744 lines
27 KiB
744 lines
27 KiB
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from llvmlite.ir import Constant, IRBuilder
from llvmlite import ir
from numba.core import types, cgutils
from numba.core.compiler_lock import global_compiler_lock
from numba.core.caching import make_library_cache, NullCache
_wrapper_info = namedtuple('_wrapper_info', ['library', 'env', 'name'])
def _build_ufunc_loop_body(load, store, context, func, builder, arrays, out,
offsets, store_offset, signature, pyapi, env):
elems = load()
# Compute
status, retval = context.call_conv.call_function(builder, func,
signature.args, elems)
# Store
with builder.if_else(status.is_ok, likely=True) as (if_ok, if_error):
with if_ok:
with if_error:
gil = pyapi.gil_ensure()
context.call_conv.raise_error(builder, pyapi, status)
# increment indices
for off, ary in zip(offsets, arrays):
builder.store(builder.add(builder.load(off), ary.step), off)
builder.store(builder.add(builder.load(store_offset), out.step),
return status.code
def _build_ufunc_loop_body_objmode(load, store, context, func, builder,
arrays, out, offsets, store_offset,
signature, env, pyapi):
elems = load()
# Compute
_objargs = [types.pyobject] * len(signature.args)
# We need to push the error indicator to avoid it messing with
# the ufunc's execution. We restore it unless the ufunc raised
# a new error.
with pyapi.err_push(keep_new=True):
status, retval = context.call_conv.call_function(builder, func,
_objargs, elems)
# Release owned reference to arguments
for elem in elems:
# NOTE: if an error occurred, it will be caught by the Numpy machinery
# Store
# increment indices
for off, ary in zip(offsets, arrays):
builder.store(builder.add(builder.load(off), ary.step), off)
builder.store(builder.add(builder.load(store_offset), out.step),
return status.code
def build_slow_loop_body(context, func, builder, arrays, out, offsets,
store_offset, signature, pyapi, env):
def load():
elems = [ary.load_direct(builder.load(off))
for off, ary in zip(offsets, arrays)]
return elems
def store(retval):
out.store_direct(retval, builder.load(store_offset))
return _build_ufunc_loop_body(load, store, context, func, builder, arrays,
out, offsets, store_offset, signature, pyapi,
def build_obj_loop_body(context, func, builder, arrays, out, offsets,
store_offset, signature, pyapi, envptr, env):
env_body = context.get_env_body(builder, envptr)
env_manager = pyapi.get_env_manager(env, env_body, envptr)
def load():
# Load
elems = [ary.load_direct(builder.load(off))
for off, ary in zip(offsets, arrays)]
# Box
elems = [pyapi.from_native_value(t, v, env_manager)
for v, t in zip(elems, signature.args)]
return elems
def store(retval):
is_ok = cgutils.is_not_null(builder, retval)
# If an error is raised by the object mode ufunc, it will
# simply get caught by the Numpy ufunc machinery.
with builder.if_then(is_ok, likely=True):
# Unbox
native = pyapi.to_native_value(signature.return_type, retval)
assert native.cleanup is None
# Store
out.store_direct(native.value, builder.load(store_offset))
# Release owned reference
return _build_ufunc_loop_body_objmode(load, store, context, func, builder,
arrays, out, offsets, store_offset,
signature, envptr, pyapi)
def build_fast_loop_body(context, func, builder, arrays, out, offsets,
store_offset, signature, ind, pyapi, env):
def load():
elems = [ary.load_aligned(ind)
for ary in arrays]
return elems
def store(retval):
out.store_aligned(retval, ind)
return _build_ufunc_loop_body(load, store, context, func, builder, arrays,
out, offsets, store_offset, signature, pyapi,
def build_ufunc_wrapper(library, context, fname, signature, objmode, cres):
Wrap the scalar function with a loop that iterates over the arguments
(library, env, name)
assert isinstance(fname, str)
byte_t = ir.IntType(8)
byte_ptr_t = ir.PointerType(byte_t)
byte_ptr_ptr_t = ir.PointerType(byte_ptr_t)
intp_t = context.get_value_type(types.intp)
intp_ptr_t = ir.PointerType(intp_t)
fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [byte_ptr_ptr_t, intp_ptr_t,
intp_ptr_t, byte_ptr_t])
wrapperlib = context.codegen().create_library('ufunc_wrapper')
wrapper_module = wrapperlib.create_ir_module('')
if objmode:
func_type = context.call_conv.get_function_type(
types.pyobject, [types.pyobject] * len(signature.args))
func_type = context.call_conv.get_function_type(
signature.return_type, signature.args)
func = ir.Function(wrapper_module, func_type, name=fname)
wrapper = ir.Function(wrapper_module, fnty, "__ufunc__." + func.name)
arg_args, arg_dims, arg_steps, arg_data = wrapper.args
arg_args.name = "args"
arg_dims.name = "dims"
arg_steps.name = "steps"
arg_data.name = "data"
builder = IRBuilder(wrapper.append_basic_block("entry"))
# Prepare Environment
envname = context.get_env_name(cres.fndesc)
env = cres.environment
envptr = builder.load(context.declare_env_global(builder.module, envname))
# Emit loop
loopcount = builder.load(arg_dims, name="loopcount")
# Prepare inputs
arrays = []
for i, typ in enumerate(signature.args):
arrays.append(UArrayArg(context, builder, arg_args, arg_steps, i, typ))
# Prepare output
out = UArrayArg(context, builder, arg_args, arg_steps, len(arrays),
# Setup indices
offsets = []
zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
for _ in arrays:
p = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, intp_t)
builder.store(zero, p)
store_offset = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, intp_t)
builder.store(zero, store_offset)
unit_strided = cgutils.true_bit
for ary in arrays:
unit_strided = builder.and_(unit_strided, ary.is_unit_strided)
pyapi = context.get_python_api(builder)
if objmode:
# General loop
gil = pyapi.gil_ensure()
with cgutils.for_range(builder, loopcount, intp=intp_t):
context, func, builder, arrays, out, offsets,
store_offset, signature, pyapi, envptr, env,
with builder.if_else(unit_strided) as (is_unit_strided, is_strided):
with is_unit_strided:
with cgutils.for_range(builder, loopcount, intp=intp_t) as loop:
context, func, builder, arrays, out, offsets,
store_offset, signature, loop.index, pyapi,
with is_strided:
# General loop
with cgutils.for_range(builder, loopcount, intp=intp_t):
context, func, builder, arrays, out, offsets,
store_offset, signature, pyapi,
del builder
# Link and finalize
return _wrapper_info(library=wrapperlib, env=env, name=wrapper.name)
class UArrayArg(object):
def __init__(self, context, builder, args, steps, i, fe_type):
self.context = context
self.builder = builder
self.fe_type = fe_type
offset = self.context.get_constant(types.intp, i)
offseted_args = self.builder.load(builder.gep(args, [offset]))
data_type = context.get_data_type(fe_type)
self.dataptr = self.builder.bitcast(offseted_args,
sizeof = self.context.get_abi_sizeof(data_type)
self.abisize = self.context.get_constant(types.intp, sizeof)
offseted_step = self.builder.gep(steps, [offset])
self.step = self.builder.load(offseted_step)
self.is_unit_strided = builder.icmp_unsigned('==',
self.abisize, self.step)
self.builder = builder
def load_direct(self, byteoffset):
Generic load from the given *byteoffset*. load_aligned() is
preferred if possible.
ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(self.builder, self.dataptr, byteoffset)
return self.context.unpack_value(self.builder, self.fe_type, ptr)
def load_aligned(self, ind):
# Using gep() instead of explicit pointer addition helps LLVM
# vectorize the loop.
ptr = self.builder.gep(self.dataptr, [ind])
return self.context.unpack_value(self.builder, self.fe_type, ptr)
def store_direct(self, value, byteoffset):
ptr = cgutils.pointer_add(self.builder, self.dataptr, byteoffset)
self.context.pack_value(self.builder, self.fe_type, value, ptr)
def store_aligned(self, value, ind):
ptr = self.builder.gep(self.dataptr, [ind])
self.context.pack_value(self.builder, self.fe_type, value, ptr)
GufWrapperCache = make_library_cache('guf')
class _GufuncWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, py_func, cres, sin, sout, cache, is_parfors):
The *is_parfors* argument is a boolean that indicates if the GUfunc
being built is to be used as a ParFors kernel. If True, it disables
the caching on the wrapper as a separate unit because it will be linked
into the caller function and cached along with it.
self.py_func = py_func
self.cres = cres
self.sin = sin
self.sout = sout
self.is_objectmode = self.signature.return_type == types.pyobject
self.cache = (GufWrapperCache(py_func=self.py_func)
if cache else NullCache())
self.is_parfors = bool(is_parfors)
def library(self):
return self.cres.library
def context(self):
return self.cres.target_context
def call_conv(self):
return self.context.call_conv
def signature(self):
return self.cres.signature
def fndesc(self):
return self.cres.fndesc
def env(self):
return self.cres.environment
def _wrapper_function_type(self):
byte_t = ir.IntType(8)
byte_ptr_t = ir.PointerType(byte_t)
byte_ptr_ptr_t = ir.PointerType(byte_ptr_t)
intp_t = self.context.get_value_type(types.intp)
intp_ptr_t = ir.PointerType(intp_t)
fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [byte_ptr_ptr_t, intp_ptr_t,
intp_ptr_t, byte_ptr_t])
return fnty
def _build_wrapper(self, library, name):
The LLVM IRBuilder code to create the gufunc wrapper.
The *library* arg is the CodeLibrary to which the wrapper should
be added. The *name* arg is the name of the wrapper function being
intp_t = self.context.get_value_type(types.intp)
fnty = self._wrapper_function_type()
wrapper_module = library.create_ir_module('_gufunc_wrapper')
func_type = self.call_conv.get_function_type(self.fndesc.restype,
fname = self.fndesc.llvm_func_name
func = ir.Function(wrapper_module, func_type, name=fname)
wrapper = ir.Function(wrapper_module, fnty, name)
# The use of weak_odr linkage avoids the function being dropped due
# to the order in which the wrappers and the user function are linked.
wrapper.linkage = 'weak_odr'
arg_args, arg_dims, arg_steps, arg_data = wrapper.args
arg_args.name = "args"
arg_dims.name = "dims"
arg_steps.name = "steps"
arg_data.name = "data"
builder = IRBuilder(wrapper.append_basic_block("entry"))
loopcount = builder.load(arg_dims, name="loopcount")
pyapi = self.context.get_python_api(builder)
# Unpack shapes
unique_syms = set()
for grp in (self.sin, self.sout):
for syms in grp:
unique_syms |= set(syms)
sym_map = {}
for syms in self.sin:
for s in syms:
if s not in sym_map:
sym_map[s] = len(sym_map)
sym_dim = {}
for s, i in sym_map.items():
sym_dim[s] = builder.load(builder.gep(arg_dims,
i + 1)]))
# Prepare inputs
arrays = []
step_offset = len(self.sin) + len(self.sout)
for i, (typ, sym) in enumerate(zip(self.signature.args,
self.sin + self.sout)):
ary = GUArrayArg(self.context, builder, arg_args,
arg_steps, i, step_offset, typ, sym, sym_dim)
step_offset += len(sym)
bbreturn = builder.append_basic_block('.return')
# Prologue
self.gen_prologue(builder, pyapi)
# Loop
with cgutils.for_range(builder, loopcount, intp=intp_t) as loop:
args = [a.get_array_at_offset(loop.index) for a in arrays]
innercall, error = self.gen_loop_body(builder, pyapi, func, args)
# If error, escape
cgutils.cbranch_or_continue(builder, error, bbreturn)
# Epilogue
self.gen_epilogue(builder, pyapi)
# Link
def _compile_wrapper(self, wrapper_name):
# Gufunc created by Parfors?
if self.is_parfors:
# No wrapper caching for parfors
wrapperlib = self.context.codegen().create_library(str(self))
# Build wrapper
self._build_wrapper(wrapperlib, wrapper_name)
# Non-parfors?
# Use cache and compiler in a critical section
wrapperlib = self.cache.load_overload(
self.cres.signature, self.cres.target_context,
if wrapperlib is None:
# Create library and enable caching
wrapperlib = self.context.codegen().create_library(str(self))
# Build wrapper
self._build_wrapper(wrapperlib, wrapper_name)
# Cache
self.cache.save_overload(self.cres.signature, wrapperlib)
return wrapperlib
def build(self):
wrapper_name = "__gufunc__." + self.fndesc.mangled_name
wrapperlib = self._compile_wrapper(wrapper_name)
return _wrapper_info(
library=wrapperlib, env=self.env, name=wrapper_name,
def gen_loop_body(self, builder, pyapi, func, args):
status, retval = self.call_conv.call_function(
builder, func, self.signature.return_type, self.signature.args,
with builder.if_then(status.is_error, likely=False):
gil = pyapi.gil_ensure()
self.context.call_conv.raise_error(builder, pyapi, status)
return status.code, status.is_error
def gen_prologue(self, builder, pyapi):
pass # Do nothing
def gen_epilogue(self, builder, pyapi):
pass # Do nothing
class _GufuncObjectWrapper(_GufuncWrapper):
def gen_loop_body(self, builder, pyapi, func, args):
innercall, error = _prepare_call_to_object_mode(self.context,
builder, pyapi, func,
return innercall, error
def gen_prologue(self, builder, pyapi):
# Acquire the GIL
self.gil = pyapi.gil_ensure()
def gen_epilogue(self, builder, pyapi):
# Release GIL
def build_gufunc_wrapper(py_func, cres, sin, sout, cache, is_parfors):
signature = cres.signature
wrapcls = (_GufuncObjectWrapper
if signature.return_type == types.pyobject
else _GufuncWrapper)
return wrapcls(
py_func, cres, sin, sout, cache, is_parfors=is_parfors,
def _prepare_call_to_object_mode(context, builder, pyapi, func,
signature, args):
mod = builder.module
bb_core_return = builder.append_basic_block('ufunc.core.return')
# Call to
# PyObject* ndarray_new(int nd,
# npy_intp *dims, /* shape */
# npy_intp *strides,
# void* data,
# int type_num,
# int itemsize)
ll_int = context.get_value_type(types.int32)
ll_intp = context.get_value_type(types.intp)
ll_intp_ptr = ir.PointerType(ll_intp)
ll_voidptr = context.get_value_type(types.voidptr)
ll_pyobj = context.get_value_type(types.pyobject)
fnty = ir.FunctionType(ll_pyobj, [ll_int, ll_intp_ptr,
ll_intp_ptr, ll_voidptr,
ll_int, ll_int])
fn_array_new = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(mod, fnty,
# Convert each llarray into pyobject
error_pointer = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ir.IntType(1), name='error')
builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, error_pointer)
# The PyObject* arguments to the kernel function
object_args = []
object_pointers = []
for i, (arg, argty) in enumerate(zip(args, signature.args)):
# Allocate NULL-initialized slot for this argument
objptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ll_pyobj, zfill=True)
if isinstance(argty, types.Array):
# Special case arrays: we don't need full-blown NRT reflection
# since the argument will be gone at the end of the kernel
arycls = context.make_array(argty)
array = arycls(context, builder, value=arg)
zero = Constant(ll_int, 0)
# Extract members of the llarray
nd = Constant(ll_int, argty.ndim)
dims = builder.gep(array._get_ptr_by_name('shape'), [zero, zero])
strides = builder.gep(array._get_ptr_by_name('strides'),
[zero, zero])
data = builder.bitcast(array.data, ll_voidptr)
dtype = np.dtype(str(argty.dtype))
# Prepare other info for reconstruction of the PyArray
type_num = Constant(ll_int, dtype.num)
itemsize = Constant(ll_int, dtype.itemsize)
# Call helper to reconstruct PyArray objects
obj = builder.call(fn_array_new, [nd, dims, strides, data,
type_num, itemsize])
# Other argument types => use generic boxing
obj = pyapi.from_native_value(argty, arg)
builder.store(obj, objptr)
obj_is_null = cgutils.is_null(builder, obj)
builder.store(obj_is_null, error_pointer)
cgutils.cbranch_or_continue(builder, obj_is_null, bb_core_return)
# Call ufunc core function
object_sig = [types.pyobject] * len(object_args)
status, retval = context.call_conv.call_function(
builder, func, types.pyobject, object_sig,
builder.store(status.is_error, error_pointer)
# Release returned object
# At return block
# Release argument objects
for objptr in object_pointers:
innercall = status.code
return innercall, builder.load(error_pointer)
class GUArrayArg(object):
def __init__(self, context, builder, args, steps, i, step_offset,
typ, syms, sym_dim):
self.context = context
self.builder = builder
offset = context.get_constant(types.intp, i)
data = builder.load(builder.gep(args, [offset], name="data.ptr"),
self.data = data
core_step_ptr = builder.gep(steps, [offset], name="core.step.ptr")
core_step = builder.load(core_step_ptr)
if isinstance(typ, types.Array):
as_scalar = not syms
# number of symbol in the shape spec should match the dimension
# of the array type.
if len(syms) != typ.ndim:
if len(syms) == 0 and typ.ndim == 1:
# This is an exception for handling scalar argument.
# The type can be 1D array for scalar.
# In the future, we may deprecate this exception.
raise TypeError("type and shape signature mismatch for arg "
"#{0}".format(i + 1))
ndim = typ.ndim
shape = [sym_dim[s] for s in syms]
strides = []
for j in range(ndim):
stepptr = builder.gep(steps,
step_offset + j)],
step = builder.load(stepptr)
ldcls = (_ArrayAsScalarArgLoader
if as_scalar
else _ArrayArgLoader)
self._loader = ldcls(dtype=typ.dtype,
# If typ is not an array
if syms:
raise TypeError("scalar type {0} given for non scalar "
"argument #{1}".format(typ, i + 1))
self._loader = _ScalarArgLoader(dtype=typ, stride=core_step)
def get_array_at_offset(self, ind):
return self._loader.load(context=self.context, builder=self.builder,
data=self.data, ind=ind)
class _ScalarArgLoader(object):
Handle GFunc argument loading where a scalar type is used in the core
Note: It still has a stride because the input to the gufunc can be an array
for this argument.
def __init__(self, dtype, stride):
self.dtype = dtype
self.stride = stride
def load(self, context, builder, data, ind):
# Load at base + ind * stride
data = builder.gep(data, [builder.mul(ind, self.stride)])
dptr = builder.bitcast(data,
return builder.load(dptr)
class _ArrayArgLoader(object):
Handle GUFunc argument loading where an array is expected.
def __init__(self, dtype, ndim, core_step, as_scalar, shape, strides):
self.dtype = dtype
self.ndim = ndim
self.core_step = core_step
self.as_scalar = as_scalar
self.shape = shape
self.strides = strides
def load(self, context, builder, data, ind):
arytyp = types.Array(dtype=self.dtype, ndim=self.ndim, layout="A")
arycls = context.make_array(arytyp)
array = arycls(context, builder)
offseted_data = cgutils.pointer_add(builder,
shape, strides = self._shape_and_strides(context, builder)
itemsize = context.get_abi_sizeof(context.get_data_type(self.dtype))
return array._getvalue()
def _shape_and_strides(self, context, builder):
shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, self.shape)
strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, self.strides)
return shape, strides
class _ArrayAsScalarArgLoader(_ArrayArgLoader):
Handle GUFunc argument loading where the shape signature specifies
a scalar "()" but a 1D array is used for the type of the core function.
def _shape_and_strides(self, context, builder):
# Set shape and strides for a 1D size 1 array
one = context.get_constant(types.intp, 1)
zero = context.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
shape = cgutils.pack_array(builder, [one])
strides = cgutils.pack_array(builder, [zero])
return shape, strides