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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
Tests for @cfunc and friends.
import ctypes
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from numba import cfunc, carray, farray, njit
from numba.core import types, typing, utils
import numba.core.typing.cffi_utils as cffi_support
from import (TestCase, skip_unless_cffi, tag,
import unittest
from import numpy_support
def add_usecase(a, b):
return a + b
def div_usecase(a, b):
c = a / b
return c
def square_usecase(a):
return a ** 2
add_sig = "float64(float64, float64)"
div_sig = "float64(int64, int64)"
square_sig = "float64(float64)"
def objmode_usecase(a, b):
return a + b
# Test functions for carray() and farray()
def make_cfarray_usecase(func):
def cfarray_usecase(in_ptr, out_ptr, m, n):
# Tuple shape
in_ = func(in_ptr, (m, n))
# Integer shape
out = func(out_ptr, CARRAY_USECASE_OUT_LEN)
out[0] = in_.ndim
out[1:3] = in_.shape
out[3:5] = in_.strides
out[5] = in_.flags.c_contiguous
out[6] = in_.flags.f_contiguous
s = 0
for i, j in np.ndindex(m, n):
s += in_[i, j] * (i - j)
out[7] = s
return cfarray_usecase
carray_usecase = make_cfarray_usecase(carray)
farray_usecase = make_cfarray_usecase(farray)
def make_cfarray_dtype_usecase(func):
# Same as make_cfarray_usecase(), but with explicit dtype.
def cfarray_usecase(in_ptr, out_ptr, m, n):
# Tuple shape
in_ = func(in_ptr, (m, n), dtype=np.float32)
# Integer shape
out = func(out_ptr, CARRAY_USECASE_OUT_LEN, np.float32)
out[0] = in_.ndim
out[1:3] = in_.shape
out[3:5] = in_.strides
out[5] = in_.flags.c_contiguous
out[6] = in_.flags.f_contiguous
s = 0
for i, j in np.ndindex(m, n):
s += in_[i, j] * (i - j)
out[7] = s
return cfarray_usecase
carray_dtype_usecase = make_cfarray_dtype_usecase(carray)
farray_dtype_usecase = make_cfarray_dtype_usecase(farray)
carray_float32_usecase_sig = types.void(types.CPointer(types.float32),
types.intp, types.intp)
carray_float64_usecase_sig = types.void(types.CPointer(types.float64),
types.intp, types.intp)
carray_voidptr_usecase_sig = types.void(types.voidptr, types.voidptr,
types.intp, types.intp)
class TestCFunc(TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
Basic usage and properties of a cfunc.
f = cfunc(add_sig)(add_usecase)
self.assertEqual(f.__name__, "add_usecase")
self.assertEqual(f.__qualname__, "add_usecase")
self.assertIs(f.__wrapped__, add_usecase)
symbol = f.native_name
self.assertIsInstance(symbol, str)
self.assertIn("add_usecase", symbol)
addr = f.address
self.assertIsInstance(addr, int)
ct = f.ctypes
self.assertEqual(ctypes.cast(ct, ctypes.c_void_p).value, addr)
self.assertPreciseEqual(ct(2.0, 3.5), 5.5)
def test_cffi(self):
from numba.tests import cffi_usecases
ffi, lib = cffi_usecases.load_inline_module()
f = cfunc(square_sig)(square_usecase)
res = lib._numba_test_funcptr(f.cffi)
self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 2.25) # 1.5 ** 2
def test_locals(self):
# By forcing the intermediate result into an integer, we
# truncate the ultimate function result
f = cfunc(div_sig, locals={'c': types.int64})(div_usecase)
self.assertPreciseEqual(f.ctypes(8, 3), 2.0)
def test_errors(self):
f = cfunc(div_sig)(div_usecase)
with captured_stderr() as err:
self.assertPreciseEqual(f.ctypes(5, 2), 2.5)
self.assertEqual(err.getvalue(), "")
with captured_stderr() as err:
res = f.ctypes(5, 0)
# This is just a side effect of Numba zero-initializing
# stack variables, and could change in the future.
self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 0.0)
err = err.getvalue()
self.assertIn("ZeroDivisionError:", err)
self.assertIn("Exception ignored", err)
def test_llvm_ir(self):
f = cfunc(add_sig)(add_usecase)
ir = f.inspect_llvm()
self.assertIn(f.native_name, ir)
self.assertIn("fadd double", ir)
def test_object_mode(self):
Object mode is currently unsupported.
with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
cfunc(add_sig, forceobj=True)(add_usecase)
with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
self.assertIn("Untyped global name 'object'", str(raises.exception))
class TestCArray(TestCase):
Tests for carray() and farray().
def run_carray_usecase(self, pointer_factory, func):
a = np.arange(10, 16).reshape((2, 3)).astype(np.float32)
out = np.empty(CARRAY_USECASE_OUT_LEN, dtype=np.float32)
func(pointer_factory(a), pointer_factory(out), *a.shape)
return out
def check_carray_usecase(self, pointer_factory, pyfunc, cfunc):
expected = self.run_carray_usecase(pointer_factory, pyfunc)
got = self.run_carray_usecase(pointer_factory, cfunc)
self.assertPreciseEqual(expected, got)
def make_voidptr(self, arr):
return arr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
def make_float32_pointer(self, arr):
return arr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float))
def make_float64_pointer(self, arr):
return arr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))
def check_carray_farray(self, func, order):
def eq(got, expected):
# Same layout, dtype, shape, etc.
self.assertPreciseEqual(got, expected)
# Same underlying data
base = np.arange(6).reshape((2, 3)).astype(np.float32).copy(order=order)
# With typed pointer and implied dtype
a = func(self.make_float32_pointer(base), base.shape)
eq(a, base)
# Integer shape
a = func(self.make_float32_pointer(base), base.size)
eq(a, base.ravel('K'))
# With typed pointer and explicit dtype
a = func(self.make_float32_pointer(base), base.shape, base.dtype)
eq(a, base)
a = func(self.make_float32_pointer(base), base.shape, np.float32)
eq(a, base)
# With voidptr and explicit dtype
a = func(self.make_voidptr(base), base.shape, base.dtype)
eq(a, base)
a = func(self.make_voidptr(base), base.shape, np.int32)
eq(a, base.view(np.int32))
# voidptr without dtype
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
func(self.make_voidptr(base), base.shape)
# Invalid pointer type
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
func(, base.shape)
# Mismatching dtype
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raises:
func(self.make_float32_pointer(base), base.shape, np.int32)
self.assertIn("mismatching dtype 'int32' for pointer",
def test_carray(self):
Test pure Python carray().
self.check_carray_farray(carray, 'C')
def test_farray(self):
Test pure Python farray().
self.check_carray_farray(farray, 'F')
def make_carray_sigs(self, formal_sig):
Generate a bunch of concrete signatures by varying the width
and signedness of size arguments (see issue #1923).
for actual_size in (types.intp, types.int32, types.intc,
types.uintp, types.uint32, types.uintc):
args = tuple(actual_size if a == types.intp else a
for a in formal_sig.args)
yield formal_sig.return_type(*args)
def check_numba_carray_farray(self, usecase, dtype_usecase):
# With typed pointers and implicit dtype
pyfunc = usecase
for sig in self.make_carray_sigs(carray_float32_usecase_sig):
f = cfunc(sig)(pyfunc)
self.check_carray_usecase(self.make_float32_pointer, pyfunc, f.ctypes)
# With typed pointers and explicit (matching) dtype
pyfunc = dtype_usecase
for sig in self.make_carray_sigs(carray_float32_usecase_sig):
f = cfunc(sig)(pyfunc)
self.check_carray_usecase(self.make_float32_pointer, pyfunc, f.ctypes)
# With typed pointers and mismatching dtype
with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
f = cfunc(carray_float64_usecase_sig)(pyfunc)
self.assertIn("mismatching dtype 'float32' for pointer type 'float64*'",
# With voidptr
pyfunc = dtype_usecase
for sig in self.make_carray_sigs(carray_voidptr_usecase_sig):
f = cfunc(sig)(pyfunc)
self.check_carray_usecase(self.make_float32_pointer, pyfunc, f.ctypes)
def test_numba_carray(self):
Test Numba-compiled carray() against pure Python carray()
self.check_numba_carray_farray(carray_usecase, carray_dtype_usecase)
def test_numba_farray(self):
Test Numba-compiled farray() against pure Python farray()
self.check_numba_carray_farray(farray_usecase, farray_dtype_usecase)
class TestCffiStruct(TestCase):
c_source = """
typedef struct _big_struct {
int i1;
float f2;
double d3;
float af4[9];
} big_struct;
typedef struct _error {
int bits:4;
} error;
typedef double (*myfunc)(big_struct*, size_t);
def get_ffi(self, src=c_source):
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()
return ffi
def test_type_parsing(self):
ffi = self.get_ffi()
# Check struct typedef
big_struct = ffi.typeof('big_struct')
nbtype = cffi_support.map_type(big_struct, use_record_dtype=True)
self.assertIsInstance(nbtype, types.Record)
self.assertEqual(len(nbtype), 4)
self.assertEqual(nbtype.typeof('i1'), types.int32)
self.assertEqual(nbtype.typeof('f2'), types.float32)
self.assertEqual(nbtype.typeof('d3'), types.float64)
types.NestedArray(dtype=types.float32, shape=(9,)),
# Check function typedef
myfunc = ffi.typeof('myfunc')
sig = cffi_support.map_type(myfunc, use_record_dtype=True)
self.assertIsInstance(sig, typing.Signature)
self.assertEqual(sig.args[0], types.CPointer(nbtype))
self.assertEqual(sig.args[1], types.uintp)
self.assertEqual(sig.return_type, types.float64)
def test_cfunc_callback(self):
ffi = self.get_ffi()
big_struct = ffi.typeof('big_struct')
nb_big_struct = cffi_support.map_type(big_struct, use_record_dtype=True)
sig = cffi_support.map_type(ffi.typeof('myfunc'), use_record_dtype=True)
def calc(base):
tmp = 0
for i in range(base.size):
elem = base[i]
tmp += elem.i1 * elem.f2 / elem.d3
tmp += base[i].af4.sum()
return tmp
def foo(ptr, n):
base = carray(ptr, n)
return calc(base)
# Make data
mydata ='big_struct[3]')
ptr = ffi.cast('big_struct*', mydata)
for i in range(3):
ptr[i].i1 = i * 123
ptr[i].f2 = i * 213
ptr[i].d3 = (1 + i) * 213
for j in range(9):
ptr[i].af4[j] = i * 10 + j
# Address of my data
addr = int(ffi.cast('size_t', ptr))
got = foo.ctypes(addr, 3)
# Make numpy array from the cffi buffer
array = np.ndarray(
expect = calc(array)
self.assertEqual(got, expect)
def test_unsupport_bitsize(self):
ffi = self.get_ffi()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
# When bitsize is provided, bitshift defaults to 0.
"field 'bits' has bitshift, this is not supported",
if __name__ == "__main__":