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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
""" test the scalar Timedelta """
from datetime import timedelta
from hypothesis import (
strategies as st,
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pandas._libs import lib
from pandas._libs.tslibs import (
from pandas._libs.tslibs.dtypes import NpyDatetimeUnit
from pandas.errors import OutOfBoundsTimedelta
import pandas as pd
from pandas import (
import pandas._testing as tm
class TestAsUnit:
def test_as_unit(self):
td = Timedelta(days=1)
assert td._as_unit("ns") is td
res = td._as_unit("us")
assert res.value == td.value // 1000
assert res._reso == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_us.value
rt = res._as_unit("ns")
assert rt.value == td.value
assert rt._reso == td._reso
res = td._as_unit("ms")
assert res.value == td.value // 1_000_000
assert res._reso == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ms.value
rt = res._as_unit("ns")
assert rt.value == td.value
assert rt._reso == td._reso
res = td._as_unit("s")
assert res.value == td.value // 1_000_000_000
assert res._reso == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_s.value
rt = res._as_unit("ns")
assert rt.value == td.value
assert rt._reso == td._reso
def test_as_unit_overflows(self):
# microsecond that would be just out of bounds for nano
us = 9223372800000000
td = Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(us, NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_us.value)
msg = "Cannot cast 106752 days 00:00:00 to unit='ns' without overflow"
with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsTimedelta, match=msg):
res = td._as_unit("ms")
assert res.value == us // 1000
assert res._reso == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ms.value
def test_as_unit_rounding(self):
td = Timedelta(microseconds=1500)
res = td._as_unit("ms")
expected = Timedelta(milliseconds=1)
assert res == expected
assert res._reso == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ms.value
assert res.value == 1
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot losslessly convert units"):
td._as_unit("ms", round_ok=False)
def test_as_unit_non_nano(self):
# case where we are going neither to nor from nano
td = Timedelta(days=1)._as_unit("ms")
assert td.days == 1
assert td.value == 86_400_000
assert td.components.days == 1
assert td._d == 1
assert td.total_seconds() == 86400
res = td._as_unit("us")
assert res.value == 86_400_000_000
assert res.components.days == 1
assert res.components.hours == 0
assert res._d == 1
assert res._h == 0
assert res.total_seconds() == 86400
class TestNonNano:
@pytest.fixture(params=["s", "ms", "us"])
def unit_str(self, request):
return request.param
def unit(self, unit_str):
# 7, 8, 9 correspond to second, millisecond, and microsecond, respectively
attr = f"NPY_FR_{unit_str}"
return getattr(NpyDatetimeUnit, attr).value
def val(self, unit):
# microsecond that would be just out of bounds for nano
us = 9223372800000000
if unit == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_us.value:
value = us
elif unit == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ms.value:
value = us // 1000
value = us // 1_000_000
return value
def td(self, unit, val):
return Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(val, unit)
def test_from_value_and_reso(self, unit, val):
# Just checking that the fixture is giving us what we asked for
td = Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(val, unit)
assert td.value == val
assert td._reso == unit
assert td.days == 106752
def test_unary_non_nano(self, td, unit):
assert abs(td)._reso == unit
assert (-td)._reso == unit
assert (+td)._reso == unit
def test_sub_preserves_reso(self, td, unit):
res = td - td
expected = Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(0, unit)
assert res == expected
assert res._reso == unit
def test_mul_preserves_reso(self, td, unit):
# The td fixture should always be far from the implementation
# bound, so doubling does not risk overflow.
res = td * 2
assert res.value == td.value * 2
assert res._reso == unit
def test_cmp_cross_reso(self, td):
# numpy gets this wrong because of silent overflow
other = Timedelta(days=106751, unit="ns")
assert other < td
assert td > other
assert not other == td
assert td != other
def test_to_pytimedelta(self, td):
res = td.to_pytimedelta()
expected = timedelta(days=106752)
assert type(res) is timedelta
assert res == expected
def test_to_timedelta64(self, td, unit):
for res in [td.to_timedelta64(), td.to_numpy(), td.asm8]:
assert isinstance(res, np.timedelta64)
assert res.view("i8") == td.value
if unit == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_s.value:
assert res.dtype == "m8[s]"
elif unit == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ms.value:
assert res.dtype == "m8[ms]"
elif unit == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_us.value:
assert res.dtype == "m8[us]"
def test_truediv_timedeltalike(self, td):
assert td / td == 1
assert (2.5 * td) / td == 2.5
other = Timedelta(td.value)
msg = "with mismatched resolutions are not supported"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
td / other
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
# __rtruediv__
other.to_pytimedelta() / td
def test_truediv_numeric(self, td):
assert td / np.nan is NaT
res = td / 2
assert res.value == td.value / 2
assert res._reso == td._reso
res = td / 2.0
assert res.value == td.value / 2
assert res._reso == td._reso
def test_floordiv_timedeltalike(self, td):
assert td // td == 1
assert (2.5 * td) // td == 2
other = Timedelta(td.value)
msg = "with mismatched resolutions are not supported"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
td // other
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
# __rfloordiv__
other.to_pytimedelta() // td
def test_floordiv_numeric(self, td):
assert td // np.nan is NaT
res = td // 2
assert res.value == td.value // 2
assert res._reso == td._reso
res = td // 2.0
assert res.value == td.value // 2
assert res._reso == td._reso
assert td // np.array(np.nan) is NaT
res = td // np.array(2)
assert res.value == td.value // 2
assert res._reso == td._reso
res = td // np.array(2.0)
assert res.value == td.value // 2
assert res._reso == td._reso
def test_addsub_mismatched_reso(self, td):
other = Timedelta(days=1) # can losslessly convert to other resos
result = td + other
assert result._reso == td._reso
assert result.days == td.days + 1
result = other + td
assert result._reso == td._reso
assert result.days == td.days + 1
result = td - other
assert result._reso == td._reso
assert result.days == td.days - 1
result = other - td
assert result._reso == td._reso
assert result.days == 1 - td.days
other2 = Timedelta(500) # can't cast losslessly
msg = (
"Timedelta addition/subtraction with mismatched resolutions is "
"not allowed when casting to the lower resolution would require "
"lossy rounding"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
td + other2
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
other2 + td
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
td - other2
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
other2 - td
def test_min(self, td):
assert td.min <= td
assert td.min._reso == td._reso
assert td.min.value == NaT.value + 1
def test_max(self, td):
assert td.max >= td
assert td.max._reso == td._reso
assert td.max.value == np.iinfo(np.int64).max
def test_resolution(self, td):
expected = Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(1, td._reso)
result = td.resolution
assert result == expected
assert result._reso == expected._reso
def test_timedelta_class_min_max_resolution():
# when accessed on the class (as opposed to an instance), we default
# to nanoseconds
assert Timedelta.min == Timedelta(NaT.value + 1)
assert Timedelta.min._reso == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ns.value
assert Timedelta.max == Timedelta(np.iinfo(np.int64).max)
assert Timedelta.max._reso == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ns.value
assert Timedelta.resolution == Timedelta(1)
assert Timedelta.resolution._reso == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ns.value
class TestTimedeltaUnaryOps:
def test_invert(self):
td = Timedelta(10, unit="d")
msg = "bad operand type for unary ~"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
# check this matches pytimedelta and timedelta64
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
umsg = "ufunc 'invert' not supported for the input types"
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=umsg):
def test_unary_ops(self):
td = Timedelta(10, unit="d")
# __neg__, __pos__
assert -td == Timedelta(-10, unit="d")
assert -td == Timedelta("-10d")
assert +td == Timedelta(10, unit="d")
# __abs__, __abs__(__neg__)
assert abs(td) == td
assert abs(-td) == td
assert abs(-td) == Timedelta("10d")
class TestTimedeltas:
"unit, value, expected",
("us", 9.999, 9999),
("ms", 9.999999, 9999999),
("s", 9.999999999, 9999999999),
def test_rounding_on_int_unit_construction(self, unit, value, expected):
# GH 12690
result = Timedelta(value, unit=unit)
assert result.value == expected
result = Timedelta(str(value) + unit)
assert result.value == expected
def test_total_seconds_scalar(self):
# see gh-10939
rng = Timedelta("1 days, 10:11:12.100123456")
expt = 1 * 86400 + 10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 12 + 100123456.0 / 1e9
tm.assert_almost_equal(rng.total_seconds(), expt)
rng = Timedelta(np.nan)
assert np.isnan(rng.total_seconds())
def test_conversion(self):
for td in [Timedelta(10, unit="d"), Timedelta("1 days, 10:11:12.012345")]:
pydt = td.to_pytimedelta()
assert td == Timedelta(pydt)
assert td == pydt
assert isinstance(pydt, timedelta) and not isinstance(pydt, Timedelta)
assert td == np.timedelta64(td.value, "ns")
td64 = td.to_timedelta64()
assert td64 == np.timedelta64(td.value, "ns")
assert td == td64
assert isinstance(td64, np.timedelta64)
# this is NOT equal and cannot be roundtripped (because of the nanos)
td = Timedelta("1 days, 10:11:12.012345678")
assert td != td.to_pytimedelta()
def test_fields(self):
def check(value):
# that we are int
assert isinstance(value, int)
# compat to datetime.timedelta
rng = to_timedelta("1 days, 10:11:12")
assert rng.days == 1
assert rng.seconds == 10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 12
assert rng.microseconds == 0
assert rng.nanoseconds == 0
msg = "'Timedelta' object has no attribute '{}'"
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg.format("hours")):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg.format("minutes")):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg.format("milliseconds")):
# GH 10050
td = Timedelta("-1 days, 10:11:12")
assert abs(td) == Timedelta("13:48:48")
assert str(td) == "-1 days +10:11:12"
assert -td == Timedelta("0 days 13:48:48")
assert -Timedelta("-1 days, 10:11:12").value == 49728000000000
assert Timedelta("-1 days, 10:11:12").value == -49728000000000
rng = to_timedelta("-1 days, 10:11:12.100123456")
assert rng.days == -1
assert rng.seconds == 10 * 3600 + 11 * 60 + 12
assert rng.microseconds == 100 * 1000 + 123
assert rng.nanoseconds == 456
msg = "'Timedelta' object has no attribute '{}'"
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg.format("hours")):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg.format("minutes")):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg.format("milliseconds")):
# components
tup = to_timedelta(-1, "us").components
assert tup.days == -1
assert tup.hours == 23
assert tup.minutes == 59
assert tup.seconds == 59
assert tup.milliseconds == 999
assert tup.microseconds == 999
assert tup.nanoseconds == 0
# GH 10050
tup = Timedelta("-1 days 1 us").components
assert tup.days == -2
assert tup.hours == 23
assert tup.minutes == 59
assert tup.seconds == 59
assert tup.milliseconds == 999
assert tup.microseconds == 999
assert tup.nanoseconds == 0
def test_iso_conversion(self):
# GH #21877
expected = Timedelta(1, unit="s")
assert to_timedelta("P0DT0H0M1S") == expected
def test_nat_converters(self):
result = to_timedelta("nat").to_numpy()
assert result.dtype.kind == "M"
assert result.astype("int64") == iNaT
result = to_timedelta("nan").to_numpy()
assert result.dtype.kind == "M"
assert result.astype("int64") == iNaT
"unit, np_unit",
[(value, "W") for value in ["W", "w"]]
+ [(value, "D") for value in ["D", "d", "days", "day", "Days", "Day"]]
+ [
(value, "m")
for value in [
+ [
(value, "s")
for value in [
+ [
(value, "ms")
for value in [
+ [
(value, "us")
for value in [
+ [
(value, "ns")
for value in [
@pytest.mark.parametrize("wrapper", [np.array, list, pd.Index])
def test_unit_parser(self, unit, np_unit, wrapper):
# validate all units, GH 6855, GH 21762
# array-likes
expected = TimedeltaIndex(
[np.timedelta64(i, np_unit) for i in np.arange(5).tolist()]
result = to_timedelta(wrapper(range(5)), unit=unit)
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
result = TimedeltaIndex(wrapper(range(5)), unit=unit)
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
str_repr = [f"{x}{unit}" for x in np.arange(5)]
result = to_timedelta(wrapper(str_repr))
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
result = to_timedelta(wrapper(str_repr))
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
# scalar
expected = Timedelta(np.timedelta64(2, np_unit).astype("timedelta64[ns]"))
result = to_timedelta(2, unit=unit)
assert result == expected
result = Timedelta(2, unit=unit)
assert result == expected
result = to_timedelta(f"2{unit}")
assert result == expected
result = Timedelta(f"2{unit}")
assert result == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("unit", ["Y", "y", "M"])
def test_unit_m_y_raises(self, unit):
msg = "Units 'M', 'Y', and 'y' are no longer supported"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Timedelta(10, unit)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
to_timedelta(10, unit)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
to_timedelta([1, 2], unit)
def test_numeric_conversions(self):
assert Timedelta(0) == np.timedelta64(0, "ns")
assert Timedelta(10) == np.timedelta64(10, "ns")
assert Timedelta(10, unit="ns") == np.timedelta64(10, "ns")
assert Timedelta(10, unit="us") == np.timedelta64(10, "us")
assert Timedelta(10, unit="ms") == np.timedelta64(10, "ms")
assert Timedelta(10, unit="s") == np.timedelta64(10, "s")
assert Timedelta(10, unit="d") == np.timedelta64(10, "D")
def test_timedelta_conversions(self):
assert Timedelta(timedelta(seconds=1)) == np.timedelta64(1, "s").astype(
assert Timedelta(timedelta(microseconds=1)) == np.timedelta64(1, "us").astype(
assert Timedelta(timedelta(days=1)) == np.timedelta64(1, "D").astype("m8[ns]")
def test_to_numpy_alias(self):
# GH 24653: alias .to_numpy() for scalars
td = Timedelta("10m7s")
assert td.to_timedelta64() == td.to_numpy()
# GH#44460
msg = "dtype and copy arguments are ignored"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
# This first case has s1, s2 being the same as t1,t2 below
Timedelta("1 days 02:34:56.789123456"),
Timedelta("-1 days 02:34:56.789123456"),
Timedelta("1 days 02:34:56.789123000"),
Timedelta("-1 days 02:34:56.789123000"),
Timedelta("1 days 02:34:56.789000000"),
Timedelta("-1 days 02:34:56.789000000"),
("S", Timedelta("1 days 02:34:57"), Timedelta("-1 days 02:34:57")),
("2S", Timedelta("1 days 02:34:56"), Timedelta("-1 days 02:34:56")),
("5S", Timedelta("1 days 02:34:55"), Timedelta("-1 days 02:34:55")),
("T", Timedelta("1 days 02:35:00"), Timedelta("-1 days 02:35:00")),
("12T", Timedelta("1 days 02:36:00"), Timedelta("-1 days 02:36:00")),
("H", Timedelta("1 days 03:00:00"), Timedelta("-1 days 03:00:00")),
("d", Timedelta("1 days"), Timedelta("-1 days")),
def test_round(self, freq, s1, s2):
t1 = Timedelta("1 days 02:34:56.789123456")
t2 = Timedelta("-1 days 02:34:56.789123456")
r1 = t1.round(freq)
assert r1 == s1
r2 = t2.round(freq)
assert r2 == s2
def test_round_invalid(self):
t1 = Timedelta("1 days 02:34:56.789123456")
for freq, msg in [
("Y", "<YearEnd: month=12> is a non-fixed frequency"),
("M", "<MonthEnd> is a non-fixed frequency"),
("foobar", "Invalid frequency: foobar"),
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
def test_round_implementation_bounds(self):
# See also: analogous test for Timestamp
# GH#38964
result = Timedelta.min.ceil("s")
expected = Timedelta.min + Timedelta(seconds=1) - Timedelta(145224193)
assert result == expected
result = Timedelta.max.floor("s")
expected = Timedelta.max - Timedelta(854775807)
assert result == expected
with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match="value too large"):
# the second message here shows up in windows builds
msg = "|".join(
["Python int too large to convert to C long", "int too big to convert"]
with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg):
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Failing on builds", strict=False)
@given(val=st.integers(min_value=iNaT + 1, max_value=lib.i8max))
"method", [Timedelta.round, Timedelta.floor, Timedelta.ceil]
def test_round_sanity(self, val, method):
val = np.int64(val)
td = Timedelta(val)
assert method(td, "ns") == td
res = method(td, "us")
nanos = 1000
assert np.abs((res - td).value) < nanos
assert res.value % nanos == 0
res = method(td, "ms")
nanos = 1_000_000
assert np.abs((res - td).value) < nanos
assert res.value % nanos == 0
res = method(td, "s")
nanos = 1_000_000_000
assert np.abs((res - td).value) < nanos
assert res.value % nanos == 0
res = method(td, "min")
nanos = 60 * 1_000_000_000
assert np.abs((res - td).value) < nanos
assert res.value % nanos == 0
res = method(td, "h")
nanos = 60 * 60 * 1_000_000_000
assert np.abs((res - td).value) < nanos
assert res.value % nanos == 0
res = method(td, "D")
nanos = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1_000_000_000
assert np.abs((res - td).value) < nanos
assert res.value % nanos == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("unit", ["ns", "us", "ms", "s"])
def test_round_non_nano(self, unit):
td = Timedelta("1 days 02:34:57")._as_unit(unit)
res = td.round("min")
assert res == Timedelta("1 days 02:35:00")
assert res._reso == td._reso
res = td.floor("min")
assert res == Timedelta("1 days 02:34:00")
assert res._reso == td._reso
res = td.ceil("min")
assert res == Timedelta("1 days 02:35:00")
assert res._reso == td._reso
def test_identity(self):
td = Timedelta(10, unit="d")
assert isinstance(td, Timedelta)
assert isinstance(td, timedelta)
def test_short_format_converters(self):
def conv(v):
return v.astype("m8[ns]")
assert Timedelta("10") == np.timedelta64(10, "ns")
assert Timedelta("10ns") == np.timedelta64(10, "ns")
assert Timedelta("100") == np.timedelta64(100, "ns")
assert Timedelta("100ns") == np.timedelta64(100, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1000") == np.timedelta64(1000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1000ns") == np.timedelta64(1000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1000NS") == np.timedelta64(1000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("10us") == np.timedelta64(10000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("100us") == np.timedelta64(100000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1000us") == np.timedelta64(1000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1000Us") == np.timedelta64(1000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1000uS") == np.timedelta64(1000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1ms") == np.timedelta64(1000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("10ms") == np.timedelta64(10000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("100ms") == np.timedelta64(100000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1000ms") == np.timedelta64(1000000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("-1s") == -np.timedelta64(1000000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1s") == np.timedelta64(1000000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("10s") == np.timedelta64(10000000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("100s") == np.timedelta64(100000000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1000s") == np.timedelta64(1000000000000, "ns")
assert Timedelta("1d") == conv(np.timedelta64(1, "D"))
assert Timedelta("-1d") == -conv(np.timedelta64(1, "D"))
assert Timedelta("1D") == conv(np.timedelta64(1, "D"))
assert Timedelta("10D") == conv(np.timedelta64(10, "D"))
assert Timedelta("100D") == conv(np.timedelta64(100, "D"))
assert Timedelta("1000D") == conv(np.timedelta64(1000, "D"))
assert Timedelta("10000D") == conv(np.timedelta64(10000, "D"))
# space
assert Timedelta(" 10000D ") == conv(np.timedelta64(10000, "D"))
assert Timedelta(" - 10000D ") == -conv(np.timedelta64(10000, "D"))
# invalid
msg = "invalid unit abbreviation"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
msg = "unit abbreviation w/o a number"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
def test_full_format_converters(self):
def conv(v):
return v.astype("m8[ns]")
d1 = np.timedelta64(1, "D")
assert Timedelta("1days") == conv(d1)
assert Timedelta("1days,") == conv(d1)
assert Timedelta("- 1days,") == -conv(d1)
assert Timedelta("00:00:01") == conv(np.timedelta64(1, "s"))
assert Timedelta("06:00:01") == conv(np.timedelta64(6 * 3600 + 1, "s"))
assert Timedelta("06:00:01.0") == conv(np.timedelta64(6 * 3600 + 1, "s"))
assert Timedelta("06:00:01.01") == conv(
np.timedelta64(1000 * (6 * 3600 + 1) + 10, "ms")
assert Timedelta("- 1days, 00:00:01") == conv(-d1 + np.timedelta64(1, "s"))
assert Timedelta("1days, 06:00:01") == conv(
d1 + np.timedelta64(6 * 3600 + 1, "s")
assert Timedelta("1days, 06:00:01.01") == conv(
d1 + np.timedelta64(1000 * (6 * 3600 + 1) + 10, "ms")
# invalid
msg = "have leftover units"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Timedelta("- 1days, 00")
def test_pickle(self):
v = Timedelta("1 days 10:11:12.0123456")
v_p = tm.round_trip_pickle(v)
assert v == v_p
def test_timedelta_hash_equality(self):
# GH 11129
v = Timedelta(1, "D")
td = timedelta(days=1)
assert hash(v) == hash(td)
d = {td: 2}
assert d[v] == 2
tds = [Timedelta(seconds=1) + Timedelta(days=n) for n in range(20)]
assert all(hash(td) == hash(td.to_pytimedelta()) for td in tds)
# python timedeltas drop ns resolution
ns_td = Timedelta(1, "ns")
assert hash(ns_td) != hash(ns_td.to_pytimedelta())
def test_implementation_limits(self):
min_td = Timedelta(Timedelta.min)
max_td = Timedelta(Timedelta.max)
# GH 12727
# timedelta limits correspond to int64 boundaries
assert min_td.value == iNaT + 1
assert max_td.value == lib.i8max
# Beyond lower limit, a NAT before the Overflow
assert (min_td - Timedelta(1, "ns")) is NaT
msg = "int too (large|big) to convert"
with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg):
min_td - Timedelta(2, "ns")
with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg):
max_td + Timedelta(1, "ns")
# Same tests using the internal nanosecond values
td = Timedelta(min_td.value - 1, "ns")
assert td is NaT
msg = "Cannot cast -9223372036854775809 from ns to 'ns' without overflow"
with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsTimedelta, match=msg):
Timedelta(min_td.value - 2, "ns")
msg = "Cannot cast 9223372036854775808 from ns to 'ns' without overflow"
with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsTimedelta, match=msg):
Timedelta(max_td.value + 1, "ns")
def test_total_seconds_precision(self):
# GH 19458
assert Timedelta("30S").total_seconds() == 30.0
assert Timedelta("0").total_seconds() == 0.0
assert Timedelta("-2S").total_seconds() == -2.0
assert Timedelta("5.324S").total_seconds() == 5.324
assert (Timedelta("30S").total_seconds() - 30.0) < 1e-20
assert (30.0 - Timedelta("30S").total_seconds()) < 1e-20
def test_resolution_string(self):
assert Timedelta(days=1).resolution_string == "D"
assert Timedelta(days=1, hours=6).resolution_string == "H"
assert Timedelta(days=1, minutes=6).resolution_string == "T"
assert Timedelta(days=1, seconds=6).resolution_string == "S"
assert Timedelta(days=1, milliseconds=6).resolution_string == "L"
assert Timedelta(days=1, microseconds=6).resolution_string == "U"
assert Timedelta(days=1, nanoseconds=6).resolution_string == "N"
def test_resolution_deprecated(self):
# GH#21344
td = Timedelta(days=4, hours=3)
result = td.resolution
assert result == Timedelta(nanoseconds=1)
# Check that the attribute is available on the class, mirroring
# the stdlib timedelta behavior
result = Timedelta.resolution
assert result == Timedelta(nanoseconds=1)
"value, expected",
(Timedelta("10S"), True),
(Timedelta("-10S"), True),
(Timedelta(10, unit="ns"), True),
(Timedelta(0, unit="ns"), False),
(Timedelta(-10, unit="ns"), True),
(Timedelta(None), True),
(NaT, True),
def test_truthiness(value, expected):
assert bool(value) is expected
def test_timedelta_attribute_precision():
# GH 31354
td = Timedelta(1552211999999999872, unit="ns")
result = td.days * 86400
result += td.seconds
result *= 1000000
result += td.microseconds
result *= 1000
result += td.nanoseconds
expected = td.value
assert result == expected
def test_freq_deprecated():
# GH#46430
td = Timedelta(123456546, unit="ns")
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match="Timedelta.freq"):
freq = td.freq
assert freq is None
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match="is not writable"):
td.freq = offsets.Day()
def test_is_populated_deprecated():
# GH#46430
td = Timedelta(123456546, unit="ns")
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match="Timedelta.is_populated"):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match="is not writable"):
td.is_populated = 1
def test_delta_deprecated():
# GH#46476
td = Timedelta(123456546, unit="ns")
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=" is"):