1141 lines
42 KiB
1141 lines
42 KiB
import itertools
import numpy as np
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from io import StringIO
from numba import njit, typeof, prange
from numba.core import (
from numba.tests.support import (TestCase, tag, skip_parfors_unsupported,
from numba.parfors.array_analysis import EquivSet, ArrayAnalysis
from numba.core.compiler import Compiler, Flags, PassManager
from numba.core.ir_utils import remove_dead
from numba.core.untyped_passes import (ExtractByteCode, TranslateByteCode, FixupArgs,
IRProcessing, DeadBranchPrune,
RewriteSemanticConstants, GenericRewrites,
WithLifting, PreserveIR, InlineClosureLikes)
from numba.core.typed_passes import (NopythonTypeInference, AnnotateTypes,
NopythonRewrites, IRLegalization)
from numba.core.compiler_machinery import FunctionPass, PassManager, register_pass
from numba.experimental import jitclass
import unittest
skip_unsupported = skip_parfors_unsupported
# test class for #3700
@jitclass([('L', types.int32), ('T', types.int32)])
class ExampleClass3700(object):
def __init__(self, n):
self.L = n
self.T = n + 1
# test value for test_global_tuple
GVAL = (1.2,)
GVAL2 = (3, 4)
class TestEquivSet(TestCase):
Test array_analysis.EquivSet.
def test_insert_equiv(self):
s1 = EquivSet()
s1.insert_equiv('a', 'b')
self.assertTrue(s1.is_equiv('a', 'b'))
self.assertTrue(s1.is_equiv('b', 'a'))
s1.insert_equiv('c', 'd')
self.assertTrue(s1.is_equiv('c', 'd'))
self.assertFalse(s1.is_equiv('c', 'a'))
s1.insert_equiv('a', 'c')
self.assertTrue(s1.is_equiv('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'))
self.assertFalse(s1.is_equiv('a', 'e'))
def test_intersect(self):
s1 = EquivSet()
s2 = EquivSet()
r = s1.intersect(s2)
s1.insert_equiv('a', 'b')
r = s1.intersect(s2)
s2.insert_equiv('b', 'c')
r = s1.intersect(s2)
s2.insert_equiv('d', 'a')
r = s1.intersect(s2)
s1.insert_equiv('a', 'e')
s2.insert_equiv('c', 'd')
r = s1.intersect(s2)
self.assertTrue(r.is_equiv('a', 'b'))
self.assertFalse(r.is_equiv('a', 'e'))
self.assertFalse(r.is_equiv('c', 'd'))
@register_pass(analysis_only=False, mutates_CFG=True)
class ArrayAnalysisPass(FunctionPass):
_name = "array_analysis_pass"
def __init__(self):
def run_pass(self, state):
state.array_analysis = ArrayAnalysis(state.typingctx, state.func_ir,
state.typemap, state.calltypes)
post_proc = postproc.PostProcessor(state.func_ir)
if state.test_idempotence and len(state.func_ir_copies) > 1:
return False
class ArrayAnalysisTester(Compiler):
def mk_pipeline(cls, args, return_type=None, flags=None, locals={},
library=None, typing_context=None, target_context=None):
if not flags:
flags = Flags()
flags.nrt = True
if typing_context is None:
typing_context = registry.cpu_target.typing_context
if target_context is None:
target_context = registry.cpu_target.target_context
return cls(typing_context, target_context, library, args, return_type,
flags, locals)
def compile_to_ir(self, func, test_idempotence=None):
Populate and run compiler pipeline
self.state.func_id = bytecode.FunctionIdentity.from_function(func)
self.state.lifted = ()
self.state.lifted_from = None
state = self.state
state.func_ir_copies = []
state.test_idempotence = test_idempotence
name = 'array_analysis_testing'
pm = PassManager(name)
pm.add_pass(TranslateByteCode, "analyzing bytecode")
pm.add_pass(FixupArgs, "fix up args")
pm.add_pass(IRProcessing, "processing IR")
# pre typing
if not state.flags.no_rewrites:
pm.add_pass(GenericRewrites, "nopython rewrites")
pm.add_pass(RewriteSemanticConstants, "rewrite semantic constants")
pm.add_pass(DeadBranchPrune, "dead branch pruning")
"inline calls to locally defined closures")
# typing
pm.add_pass(NopythonTypeInference, "nopython frontend")
if not state.flags.no_rewrites:
pm.add_pass(NopythonRewrites, "nopython rewrites")
# Array Analysis pass
pm.add_pass(ArrayAnalysisPass, "array analysis")
if test_idempotence:
# Do another pass of array analysis to test idempotence
pm.add_pass(ArrayAnalysisPass, "idempotence array analysis")
# legalise
pm.add_pass(IRLegalization, "ensure IR is legal prior to lowering")
pm.add_pass(AnnotateTypes, "annotate types")
# partial compile
return state.array_analysis
class TestArrayAnalysis(TestCase):
def compare_ir(self, ir_list):
outputs = []
for func_ir in ir_list:
remove_dead(func_ir.blocks, func_ir.arg_names, func_ir)
output = StringIO()
self.assertTrue(len(set(outputs)) == 1) # assert all outputs are equal
def _compile_and_test(self, fn, arg_tys, asserts=[], equivs=[], idempotent=True):
Compile the given function and get its IR.
test_pipeline = ArrayAnalysisTester.mk_pipeline(arg_tys)
test_idempotence = self.compare_ir if idempotent else lambda x:()
analysis = test_pipeline.compile_to_ir(fn, test_idempotence)
if equivs:
for func in equivs:
# only test the equiv_set of the first block
if asserts is None:
for func in asserts:
func(analysis.func_ir, analysis.typemap)
def _has_assertcall(self, func_ir, typemap, args):
msg = "Sizes of {} do not match".format(', '.join(args))
for label, block in func_ir.blocks.items():
for expr in block.find_exprs(op='call'):
fn = func_ir.get_definition(expr.func.name)
if isinstance(fn, ir.Global) and fn.name == 'assert_equiv':
typ = typemap[expr.args[0].name]
if typ.literal_value.startswith(msg):
return True
return False
def _has_shapecall(self, func_ir, x):
for label, block in func_ir.blocks.items():
for expr in block.find_exprs(op='getattr'):
if expr.attr == 'shape':
y = func_ir.get_definition(expr.value, lhs_only=True)
z = func_ir.get_definition(x, lhs_only=True)
y = y.name if isinstance(y, ir.Var) else y
z = z.name if isinstance(z, ir.Var) else z
if y == z:
return True
return False
def _has_no_assertcall(self, func_ir):
for label, block in func_ir.blocks.items():
for expr in block.find_exprs(op='call'):
fn = func_ir.get_definition(expr.func.name)
if isinstance(fn, ir.Global) and fn.name == 'assert_equiv':
return False
return True
def with_assert(self, *args):
return lambda func_ir, typemap: self.assertTrue(
self._has_assertcall(func_ir, typemap, args))
def without_assert(self, *args):
return lambda func_ir, typemap: self.assertFalse(
self._has_assertcall(func_ir, typemap, args))
def with_equiv(self, *args):
def check(equiv_set):
n = len(args)
for i in range(n - 1):
if not equiv_set.is_equiv(args[i], args[n - 1]):
return False
return True
return lambda equiv_set: self.assertTrue(check(equiv_set))
def without_equiv(self, *args):
def check(equiv_set):
n = len(args)
for i in range(n - 1):
if equiv_set.is_equiv(args[i], args[n - 1]):
return False
return True
return lambda equiv_set: self.assertTrue(check(equiv_set))
def with_shapecall(self, x):
return lambda func_ir, s: self.assertTrue(self._has_shapecall(func_ir, x))
def without_shapecall(self, x):
return lambda func_ir, s: self.assertFalse(self._has_shapecall(func_ir, x))
def test_base_cases(self):
def test_0():
a = np.zeros(0)
b = np.zeros(1)
m = 0
n = 1
c = np.zeros((m, n))
self._compile_and_test(test_0, (),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', (0,)),
self.with_equiv('b', (1,)),
self.with_equiv('c', (0, 1))])
def test_1(n):
a = np.zeros(n)
b = np.zeros(n)
return a + b
self._compile_and_test(test_1, (types.intp,), asserts=None)
def test_2(m, n):
a = np.zeros(n)
b = np.zeros(m)
return a + b
self._compile_and_test(test_2, (types.intp, types.intp),
asserts=[self.with_assert('a', 'b')])
def test_3(n):
a = np.zeros(n)
return a + n
self._compile_and_test(test_3, (types.intp,), asserts=None)
def test_4(n):
a = np.zeros(n)
b = a + 1
c = a + 2
return a + c
self._compile_and_test(test_4, (types.intp,), asserts=None)
def test_5(n):
a = np.zeros((n, n))
m = n
b = np.zeros((m, n))
return a + b
self._compile_and_test(test_5, (types.intp,), asserts=None)
def test_6(m, n):
a = np.zeros(n)
b = np.zeros(m)
d = a + b
e = a - b
return d + e
self._compile_and_test(test_6, (types.intp, types.intp),
asserts=[self.with_assert('a', 'b'),
self.without_assert('d', 'e')])
def test_7(m, n):
a = np.zeros(n)
b = np.zeros(m)
if m == 10:
d = a + b
d = a - b
return d + a
self._compile_and_test(test_7, (types.intp, types.intp),
asserts=[self.with_assert('a', 'b'),
self.without_assert('d', 'a')])
def test_8(m, n):
a = np.zeros(n)
b = np.zeros(m)
if m == 10:
d = b + a
d = a + a
return b + d
self._compile_and_test(test_8, (types.intp, types.intp),
asserts=[self.with_assert('b', 'a'),
self.with_assert('b', 'd')])
def test_9(m):
A = np.ones(m)
s = 0
while m < 2:
m += 1
B = np.ones(m)
s += np.sum(A + B)
return s
self._compile_and_test(test_9, (types.intp,),
asserts=[self.with_assert('A', 'B')])
def test_10(m, n):
p = m - 1
q = n + 1
r = q + 1
A = np.zeros(p)
B = np.zeros(q)
C = np.zeros(r)
D = np.zeros(m)
s = np.sum(A + B)
t = np.sum(C + D)
return s + t
self._compile_and_test(test_10, (types.intp,types.intp,),
asserts=[self.with_assert('A', 'B'),
self.without_assert('C', 'D')])
def test_11():
a = np.ones(5)
b = np.ones(5)
c = a[1:]
d = b[:-1]
e = len(c)
f = len(d)
return e == f
self._compile_and_test(test_11, (),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('e', 'f')])
def test_12():
a = np.ones(25).reshape((5,5))
b = np.ones(25).reshape((5,5))
c = a[1:,:]
d = b[:-1,:]
e = c.shape[0]
f = d.shape[0]
g = len(d)
return e == f
self._compile_and_test(test_12, (),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('e', 'f', 'g')])
def test_tup_arg(T):
T2 = T
return T2[0]
int_arr_typ = types.Array(types.intp, 1, 'C')
(types.Tuple((int_arr_typ, int_arr_typ)),), asserts=None)
def test_arr_in_tup(m):
A = np.ones(m)
S = (A,)
B = np.ones(len(S[0]))
return B
self._compile_and_test(test_arr_in_tup, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv("A", "B")])
T = namedtuple("T", ['a','b'])
def test_namedtuple(n):
r = T(n, n)
return r[0]
self._compile_and_test(test_namedtuple, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('r', ('n', 'n'))],)
# np.where is tricky since it returns tuple of arrays
def test_np_where_tup_return(A):
c = np.where(A)
return len(c[0])
(types.Array(types.intp, 1, 'C'),), asserts=None)
def test_shape(A):
(m, n) = A.shape
B = np.ones((m, n))
return A + B
self._compile_and_test(test_shape, (types.Array(types.intp, 2, 'C'),),
def test_cond(l, m, n):
A = np.ones(l)
B = np.ones(m)
C = np.ones(n)
if l == m:
r = np.sum(A + B)
r = 0
if m != n:
s = 0
s = np.sum(B + C)
t = 0
if l == m:
if m == n:
t = np.sum(A + B + C)
return r + s + t
self._compile_and_test(test_cond, (types.intp, types.intp, types.intp),
def test_assert_1(m, n):
assert(m == n)
A = np.ones(m)
B = np.ones(n)
return np.sum(A + B)
self._compile_and_test(test_assert_1, (types.intp, types.intp),
def test_assert_2(A, B):
assert(A.shape == B.shape)
return np.sum(A + B)
self._compile_and_test(test_assert_2, (types.Array(types.intp, 1, 'C'),
types.Array(types.intp, 1, 'C'),),
self._compile_and_test(test_assert_2, (types.Array(types.intp, 2, 'C'),
types.Array(types.intp, 2, 'C'),),
# expected failure
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as raises:
self._compile_and_test(test_assert_2, (types.Array(types.intp, 1, 'C'),
types.Array(types.intp, 2, 'C'),),
msg = "Dimension mismatch"
self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
def test_stencilcall(self):
from numba.stencils.stencil import stencil
def kernel_1(a):
return 0.25 * (a[0,1] + a[1,0] + a[0,-1] + a[-1,0])
def test_1(n):
a = np.ones((n,n))
b = kernel_1(a)
return a + b
self._compile_and_test(test_1, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', 'b')],
asserts=[self.without_assert('a', 'b')])
def test_2(n):
a = np.ones((n,n))
b = np.ones((n+1,n+1))
kernel_1(a, out=b)
return a
self._compile_and_test(test_2, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.without_equiv('a', 'b')])
def kernel_2(a, b, c):
return a[0,1,0] + b[0,-1,0] + c[0]
def test_3(n):
a = np.arange(64).reshape(4,8,2)
b = np.arange(64).reshape(n,8,2)
u = np.zeros(1)
v = kernel_2(a, b, u)
return v
# standard indexed arrays are not considered in size equivalence
self._compile_and_test(test_3, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', 'b', 'v'),
self.without_equiv('a', 'u')],
asserts=[self.with_assert('a', 'b')])
def test_slice(self):
def test_1(m, n):
A = np.zeros(m)
B = np.zeros(n)
s = np.sum(A + B)
C = A[1:m-1]
D = B[1:n-1]
t = np.sum(C + D)
return s + t
self._compile_and_test(test_1, (types.intp,types.intp,),
asserts=[self.with_assert('A', 'B'),
self.without_assert('C', 'D')],
def test_2(m):
A = np.zeros(m)
B = A[0:m-3]
C = A[1:m-2]
D = A[2:m-1]
E = B + C
return D + E
self._compile_and_test(test_2, (types.intp,),
asserts=[self.without_assert('B', 'C'),
self.without_assert('D', 'E')],
def test_3(m):
A = np.zeros((m,m))
B = A[0:m-2,0:m-2]
C = A[1:m-1,1:m-1]
E = B + C
return E
self._compile_and_test(test_3, (types.intp,),
asserts=[self.without_assert('B', 'C')],
def test_4(m):
A = np.zeros((m,m))
B = A[0:m-2,:]
C = A[1:m-1,:]
E = B + C
return E
self._compile_and_test(test_4, (types.intp,),
asserts=[self.without_assert('B', 'C')],
def test_5(m,n):
A = np.zeros(m)
B = np.zeros(m)
B[0:m-2] = A[1:m-1]
C = np.zeros(n)
D = A[1:m-1]
C[0:n-2] = D
# B and C are not necessarily of the same size because we can't
# derive m == n from (m-2) % m == (n-2) % n
return B + C
self._compile_and_test(test_5, (types.intp,types.intp),
asserts=[self.without_assert('B', 'A'),
self.with_assert('C', 'D'),
self.with_assert('B', 'C')],
def test_6(m):
A = np.zeros((m,m))
B = A[0:m-2,:-1]
C = A[1:m-1,:-1]
E = B + C
return E
self._compile_and_test(test_6, (types.intp,),
asserts=[self.without_assert('B', 'C')],
def test_7(m):
A = np.zeros((m,m))
B = A[0:m-2,-3:-1]
C = A[1:m-1,-4:-2]
E = B + C
return E
self._compile_and_test(test_7, (types.intp,),
asserts=[self.with_assert('B', 'C')],
def test_8(m):
A = np.zeros((m,m))
B = A[:m-2,0:]
C = A[1:-1,:]
E = B + C
return E
self._compile_and_test(test_8, (types.intp,),
asserts=[self.without_assert('B', 'C')],
def test_9(m):
# issues #3461 and #3554, checks equivalence on empty slices
# and across binop
A = np.zeros((m))
B = A[:0] # B = array([], dtype=int64)
C = A[1:]
D = A[:-1:-1] # D = array([], dtype=int64)
E = B + D
F = E
F += 1 # F = array([], dtype=int64)
return A, C, F
self._compile_and_test(test_9, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.without_equiv('B', 'C'),
self.with_equiv('A', 'm'),
self.with_equiv('B', 'D'),
self.with_equiv('F', 'D'),],
def test_numpy_calls(self):
def test_zeros(n):
a = np.zeros(n)
b = np.zeros((n, n))
c = np.zeros(shape=(n, n))
self._compile_and_test(test_zeros, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', 'n'),
self.with_equiv('b', ('n', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('b', 'c')])
def test_0d_array(n):
a = np.array(1)
b = np.ones(2)
return a + b
self._compile_and_test(test_0d_array, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.without_equiv('a', 'b')],
def test_ones(n):
a = np.ones(n)
b = np.ones((n, n))
c = np.ones(shape=(n, n))
self._compile_and_test(test_ones, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', 'n'),
self.with_equiv('b', ('n', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('b', 'c')])
def test_empty(n):
a = np.empty(n)
b = np.empty((n, n))
c = np.empty(shape=(n, n))
self._compile_and_test(test_empty, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', 'n'),
self.with_equiv('b', ('n', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('b', 'c')])
def test_eye(n):
a = np.eye(n)
b = np.eye(N=n)
c = np.eye(N=n, M=n)
d = np.eye(N=n, M=n + 1)
self._compile_and_test(test_eye, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', ('n', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('b', ('n', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('b', 'c'),
self.without_equiv('b', 'd')])
def test_identity(n):
a = np.identity(n)
self._compile_and_test(test_identity, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', ('n', 'n'))])
def test_diag(n):
a = np.identity(n)
b = np.diag(a)
c = np.diag(b)
d = np.diag(a, k=1)
self._compile_and_test(test_diag, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('b', ('n',)),
self.with_equiv('c', ('n', 'n'))],
def test_array_like(a):
b = np.empty_like(a)
c = np.zeros_like(a)
d = np.ones_like(a)
e = np.full_like(a, 1)
f = np.asfortranarray(a)
self._compile_and_test(test_array_like, (types.Array(types.intp, 2, 'C'),),
self.with_equiv('a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'f')],
def test_reshape(n):
a = np.ones(n * n)
b = a.reshape((n, n))
return a.sum() + b.sum()
self._compile_and_test(test_reshape, (types.intp,),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('b', ('n', 'n'))],
def test_transpose(m, n):
a = np.ones((m, n))
b = a.T
c = a.transpose()
# Numba njit cannot compile explicit transpose call!
# c = np.transpose(b)
self._compile_and_test(test_transpose, (types.intp, types.intp),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', ('m', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('b', ('n', 'm')),
self.with_equiv('c', ('n', 'm'))])
def test_transpose_3d(m, n, k):
a = np.ones((m, n, k))
b = a.T
c = a.transpose()
d = a.transpose(2,0,1)
dt = a.transpose((2,0,1))
e = a.transpose(0,2,1)
et = a.transpose((0,2,1))
# Numba njit cannot compile explicit transpose call!
# c = np.transpose(b)
self._compile_and_test(test_transpose_3d, (types.intp, types.intp, types.intp),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', ('m', 'n', 'k')),
self.with_equiv('b', ('k', 'n', 'm')),
self.with_equiv('c', ('k', 'n', 'm')),
self.with_equiv('d', ('k', 'm', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('dt', ('k', 'm', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('e', ('m', 'k', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('et', ('m', 'k', 'n'))])
def test_real_imag_attr(m, n):
a = np.ones((m, n))
b = a.real
c = a.imag
self._compile_and_test(test_real_imag_attr, (types.intp, types.intp),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', ('m', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('b', ('m', 'n')),
self.with_equiv('c', ('m', 'n')),
def test_random(n):
a0 = np.random.rand(n)
a1 = np.random.rand(n, n)
b0 = np.random.randn(n)
b1 = np.random.randn(n, n)
c0 = np.random.ranf(n)
c1 = np.random.ranf((n, n))
c2 = np.random.ranf(size=(n, n))
d0 = np.random.random_sample(n)
d1 = np.random.random_sample((n, n))
d2 = np.random.random_sample(size=(n, n))
e0 = np.random.sample(n)
e1 = np.random.sample((n, n))
e2 = np.random.sample(size=(n, n))
f0 = np.random.random(n)
f1 = np.random.random((n, n))
f2 = np.random.random(size=(n, n))
g0 = np.random.standard_normal(n)
g1 = np.random.standard_normal((n, n))
g2 = np.random.standard_normal(size=(n, n))
h0 = np.random.chisquare(10, n)
h1 = np.random.chisquare(10, (n, n))
h2 = np.random.chisquare(10, size=(n, n))
i0 = np.random.weibull(10, n)
i1 = np.random.weibull(10, (n, n))
i2 = np.random.weibull(10, size=(n, n))
j0 = np.random.power(10, n)
j1 = np.random.power(10, (n, n))
j2 = np.random.power(10, size=(n, n))
k0 = np.random.geometric(0.1, n)
k1 = np.random.geometric(0.1, (n, n))
k2 = np.random.geometric(0.1, size=(n, n))
l0 = np.random.exponential(10, n)
l1 = np.random.exponential(10, (n, n))
l2 = np.random.exponential(10, size=(n, n))
m0 = np.random.poisson(10, n)
m1 = np.random.poisson(10, (n, n))
m2 = np.random.poisson(10, size=(n, n))
n0 = np.random.rayleigh(10, n)
n1 = np.random.rayleigh(10, (n, n))
n2 = np.random.rayleigh(10, size=(n, n))
o0 = np.random.normal(0, 1, n)
o1 = np.random.normal(0, 1, (n, n))
o2 = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(n, n))
p0 = np.random.uniform(0, 1, n)
p1 = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (n, n))
p2 = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(n, n))
q0 = np.random.beta(0.1, 1, n)
q1 = np.random.beta(0.1, 1, (n, n))
q2 = np.random.beta(0.1, 1, size=(n, n))
r0 = np.random.binomial(0, 1, n)
r1 = np.random.binomial(0, 1, (n, n))
r2 = np.random.binomial(0, 1, size=(n, n))
s0 = np.random.f(0.1, 1, n)
s1 = np.random.f(0.1, 1, (n, n))
s2 = np.random.f(0.1, 1, size=(n, n))
t0 = np.random.gamma(0.1, 1, n)
t1 = np.random.gamma(0.1, 1, (n, n))
t2 = np.random.gamma(0.1, 1, size=(n, n))
u0 = np.random.lognormal(0, 1, n)
u1 = np.random.lognormal(0, 1, (n, n))
u2 = np.random.lognormal(0, 1, size=(n, n))
v0 = np.random.laplace(0, 1, n)
v1 = np.random.laplace(0, 1, (n, n))
v2 = np.random.laplace(0, 1, size=(n, n))
w0 = np.random.randint(0, 10, n)
w1 = np.random.randint(0, 10, (n, n))
w2 = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=(n, n))
x0 = np.random.triangular(-3, 0, 10, n)
x1 = np.random.triangular(-3, 0, 10, (n, n))
x2 = np.random.triangular(-3, 0, 10, size=(n, n))
last = ord('x') + 1
vars1d = [('n',)] + [chr(x) + '0' for x in range(ord('a'), last)]
vars2d = [('n', 'n')] + [chr(x) + '1' for x in range(ord('a'), last)]
vars2d += [chr(x) + '1' for x in range(ord('c'), last)]
self._compile_and_test(test_random, (types.intp,),
def test_concatenate(m, n):
a = np.ones(m)
b = np.ones(n)
c = np.concatenate((a, b))
d = np.ones((2, n))
e = np.ones((3, n))
f = np.concatenate((d, e))
# Numba njit cannot compile concatenate with single array!
# g = np.ones((3,4,5))
# h = np.concatenate(g)
i = np.ones((m, 2))
j = np.ones((m, 3))
k = np.concatenate((i, j), axis=1)
l = np.ones((m, n))
o = np.ones((m, n))
p = np.concatenate((l, o))
# Numba njit cannot support list argument!
# q = np.concatenate([d, e])
self._compile_and_test(test_concatenate, (types.intp, types.intp),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('f', (5, 'n')),
#self.with_equiv('h', (3 + 4 + 5, )),
self.with_equiv('k', ('m', 5))],
def test_vsd_stack():
k = np.ones((2,))
l = np.ones((2, 3))
o = np.ones((2, 3, 4))
p = np.vstack((k, k))
q = np.vstack((l, l))
r = np.hstack((k, k))
s = np.hstack((l, l))
t = np.dstack((k, k))
u = np.dstack((l, l))
v = np.dstack((o, o))
self._compile_and_test(test_vsd_stack, (),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('p', (2, 2)),
self.with_equiv('q', (4, 3)),
self.with_equiv('r', (4,)),
self.with_equiv('s', (2, 6)),
self.with_equiv('t', (1, 2, 2)),
self.with_equiv('u', (2, 3, 2)),
self.with_equiv('v', (2, 3, 8)),
def test_stack(m, n):
a = np.ones(m)
b = np.ones(n)
c = np.stack((a, b))
d = np.ones((m, n))
e = np.ones((m, n))
f = np.stack((d, e))
g = np.stack((d, e), axis=0)
h = np.stack((d, e), axis=1)
i = np.stack((d, e), axis=2)
j = np.stack((d, e), axis=-1)
self._compile_and_test(test_stack, (types.intp, types.intp),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('m', 'n'),
self.with_equiv('c', (2, 'm')),
'f', 'g', (2, 'm', 'n')),
'h', ('m', 2, 'n')),
'i', 'j', ('m', 'n', 2)),
def test_linspace(m, n):
a = np.linspace(m, n)
b = np.linspace(m, n, 10)
# Numba njit does not support num keyword to linspace call!
# c = np.linspace(m,n,num=10)
self._compile_and_test(test_linspace, (types.float64, types.float64),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', (50,)),
self.with_equiv('b', (10,))])
def test_dot(l, m, n):
a = np.dot(np.ones(1), np.ones(1))
b = np.dot(np.ones(2), np.ones((2, 3)))
# Numba njit does not support higher dimensional inputs
#c = np.dot(np.ones(2),np.ones((3,2,4)))
#d = np.dot(np.ones(2),np.ones((3,5,2,4)))
e = np.dot(np.ones((1, 2)), np.ones(2,))
#f = np.dot(np.ones((1,2,3)),np.ones(3,))
#g = np.dot(np.ones((1,2,3,4)),np.ones(4,))
h = np.dot(np.ones((2, 3)), np.ones((3, 4)))
i = np.dot(np.ones((m, n)), np.ones((n, m)))
j = np.dot(np.ones((m, m)), np.ones((l, l)))
self._compile_and_test(test_dot, (types.intp, types.intp, types.intp),
equivs=[self.without_equiv('a', (1,)), # not array
self.with_equiv('b', (3,)),
self.with_equiv('e', (1,)),
self.with_equiv('h', (2, 4)),
self.with_equiv('i', ('m', 'm')),
self.with_equiv('j', ('m', 'm')),
asserts=[self.with_assert('m', 'l')])
def test_broadcast(m, n):
a = np.ones((m, n))
b = np.ones(n)
c = a + b
d = np.ones((1, n))
e = a + c - d
self._compile_and_test(test_broadcast, (types.intp, types.intp),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', 'c', 'e')],
# make sure shape of a global tuple of ints is handled properly
def test_global_tuple():
a = np.ones(GVAL2)
b = np.ones(GVAL2)
self._compile_and_test(test_global_tuple, (),
equivs=[self.with_equiv('a', 'b')],
class TestArrayAnalysisParallelRequired(TestCase):
"""This is to just split out tests that need the parallel backend and
therefore serialised execution.
_numba_parallel_test_ = False
def test_misc(self):
def swap(x, y):
return(y, x)
def test_bug2537(m):
a = np.ones(m)
b = np.ones(m)
for i in range(m):
a[i], b[i] = swap(a[i], b[i])
njit(test_bug2537, parallel=True)(10)
except IndexError:
self.fail("test_bug2537 raised IndexError!")
def test_global_namedtuple(self):
Row = namedtuple('Row', ['A'])
row = Row(3)
def test_impl():
rr = row
res = rr.A
if res == 2:
res = 3
return res
self.assertEqual(njit(test_impl, parallel=True)(), test_impl())
def test_array_T_issue_3700(self):
def test_impl(t_obj, X):
for i in prange(t_obj.T):
X[i] = i
return X.sum()
n = 5
t_obj = ExampleClass3700(n)
X1 = np.zeros(t_obj.T)
X2 = np.zeros(t_obj.T)
njit(test_impl, parallel=True)(t_obj, X1), test_impl(t_obj, X2))
def test_slice_shape_issue_3380(self):
# these tests shouldn't throw error in array analysis
def test_impl1():
a = slice(None, None)
return True
self.assertEqual(njit(test_impl1, parallel=True)(), test_impl1())
def test_impl2(A, a):
b = a
return A[b]
A = np.arange(10)
a = slice(None)
njit(test_impl2, parallel=True)(A, a), test_impl2(A, a))
def test_slice_dtype_issue_5056(self):
# see issue 5056
def test_impl(data):
N = data.shape[0]
sums = np.zeros(N)
for i in prange(N):
sums[i] = np.sum(data[np.int32(0):np.int32(1)])
return sums
data = np.arange(10.)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(test_impl(data), test_impl.py_func(data))
def test_global_tuple(self):
"""make sure a global tuple with non-integer values does not cause errors
(test for #6726).
def test_impl():
d = GVAL[0]
return d
self.assertEqual(njit(test_impl, parallel=True)(), test_impl())
class TestArrayAnalysisInterface(TestCase):
def test_analyze_op_call_interface(self):
# gather _analyze_op_call_*
aoc = {}
for fname in dir(ArrayAnalysis):
if fname.startswith('_analyze_op_call_'):
aoc[fname] = getattr(ArrayAnalysis, fname)
# check interface
def iface_stub(self, scope, equiv_set, loc, args, kws):
expected = utils.pysignature(iface_stub)
for k, v in aoc.items():
got = utils.pysignature(v)
with self.subTest(fname=k, sig=got):
self.assertEqual(got, expected)
def test_array_analysis_extensions(self):
# Test that the `array_analysis` object in `array_analysis_extensions`
# can perform analysis on the scope using `equiv_sets`.
from numba.parfors.parfor import Parfor
from numba.parfors import array_analysis
orig_parfor = array_analysis.array_analysis_extensions[Parfor]
shared = {'counter': 0}
def testcode(array_analysis):
# Find call node corresponding to the ``A = empty(n)``
func_ir = array_analysis.func_ir
for call in func_ir.blocks[0].find_exprs('call'):
callee = func_ir.get_definition(call.func)
if getattr(callee, "value", None) is empty:
if getattr(call.args[0], 'name', None) == 'n':
variable_A = func_ir.get_assignee(call)
# n must be equiv to
es = array_analysis.equiv_sets[0]
self.assertTrue(es.is_equiv('n', variable_A.name))
shared['counter'] += 1
def new_parfor(parfor, equiv_set, typemap, array_analysis):
"""Recursive array analysis for parfor nodes.
# Call original
return orig_parfor(
parfor, equiv_set, typemap, array_analysis,
# Replace the array-analysis extension for Parfor node
array_analysis.array_analysis_extensions[Parfor] = new_parfor
empty = np.empty # avoid scanning a getattr in the IR
def f(n):
A = empty(n)
for i in prange(n):
S = np.arange(i)
A[i] = S.sum()
return A + 1
got = njit(parallel=True)(f)(10)
executed_count = shared['counter']
self.assertGreater(executed_count, 0)
# Re-install the original handler
array_analysis.array_analysis_extensions[Parfor] = orig_parfor
# Check normal execution
expected = njit(parallel=True)(f)(10)
self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)
# Make sure we have uninstalled the handler
self.assertEqual(executed_count, shared['counter'])
if __name__ == '__main__':