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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
Implement logic relating to wrapping (box) and unwrapping (unbox) instances
of jitclasses for use inside the python interpreter.
from functools import wraps, partial
from llvmlite import ir
from numba.core import types, cgutils
from numba.core.decorators import njit
from numba.core.pythonapi import box, unbox, NativeValue
from numba.core.typing.typeof import typeof_impl
from numba.experimental.jitclass import _box
_getter_code_template = """
def accessor(__numba_self_):
return __numba_self_.{0}
_setter_code_template = """
def mutator(__numba_self_, __numba_val):
__numba_self_.{0} = __numba_val
_method_code_template = """
def method(__numba_self_, *args):
return __numba_self_.{method}(*args)
def _generate_property(field, template, fname):
Generate simple function that get/set a field of the instance
source = template.format(field)
glbls = {}
exec(source, glbls)
return njit(glbls[fname])
_generate_getter = partial(_generate_property, template=_getter_code_template,
_generate_setter = partial(_generate_property, template=_setter_code_template,
def _generate_method(name, func):
Generate a wrapper for calling a method. Note the wrapper will only
accept positional arguments.
source = _method_code_template.format(method=name)
glbls = {}
exec(source, glbls)
method = njit(glbls['method'])
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return method(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
_cache_specialized_box = {}
def _specialize_box(typ):
Create a subclass of Box that is specialized to the jitclass.
This function caches the result to avoid code bloat.
# Check cache
if typ in _cache_specialized_box:
return _cache_specialized_box[typ]
dct = {'__slots__': (),
'_numba_type_': typ,
'__doc__': typ.class_type.class_doc,
# Inject attributes as class properties
for field in typ.struct:
getter = _generate_getter(field)
setter = _generate_setter(field)
dct[field] = property(getter, setter)
# Inject properties as class properties
for field, impdct in typ.jit_props.items():
getter = None
setter = None
if 'get' in impdct:
getter = _generate_getter(field)
if 'set' in impdct:
setter = _generate_setter(field)
# get docstring from either the fget or fset
imp = impdct.get('get') or impdct.get('set') or None
doc = getattr(imp, '__doc__', None)
dct[field] = property(getter, setter, doc=doc)
# Inject methods as class members
supported_dunders = {
for name, func in typ.methods.items():
if name == "__init__":
if (
and name.endswith("__")
and name not in supported_dunders
raise TypeError(f"Method '{name}' is not supported.")
dct[name] = _generate_method(name, func)
# Inject static methods as class members
for name, func in typ.static_methods.items():
dct[name] = _generate_method(name, func)
# Create subclass
subcls = type(typ.classname, (_box.Box,), dct)
# Store to cache
_cache_specialized_box[typ] = subcls
# Pre-compile attribute getter.
# Note: This must be done after the "box" class is created because
# compiling the getter requires the "box" class to be defined.
for k, v in dct.items():
if isinstance(v, property):
prop = getattr(subcls, k)
if prop.fget is not None:
fget = prop.fget
fast_fget = fget.compile((typ,))
setattr(subcls, k,
property(fast_fget, prop.fset, prop.fdel,
return subcls
# Implement box/unbox for call wrapper
def _box_class_instance(typ, val, c):
meminfo, dataptr = cgutils.unpack_tuple(c.builder, val)
# Create Box instance
box_subclassed = _specialize_box(typ)
# Note: the ``box_subclassed`` is kept alive by the cache
voidptr_boxcls = c.context.add_dynamic_addr(
box_cls = c.builder.bitcast(voidptr_boxcls, c.pyapi.pyobj)
box = c.pyapi.call_function_objargs(box_cls, ())
# Initialize Box instance
llvoidptr = ir.IntType(8).as_pointer()
addr_meminfo = c.builder.bitcast(meminfo, llvoidptr)
addr_data = c.builder.bitcast(dataptr, llvoidptr)
def set_member(member_offset, value):
# Access member by byte offset
offset = c.context.get_constant(types.uintp, member_offset)
ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(c.builder, box, offset)
casted = c.builder.bitcast(ptr, llvoidptr.as_pointer()), casted)
set_member(_box.box_meminfoptr_offset, addr_meminfo)
set_member(_box.box_dataptr_offset, addr_data)
return box
def _unbox_class_instance(typ, val, c):
def access_member(member_offset):
# Access member by byte offset
offset = c.context.get_constant(types.uintp, member_offset)
llvoidptr = ir.IntType(8).as_pointer()
ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(c.builder, val, offset)
casted = c.builder.bitcast(ptr, llvoidptr.as_pointer())
return c.builder.load(casted)
struct_cls = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)
inst = struct_cls(c.context, c.builder)
# load from Python object
ptr_meminfo = access_member(_box.box_meminfoptr_offset)
ptr_dataptr = access_member(_box.box_dataptr_offset)
# store to native structure
inst.meminfo = c.builder.bitcast(ptr_meminfo, inst.meminfo.type) = c.builder.bitcast(ptr_dataptr,
ret = inst._getvalue()
c.context.nrt.incref(c.builder, typ, ret)
return NativeValue(ret, is_error=c.pyapi.c_api_error())
# Add a typeof_impl implementation for boxed jitclasses to short-circut the
# various tests in typeof. This is needed for jitclasses which implement a
# custom hash method. Without this, typeof_impl will return None, and one of the
# later attempts to determine the type of the jitclass (before checking for
# _numba_type_) will look up the object in a dictionary, triggering the hash
# method. This will cause the dispatcher to determine the call signature of the
# jit decorated obj.__hash__ method, which will call typeof(obj), and thus
# infinite loop.
# This implementation is here instead of in to avoid circular imports.
def _typeof_jitclass_box(val, c):
return getattr(type(val), "_numba_type_")