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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
import random
import numpy as np
from import TestCase, captured_stdout
from numba import njit, literally
from numba.core import types
from numba.cpython.unsafe.tuple import tuple_setitem, build_full_slice_tuple
from import to_fixed_tuple, empty_inferred
from numba.core.unsafe.bytes import memcpy_region
from numba.core.unsafe.refcount import dump_refcount
from numba.cpython.unsafe.numbers import trailing_zeros, leading_zeros
from numba.core.errors import TypingError
class TestTupleIntrinsic(TestCase):
"""Tests for numba.unsafe.tuple
def test_tuple_setitem(self):
def foo(tup, idxs, vals):
out_tup = tup
for i, v in zip(idxs, vals):
out_tup = tuple_setitem(out_tup, i, v)
return tup, out_tup
for _ in range(20):
# Random data
n = random.randint(1, 10)
tup = tuple([random.randint(0, n) for i in range(n)])
vals = tuple([random.randint(10, 20) for i in range(n)])
idxs = list(range(len(vals)))
idxs = tuple(idxs)
# Expect
expect_tup = tuple(tup)
expect_out = np.asarray(expect_tup)
expect_out[np.asarray(idxs)] = vals
# Got
got_tup, got_out = foo(tup, idxs, vals)
# Check
self.assertEqual(got_tup, expect_tup)
self.assertEqual(got_out, tuple(expect_out))
def test_slice_tuple(self):
def full_slice_array(a, n):
# Since numba slices can't be boxed at the moment
return a[build_full_slice_tuple(literally(n))]
for n in range(1, 3):
a = np.random.random(np.arange(n) + 1)
for i in range(1, n + 1):
np.testing.assert_array_equal(a, full_slice_array(a, i))
with self.assertRaises(TypingError):
# numpy would throw an IndexError here
full_slice_array(a, n + 1)
class TestNdarrayIntrinsic(TestCase):
"""Tests for numba.unsafe.ndarray
def test_to_fixed_tuple(self):
const = 3
def foo(array):
a = to_fixed_tuple(array, length=1)
b = to_fixed_tuple(array, 2)
c = to_fixed_tuple(array, const)
d = to_fixed_tuple(array, 0)
return a, b, c, d
for _ in range(10):
# Random data
arr = np.random.random(3)
# Run
a, b, c, d = foo(arr)
# Check
self.assertEqual(a, tuple(arr[:1]))
self.assertEqual(b, tuple(arr[:2]))
self.assertEqual(c, tuple(arr[:3]))
self.assertEqual(d, ())
# Check error with ndim!=1
with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
foo(np.random.random((1, 2)))
self.assertIn("Not supported on array.ndim=2",
# Check error with non-constant length
def tuple_with_length(array, length):
return to_fixed_tuple(array, length)
with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as raises:
tuple_with_length(np.random.random(3), 1)
expectmsg = "*length* argument must be a constant"
self.assertIn(expectmsg, str(raises.exception))
def test_issue_3586_variant1(self):
def func():
S = empty_inferred((10,))
a = 1.1
for i in range(len(S)):
S[i] = a + 2
return S
got = func()
expect = np.asarray([3.1] * 10)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(got, expect)
def test_issue_3586_variant2(self):
def func():
S = empty_inferred((10,))
a = 1.1
for i in range(S.size):
S[i] = a + 2
return S
got = func()
expect = np.asarray([3.1] * 10)
np.testing.assert_array_equal(got, expect)
class TestBytesIntrinsic(TestCase):
"""Tests for numba.unsafe.bytes
def test_memcpy_region(self):
def foo(dst, dst_index, src, src_index, nbytes):
# last arg is assume 1 byte alignment
memcpy_region(, dst_index,, src_index, nbytes, 1)
d = np.zeros(10, dtype=np.int8)
s = np.arange(10, dtype=np.int8)
# copy s[1:6] to d[4:9]
foo(d, 4, s, 1, 5)
expected = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]
np.testing.assert_array_equal(d, expected)
class TestRefCount(TestCase):
def test_dump_refcount(self):
def use_dump_refcount():
a = np.ones(10)
b = (a, a)
# Capture output to sys.stdout
with captured_stdout() as stream:
output = stream.getvalue()
# Check that it printed
pat = "dump refct of {}"
aryty = types.float64[::1]
tupty = types.Tuple.from_types([aryty] * 2)
self.assertIn(pat.format(aryty), output)
self.assertIn(pat.format(tupty), output)
class TestZeroCounts(TestCase):
def test_zero_count(self):
lz = njit(lambda x: leading_zeros(x))
tz = njit(lambda x: trailing_zeros(x))
evens = [2, 42, 126, 128]
for T in types.unsigned_domain:
self.assertTrue(tz(T(0)) == lz(T(0)) == T.bitwidth)
for i in range(T.bitwidth):
val = T(2 ** i)
self.assertEqual(lz(val) + tz(val) + 1, T.bitwidth)
for n in evens:
self.assertGreater(tz(T(n)), 0)
self.assertEqual(tz(T(n + 1)), 0)
for T in types.signed_domain:
self.assertTrue(tz(T(0)) == lz(T(0)) == T.bitwidth)
for i in range(T.bitwidth - 1):
val = T(2 ** i)
self.assertEqual(lz(val) + tz(val) + 1, T.bitwidth)
self.assertEqual(lz(-val), 0)
self.assertEqual(tz(val), tz(-val))
for n in evens:
self.assertGreater(tz(T(n)), 0)
self.assertEqual(tz(T(n + 1)), 0)
def check_error_msg(self, func):
cfunc = njit(lambda *x: func(*x))
func_name = func._name
unsupported_types = filter(
lambda x: not isinstance(x, types.Integer), types.number_domain
for typ in sorted(unsupported_types, key=str):
with self.assertRaises(TypingError) as e:
"{} is only defined for integers, but value passed was '{}'."
.format(func_name, typ),
# Testing w/ too many/few arguments
def check(args, string):
with self.assertRaises((TypingError, TypeError)) as e:
"{}() ".format(func_name),
check((1, 2), "takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given")
check((), "missing 1 required positional argument")
def test_trailing_zeros_error(self):
def test_leading_zeros_error(self):