types.UnicodeType):
def contains_impl(a, b):
# note parameter swap: contains(a, b) == b in a
return _find(a, b) > -1
return contains_impl
def unicode_idx_check_type(ty, name):
"""Check object belongs to one of specific types
ty: type
Type of the object
name: str
Name of the object
thety = ty
# if the type is omitted, the concrete type is the value
if isinstance(ty, types.Omitted):
thety = ty.value
# if the type is optional, the concrete type is the captured type
elif isinstance(ty, types.Optional):
thety = ty.type
accepted = (types.Integer, types.NoneType)
if thety is not None and not isinstance(thety, accepted):
raise TypingError('"{}" must be {}, not {}'.format(name, accepted, ty))
def unicode_sub_check_type(ty, name):
"""Check object belongs to unicode type"""
if not isinstance(ty, types.UnicodeType):
msg = '"{}" must be {}, not {}'.format(name, types.UnicodeType, ty)
raise TypingError(msg)
# FAST SEARCH algorithm implementation from cpython
def _bloom_add(mask, ch):
mask |= (1 << (ch & (_BLOOM_WIDTH - 1)))
return mask
def _bloom_check(mask, ch):
return mask & (1 << (ch & (_BLOOM_WIDTH - 1)))
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1960eb005e04b7ad8a91018088cfdb0646bc1ca0/Objects/stringlib/fastsearch.h#L550 # noqa: E501
def _default_find(data, substr, start, end):
"""Left finder."""
m = len(substr)
if m == 0:
return start
gap = mlast = m - 1
last = _get_code_point(substr, mlast)
zero = types.intp(0)
mask = _bloom_add(zero, last)
for i in range(mlast):
ch = _get_code_point(substr, i)
mask = _bloom_add(mask, ch)
if ch == last:
gap = mlast - i - 1
i = start
while i <= end - m:
ch = _get_code_point(data, mlast + i)
if ch == last:
j = 0
while j < mlast:
haystack_ch = _get_code_point(data, i + j)
needle_ch = _get_code_point(substr, j)
if haystack_ch != needle_ch:
j += 1
if j == mlast:
# got a match
return i
ch = _get_code_point(data, mlast + i + 1)
if _bloom_check(mask, ch) == 0:
i += m
i += gap
ch = _get_code_point(data, mlast + i + 1)
if _bloom_check(mask, ch) == 0:
i += m
i += 1
return -1
def _default_rfind(data, substr, start, end):
"""Right finder."""
m = len(substr)
if m == 0:
return end
skip = mlast = m - 1
mfirst = _get_code_point(substr, 0)
mask = _bloom_add(0, mfirst)
i = mlast
while i > 0:
ch = _get_code_point(substr, i)
mask = _bloom_add(mask, ch)
if ch == mfirst:
skip = i - 1
i -= 1
i = end - m
while i >= start:
ch = _get_code_point(data, i)
if ch == mfirst:
j = mlast
while j > 0:
haystack_ch = _get_code_point(data, i + j)
needle_ch = _get_code_point(substr, j)
if haystack_ch != needle_ch:
j -= 1
if j == 0:
# got a match
return i
ch = _get_code_point(data, i - 1)
if i > start and _bloom_check(mask, ch) == 0:
i -= m
i -= skip
ch = _get_code_point(data, i - 1)
if i > start and _bloom_check(mask, ch) == 0:
i -= m
i -= 1
return -1
def generate_finder(find_func):
"""Generate finder either left or right."""
def impl(data, substr, start=None, end=None):
length = len(data)
sub_length = len(substr)
if start is None:
start = 0
if end is None:
end = length
start, end = _adjust_indices(length, start, end)
if end - start < sub_length:
return -1
return find_func(data, substr, start, end)
return impl
_find = register_jitable(generate_finder(_default_find))
_rfind = register_jitable(generate_finder(_default_rfind))
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'find')
def unicode_find(data, substr, start=None, end=None):
"""Implements str.find()"""
if isinstance(substr, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def find_impl(data, substr, start=None, end=None):
return data.find(str(substr))
return find_impl
unicode_idx_check_type(start, 'start')
unicode_idx_check_type(end, 'end')
unicode_sub_check_type(substr, 'substr')
return _find
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'rfind')
def unicode_rfind(data, substr, start=None, end=None):
"""Implements str.rfind()"""
if isinstance(substr, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def rfind_impl(data, substr, start=None, end=None):
return data.rfind(str(substr))
return rfind_impl
unicode_idx_check_type(start, 'start')
unicode_idx_check_type(end, 'end')
unicode_sub_check_type(substr, 'substr')
return _rfind
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L12831-L12857 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'rindex')
def unicode_rindex(s, sub, start=None, end=None):
"""Implements str.rindex()"""
unicode_idx_check_type(start, 'start')
unicode_idx_check_type(end, 'end')
unicode_sub_check_type(sub, 'sub')
def rindex_impl(s, sub, start=None, end=None):
result = s.rfind(sub, start, end)
if result < 0:
raise ValueError('substring not found')
return result
return rindex_impl
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L11692-L11718 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'index')
def unicode_index(s, sub, start=None, end=None):
"""Implements str.index()"""
unicode_idx_check_type(start, 'start')
unicode_idx_check_type(end, 'end')
unicode_sub_check_type(sub, 'sub')
def index_impl(s, sub, start=None, end=None):
result = s.find(sub, start, end)
if result < 0:
raise ValueError('substring not found')
return result
return index_impl
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L12922-L12976 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'partition')
def unicode_partition(data, sep):
"""Implements str.partition()"""
thety = sep
# if the type is omitted, the concrete type is the value
if isinstance(sep, types.Omitted):
thety = sep.value
# if the type is optional, the concrete type is the captured type
elif isinstance(sep, types.Optional):
thety = sep.type
accepted = (types.UnicodeType, types.UnicodeCharSeq)
if thety is not None and not isinstance(thety, accepted):
msg = '"{}" must be {}, not {}'.format('sep', accepted, sep)
raise TypingError(msg)
def impl(data, sep):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/stringlib/partition.h#L7-L60 # noqa: E501
sep = str(sep)
empty_str = _empty_string(data._kind, 0, data._is_ascii)
sep_length = len(sep)
if data._kind < sep._kind or len(data) < sep_length:
return data, empty_str, empty_str
if sep_length == 0:
raise ValueError('empty separator')
pos = data.find(sep)
if pos < 0:
return data, empty_str, empty_str
return data[0:pos], sep, data[pos + sep_length:len(data)]
return impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'count')
def unicode_count(src, sub, start=None, end=None):
if isinstance(sub, types.UnicodeType):
def count_impl(src, sub, start=None, end=None):
count = 0
src_len = len(src)
sub_len = len(sub)
start = _normalize_slice_idx_count(start, src_len, 0)
end = _normalize_slice_idx_count(end, src_len, src_len)
if end - start < 0 or start > src_len:
return 0
src = src[start : end]
src_len = len(src)
start, end = 0, src_len
if sub_len == 0:
return src_len + 1
while (start + sub_len <= src_len):
if src[start : start + sub_len] == sub:
count += 1
start += sub_len
start += 1
return count
return count_impl
error_msg = "The substring must be a UnicodeType, not {}"
raise TypingError(error_msg.format(type(sub)))
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L12979-L13033 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'rpartition')
def unicode_rpartition(data, sep):
"""Implements str.rpartition()"""
thety = sep
# if the type is omitted, the concrete type is the value
if isinstance(sep, types.Omitted):
thety = sep.value
# if the type is optional, the concrete type is the captured type
elif isinstance(sep, types.Optional):
thety = sep.type
accepted = (types.UnicodeType, types.UnicodeCharSeq)
if thety is not None and not isinstance(thety, accepted):
msg = '"{}" must be {}, not {}'.format('sep', accepted, sep)
raise TypingError(msg)
def impl(data, sep):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/stringlib/partition.h#L62-L115 # noqa: E501
sep = str(sep)
empty_str = _empty_string(data._kind, 0, data._is_ascii)
sep_length = len(sep)
if data._kind < sep._kind or len(data) < sep_length:
return empty_str, empty_str, data
if sep_length == 0:
raise ValueError('empty separator')
pos = data.rfind(sep)
if pos < 0:
return empty_str, empty_str, data
return data[0:pos], sep, data[pos + sep_length:len(data)]
return impl
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/201c8f79450628241574fba940e08107178dc3a5/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9342-L9354 # noqa: E501
def _adjust_indices(length, start, end):
if end > length:
end = length
if end < 0:
end += length
if end < 0:
end = 0
if start < 0:
start += length
if start < 0:
start = 0
return start, end
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'startswith')
def unicode_startswith(s, prefix, start=None, end=None):
if not is_nonelike(start) and not isinstance(start, types.Integer):
raise TypingError(
"When specified, the arg 'start' must be an Integer or None")
if not is_nonelike(end) and not isinstance(end, types.Integer):
raise TypingError(
"When specified, the arg 'end' must be an Integer or None")
if isinstance(prefix, types.UniTuple) and \
isinstance(prefix.dtype, types.UnicodeType):
def startswith_tuple_impl(s, prefix, start=None, end=None):
for item in prefix:
if s.startswith(item, start, end):
return True
return False
return startswith_tuple_impl
elif isinstance(prefix, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def startswith_char_seq_impl(s, prefix, start=None, end=None):
return s.startswith(str(prefix), start, end)
return startswith_char_seq_impl
elif isinstance(prefix, types.UnicodeType):
def startswith_unicode_impl(s, prefix, start=None, end=None):
length, prefix_length = len(s), len(prefix)
if start is None:
start = 0
if end is None:
end = length
start, end = _adjust_indices(length, start, end)
if end - start < prefix_length:
return False
if prefix_length == 0:
return True
s_slice = s[start:end]
return _cmp_region(s_slice, 0, prefix, 0, prefix_length) == 0
return startswith_unicode_impl
raise TypingError(
"The arg 'prefix' should be a string or a tuple of strings")
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'endswith')
def unicode_endswith(s, substr, start=None, end=None):
if not (start is None or isinstance(start, (types.Omitted,
raise TypingError('The arg must be a Integer or None')
if not (end is None or isinstance(end, (types.Omitted,
raise TypingError('The arg must be a Integer or None')
if isinstance(substr, (types.Tuple, types.UniTuple)):
def endswith_impl(s, substr, start=None, end=None):
for item in substr:
if s.endswith(item, start, end) is True:
return True
return False
return endswith_impl
if isinstance(substr, types.UnicodeType):
def endswith_impl(s, substr, start=None, end=None):
length = len(s)
sub_length = len(substr)
if start is None:
start = 0
if end is None:
end = length
start, end = _adjust_indices(length, start, end)
if end - start < sub_length:
return False
if sub_length == 0:
return True
s = s[start:end]
offset = len(s) - sub_length
return _cmp_region(s, offset, substr, 0, sub_length) == 0
return endswith_impl
if isinstance(substr, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def endswith_impl(s, substr, start=None, end=None):
return s.endswith(str(substr), start, end)
return endswith_impl
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L11519-L11595 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'expandtabs')
def unicode_expandtabs(data, tabsize=8):
"""Implements str.expandtabs()"""
thety = tabsize
# if the type is omitted, the concrete type is the value
if isinstance(tabsize, types.Omitted):
thety = tabsize.value
# if the type is optional, the concrete type is the captured type
elif isinstance(tabsize, types.Optional):
thety = tabsize.type
accepted = (types.Integer, int)
if thety is not None and not isinstance(thety, accepted):
raise TypingError(
'"tabsize" must be {}, not {}'.format(accepted, tabsize))
def expandtabs_impl(data, tabsize=8):
length = len(data)
j = line_pos = 0
found = False
for i in range(length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if code_point == _Py_TAB:
found = True
if tabsize > 0:
# cannot overflow
incr = tabsize - (line_pos % tabsize)
if j > sys.maxsize - incr:
raise OverflowError('new string is too long')
line_pos += incr
j += incr
if j > sys.maxsize - 1:
raise OverflowError('new string is too long')
line_pos += 1
j += 1
if code_point in (_Py_LINEFEED, _Py_CARRIAGE_RETURN):
line_pos = 0
if not found:
return data
res = _empty_string(data._kind, j, data._is_ascii)
j = line_pos = 0
for i in range(length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if code_point == _Py_TAB:
if tabsize > 0:
incr = tabsize - (line_pos % tabsize)
line_pos += incr
for idx in range(j, j + incr):
_set_code_point(res, idx, _Py_SPACE)
j += incr
line_pos += 1
_set_code_point(res, j, code_point)
j += 1
if code_point in (_Py_LINEFEED, _Py_CARRIAGE_RETURN):
line_pos = 0
return res
return expandtabs_impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'split')
def unicode_split(a, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
if not (maxsplit == -1 or
isinstance(maxsplit, (types.Omitted, types.Integer,
return None # fail typing if maxsplit is not an integer
if isinstance(sep, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def split_impl(a, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
return a.split(str(sep), maxsplit=maxsplit)
return split_impl
if isinstance(sep, types.UnicodeType):
def split_impl(a, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
a_len = len(a)
sep_len = len(sep)
if sep_len == 0:
raise ValueError('empty separator')
parts = []
last = 0
idx = 0
if sep_len == 1 and maxsplit == -1:
sep_code_point = _get_code_point(sep, 0)
for idx in range(a_len):
if _get_code_point(a, idx) == sep_code_point:
last = idx + 1
split_count = 0
while idx < a_len and (maxsplit == -1 or
split_count < maxsplit):
if _cmp_region(a, idx, sep, 0, sep_len) == 0:
idx += sep_len
last = idx
split_count += 1
idx += 1
if last <= a_len:
return parts
return split_impl
elif sep is None or isinstance(sep, types.NoneType) or \
getattr(sep, 'value', False) is None:
def split_whitespace_impl(a, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
a_len = len(a)
parts = []
last = 0
idx = 0
split_count = 0
in_whitespace_block = True
for idx in range(a_len):
code_point = _get_code_point(a, idx)
is_whitespace = _PyUnicode_IsSpace(code_point)
if in_whitespace_block:
if is_whitespace:
pass # keep consuming space
last = idx # this is the start of the next string
in_whitespace_block = False
if not is_whitespace:
pass # keep searching for whitespace transition
in_whitespace_block = True
split_count += 1
if maxsplit != -1 and split_count == maxsplit:
if last <= a_len and not in_whitespace_block:
return parts
return split_whitespace_impl
def generate_rsplit_whitespace_impl(isspace_func):
"""Generate whitespace rsplit func based on either ascii or unicode"""
def rsplit_whitespace_impl(data, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/stringlib/split.h#L192-L240 # noqa: E501
if maxsplit < 0:
maxsplit = sys.maxsize
result = []
i = len(data) - 1
while maxsplit > 0:
while i >= 0:
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if not isspace_func(code_point):
i -= 1
if i < 0:
j = i
i -= 1
while i >= 0:
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if isspace_func(code_point):
i -= 1
result.append(data[i + 1:j + 1])
maxsplit -= 1
if i >= 0:
# Only occurs when maxsplit was reached
# Skip any remaining whitespace and copy to beginning of string
while i >= 0:
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if not isspace_func(code_point):
i -= 1
if i >= 0:
result.append(data[0:i + 1])
return result[::-1]
return rsplit_whitespace_impl
unicode_rsplit_whitespace_impl = register_jitable(
ascii_rsplit_whitespace_impl = register_jitable(
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L13095-L13108 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'rsplit')
def unicode_rsplit(data, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
"""Implements str.unicode_rsplit()"""
def _unicode_rsplit_check_type(ty, name, accepted):
"""Check object belongs to one of specified types"""
thety = ty
# if the type is omitted, the concrete type is the value
if isinstance(ty, types.Omitted):
thety = ty.value
# if the type is optional, the concrete type is the captured type
elif isinstance(ty, types.Optional):
thety = ty.type
if thety is not None and not isinstance(thety, accepted):
raise TypingError(
'"{}" must be {}, not {}'.format(name, accepted, ty))
_unicode_rsplit_check_type(sep, 'sep', (types.UnicodeType,
_unicode_rsplit_check_type(maxsplit, 'maxsplit', (types.Integer, int))
if sep is None or isinstance(sep, (types.NoneType, types.Omitted)):
def rsplit_whitespace_impl(data, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
if data._is_ascii:
return ascii_rsplit_whitespace_impl(data, sep, maxsplit)
return unicode_rsplit_whitespace_impl(data, sep, maxsplit)
return rsplit_whitespace_impl
def rsplit_impl(data, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):
sep = str(sep)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/stringlib/split.h#L286-L333 # noqa: E501
if data._kind < sep._kind or len(data) < len(sep):
return [data]
def _rsplit_char(data, ch, maxsplit):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/stringlib/split.h#L242-L284 # noqa: E501
result = []
ch_code_point = _get_code_point(ch, 0)
i = j = len(data) - 1
while i >= 0 and maxsplit > 0:
data_code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if data_code_point == ch_code_point:
result.append(data[i + 1 : j + 1])
j = i = i - 1
maxsplit -= 1
i -= 1
if j >= -1:
result.append(data[0 : j + 1])
return result[::-1]
if maxsplit < 0:
maxsplit = sys.maxsize
sep_length = len(sep)
if sep_length == 0:
raise ValueError('empty separator')
if sep_length == 1:
return _rsplit_char(data, sep, maxsplit)
result = []
j = len(data)
while maxsplit > 0:
pos = data.rfind(sep, start=0, end=j)
if pos < 0:
result.append(data[pos + sep_length:j])
j = pos
maxsplit -= 1
return result[::-1]
return rsplit_impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'center')
def unicode_center(string, width, fillchar=' '):
if not isinstance(width, types.Integer):
raise TypingError('The width must be an Integer')
if isinstance(fillchar, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def center_impl(string, width, fillchar=' '):
return string.center(width, str(fillchar))
return center_impl
if not (fillchar == ' ' or
isinstance(fillchar, (types.Omitted, types.UnicodeType))):
raise TypingError('The fillchar must be a UnicodeType')
def center_impl(string, width, fillchar=' '):
str_len = len(string)
fillchar_len = len(fillchar)
if fillchar_len != 1:
raise ValueError('The fill character must be exactly one '
'character long')
if width <= str_len:
return string
allmargin = width - str_len
lmargin = (allmargin // 2) + (allmargin & width & 1)
rmargin = allmargin - lmargin
l_string = fillchar * lmargin
if lmargin == rmargin:
return l_string + string + l_string
return l_string + string + (fillchar * rmargin)
return center_impl
def gen_unicode_Xjust(STRING_FIRST):
def unicode_Xjust(string, width, fillchar=' '):
if not isinstance(width, types.Integer):
raise TypingError('The width must be an Integer')
if isinstance(fillchar, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def ljust_impl(string, width, fillchar=' '):
return string.ljust(width, str(fillchar))
return ljust_impl
def rjust_impl(string, width, fillchar=' '):
return string.rjust(width, str(fillchar))
return rjust_impl
if not (fillchar == ' ' or
isinstance(fillchar, (types.Omitted, types.UnicodeType))):
raise TypingError('The fillchar must be a UnicodeType')
def impl(string, width, fillchar=' '):
str_len = len(string)
fillchar_len = len(fillchar)
if fillchar_len != 1:
raise ValueError('The fill character must be exactly one '
'character long')
if width <= str_len:
return string
newstr = (fillchar * (width - str_len))
return string + newstr
return newstr + string
return impl
return unicode_Xjust
overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'rjust')(gen_unicode_Xjust(False))
overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'ljust')(gen_unicode_Xjust(True))
def generate_splitlines_func(is_line_break_func):
"""Generate splitlines performer based on ascii or unicode line breaks."""
def impl(data, keepends):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/stringlib/split.h#L335-L389 # noqa: E501
length = len(data)
result = []
i = j = 0
while i < length:
# find a line and append it
while i < length:
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if is_line_break_func(code_point):
i += 1
# skip the line break reading CRLF as one line break
eol = i
if i < length:
if i + 1 < length:
cur_cp = _get_code_point(data, i)
next_cp = _get_code_point(data, i + 1)
if _Py_ISCARRIAGERETURN(cur_cp) and _Py_ISLINEFEED(next_cp):
i += 1
i += 1
if keepends:
eol = i
j = i
return result
return impl
_ascii_splitlines = register_jitable(generate_splitlines_func(_Py_ISLINEBREAK))
_unicode_splitlines = register_jitable(generate_splitlines_func(
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L10196-L10229 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'splitlines')
def unicode_splitlines(data, keepends=False):
"""Implements str.splitlines()"""
thety = keepends
# if the type is omitted, the concrete type is the value
if isinstance(keepends, types.Omitted):
thety = keepends.value
# if the type is optional, the concrete type is the captured type
elif isinstance(keepends, types.Optional):
thety = keepends.type
accepted = (types.Integer, int, types.Boolean, bool)
if thety is not None and not isinstance(thety, accepted):
raise TypingError(
'"{}" must be {}, not {}'.format('keepends', accepted, keepends))
def splitlines_impl(data, keepends=False):
if data._is_ascii:
return _ascii_splitlines(data, keepends)
return _unicode_splitlines(data, keepends)
return splitlines_impl
def join_list(sep, parts):
parts_len = len(parts)
if parts_len == 0:
return ''
# Precompute size and char_width of result
sep_len = len(sep)
length = (parts_len - 1) * sep_len
kind = sep._kind
is_ascii = sep._is_ascii
for p in parts:
length += len(p)
kind = _pick_kind(kind, p._kind)
is_ascii = _pick_ascii(is_ascii, p._is_ascii)
result = _empty_string(kind, length, is_ascii)
# populate string
part = parts[0]
_strncpy(result, 0, part, 0, len(part))
dst_offset = len(part)
for idx in range(1, parts_len):
_strncpy(result, dst_offset, sep, 0, sep_len)
dst_offset += sep_len
part = parts[idx]
_strncpy(result, dst_offset, part, 0, len(part))
dst_offset += len(part)
return result
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'join')
def unicode_join(sep, parts):
if isinstance(parts, types.List):
if isinstance(parts.dtype, types.UnicodeType):
def join_list_impl(sep, parts):
return join_list(sep, parts)
return join_list_impl
elif isinstance(parts.dtype, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def join_list_impl(sep, parts):
_parts = [str(p) for p in parts]
return join_list(sep, _parts)
return join_list_impl
pass # lists of any other type not supported
elif isinstance(parts, types.IterableType):
def join_iter_impl(sep, parts):
parts_list = [p for p in parts]
return sep.join(parts_list)
return join_iter_impl
elif isinstance(parts, types.UnicodeType):
# Temporary workaround until UnicodeType is iterable
def join_str_impl(sep, parts):
parts_list = [parts[i] for i in range(len(parts))]
return join_list(sep, parts_list)
return join_str_impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'zfill')
def unicode_zfill(string, width):
if not isinstance(width, types.Integer):
raise TypingError("<width> must be an Integer")
def zfill_impl(string, width):
str_len = len(string)
if width <= str_len:
return string
first_char = string[0] if str_len else ''
padding = '0' * (width - str_len)
if first_char in ['+', '-']:
newstr = first_char + padding + string[1:]
newstr = padding + string
return newstr
return zfill_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Strip functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def unicode_strip_left_bound(string, chars):
str_len = len(string)
i = 0
if chars is not None:
for i in range(str_len):
if string[i] not in chars:
return i
for i in range(str_len):
if not _PyUnicode_IsSpace(string[i]):
return i
return str_len
def unicode_strip_right_bound(string, chars):
str_len = len(string)
i = 0
if chars is not None:
for i in range(str_len - 1, -1, -1):
if string[i] not in chars:
i += 1
for i in range(str_len - 1, -1, -1):
if not _PyUnicode_IsSpace(string[i]):
i += 1
return i
def unicode_strip_types_check(chars):
if isinstance(chars, types.Optional):
chars = chars.type # catch optional type with invalid non-None type
if not (chars is None or isinstance(chars, (types.Omitted,
raise TypingError('The arg must be a UnicodeType or None')
def _count_args_types_check(arg):
if isinstance(arg, types.Optional):
arg = arg.type
if not (arg is None or isinstance(arg, (types.Omitted,
raise TypingError("The slice indices must be an Integer or None")
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'lstrip')
def unicode_lstrip(string, chars=None):
if isinstance(chars, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def lstrip_impl(string, chars=None):
return string.lstrip(str(chars))
return lstrip_impl
def lstrip_impl(string, chars=None):
return string[unicode_strip_left_bound(string, chars):]
return lstrip_impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'rstrip')
def unicode_rstrip(string, chars=None):
if isinstance(chars, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def rstrip_impl(string, chars=None):
return string.rstrip(str(chars))
return rstrip_impl
def rstrip_impl(string, chars=None):
return string[:unicode_strip_right_bound(string, chars)]
return rstrip_impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'strip')
def unicode_strip(string, chars=None):
if isinstance(chars, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def strip_impl(string, chars=None):
return string.strip(str(chars))
return strip_impl
def strip_impl(string, chars=None):
lb = unicode_strip_left_bound(string, chars)
rb = unicode_strip_right_bound(string, chars)
return string[lb:rb]
return strip_impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Slice functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def normalize_str_idx(idx, length, is_start=True):
idx : int or None
the index
length : int
the string length
is_start : bool; optional with defaults to True
Is it the *start* or the *stop* of the slice?
norm_idx : int
normalized index
if idx is None:
if is_start:
return 0
return length
elif idx < 0:
idx += length
if idx < 0 or idx >= length:
raise IndexError("string index out of range")
return idx
def _normalize_slice_idx_count(arg, slice_len, default):
Used for unicode_count
If arg < -slice_len, returns 0 (prevents circle)
If arg is within slice, e.g -slice_len <= arg < slice_len
returns its real index via arg % slice_len
If arg > slice_len, returns arg (in this case count must
return 0 if it is start index)
if arg is None:
return default
if -slice_len <= arg < slice_len:
return arg % slice_len
return 0 if arg < 0 else arg
def _normalize_slice(typingctx, sliceobj, length):
"""Fix slice object.
sig = sliceobj(sliceobj, length)
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
[slicetype, lengthtype] = sig.args
[sliceobj, length] = args
slice = context.make_helper(builder, slicetype, sliceobj)
slicing.guard_invalid_slice(context, builder, slicetype, slice)
slicing.fix_slice(builder, slice, length)
return slice._getvalue()
return sig, codegen
def _slice_span(typingctx, sliceobj):
"""Compute the span from the given slice object.
sig = types.intp(sliceobj)
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
[slicetype] = sig.args
[sliceobj] = args
slice = context.make_helper(builder, slicetype, sliceobj)
result_size = slicing.get_slice_length(builder, slice)
return result_size
return sig, codegen
def _strncpy(dst, dst_offset, src, src_offset, n):
if src._kind == dst._kind:
byte_width = _kind_to_byte_width(src._kind)
src_byte_offset = byte_width * src_offset
dst_byte_offset = byte_width * dst_offset
nbytes = n * byte_width
memcpy_region(dst._data, dst_byte_offset, src._data,
src_byte_offset, nbytes, align=1)
for i in range(n):
_set_code_point(dst, dst_offset + i,
_get_code_point(src, src_offset + i))
def _get_str_slice_view(typingctx, src_t, start_t, length_t):
"""Create a slice of a unicode string using a view of its data to avoid
extra allocation.
assert src_t == types.unicode_type
def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
src, start, length = args
in_str = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(
types.unicode_type)(context, builder, value=src)
view_str = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(
types.unicode_type)(context, builder)
view_str.meminfo = in_str.meminfo
view_str.kind = in_str.kind
view_str.is_ascii = in_str.is_ascii
view_str.length = length
# hash value -1 to indicate "need to compute hash"
view_str.hash = context.get_constant(_Py_hash_t, -1)
# get a pointer to start of slice data
bw_typ = context.typing_context.resolve_value_type(_kind_to_byte_width)
bw_sig = bw_typ.get_call_type(
context.typing_context, (types.int32,), {})
bw_impl = context.get_function(bw_typ, bw_sig)
byte_width = bw_impl(builder, (in_str.kind,))
offset = builder.mul(start, byte_width)
view_str.data = builder.gep(in_str.data, [offset])
# Set parent pyobject to NULL
view_str.parent = cgutils.get_null_value(view_str.parent.type)
# incref original string
if context.enable_nrt:
context.nrt.incref(builder, sig.args[0], src)
return view_str._getvalue()
sig = types.unicode_type(types.unicode_type, types.intp, types.intp)
return sig, codegen
def unicode_getitem(s, idx):
if isinstance(s, types.UnicodeType):
if isinstance(idx, types.Integer):
def getitem_char(s, idx):
idx = normalize_str_idx(idx, len(s))
cp = _get_code_point(s, idx)
kind = _codepoint_to_kind(cp)
if kind == s._kind:
return _get_str_slice_view(s, idx, 1)
is_ascii = _codepoint_is_ascii(cp)
ret = _empty_string(kind, 1, is_ascii)
_set_code_point(ret, 0, cp)
return ret
return getitem_char
elif isinstance(idx, types.SliceType):
def getitem_slice(s, idx):
slice_idx = _normalize_slice(idx, len(s))
span = _slice_span(slice_idx)
cp = _get_code_point(s, slice_idx.start)
kind = _codepoint_to_kind(cp)
is_ascii = _codepoint_is_ascii(cp)
# Check slice to see if it's homogeneous in kind
for i in range(slice_idx.start + slice_idx.step,
slice_idx.stop, slice_idx.step):
cp = _get_code_point(s, i)
is_ascii &= _codepoint_is_ascii(cp)
new_kind = _codepoint_to_kind(cp)
if kind != new_kind:
kind = _pick_kind(kind, new_kind)
# TODO: it might be possible to break here if the kind
# is PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND but there are potentially
# strings coming from other internal functions that are
# this wide and also actually ASCII (i.e. kind is larger
# than actually required for storing the code point), so
# it's necessary to continue.
if slice_idx.step == 1 and kind == s._kind:
# Can return a view, the slice has the same kind as the
# string itself and it's a stride slice 1.
return _get_str_slice_view(s, slice_idx.start, span)
# It's heterogeneous in kind OR stride != 1
ret = _empty_string(kind, span, is_ascii)
cur = slice_idx.start
for i in range(span):
_set_code_point(ret, i, _get_code_point(s, cur))
cur += slice_idx.step
return ret
return getitem_slice
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# String operations
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def unicode_concat(a, b):
if isinstance(a, types.UnicodeType) and isinstance(b, types.UnicodeType):
def concat_impl(a, b):
new_length = a._length + b._length
new_kind = _pick_kind(a._kind, b._kind)
new_ascii = _pick_ascii(a._is_ascii, b._is_ascii)
result = _empty_string(new_kind, new_length, new_ascii)
for i in range(len(a)):
_set_code_point(result, i, _get_code_point(a, i))
for j in range(len(b)):
_set_code_point(result, len(a) + j, _get_code_point(b, j))
return result
return concat_impl
if isinstance(a, types.UnicodeType) and isinstance(b, types.UnicodeCharSeq):
def concat_impl(a, b):
return a + str(b)
return concat_impl
def _repeat_impl(str_arg, mult_arg):
if str_arg == '' or mult_arg < 1:
return ''
elif mult_arg == 1:
return str_arg
new_length = str_arg._length * mult_arg
new_kind = str_arg._kind
result = _empty_string(new_kind, new_length, str_arg._is_ascii)
# make initial copy into result
len_a = len(str_arg)
_strncpy(result, 0, str_arg, 0, len_a)
# loop through powers of 2 for efficient copying
copy_size = len_a
while 2 * copy_size <= new_length:
_strncpy(result, copy_size, result, 0, copy_size)
copy_size *= 2
if not 2 * copy_size == new_length:
# if copy_size not an exact multiple it then needs
# to complete the rest of the copies
rest = new_length - copy_size
_strncpy(result, copy_size, result, copy_size - rest, rest)
return result
def unicode_repeat(a, b):
if isinstance(a, types.UnicodeType) and isinstance(b, types.Integer):
def wrap(a, b):
return _repeat_impl(a, b)
return wrap
elif isinstance(a, types.Integer) and isinstance(b, types.UnicodeType):
def wrap(a, b):
return _repeat_impl(b, a)
return wrap
def unicode_not(a):
if isinstance(a, types.UnicodeType):
def impl(a):
return len(a) == 0
return impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'replace')
def unicode_replace(s, old_str, new_str, count=-1):
thety = count
if isinstance(count, types.Omitted):
thety = count.value
elif isinstance(count, types.Optional):
thety = count.type
if not isinstance(thety, (int, types.Integer)):
raise TypingError('Unsupported parameters. The parameters '
'must be Integer. Given count: {}'.format(count))
if not isinstance(old_str, (types.UnicodeType, types.NoneType)):
raise TypingError('The object must be a UnicodeType.'
' Given: {}'.format(old_str))
if not isinstance(new_str, types.UnicodeType):
raise TypingError('The object must be a UnicodeType.'
' Given: {}'.format(new_str))
def impl(s, old_str, new_str, count=-1):
if count == 0:
return s
if old_str == '':
schars = list(s)
if count == -1:
return new_str + new_str.join(schars) + new_str
split_result = [new_str]
min_count = min(len(schars), count)
for i in range(min_count):
if i + 1 != min_count:
split_result.append(''.join(schars[(i + 1):]))
if count > len(schars):
return ''.join(split_result)
schars = s.split(old_str, count)
result = new_str.join(schars)
return result
return impl
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# String `is*()` methods
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# generates isalpha/isalnum
def gen_isAlX(ascii_func, unicode_func):
def unicode_isAlX(data):
def impl(data):
length = len(data)
if length == 0:
return False
if length == 1:
code_point = _get_code_point(data, 0)
if data._is_ascii:
return ascii_func(code_point)
return unicode_func(code_point)
if data._is_ascii:
for i in range(length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if not ascii_func(code_point):
return False
for i in range(length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if not unicode_func(code_point):
return False
return True
return impl
return unicode_isAlX
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L11928-L11964 # noqa: E501
overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isalpha')(gen_isAlX(_Py_ISALPHA,
_unicode_is_alnum = register_jitable(lambda x:
(_PyUnicode_IsNumeric(x) or
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L11975-L12006 # noqa: E501
overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isalnum')(gen_isAlX(_Py_ISALNUM,
def _is_upper(is_lower, is_upper, is_title):
# impl is an approximate translation of:
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L11794-L11827 # noqa: E501
# mixed with:
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/bytes_methods.c#L218-L242 # noqa: E501
def impl(a):
l = len(a)
if l == 1:
return is_upper(_get_code_point(a, 0))
if l == 0:
return False
cased = False
for idx in range(l):
code_point = _get_code_point(a, idx)
if is_lower(code_point) or is_title(code_point):
return False
elif (not cased and is_upper(code_point)):
cased = True
return cased
return impl
_always_false = register_jitable(lambda x: False)
_ascii_is_upper = register_jitable(_is_upper(_Py_ISLOWER, _Py_ISUPPER,
_unicode_is_upper = register_jitable(_is_upper(_PyUnicode_IsLowercase,
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isupper')
def unicode_isupper(a):
Implements .isupper()
def impl(a):
if a._is_ascii:
return _ascii_is_upper(a)
return _unicode_is_upper(a)
return impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isascii')
def unicode_isascii(data):
"""Implements UnicodeType.isascii()"""
def impl(data):
return data._is_ascii
return impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'istitle')
def unicode_istitle(data):
Implements UnicodeType.istitle()
The algorithm is an approximate translation from CPython:
https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L11829-L11885 # noqa: E501
def impl(data):
length = len(data)
if length == 1:
char = _get_code_point(data, 0)
return _PyUnicode_IsUppercase(char) or _PyUnicode_IsTitlecase(char)
if length == 0:
return False
cased = False
previous_is_cased = False
for idx in range(length):
char = _get_code_point(data, idx)
if _PyUnicode_IsUppercase(char) or _PyUnicode_IsTitlecase(char):
if previous_is_cased:
return False
previous_is_cased = True
cased = True
elif _PyUnicode_IsLowercase(char):
if not previous_is_cased:
return False
previous_is_cased = True
cased = True
previous_is_cased = False
return cased
return impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'islower')
def unicode_islower(data):
impl is an approximate translation of:
https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/201c8f79450628241574fba940e08107178dc3a5/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L11900-L11933 # noqa: E501
mixed with:
https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/201c8f79450628241574fba940e08107178dc3a5/Objects/bytes_methods.c#L131-L156 # noqa: E501
def impl(data):
length = len(data)
if length == 1:
return _PyUnicode_IsLowercase(_get_code_point(data, 0))
if length == 0:
return False
cased = False
for idx in range(length):
cp = _get_code_point(data, idx)
if _PyUnicode_IsUppercase(cp) or _PyUnicode_IsTitlecase(cp):
return False
elif not cased and _PyUnicode_IsLowercase(cp):
cased = True
return cased
return impl
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L12126-L12161 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isidentifier')
def unicode_isidentifier(data):
"""Implements UnicodeType.isidentifier()"""
def impl(data):
length = len(data)
if length == 0:
return False
first_cp = _get_code_point(data, 0)
if not _PyUnicode_IsXidStart(first_cp) and first_cp != 0x5F:
return False
for i in range(1, length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if not _PyUnicode_IsXidContinue(code_point):
return False
return True
return impl
# generator for simple unicode "isX" methods
def gen_isX(_PyUnicode_IS_func, empty_is_false=True):
def unicode_isX(data):
def impl(data):
length = len(data)
if length == 1:
return _PyUnicode_IS_func(_get_code_point(data, 0))
if empty_is_false and length == 0:
return False
for i in range(length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, i)
if not _PyUnicode_IS_func(code_point):
return False
return True
return impl
return unicode_isX
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L11896-L11925 # noqa: E501
overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isspace')(gen_isX(_PyUnicode_IsSpace))
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L12096-L12124 # noqa: E501
overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isnumeric')(gen_isX(_PyUnicode_IsNumeric))
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L12056-L12085 # noqa: E501
overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isdigit')(gen_isX(_PyUnicode_IsDigit))
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L12017-L12045 # noqa: E501
overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isdecimal')(
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L12188-L12213 # noqa: E501
overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'isprintable')(
gen_isX(_PyUnicode_IsPrintable, False))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# String methods that apply a transformation to the characters themselves
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9863-L9908 # noqa: E501
def case_operation(ascii_func, unicode_func):
"""Generate common case operation performer."""
def impl(data):
length = len(data)
if length == 0:
return _empty_string(data._kind, length, data._is_ascii)
if data._is_ascii:
res = _empty_string(data._kind, length, 1)
ascii_func(data, res)
return res
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9863-L9908 # noqa: E501
tmp = _empty_string(PY_UNICODE_4BYTE_KIND, 3 * length, data._is_ascii)
# maxchar should be inside of a list to be pass as argument by reference
maxchars = [0]
newlength = unicode_func(data, length, tmp, maxchars)
maxchar = maxchars[0]
newkind = _codepoint_to_kind(maxchar)
res = _empty_string(newkind, newlength, _codepoint_is_ascii(maxchar))
for i in range(newlength):
_set_code_point(res, i, _get_code_point(tmp, i))
return res
return impl
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/201c8f79450628241574fba940e08107178dc3a5/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9856-L9883 # noqa: E501
def _handle_capital_sigma(data, length, idx):
"""This is a translation of the function that handles the capital sigma."""
c = 0
j = idx - 1
while j >= 0:
c = _get_code_point(data, j)
if not _PyUnicode_IsCaseIgnorable(c):
j -= 1
final_sigma = (j >= 0 and _PyUnicode_IsCased(c))
if final_sigma:
j = idx + 1
while j < length:
c = _get_code_point(data, j)
if not _PyUnicode_IsCaseIgnorable(c):
j += 1
final_sigma = (j == length or (not _PyUnicode_IsCased(c)))
return 0x3c2 if final_sigma else 0x3c3
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/201c8f79450628241574fba940e08107178dc3a5/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9885-L9895 # noqa: E501
def _lower_ucs4(code_point, data, length, idx, mapped):
"""This is a translation of the function that lowers a character."""
if code_point == 0x3A3:
mapped[0] = _handle_capital_sigma(data, length, idx)
return 1
return _PyUnicode_ToLowerFull(code_point, mapped)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/201c8f79450628241574fba940e08107178dc3a5/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9946-L9965 # noqa: E501
def _gen_unicode_upper_or_lower(lower):
def _do_upper_or_lower(data, length, res, maxchars):
k = 0
for idx in range(length):
mapped = np.zeros(3, dtype=_Py_UCS4)
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
if lower:
n_res = _lower_ucs4(code_point, data, length, idx, mapped)
# might be needed if call _do_upper_or_lower in unicode_upper
n_res = _PyUnicode_ToUpperFull(code_point, mapped)
for m in mapped[:n_res]:
maxchars[0] = max(maxchars[0], m)
_set_code_point(res, k, m)
k += 1
return k
return _do_upper_or_lower
_unicode_upper = register_jitable(_gen_unicode_upper_or_lower(False))
_unicode_lower = register_jitable(_gen_unicode_upper_or_lower(True))
def _gen_ascii_upper_or_lower(func):
def _ascii_upper_or_lower(data, res):
for idx in range(len(data)):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
_set_code_point(res, idx, func(code_point))
return _ascii_upper_or_lower
_ascii_upper = register_jitable(_gen_ascii_upper_or_lower(_Py_TOUPPER))
_ascii_lower = register_jitable(_gen_ascii_upper_or_lower(_Py_TOLOWER))
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'lower')
def unicode_lower(data):
"""Implements .lower()"""
return case_operation(_ascii_lower, _unicode_lower)
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'upper')
def unicode_upper(data):
"""Implements .upper()"""
return case_operation(_ascii_upper, _unicode_upper)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9819-L9834 # noqa: E501
def _unicode_casefold(data, length, res, maxchars):
k = 0
mapped = np.zeros(3, dtype=_Py_UCS4)
for idx in range(length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
n_res = _PyUnicode_ToFoldedFull(code_point, mapped)
for m in mapped[:n_res]:
maxchar = maxchars[0]
maxchars[0] = max(maxchar, m)
_set_code_point(res, k, m)
k += 1
return k
def _ascii_casefold(data, res):
for idx in range(len(data)):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
_set_code_point(res, idx, _Py_TOLOWER(code_point))
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'casefold')
def unicode_casefold(data):
"""Implements str.casefold()"""
return case_operation(_ascii_casefold, _unicode_casefold)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9737-L9759 # noqa: E501
def _unicode_capitalize(data, length, res, maxchars):
k = 0
maxchar = 0
mapped = np.zeros(3, dtype=_Py_UCS4)
code_point = _get_code_point(data, 0)
n_res = _PyUnicode_ToTitleFull(code_point, mapped)
for m in mapped[:n_res]:
maxchar = max(maxchar, m)
_set_code_point(res, k, m)
k += 1
for idx in range(1, length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
n_res = _lower_ucs4(code_point, data, length, idx, mapped)
for m in mapped[:n_res]:
maxchar = max(maxchar, m)
_set_code_point(res, k, m)
k += 1
maxchars[0] = maxchar
return k
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/bytes_methods.c#L361-L382 # noqa: E501
def _ascii_capitalize(data, res):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, 0)
_set_code_point(res, 0, _Py_TOUPPER(code_point))
for idx in range(1, len(data)):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
_set_code_point(res, idx, _Py_TOLOWER(code_point))
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L10765-L10774 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'capitalize')
def unicode_capitalize(data):
return case_operation(_ascii_capitalize, _unicode_capitalize)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/201c8f79450628241574fba940e08107178dc3a5/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9996-L10021 # noqa: E501
def _unicode_title(data, length, res, maxchars):
"""This is a translation of the function that titles a unicode string."""
k = 0
previous_cased = False
mapped = np.empty(3, dtype=_Py_UCS4)
for idx in range(length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
if previous_cased:
n_res = _lower_ucs4(code_point, data, length, idx, mapped)
n_res = _PyUnicode_ToTitleFull(_Py_UCS4(code_point), mapped)
for m in mapped[:n_res]:
maxchar, = maxchars
maxchars[0] = max(maxchar, m)
_set_code_point(res, k, m)
k += 1
previous_cased = _PyUnicode_IsCased(_Py_UCS4(code_point))
return k
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/bytes_methods.c#L332-L352 # noqa: E501
def _ascii_title(data, res):
""" Does .title() on an ASCII string """
previous_is_cased = False
for idx in range(len(data)):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
if _Py_ISLOWER(code_point):
if not previous_is_cased:
code_point = _Py_TOUPPER(code_point)
previous_is_cased = True
elif _Py_ISUPPER(code_point):
if previous_is_cased:
code_point = _Py_TOLOWER(code_point)
previous_is_cased = True
previous_is_cased = False
_set_code_point(res, idx, code_point)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/201c8f79450628241574fba940e08107178dc3a5/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L10023-L10069 # noqa: E501
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'title')
def unicode_title(data):
"""Implements str.title()"""
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#str.title
return case_operation(_ascii_title, _unicode_title)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/bytes_methods.c#L391-L408 # noqa: E501
def _ascii_swapcase(data, res):
for idx in range(len(data)):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
if _Py_ISUPPER(code_point):
code_point = _Py_TOLOWER(code_point)
elif _Py_ISLOWER(code_point):
code_point = _Py_TOUPPER(code_point)
_set_code_point(res, idx, code_point)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L9761-L9784 # noqa: E501
def _unicode_swapcase(data, length, res, maxchars):
k = 0
maxchar = 0
mapped = np.empty(3, dtype=_Py_UCS4)
for idx in range(length):
code_point = _get_code_point(data, idx)
if _PyUnicode_IsUppercase(code_point):
n_res = _lower_ucs4(code_point, data, length, idx, mapped)
elif _PyUnicode_IsLowercase(code_point):
n_res = _PyUnicode_ToUpperFull(code_point, mapped)
n_res = 1
mapped[0] = code_point
for m in mapped[:n_res]:
maxchar = max(maxchar, m)
_set_code_point(res, k, m)
k += 1
maxchars[0] = maxchar
return k
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, 'swapcase')
def unicode_swapcase(data):
return case_operation(_ascii_swapcase, _unicode_swapcase)
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Python/bltinmodule.c#L1781-L1824 # noqa: E501
def ol_ord(c):
if isinstance(c, types.UnicodeType):
def impl(c):
lc = len(c)
if lc != 1:
# CPython does TypeError
raise TypeError("ord() expected a character")
return _get_code_point(c, 0)
return impl
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L2005-L2028 # noqa: E501
# This looks a bit different to the cpython implementation but, with the
# exception of a latin1 fast path is logically the same. It finds the "kind" of
# the codepoint `ch`, creates a length 1 string of that kind and then injects
# the code point into the zero position of that string. Cpython does similar but
# branches for each kind (this is encapsulated in Numba's _set_code_point).
def _unicode_char(ch):
assert ch <= _MAX_UNICODE
kind = _codepoint_to_kind(ch)
ret = _empty_string(kind, 1, kind == PY_UNICODE_1BYTE_KIND)
_set_code_point(ret, 0, ch)
return ret
_out_of_range_msg = "chr() arg not in range(0x%hx)" % _MAX_UNICODE
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Objects/unicodeobject.c#L3045-L3055 # noqa: E501
def _PyUnicode_FromOrdinal(ordinal):
if (ordinal < 0 or ordinal > _MAX_UNICODE):
raise ValueError(_out_of_range_msg)
return _unicode_char(_Py_UCS4(ordinal))
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/1d4b6ba19466aba0eb91c4ba01ba509acf18c723/Python/bltinmodule.c#L715-L720 # noqa: E501
def ol_chr(i):
if isinstance(i, types.Integer):
def impl(i):
return _PyUnicode_FromOrdinal(i)
return impl
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, "__str__")
def unicode_str(s):
return lambda s: s
@overload_method(types.UnicodeType, "__repr__")
def unicode_repr(s):
# Can't use f-string as the impl ends up calling str and then repr, which
# then recurses somewhere in imports.
return lambda s: "'" + s + "'"
@overload_method(types.Integer, "__str__")
def integer_str(n):
ten = n(10)
def impl(n):
flag = False
if n < 0:
n = -n
flag = True
if n == 0:
return '0'
length = flag + 1 + int(np.floor(np.log10(n)))
char_width = _kind_to_byte_width(kind)
s = _malloc_string(kind, char_width, length, True)
if flag:
_set_code_point(s, 0, ord('-'))
idx = length - 1
while n > 0:
n, digit = divmod(n, ten)
c = ord('0') + digit
_set_code_point(s, idx, c)
idx -= 1
return s
return impl
@overload_method(types.Integer, "__repr__")
def integer_repr(n):
return lambda n: n.__str__()
@overload_method(types.Boolean, "__repr__")
@overload_method(types.Boolean, "__str__")
def boolean_str(b):
return lambda b: 'True' if b else 'False'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# iteration
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@lower_builtin('getiter', types.UnicodeType)
def getiter_unicode(context, builder, sig, args):
[ty] = sig.args
[data] = args
iterobj = context.make_helper(builder, sig.return_type)
# set the index to zero
zero = context.get_constant(types.uintp, 0)
indexptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, zero)
iterobj.index = indexptr
# wire in the unicode type data
iterobj.data = data
# incref as needed
if context.enable_nrt:
context.nrt.incref(builder, ty, data)
res = iterobj._getvalue()
return impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin('iternext', types.UnicodeIteratorType)
# a new ref counted object is put into result._yield so set the new_ref to True!
def iternext_unicode(context, builder, sig, args, result):
[iterty] = sig.args
[iter] = args
tyctx = context.typing_context
# get ref to unicode.__getitem__
fnty = tyctx.resolve_value_type(operator.getitem)
getitem_sig = fnty.get_call_type(tyctx, (types.unicode_type, types.uintp),
getitem_impl = context.get_function(fnty, getitem_sig)
# get ref to unicode.__len__
fnty = tyctx.resolve_value_type(len)
len_sig = fnty.get_call_type(tyctx, (types.unicode_type,), {})
len_impl = context.get_function(fnty, len_sig)
# grab unicode iterator struct
iterobj = context.make_helper(builder, iterty, value=iter)
# find the length of the string
strlen = len_impl(builder, (iterobj.data,))
# find the current index
index = builder.load(iterobj.index)
# see if the index is in range
is_valid = builder.icmp_unsigned('<', index, strlen)
with builder.if_then(is_valid):
# return value at index
gotitem = getitem_impl(builder, (iterobj.data, index,))
# bump index for next cycle
nindex = cgutils.increment_index(builder, index)
builder.store(nindex, iterobj.index)