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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
"""Matrix equation solver routines"""
# Author: Jeffrey Armstrong <>
# February 24, 2012
# Modified: Chad Fulton <>
# June 19, 2014
# Modified: Ilhan Polat <>
# September 13, 2016
import warnings
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv, LinAlgError, norm, cond, svd
from ._basic import solve, solve_triangular, matrix_balance
from .lapack import get_lapack_funcs
from ._decomp_schur import schur
from ._decomp_lu import lu
from ._decomp_qr import qr
from ._decomp_qz import ordqz
from ._decomp import _asarray_validated
from ._special_matrices import kron, block_diag
__all__ = ['solve_sylvester',
'solve_continuous_lyapunov', 'solve_discrete_lyapunov',
'solve_continuous_are', 'solve_discrete_are']
def solve_sylvester(a, b, q):
Computes a solution (X) to the Sylvester equation :math:`AX + XB = Q`.
a : (M, M) array_like
Leading matrix of the Sylvester equation
b : (N, N) array_like
Trailing matrix of the Sylvester equation
q : (M, N) array_like
Right-hand side
x : (M, N) ndarray
The solution to the Sylvester equation.
If solution was not found
Computes a solution to the Sylvester matrix equation via the Bartels-
Stewart algorithm. The A and B matrices first undergo Schur
decompositions. The resulting matrices are used to construct an
alternative Sylvester equation (``RY + YS^T = F``) where the R and S
matrices are in quasi-triangular form (or, when R, S or F are complex,
triangular form). The simplified equation is then solved using
``*TRSYL`` from LAPACK directly.
.. versionadded:: 0.11.0
Given `a`, `b`, and `q` solve for `x`:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import linalg
>>> a = np.array([[-3, -2, 0], [-1, -1, 3], [3, -5, -1]])
>>> b = np.array([[1]])
>>> q = np.array([[1],[2],[3]])
>>> x = linalg.solve_sylvester(a, b, q)
>>> x
array([[ 0.0625],
[ 0.6875]])
>>> np.allclose( +, q)
# Compute the Schur decomposition form of a
r, u = schur(a, output='real')
# Compute the Schur decomposition of b
s, v = schur(b.conj().transpose(), output='real')
# Construct f = u'*q*v
f =, q), v)
# Call the Sylvester equation solver
trsyl, = get_lapack_funcs(('trsyl',), (r, s, f))
if trsyl is None:
raise RuntimeError('LAPACK implementation does not contain a proper '
'Sylvester equation solver (TRSYL)')
y, scale, info = trsyl(r, s, f, tranb='C')
y = scale*y
if info < 0:
raise LinAlgError("Illegal value encountered in "
"the %d term" % (-info,))
return, y), v.conj().transpose())
def solve_continuous_lyapunov(a, q):
Solves the continuous Lyapunov equation :math:`AX + XA^H = Q`.
Uses the Bartels-Stewart algorithm to find :math:`X`.
a : array_like
A square matrix
q : array_like
Right-hand side square matrix
x : ndarray
Solution to the continuous Lyapunov equation
See Also
solve_discrete_lyapunov : computes the solution to the discrete-time
Lyapunov equation
solve_sylvester : computes the solution to the Sylvester equation
The continuous Lyapunov equation is a special form of the Sylvester
equation, hence this solver relies on LAPACK routine ?TRSYL.
.. versionadded:: 0.11.0
Given `a` and `q` solve for `x`:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import linalg
>>> a = np.array([[-3, -2, 0], [-1, -1, 0], [0, -5, -1]])
>>> b = np.array([2, 4, -1])
>>> q = np.eye(3)
>>> x = linalg.solve_continuous_lyapunov(a, q)
>>> x
array([[ -0.75 , 0.875 , -3.75 ],
[ 0.875 , -1.375 , 5.3125],
[ -3.75 , 5.3125, -27.0625]])
>>> np.allclose( +, q)
a = np.atleast_2d(_asarray_validated(a, check_finite=True))
q = np.atleast_2d(_asarray_validated(q, check_finite=True))
r_or_c = float
for ind, _ in enumerate((a, q)):
if np.iscomplexobj(_):
r_or_c = complex
if not np.equal(*_.shape):
raise ValueError("Matrix {} should be square.".format("aq"[ind]))
# Shape consistency check
if a.shape != q.shape:
raise ValueError("Matrix a and q should have the same shape.")
# Compute the Schur decomposition form of a
r, u = schur(a, output='real')
# Construct f = u'*q*u
f = u.conj()
# Call the Sylvester equation solver
trsyl = get_lapack_funcs('trsyl', (r, f))
dtype_string = 'T' if r_or_c == float else 'C'
y, scale, info = trsyl(r, r, f, tranb=dtype_string)
if info < 0:
raise ValueError('?TRSYL exited with the internal error '
f'"illegal value in argument number {-info}.". See '
'LAPACK documentation for the ?TRSYL error codes.')
elif info == 1:
warnings.warn('Input "a" has an eigenvalue pair whose sum is '
'very close to or exactly zero. The solution is '
'obtained via perturbing the coefficients.',
RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
y *= scale
# For backwards compatibility, keep the old name
solve_lyapunov = solve_continuous_lyapunov
def _solve_discrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q):
Solves the discrete Lyapunov equation directly.
This function is called by the `solve_discrete_lyapunov` function with
`method=direct`. It is not supposed to be called directly.
lhs = kron(a, a.conj())
lhs = np.eye(lhs.shape[0]) - lhs
x = solve(lhs, q.flatten())
return np.reshape(x, q.shape)
def _solve_discrete_lyapunov_bilinear(a, q):
Solves the discrete Lyapunov equation using a bilinear transformation.
This function is called by the `solve_discrete_lyapunov` function with
`method=bilinear`. It is not supposed to be called directly.
eye = np.eye(a.shape[0])
aH = a.conj().transpose()
aHI_inv = inv(aH + eye)
b = - eye, aHI_inv)
c = 2* + eye), q), aHI_inv)
return solve_lyapunov(b.conj().transpose(), -c)
def solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q, method=None):
Solves the discrete Lyapunov equation :math:`AXA^H - X + Q = 0`.
a, q : (M, M) array_like
Square matrices corresponding to A and Q in the equation
above respectively. Must have the same shape.
method : {'direct', 'bilinear'}, optional
Type of solver.
If not given, chosen to be ``direct`` if ``M`` is less than 10 and
``bilinear`` otherwise.
x : ndarray
Solution to the discrete Lyapunov equation
See Also
solve_continuous_lyapunov : computes the solution to the continuous-time
Lyapunov equation
This section describes the available solvers that can be selected by the
'method' parameter. The default method is *direct* if ``M`` is less than 10
and ``bilinear`` otherwise.
Method *direct* uses a direct analytical solution to the discrete Lyapunov
equation. The algorithm is given in, for example, [1]_. However, it requires
the linear solution of a system with dimension :math:`M^2` so that
performance degrades rapidly for even moderately sized matrices.
Method *bilinear* uses a bilinear transformation to convert the discrete
Lyapunov equation to a continuous Lyapunov equation :math:`(BX+XB'=-C)`
where :math:`B=(A-I)(A+I)^{-1}` and
:math:`C=2(A' + I)^{-1} Q (A + I)^{-1}`. The continuous equation can be
efficiently solved since it is a special case of a Sylvester equation.
The transformation algorithm is from Popov (1964) as described in [2]_.
.. versionadded:: 0.11.0
.. [1] Hamilton, James D. Time Series Analysis, Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1994. 265. Print.
.. [2] Gajic, Z., and M.T.J. Qureshi. 2008.
Lyapunov Matrix Equation in System Stability and Control.
Dover Books on Engineering Series. Dover Publications.
Given `a` and `q` solve for `x`:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import linalg
>>> a = np.array([[0.2, 0.5],[0.7, -0.9]])
>>> q = np.eye(2)
>>> x = linalg.solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q)
>>> x
array([[ 0.70872893, 1.43518822],
[ 1.43518822, -2.4266315 ]])
>>> np.allclose(, -q)
a = np.asarray(a)
q = np.asarray(q)
if method is None:
# Select automatically based on size of matrices
if a.shape[0] >= 10:
method = 'bilinear'
method = 'direct'
meth = method.lower()
if meth == 'direct':
x = _solve_discrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q)
elif meth == 'bilinear':
x = _solve_discrete_lyapunov_bilinear(a, q)
raise ValueError('Unknown solver %s' % method)
return x
def solve_continuous_are(a, b, q, r, e=None, s=None, balanced=True):
Solves the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation (CARE).
The CARE is defined as
.. math::
X A + A^H X - X B R^{-1} B^H X + Q = 0
The limitations for a solution to exist are :
* All eigenvalues of :math:`A` on the right half plane, should be
* The associated hamiltonian pencil (See Notes), should have
eigenvalues sufficiently away from the imaginary axis.
Moreover, if ``e`` or ``s`` is not precisely ``None``, then the
generalized version of CARE
.. math::
E^HXA + A^HXE - (E^HXB + S) R^{-1} (B^HXE + S^H) + Q = 0
is solved. When omitted, ``e`` is assumed to be the identity and ``s``
is assumed to be the zero matrix with sizes compatible with ``a`` and
``b``, respectively.
a : (M, M) array_like
Square matrix
b : (M, N) array_like
q : (M, M) array_like
r : (N, N) array_like
Nonsingular square matrix
e : (M, M) array_like, optional
Nonsingular square matrix
s : (M, N) array_like, optional
balanced : bool, optional
The boolean that indicates whether a balancing step is performed
on the data. The default is set to True.
x : (M, M) ndarray
Solution to the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation.
For cases where the stable subspace of the pencil could not be
isolated. See Notes section and the references for details.
See Also
solve_discrete_are : Solves the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation
The equation is solved by forming the extended hamiltonian matrix pencil,
as described in [1]_, :math:`H - \lambda J` given by the block matrices ::
[ A 0 B ] [ E 0 0 ]
[-Q -A^H -S ] - \lambda * [ 0 E^H 0 ]
[ S^H B^H R ] [ 0 0 0 ]
and using a QZ decomposition method.
In this algorithm, the fail conditions are linked to the symmetry
of the product :math:`U_2 U_1^{-1}` and condition number of
:math:`U_1`. Here, :math:`U` is the 2m-by-m matrix that holds the
eigenvectors spanning the stable subspace with 2-m rows and partitioned
into two m-row matrices. See [1]_ and [2]_ for more details.
In order to improve the QZ decomposition accuracy, the pencil goes
through a balancing step where the sum of absolute values of
:math:`H` and :math:`J` entries (after removing the diagonal entries of
the sum) is balanced following the recipe given in [3]_.
.. versionadded:: 0.11.0
.. [1] P. van Dooren , "A Generalized Eigenvalue Approach For Solving
Riccati Equations.", SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical
Computing, Vol.2(2), :doi:`10.1137/0902010`
.. [2] A.J. Laub, "A Schur Method for Solving Algebraic Riccati
Equations.", Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for
Information and Decision Systems. LIDS-R ; 859. Available online :
.. [3] P. Benner, "Symplectic Balancing of Hamiltonian Matrices", 2001,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2001, Vol.22(5), :doi:`10.1137/S1064827500367993`
Given `a`, `b`, `q`, and `r` solve for `x`:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import linalg
>>> a = np.array([[4, 3], [-4.5, -3.5]])
>>> b = np.array([[1], [-1]])
>>> q = np.array([[9, 6], [6, 4.]])
>>> r = 1
>>> x = linalg.solve_continuous_are(a, b, q, r)
>>> x
array([[ 21.72792206, 14.48528137],
[ 14.48528137, 9.65685425]])
>>> np.allclose( +, -q)
# Validate input arguments
a, b, q, r, e, s, m, n, r_or_c, gen_are = _are_validate_args(
a, b, q, r, e, s, 'care')
H = np.empty((2*m+n, 2*m+n), dtype=r_or_c)
H[:m, :m] = a
H[:m, m:2*m] = 0.
H[:m, 2*m:] = b
H[m:2*m, :m] = -q
H[m:2*m, m:2*m] = -a.conj().T
H[m:2*m, 2*m:] = 0. if s is None else -s
H[2*m:, :m] = 0. if s is None else s.conj().T
H[2*m:, m:2*m] = b.conj().T
H[2*m:, 2*m:] = r
if gen_are and e is not None:
J = block_diag(e, e.conj().T, np.zeros_like(r, dtype=r_or_c))
J = block_diag(np.eye(2*m), np.zeros_like(r, dtype=r_or_c))
if balanced:
# xGEBAL does not remove the diagonals before scaling. Also
# to avoid destroying the Symplectic structure, we follow Ref.3
M = np.abs(H) + np.abs(J)
np.fill_diagonal(M, 0.)
_, (sca, _) = matrix_balance(M, separate=1, permute=0)
# do we need to bother?
if not np.allclose(sca, np.ones_like(sca)):
# Now impose diag(D,inv(D)) from Benner where D is
# square root of s_i/s_(n+i) for i=0,....
sca = np.log2(sca)
# NOTE: Py3 uses "Bankers Rounding: round to the nearest even" !!
s = np.round((sca[m:2*m] - sca[:m])/2)
sca = 2 ** np.r_[s, -s, sca[2*m:]]
# Elementwise multiplication via broadcasting.
elwisescale = sca[:, None] * np.reciprocal(sca)
H *= elwisescale
J *= elwisescale
# Deflate the pencil to 2m x 2m ala Ref.1, eq.(55)
q, r = qr(H[:, -n:])
H = q[:, n:].conj()[:, :2*m])
J = q[:2*m, n:].conj()[:2*m, :2*m])
# Decide on which output type is needed for QZ
out_str = 'real' if r_or_c == float else 'complex'
_, _, _, _, _, u = ordqz(H, J, sort='lhp', overwrite_a=True,
overwrite_b=True, check_finite=False,
# Get the relevant parts of the stable subspace basis
if e is not None:
u, _ = qr(np.vstack(([:m, :m]), u[m:, :m])))
u00 = u[:m, :m]
u10 = u[m:, :m]
# Solve via back-substituion after checking the condition of u00
up, ul, uu = lu(u00)
if 1/cond(uu) < np.spacing(1.):
raise LinAlgError('Failed to find a finite solution.')
# Exploit the triangular structure
x = solve_triangular(ul.conj().T,
if balanced:
x *= sca[:m, None] * sca[:m]
# Check the deviation from symmetry for lack of success
# See proof of Thm.5 item 3 in [2]
u_sym = u00.conj()
n_u_sym = norm(u_sym, 1)
u_sym = u_sym - u_sym.conj().T
sym_threshold = np.max([np.spacing(1000.), 0.1*n_u_sym])
if norm(u_sym, 1) > sym_threshold:
raise LinAlgError('The associated Hamiltonian pencil has eigenvalues '
'too close to the imaginary axis')
return (x + x.conj().T)/2
def solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r, e=None, s=None, balanced=True):
Solves the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation (DARE).
The DARE is defined as
.. math::
A^HXA - X - (A^HXB) (R + B^HXB)^{-1} (B^HXA) + Q = 0
The limitations for a solution to exist are :
* All eigenvalues of :math:`A` outside the unit disc, should be
* The associated symplectic pencil (See Notes), should have
eigenvalues sufficiently away from the unit circle.
Moreover, if ``e`` and ``s`` are not both precisely ``None``, then the
generalized version of DARE
.. math::
A^HXA - E^HXE - (A^HXB+S) (R+B^HXB)^{-1} (B^HXA+S^H) + Q = 0
is solved. When omitted, ``e`` is assumed to be the identity and ``s``
is assumed to be the zero matrix.
a : (M, M) array_like
Square matrix
b : (M, N) array_like
q : (M, M) array_like
r : (N, N) array_like
Square matrix
e : (M, M) array_like, optional
Nonsingular square matrix
s : (M, N) array_like, optional
balanced : bool
The boolean that indicates whether a balancing step is performed
on the data. The default is set to True.
x : (M, M) ndarray
Solution to the discrete algebraic Riccati equation.
For cases where the stable subspace of the pencil could not be
isolated. See Notes section and the references for details.
See Also
solve_continuous_are : Solves the continuous algebraic Riccati equation
The equation is solved by forming the extended symplectic matrix pencil,
as described in [1]_, :math:`H - \lambda J` given by the block matrices ::
[ A 0 B ] [ E 0 B ]
[ -Q E^H -S ] - \lambda * [ 0 A^H 0 ]
[ S^H 0 R ] [ 0 -B^H 0 ]
and using a QZ decomposition method.
In this algorithm, the fail conditions are linked to the symmetry
of the product :math:`U_2 U_1^{-1}` and condition number of
:math:`U_1`. Here, :math:`U` is the 2m-by-m matrix that holds the
eigenvectors spanning the stable subspace with 2-m rows and partitioned
into two m-row matrices. See [1]_ and [2]_ for more details.
In order to improve the QZ decomposition accuracy, the pencil goes
through a balancing step where the sum of absolute values of
:math:`H` and :math:`J` rows/cols (after removing the diagonal entries)
is balanced following the recipe given in [3]_. If the data has small
numerical noise, balancing may amplify their effects and some clean up
is required.
.. versionadded:: 0.11.0
.. [1] P. van Dooren , "A Generalized Eigenvalue Approach For Solving
Riccati Equations.", SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical
Computing, Vol.2(2), :doi:`10.1137/0902010`
.. [2] A.J. Laub, "A Schur Method for Solving Algebraic Riccati
Equations.", Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for
Information and Decision Systems. LIDS-R ; 859. Available online :
.. [3] P. Benner, "Symplectic Balancing of Hamiltonian Matrices", 2001,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2001, Vol.22(5), :doi:`10.1137/S1064827500367993`
Given `a`, `b`, `q`, and `r` solve for `x`:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy import linalg as la
>>> a = np.array([[0, 1], [0, -1]])
>>> b = np.array([[1, 0], [2, 1]])
>>> q = np.array([[-4, -4], [-4, 7]])
>>> r = np.array([[9, 3], [3, 1]])
>>> x = la.solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r)
>>> x
array([[-4., -4.],
[-4., 7.]])
>>> R = la.solve(r +,
>>> np.allclose( - x -, -q)
# Validate input arguments
a, b, q, r, e, s, m, n, r_or_c, gen_are = _are_validate_args(
a, b, q, r, e, s, 'dare')
# Form the matrix pencil
H = np.zeros((2*m+n, 2*m+n), dtype=r_or_c)
H[:m, :m] = a
H[:m, 2*m:] = b
H[m:2*m, :m] = -q
H[m:2*m, m:2*m] = np.eye(m) if e is None else e.conj().T
H[m:2*m, 2*m:] = 0. if s is None else -s
H[2*m:, :m] = 0. if s is None else s.conj().T
H[2*m:, 2*m:] = r
J = np.zeros_like(H, dtype=r_or_c)
J[:m, :m] = np.eye(m) if e is None else e
J[m:2*m, m:2*m] = a.conj().T
J[2*m:, m:2*m] = -b.conj().T
if balanced:
# xGEBAL does not remove the diagonals before scaling. Also
# to avoid destroying the Symplectic structure, we follow Ref.3
M = np.abs(H) + np.abs(J)
np.fill_diagonal(M, 0.)
_, (sca, _) = matrix_balance(M, separate=1, permute=0)
# do we need to bother?
if not np.allclose(sca, np.ones_like(sca)):
# Now impose diag(D,inv(D)) from Benner where D is
# square root of s_i/s_(n+i) for i=0,....
sca = np.log2(sca)
# NOTE: Py3 uses "Bankers Rounding: round to the nearest even" !!
s = np.round((sca[m:2*m] - sca[:m])/2)
sca = 2 ** np.r_[s, -s, sca[2*m:]]
# Elementwise multiplication via broadcasting.
elwisescale = sca[:, None] * np.reciprocal(sca)
H *= elwisescale
J *= elwisescale
# Deflate the pencil by the R column ala Ref.1
q_of_qr, _ = qr(H[:, -n:])
H = q_of_qr[:, n:].conj()[:, :2*m])
J = q_of_qr[:, n:].conj()[:, :2*m])
# Decide on which output type is needed for QZ
out_str = 'real' if r_or_c == float else 'complex'
_, _, _, _, _, u = ordqz(H, J, sort='iuc',
# Get the relevant parts of the stable subspace basis
if e is not None:
u, _ = qr(np.vstack(([:m, :m]), u[m:, :m])))
u00 = u[:m, :m]
u10 = u[m:, :m]
# Solve via back-substituion after checking the condition of u00
up, ul, uu = lu(u00)
if 1/cond(uu) < np.spacing(1.):
raise LinAlgError('Failed to find a finite solution.')
# Exploit the triangular structure
x = solve_triangular(ul.conj().T,
if balanced:
x *= sca[:m, None] * sca[:m]
# Check the deviation from symmetry for lack of success
# See proof of Thm.5 item 3 in [2]
u_sym = u00.conj()
n_u_sym = norm(u_sym, 1)
u_sym = u_sym - u_sym.conj().T
sym_threshold = np.max([np.spacing(1000.), 0.1*n_u_sym])
if norm(u_sym, 1) > sym_threshold:
raise LinAlgError('The associated symplectic pencil has eigenvalues '
'too close to the unit circle')
return (x + x.conj().T)/2
def _are_validate_args(a, b, q, r, e, s, eq_type='care'):
A helper function to validate the arguments supplied to the
Riccati equation solvers. Any discrepancy found in the input
matrices leads to a ``ValueError`` exception.
Essentially, it performs:
- a check whether the input is free of NaN and Infs
- a pass for the data through ``numpy.atleast_2d()``
- squareness check of the relevant arrays
- shape consistency check of the arrays
- singularity check of the relevant arrays
- symmetricity check of the relevant matrices
- a check whether the regular or the generalized version is asked.
This function is used by ``solve_continuous_are`` and
a, b, q, r, e, s : array_like
Input data
eq_type : str
Accepted arguments are 'care' and 'dare'.
a, b, q, r, e, s : ndarray
Regularized input data
m, n : int
shape of the problem
r_or_c : type
Data type of the problem, returns float or complex
gen_or_not : bool
Type of the equation, True for generalized and False for regular ARE.
if eq_type.lower() not in ("dare", "care"):
raise ValueError("Equation type unknown. "
"Only 'care' and 'dare' is understood")
a = np.atleast_2d(_asarray_validated(a, check_finite=True))
b = np.atleast_2d(_asarray_validated(b, check_finite=True))
q = np.atleast_2d(_asarray_validated(q, check_finite=True))
r = np.atleast_2d(_asarray_validated(r, check_finite=True))
# Get the correct data types otherwise NumPy complains
# about pushing complex numbers into real arrays.
r_or_c = complex if np.iscomplexobj(b) else float
for ind, mat in enumerate((a, q, r)):
if np.iscomplexobj(mat):
r_or_c = complex
if not np.equal(*mat.shape):
raise ValueError("Matrix {} should be square.".format("aqr"[ind]))
# Shape consistency checks
m, n = b.shape
if m != a.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Matrix a and b should have the same number of rows.")
if m != q.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Matrix a and q should have the same shape.")
if n != r.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Matrix b and r should have the same number of cols.")
# Check if the data matrices q, r are (sufficiently) hermitian
for ind, mat in enumerate((q, r)):
if norm(mat - mat.conj().T, 1) > np.spacing(norm(mat, 1))*100:
raise ValueError("Matrix {} should be symmetric/hermitian."
# Continuous time ARE should have a nonsingular r matrix.
if eq_type == 'care':
min_sv = svd(r, compute_uv=False)[-1]
if min_sv == 0. or min_sv < np.spacing(1.)*norm(r, 1):
raise ValueError('Matrix r is numerically singular.')
# Check if the generalized case is required with omitted arguments
# perform late shape checking etc.
generalized_case = e is not None or s is not None
if generalized_case:
if e is not None:
e = np.atleast_2d(_asarray_validated(e, check_finite=True))
if not np.equal(*e.shape):
raise ValueError("Matrix e should be square.")
if m != e.shape[0]:
raise ValueError("Matrix a and e should have the same shape.")
# numpy.linalg.cond doesn't check for exact zeros and
# emits a runtime warning. Hence the following manual check.
min_sv = svd(e, compute_uv=False)[-1]
if min_sv == 0. or min_sv < np.spacing(1.) * norm(e, 1):
raise ValueError('Matrix e is numerically singular.')
if np.iscomplexobj(e):
r_or_c = complex
if s is not None:
s = np.atleast_2d(_asarray_validated(s, check_finite=True))
if s.shape != b.shape:
raise ValueError("Matrix b and s should have the same shape.")
if np.iscomplexobj(s):
r_or_c = complex
return a, b, q, r, e, s, m, n, r_or_c, generalized_case