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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
# Author: Damian Eads
# Date: April 17, 2008
# Copyright (C) 2008 Damian Eads
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
# disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
# products derived from this software without specific prior
# written permission.
import sys
import os.path
from functools import wraps, partial
import weakref
import numpy as np
import warnings
from numpy.linalg import norm
from numpy.testing import (verbose, assert_,
assert_array_equal, assert_equal,
assert_almost_equal, assert_allclose,
break_cycles, IS_PYPY)
import pytest
import scipy.spatial.distance
from scipy.spatial.distance import (
squareform, pdist, cdist, num_obs_y, num_obs_dm, is_valid_dm, is_valid_y,
_validate_vector, _METRICS_NAMES)
# these were missing: chebyshev cityblock
# jensenshannon and seuclidean are referenced by string name.
from scipy.spatial.distance import (braycurtis, canberra, chebyshev, cityblock,
correlation, cosine, dice, euclidean,
hamming, jaccard, jensenshannon,
kulczynski1, mahalanobis,
minkowski, rogerstanimoto,
russellrao, seuclidean, sokalmichener, # noqa: F401
sokalsneath, sqeuclidean, yule)
from scipy._lib._util import np_long, np_ulong
@pytest.fixture(params=_METRICS_NAMES, scope="session")
def metric(request):
Fixture for all metrics in scipy.spatial.distance
return request.param
_filenames = [
_tdist = np.array([[0, 662, 877, 255, 412, 996],
[662, 0, 295, 468, 268, 400],
[877, 295, 0, 754, 564, 138],
[255, 468, 754, 0, 219, 869],
[412, 268, 564, 219, 0, 669],
[996, 400, 138, 869, 669, 0]], dtype='double')
_ytdist = squareform(_tdist)
# A hashmap of expected output arrays for the tests. These arrays
# come from a list of text files, which are read prior to testing.
# Each test loads inputs and outputs from this dictionary.
eo = {}
def load_testing_files():
for fn in _filenames:
name = fn.replace(".txt", "").replace("-ml", "")
fqfn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', fn)
fp = open(fqfn)
eo[name] = np.loadtxt(fp)
eo['pdist-boolean-inp'] = np.bool_(eo['pdist-boolean-inp'])
eo['random-bool-data'] = np.bool_(eo['random-bool-data'])
eo['random-float32-data'] = np.float32(eo['random-double-data'])
eo['random-int-data'] = np_long(eo['random-int-data'])
eo['random-uint-data'] = np_ulong(eo['random-uint-data'])
def _is_32bit():
return np.intp(0).itemsize < 8
def _chk_asarrays(arrays, axis=None):
arrays = [np.asanyarray(a) for a in arrays]
if axis is None:
# np < 1.10 ravel removes subclass from arrays
arrays = [np.ravel(a) if a.ndim != 1 else a
for a in arrays]
axis = 0
arrays = tuple(np.atleast_1d(a) for a in arrays)
if axis < 0:
if not all(a.ndim == arrays[0].ndim for a in arrays):
raise ValueError("array ndim must be the same for neg axis")
axis = range(arrays[0].ndim)[axis]
return arrays + (axis,)
def _chk_weights(arrays, weights=None, axis=None,
force_weights=False, simplify_weights=True,
pos_only=False, neg_check=False,
nan_screen=False, mask_screen=False,
chked = _chk_asarrays(arrays, axis=axis)
arrays, axis = chked[:-1], chked[-1]
simplify_weights = simplify_weights and not force_weights
if not force_weights and mask_screen:
force_weights = any( is not for a in arrays)
if nan_screen:
has_nans = [np.isnan(np.sum(a)) for a in arrays]
if any(has_nans):
mask_screen = True
force_weights = True
arrays = tuple( if has_nan else a
for a, has_nan in zip(arrays, has_nans))
if weights is not None:
weights = np.asanyarray(weights)
elif force_weights:
weights = np.ones(arrays[0].shape[axis])
return arrays + (weights, axis)
if ddof:
weights = _freq_weights(weights)
if mask_screen:
weights = _weight_masked(arrays, weights, axis)
if not all(weights.shape == (a.shape[axis],) for a in arrays):
raise ValueError("weights shape must match arrays along axis")
if neg_check and (weights < 0).any():
raise ValueError("weights cannot be negative")
if pos_only:
pos_weights = np.nonzero(weights > 0)[0]
if pos_weights.size < weights.size:
arrays = tuple(np.take(a, pos_weights, axis=axis) for a in arrays)
weights = weights[pos_weights]
if simplify_weights and (weights == 1).all():
weights = None
return arrays + (weights, axis)
def _freq_weights(weights):
if weights is None:
return weights
int_weights = weights.astype(int)
if (weights != int_weights).any():
raise ValueError("frequency (integer count-type) weights required %s" % weights)
return int_weights
def _weight_masked(arrays, weights, axis):
if axis is None:
axis = 0
weights = np.asanyarray(weights)
for a in arrays:
axis_mask =
if axis_mask is
if a.ndim > 1:
not_axes = tuple(i for i in range(a.ndim) if i != axis)
axis_mask = axis_mask.any(axis=not_axes)
weights *= 1 - axis_mask.astype(int)
return weights
def _rand_split(arrays, weights, axis, split_per, seed=None):
# Coerce `arrays` to float64 if integer, to avoid nan-to-integer issues
arrays = [arr.astype(np.float64) if np.issubdtype(arr.dtype, np.integer)
else arr for arr in arrays]
# inverse operation for stats.collapse_weights
weights = np.array(weights, dtype=np.float64) # modified inplace; need a copy
seeded_rand = np.random.RandomState(seed)
def mytake(a, ix, axis):
record = np.asanyarray(np.take(a, ix, axis=axis))
return record.reshape([a.shape[i] if i != axis else 1
for i in range(a.ndim)])
n_obs = arrays[0].shape[axis]
assert all(a.shape[axis] == n_obs for a in arrays), \
"data must be aligned on sample axis"
for i in range(int(split_per) * n_obs):
split_ix = seeded_rand.randint(n_obs + i)
prev_w = weights[split_ix]
q = seeded_rand.rand()
weights[split_ix] = q * prev_w
weights = np.append(weights, (1. - q) * prev_w)
arrays = [np.append(a, mytake(a, split_ix, axis=axis),
axis=axis) for a in arrays]
return arrays, weights
def _rough_check(a, b, compare_assert=partial(assert_allclose, atol=1e-5),
key=lambda x: x, w=None):
check_a = key(a)
check_b = key(b)
if np.array(check_a != check_b).any(): # try strict equality for string types
compare_assert(check_a, check_b)
except AttributeError: # masked array
compare_assert(check_a, check_b)
except (TypeError, ValueError): # nested data structure
for a_i, b_i in zip(check_a, check_b):
_rough_check(a_i, b_i, compare_assert=compare_assert)
# diff from test_stats:
# n_args=2, weight_arg='w', default_axis=None
# ma_safe = False, nan_safe = False
def _weight_checked(fn, n_args=2, default_axis=None, key=lambda x: x, weight_arg='w',
squeeze=True, silent=False,
ones_test=True, const_test=True, dup_test=True,
split_test=True, dud_test=True, ma_safe=False, ma_very_safe=False,
nan_safe=False, split_per=1.0, seed=0,
compare_assert=partial(assert_allclose, atol=1e-5)):
"""runs fn on its arguments 2 or 3 ways, checks that the results are the same,
then returns the same thing it would have returned before"""
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
arrays = args[:n_args]
rest = args[n_args:]
weights = kwargs.get(weight_arg, None)
axis = kwargs.get('axis', default_axis)
chked = _chk_weights(arrays, weights=weights, axis=axis,
force_weights=True, mask_screen=True)
arrays, weights, axis = chked[:-2], chked[-2], chked[-1]
if squeeze:
arrays = [np.atleast_1d(a.squeeze()) for a in arrays]
args = tuple(arrays) + rest
if ones_test:
kwargs[weight_arg] = weights
_rough_check(result, fn(*args, **kwargs), key=key)
if const_test:
kwargs[weight_arg] = weights * 101.0
_rough_check(result, fn(*args, **kwargs), key=key)
kwargs[weight_arg] = weights * 0.101
_rough_check(result, fn(*args, **kwargs), key=key)
except Exception as e:
raise type(e)((e, arrays, weights)) from e
if dud_test:
# add randomly resampled rows, weighted at 0
dud_arrays, dud_weights = _rand_split(arrays, weights, axis,
split_per=split_per, seed=seed)
dud_weights[:weights.size] = weights # not exactly 1 because of masked arrays # noqa: E501
dud_weights[weights.size:] = 0
dud_args = tuple(dud_arrays) + rest
kwargs[weight_arg] = dud_weights
_rough_check(result, fn(*dud_args, **kwargs), key=key)
# increase the value of those 0-weighted rows
for a in dud_arrays:
indexer = [slice(None)] * a.ndim
indexer[axis] = slice(weights.size, None)
indexer = tuple(indexer)
a[indexer] = a[indexer] * 101
dud_args = tuple(dud_arrays) + rest
_rough_check(result, fn(*dud_args, **kwargs), key=key)
# set those 0-weighted rows to NaNs
for a in dud_arrays:
indexer = [slice(None)] * a.ndim
indexer[axis] = slice(weights.size, None)
indexer = tuple(indexer)
a[indexer] = a[indexer] * np.nan
if kwargs.get("nan_policy", None) == "omit" and nan_safe:
dud_args = tuple(dud_arrays) + rest
_rough_check(result, fn(*dud_args, **kwargs), key=key)
# mask out those nan values
if ma_safe:
dud_arrays = [ for a in dud_arrays]
dud_args = tuple(dud_arrays) + rest
_rough_check(result, fn(*dud_args, **kwargs), key=key)
if ma_very_safe:
kwargs[weight_arg] = None
_rough_check(result, fn(*dud_args, **kwargs), key=key)
del dud_arrays, dud_args, dud_weights
if dup_test:
dup_arrays = [np.append(a, a, axis=axis) for a in arrays]
dup_weights = np.append(weights, weights) / 2.0
dup_args = tuple(dup_arrays) + rest
kwargs[weight_arg] = dup_weights
_rough_check(result, fn(*dup_args, **kwargs), key=key)
del dup_args, dup_arrays, dup_weights
if split_test and split_per > 0:
split = _rand_split(arrays, weights, axis,
split_per=split_per, seed=seed)
split_arrays, split_weights = split
split_args = tuple(split_arrays) + rest
kwargs[weight_arg] = split_weights
_rough_check(result, fn(*split_args, **kwargs), key=key)
except NotImplementedError as e:
# when some combination of arguments makes weighting impossible,
# this is the desired response
if not silent:
warnings.warn(f"{fn.__name__} NotImplemented weights: {e}",
return result
return wrapped
wcdist = _weight_checked(cdist, default_axis=1, squeeze=False)
wcdist_no_const = _weight_checked(cdist, default_axis=1,
squeeze=False, const_test=False)
wpdist = _weight_checked(pdist, default_axis=1, squeeze=False, n_args=1)
wpdist_no_const = _weight_checked(pdist, default_axis=1, squeeze=False,
const_test=False, n_args=1)
wrogerstanimoto = _weight_checked(rogerstanimoto)
wmatching = whamming = _weight_checked(hamming, dud_test=False)
wyule = _weight_checked(yule)
wdice = _weight_checked(dice)
wcityblock = _weight_checked(cityblock)
wchebyshev = _weight_checked(chebyshev)
wcosine = _weight_checked(cosine)
wcorrelation = _weight_checked(correlation)
wkulczynski1 = _weight_checked(kulczynski1)
wjaccard = _weight_checked(jaccard)
weuclidean = _weight_checked(euclidean, const_test=False)
wsqeuclidean = _weight_checked(sqeuclidean, const_test=False)
wbraycurtis = _weight_checked(braycurtis)
wcanberra = _weight_checked(canberra, const_test=False)
wsokalsneath = _weight_checked(sokalsneath)
wsokalmichener = _weight_checked(sokalmichener)
wrussellrao = _weight_checked(russellrao)
class TestCdist:
def setup_method(self):
self.rnd_eo_names = ['random-float32-data', 'random-int-data',
'random-uint-data', 'random-double-data',
self.valid_upcasts = {'bool': [np_ulong, np_long, np.float32, np.float64],
'uint': [np_long, np.float32, np.float64],
'int': [np.float32, np.float64],
'float32': [np.float64]}
def test_cdist_extra_args(self, metric):
# Tests that args and kwargs are correctly handled
X1 = [[1., 2., 3.], [1.2, 2.3, 3.4], [2.2, 2.3, 4.4]]
X2 = [[7., 5., 8.], [7.5, 5.8, 8.4], [5.5, 5.8, 4.4]]
kwargs = {"N0tV4l1D_p4raM": 3.14, "w": np.arange(3)}
args = [3.14] * 200
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric=metric, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric=eval(metric), **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric="test_" + metric, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric=metric, *args)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric=eval(metric), *args)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric="test_" + metric, *args)
def test_cdist_extra_args_custom(self):
# Tests that args and kwargs are correctly handled
# also for custom metric
def _my_metric(x, y, arg, kwarg=1, kwarg2=2):
return arg + kwarg + kwarg2
X1 = [[1., 2., 3.], [1.2, 2.3, 3.4], [2.2, 2.3, 4.4]]
X2 = [[7., 5., 8.], [7.5, 5.8, 8.4], [5.5, 5.8, 4.4]]
kwargs = {"N0tV4l1D_p4raM": 3.14, "w": np.arange(3)}
args = [3.14] * 200
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric, *args)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric, kwarg=2.2, kwarg2=3.3)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric, 1, 2, kwarg=2.2)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric, 1, 2, kwarg=2.2)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric, 1.1, 2.2)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric, 1.1)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X2, _my_metric, 1.1, kwarg=2.2, kwarg2=3.3)
# this should work
assert_allclose(cdist(X1, X2, metric=_my_metric,
arg=1.1, kwarg2=3.3), 5.4)
def test_cdist_euclidean_random_unicode(self):
eps = 1e-15
X1 = eo['cdist-X1']
X2 = eo['cdist-X2']
Y1 = wcdist_no_const(X1, X2, 'euclidean')
Y2 = wcdist_no_const(X1, X2, 'test_euclidean')
assert_allclose(Y1, Y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("p", [0.1, 0.25, 1.0, 1.23,
2.0, 3.8, 4.6, np.inf])
def test_cdist_minkowski_random(self, p):
eps = 1e-13
X1 = eo['cdist-X1']
X2 = eo['cdist-X2']
Y1 = wcdist_no_const(X1, X2, 'minkowski', p=p)
Y2 = wcdist_no_const(X1, X2, 'test_minkowski', p=p)
assert_allclose(Y1, Y2, atol=0, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_cdist_cosine_random(self):
eps = 1e-14
X1 = eo['cdist-X1']
X2 = eo['cdist-X2']
Y1 = wcdist(X1, X2, 'cosine')
# Naive implementation
def norms(X):
return np.linalg.norm(X, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
Y2 = 1 - / norms(X1)), (X2 / norms(X2)).T)
assert_allclose(Y1, Y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_cdist_mahalanobis(self):
# 1-dimensional observations
x1 = np.array([[2], [3]])
x2 = np.array([[2], [5]])
dist = cdist(x1, x2, metric='mahalanobis')
assert_allclose(dist, [[0.0, np.sqrt(4.5)], [np.sqrt(0.5), np.sqrt(2)]])
# 2-dimensional observations
x1 = np.array([[0, 0], [-1, 0]])
x2 = np.array([[0, 2], [1, 0], [0, -2]])
dist = cdist(x1, x2, metric='mahalanobis')
rt2 = np.sqrt(2)
assert_allclose(dist, [[rt2, rt2, rt2], [2, 2 * rt2, 2]])
# Too few observations
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cdist([[0, 1]], [[2, 3]], metric='mahalanobis')
def test_cdist_custom_notdouble(self):
class myclass:
def _my_metric(x, y):
if not isinstance(x[0], myclass) or not isinstance(y[0], myclass):
raise ValueError("Type has been changed")
return 1.123
data = np.array([[myclass()]], dtype=object)
cdist_y = cdist(data, data, metric=_my_metric)
right_y = 1.123
assert_equal(cdist_y, right_y, verbose=verbose > 2)
def _check_calling_conventions(self, X1, X2, metric, eps=1e-07, **kwargs):
# helper function for test_cdist_calling_conventions
y1 = cdist(X1, X2, metric=metric, **kwargs)
y2 = cdist(X1, X2, metric=eval(metric), **kwargs)
y3 = cdist(X1, X2, metric="test_" + metric, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
e_cls = e.__class__
if verbose > 2:
with pytest.raises(e_cls):
cdist(X1, X2, metric=metric, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(e_cls):
cdist(X1, X2, metric=eval(metric), **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(e_cls):
cdist(X1, X2, metric="test_" + metric, **kwargs)
assert_allclose(y1, y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
assert_allclose(y1, y3, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_cdist_calling_conventions(self, metric):
# Ensures that specifying the metric with a str or scipy function
# gives the same behaviour (i.e. same result or same exception).
# NOTE: The correctness should be checked within each metric tests.
for eo_name in self.rnd_eo_names:
# subsampling input data to speed-up tests
# NOTE: num samples needs to be > than dimensions for mahalanobis
X1 = eo[eo_name][::5, ::-2]
X2 = eo[eo_name][1::5, ::2]
if verbose > 2:
print("testing: ", metric, " with: ", eo_name)
if metric in {'dice', 'yule',
'russellrao', 'sokalmichener',
'kulczynski1'} and 'bool' not in eo_name:
# python version permits non-bools e.g. for fuzzy logic
self._check_calling_conventions(X1, X2, metric)
# Testing built-in metrics with extra args
if metric == "seuclidean":
X12 = np.vstack([X1, X2]).astype(np.float64)
V = np.var(X12, axis=0, ddof=1)
self._check_calling_conventions(X1, X2, metric, V=V)
elif metric == "mahalanobis":
X12 = np.vstack([X1, X2]).astype(np.float64)
V = np.atleast_2d(np.cov(X12.T))
VI = np.array(np.linalg.inv(V).T)
self._check_calling_conventions(X1, X2, metric, VI=VI)
def test_cdist_dtype_equivalence(self, metric):
# Tests that the result is not affected by type up-casting
eps = 1e-07
tests = [(eo['random-bool-data'], self.valid_upcasts['bool']),
(eo['random-uint-data'], self.valid_upcasts['uint']),
(eo['random-int-data'], self.valid_upcasts['int']),
(eo['random-float32-data'], self.valid_upcasts['float32'])]
for test in tests:
X1 = test[0][::5, ::-2]
X2 = test[0][1::5, ::2]
y1 = cdist(X1, X2, metric=metric)
except Exception as e:
e_cls = e.__class__
if verbose > 2:
for new_type in test[1]:
X1new = new_type(X1)
X2new = new_type(X2)
with pytest.raises(e_cls):
cdist(X1new, X2new, metric=metric)
for new_type in test[1]:
y2 = cdist(new_type(X1), new_type(X2), metric=metric)
assert_allclose(y1, y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_cdist_out(self, metric):
# Test that out parameter works properly
eps = 1e-15
X1 = eo['cdist-X1']
X2 = eo['cdist-X2']
out_r, out_c = X1.shape[0], X2.shape[0]
kwargs = dict()
if metric == 'minkowski':
kwargs['p'] = 1.23
out1 = np.empty((out_r, out_c), dtype=np.float64)
Y1 = cdist(X1, X2, metric, **kwargs)
Y2 = cdist(X1, X2, metric, out=out1, **kwargs)
# test that output is numerically equivalent
assert_allclose(Y1, Y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
# test that Y_test1 and out1 are the same object
assert_(Y2 is out1)
# test for incorrect shape
out2 = np.empty((out_r-1, out_c+1), dtype=np.float64)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric, out=out2, **kwargs)
# test for C-contiguous order
out3 = np.empty(
(2 * out_r, 2 * out_c), dtype=np.float64)[::2, ::2]
out4 = np.empty((out_r, out_c), dtype=np.float64, order='F')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric, out=out3, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric, out=out4, **kwargs)
# test for incorrect dtype
out5 = np.empty((out_r, out_c), dtype=np.int64)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cdist(X1, X2, metric, out=out5, **kwargs)
def test_striding(self, metric):
# test that striding is handled correct with calls to
# _copy_array_if_base_present
eps = 1e-15
X1 = eo['cdist-X1'][::2, ::2]
X2 = eo['cdist-X2'][::2, ::2]
X1_copy = X1.copy()
X2_copy = X2.copy()
# confirm equivalence
assert_equal(X1, X1_copy)
assert_equal(X2, X2_copy)
# confirm contiguity
assert_(not X1.flags.c_contiguous)
assert_(not X2.flags.c_contiguous)
kwargs = dict()
if metric == 'minkowski':
kwargs['p'] = 1.23
Y1 = cdist(X1, X2, metric, **kwargs)
Y2 = cdist(X1_copy, X2_copy, metric, **kwargs)
# test that output is numerically equivalent
assert_allclose(Y1, Y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_cdist_refcount(self, metric):
x1 = np.random.rand(10, 10)
x2 = np.random.rand(10, 10)
kwargs = dict()
if metric == 'minkowski':
kwargs['p'] = 1.23
out = cdist(x1, x2, metric=metric, **kwargs)
# Check reference counts aren't messed up. If we only hold weak
# references, the arrays should be deallocated.
weak_refs = [weakref.ref(v) for v in (x1, x2, out)]
del x1, x2, out
assert all(weak_ref() is None for weak_ref in weak_refs)
class TestPdist:
def setup_method(self):
self.rnd_eo_names = ['random-float32-data', 'random-int-data',
'random-uint-data', 'random-double-data',
self.valid_upcasts = {'bool': [np_ulong, np_long, np.float32, np.float64],
'uint': [np_long, np.float32, np.float64],
'int': [np.float32, np.float64],
'float32': [np.float64]}
def test_pdist_extra_args(self, metric):
# Tests that args and kwargs are correctly handled
X1 = [[1., 2.], [1.2, 2.3], [2.2, 2.3]]
kwargs = {"N0tV4l1D_p4raM": 3.14, "w": np.arange(2)}
args = [3.14] * 200
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, metric=metric, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, metric=eval(metric), **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, metric="test_" + metric, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, metric=metric, *args)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, metric=eval(metric), *args)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, metric="test_" + metric, *args)
def test_pdist_extra_args_custom(self):
# Tests that args and kwargs are correctly handled
# also for custom metric
def _my_metric(x, y, arg, kwarg=1, kwarg2=2):
return arg + kwarg + kwarg2
X1 = [[1., 2.], [1.2, 2.3], [2.2, 2.3]]
kwargs = {"N0tV4l1D_p4raM": 3.14, "w": np.arange(2)}
args = [3.14] * 200
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric, *args)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric, kwarg=2.2, kwarg2=3.3)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric, 1, 2, kwarg=2.2)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric, 1, 2, kwarg=2.2)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric, 1.1, 2.2)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric, 1.1)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, _my_metric, 1.1, kwarg=2.2, kwarg2=3.3)
# these should work
assert_allclose(pdist(X1, metric=_my_metric,
arg=1.1, kwarg2=3.3), 5.4)
def test_pdist_euclidean_random(self):
eps = 1e-07
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-euclidean']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'euclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_euclidean_random_u(self):
eps = 1e-07
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-euclidean']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'euclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_euclidean_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-07
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-double-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-euclidean']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'euclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_euclidean_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-07
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-euclidean']
Y_test2 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'test_euclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_euclidean_iris_double(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-euclidean-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'euclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_euclidean_iris_float32(self):
eps = 1e-5
X = np.float32(eo['iris'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-euclidean-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'euclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_euclidean_iris_nonC(self):
# Test pdist(X, 'test_euclidean') [the non-C implementation] on the
# Iris data set.
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-euclidean-iris']
Y_test2 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'test_euclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_seuclidean_random(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-seuclidean']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'seuclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_seuclidean_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-double-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-seuclidean']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'seuclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
# Check no error is raise when V has float32 dtype (#11171).
V = np.var(X, axis=0, ddof=1)
Y_test2 = pdist(X, 'seuclidean', V=V)
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_seuclidean_random_nonC(self):
# Test pdist(X, 'test_sqeuclidean') [the non-C implementation]
eps = 1e-07
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-seuclidean']
Y_test2 = pdist(X, 'test_seuclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_seuclidean_iris(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-seuclidean-iris']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'seuclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_seuclidean_iris_float32(self):
# Tests pdist(X, 'seuclidean') on the Iris data set (float32).
eps = 1e-5
X = np.float32(eo['iris'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-seuclidean-iris']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'seuclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_seuclidean_iris_nonC(self):
# Test pdist(X, 'test_seuclidean') [the non-C implementation] on the
# Iris data set.
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-seuclidean-iris']
Y_test2 = pdist(X, 'test_seuclidean')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_cosine_random(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-cosine']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'cosine')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_cosine_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-double-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-cosine']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'cosine')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_cosine_random_nonC(self):
# Test pdist(X, 'test_cosine') [the non-C implementation]
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-cosine']
Y_test2 = wpdist(X, 'test_cosine')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_cosine_iris(self):
eps = 1e-05
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-cosine-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'cosine')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, atol=eps)
def test_pdist_cosine_iris_float32(self):
eps = 1e-05
X = np.float32(eo['iris'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-cosine-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'cosine')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, atol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_cosine_iris_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-05
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-cosine-iris']
Y_test2 = wpdist(X, 'test_cosine')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, atol=eps)
def test_pdist_cosine_bounds(self):
# Test adapted from @joernhees's example at gh-5208: case where
# cosine distance used to be negative. XXX: very sensitive to the
# specific norm computation.
x = np.abs(np.random.RandomState(1337).rand(91))
X = np.vstack([x, x])
assert_(wpdist(X, 'cosine')[0] >= 0,
msg='cosine distance should be non-negative')
def test_pdist_cityblock_random(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-cityblock']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'cityblock')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_cityblock_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-double-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-cityblock']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'cityblock')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_cityblock_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-cityblock']
Y_test2 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'test_cityblock')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_cityblock_iris(self):
eps = 1e-14
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-cityblock-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'cityblock')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_cityblock_iris_float32(self):
eps = 1e-5
X = np.float32(eo['iris'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-cityblock-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'cityblock')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_cityblock_iris_nonC(self):
# Test pdist(X, 'test_cityblock') [the non-C implementation] on the
# Iris data set.
eps = 1e-14
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-cityblock-iris']
Y_test2 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'test_cityblock')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_correlation_random(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-correlation']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'correlation')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_correlation_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-double-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-correlation']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'correlation')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_correlation_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-correlation']
Y_test2 = wpdist(X, 'test_correlation')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_correlation_iris(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-correlation-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'correlation')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_correlation_iris_float32(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = np.float32(eo['pdist-correlation-iris'])
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'correlation')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_correlation_iris_nonC(self):
if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
eps = 1e-7
pytest.skip("see gh-16456")
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-correlation-iris']
Y_test2 = wpdist(X, 'test_correlation')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("p", [0.1, 0.25, 1.0, 2.0, 3.2, np.inf])
def test_pdist_minkowski_random_p(self, p):
eps = 1e-13
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'minkowski', p=p)
Y2 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'test_minkowski', p=p)
assert_allclose(Y1, Y2, atol=0, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_minkowski_random(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-minkowski-3.2']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'minkowski', p=3.2)
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_minkowski_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-double-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-minkowski-3.2']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'minkowski', p=3.2)
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_minkowski_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-minkowski-3.2']
Y_test2 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'test_minkowski', p=3.2)
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_minkowski_3_2_iris(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-minkowski-3.2-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'minkowski', p=3.2)
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_minkowski_3_2_iris_float32(self):
eps = 1e-5
X = np.float32(eo['iris'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-minkowski-3.2-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'minkowski', p=3.2)
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_minkowski_3_2_iris_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-minkowski-3.2-iris']
Y_test2 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'test_minkowski', p=3.2)
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_minkowski_5_8_iris(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-minkowski-5.8-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'minkowski', p=5.8)
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_minkowski_5_8_iris_float32(self):
eps = 1e-5
X = np.float32(eo['iris'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-minkowski-5.8-iris']
Y_test1 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'minkowski', p=5.8)
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_minkowski_5_8_iris_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-minkowski-5.8-iris']
Y_test2 = wpdist_no_const(X, 'test_minkowski', p=5.8)
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_mahalanobis(self):
# 1-dimensional observations
x = np.array([2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0]).reshape(-1, 1)
dist = pdist(x, metric='mahalanobis')
assert_allclose(dist, [0.0, np.sqrt(0.5), np.sqrt(4.5),
np.sqrt(0.5), np.sqrt(4.5), np.sqrt(2.0)])
# 2-dimensional observations
x = np.array([[0, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 2], [1, 0], [0, -2]])
dist = pdist(x, metric='mahalanobis')
rt2 = np.sqrt(2)
assert_allclose(dist, [rt2, rt2, rt2, rt2, 2, 2 * rt2, 2, 2, 2 * rt2, 2])
# Too few observations
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
wpdist([[0, 1], [2, 3]], metric='mahalanobis')
def test_pdist_hamming_random(self):
eps = 1e-15
X = eo['pdist-boolean-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-hamming']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'hamming')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_hamming_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-15
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-boolean-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-hamming']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'hamming')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_hamming_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-15
X = eo['pdist-boolean-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-hamming']
Y_test2 = wpdist(X, 'test_hamming')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_dhamming_random(self):
eps = 1e-15
X = np.float64(eo['pdist-boolean-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-hamming']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'hamming')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_dhamming_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-15
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-boolean-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-hamming']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'hamming')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_dhamming_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-15
X = np.float64(eo['pdist-boolean-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-hamming']
Y_test2 = wpdist(X, 'test_hamming')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_jaccard_random(self):
eps = 1e-8
X = eo['pdist-boolean-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-jaccard']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'jaccard')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_jaccard_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-8
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-boolean-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-jaccard']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'jaccard')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_jaccard_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-8
X = eo['pdist-boolean-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-jaccard']
Y_test2 = wpdist(X, 'test_jaccard')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_djaccard_random(self):
eps = 1e-8
X = np.float64(eo['pdist-boolean-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-jaccard']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'jaccard')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_djaccard_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-8
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-boolean-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-jaccard']
Y_test1 = wpdist(X, 'jaccard')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_djaccard_allzeros(self):
eps = 1e-15
Y = pdist(np.zeros((5, 3)), 'jaccard')
assert_allclose(np.zeros(10), Y, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_djaccard_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-8
X = np.float64(eo['pdist-boolean-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-jaccard']
Y_test2 = wpdist(X, 'test_jaccard')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_jensenshannon_random(self):
eps = 1e-11
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-jensenshannon']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'jensenshannon')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_jensenshannon_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-8
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-double-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-jensenshannon']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'jensenshannon')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_jensenshannon_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-11
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-jensenshannon']
Y_test2 = pdist(X, 'test_jensenshannon')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_jensenshannon_iris(self):
if _is_32bit():
# Test failing on 32-bit Linux on Azure otherwise, see gh-12810
eps = 2.5e-10
eps = 1e-12
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-jensenshannon-iris']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'jensenshannon')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, atol=eps)
def test_pdist_jensenshannon_iris_float32(self):
eps = 1e-06
X = np.float32(eo['iris'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-jensenshannon-iris']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'jensenshannon')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, atol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_jensenshannon_iris_nonC(self):
eps = 5e-5
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-jensenshannon-iris']
Y_test2 = pdist(X, 'test_jensenshannon')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_djaccard_allzeros_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-15
Y = pdist(np.zeros((5, 3)), 'test_jaccard')
assert_allclose(np.zeros(10), Y, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_chebyshev_random(self):
eps = 1e-8
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-chebyshev']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'chebyshev')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_chebyshev_random_float32(self):
eps = 1e-7
X = np.float32(eo['pdist-double-inp'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-chebyshev']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'chebyshev')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_chebyshev_random_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-8
X = eo['pdist-double-inp']
Y_right = eo['pdist-chebyshev']
Y_test2 = pdist(X, 'test_chebyshev')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_chebyshev_iris(self):
eps = 1e-14
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-chebyshev-iris']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'chebyshev')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_chebyshev_iris_float32(self):
eps = 1e-5
X = np.float32(eo['iris'])
Y_right = eo['pdist-chebyshev-iris']
Y_test1 = pdist(X, 'chebyshev')
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_chebyshev_iris_nonC(self):
eps = 1e-14
X = eo['iris']
Y_right = eo['pdist-chebyshev-iris']
Y_test2 = pdist(X, 'test_chebyshev')
assert_allclose(Y_test2, Y_right, rtol=eps)
def test_pdist_matching_mtica1(self):
# Test matching(*,*) with mtica example #1 (nums).
m = wmatching(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0]),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1]))
m2 = wmatching(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
assert_allclose(m, 0.6, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 0.6, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_matching_mtica2(self):
# Test matching(*,*) with mtica example #2.
m = wmatching(np.array([1, 0, 1]),
np.array([1, 1, 0]))
m2 = wmatching(np.array([1, 0, 1], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0], dtype=bool))
assert_allclose(m, 2 / 3, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 2 / 3, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_jaccard_mtica1(self):
m = wjaccard(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0]),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1]))
m2 = wjaccard(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
assert_allclose(m, 0.6, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 0.6, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_jaccard_mtica2(self):
m = wjaccard(np.array([1, 0, 1]),
np.array([1, 1, 0]))
m2 = wjaccard(np.array([1, 0, 1], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0], dtype=bool))
assert_allclose(m, 2 / 3, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 2 / 3, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_yule_mtica1(self):
m = wyule(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0]),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1]))
m2 = wyule(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 2, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 2, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_yule_mtica2(self):
m = wyule(np.array([1, 0, 1]),
np.array([1, 1, 0]))
m2 = wyule(np.array([1, 0, 1], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 2, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 2, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_dice_mtica1(self):
m = wdice(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0]),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1]))
m2 = wdice(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 3 / 7, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 3 / 7, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_dice_mtica2(self):
m = wdice(np.array([1, 0, 1]),
np.array([1, 1, 0]))
m2 = wdice(np.array([1, 0, 1], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 0.5, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 0.5, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_sokalsneath_mtica1(self):
m = sokalsneath(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0]),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1]))
m2 = sokalsneath(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 3 / 4, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 3 / 4, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_sokalsneath_mtica2(self):
m = wsokalsneath(np.array([1, 0, 1]),
np.array([1, 1, 0]))
m2 = wsokalsneath(np.array([1, 0, 1], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 4 / 5, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 4 / 5, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_rogerstanimoto_mtica1(self):
m = wrogerstanimoto(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0]),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1]))
m2 = wrogerstanimoto(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 3 / 4, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 3 / 4, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_rogerstanimoto_mtica2(self):
m = wrogerstanimoto(np.array([1, 0, 1]),
np.array([1, 1, 0]))
m2 = wrogerstanimoto(np.array([1, 0, 1], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 4 / 5, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 4 / 5, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_russellrao_mtica1(self):
m = wrussellrao(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0]),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1]))
m2 = wrussellrao(np.array([1, 0, 1, 1, 0], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0, 1, 1], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 3 / 5, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 3 / 5, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_russellrao_mtica2(self):
m = wrussellrao(np.array([1, 0, 1]),
np.array([1, 1, 0]))
m2 = wrussellrao(np.array([1, 0, 1], dtype=bool),
np.array([1, 1, 0], dtype=bool))
if verbose > 2:
assert_allclose(m, 2 / 3, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
assert_allclose(m2, 2 / 3, rtol=0, atol=1e-10)
def test_pdist_canberra_match(self):
D = eo['iris']
if verbose > 2:
print(D.shape, D.dtype)
eps = 1e-15
y1 = wpdist_no_const(D, "canberra")
y2 = wpdist_no_const(D, "test_canberra")
assert_allclose(y1, y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_canberra_ticket_711(self):
# Test pdist(X, 'canberra') to see if Canberra gives the right result
# as reported on gh-1238.
eps = 1e-8
pdist_y = wpdist_no_const(([3.3], [3.4]), "canberra")
right_y = 0.01492537
assert_allclose(pdist_y, right_y, atol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_custom_notdouble(self):
# tests that when using a custom metric the data type is not altered
class myclass:
def _my_metric(x, y):
if not isinstance(x[0], myclass) or not isinstance(y[0], myclass):
raise ValueError("Type has been changed")
return 1.123
data = np.array([[myclass()], [myclass()]], dtype=object)
pdist_y = pdist(data, metric=_my_metric)
right_y = 1.123
assert_equal(pdist_y, right_y, verbose=verbose > 2)
def _check_calling_conventions(self, X, metric, eps=1e-07, **kwargs):
# helper function for test_pdist_calling_conventions
y1 = pdist(X, metric=metric, **kwargs)
y2 = pdist(X, metric=eval(metric), **kwargs)
y3 = pdist(X, metric="test_" + metric, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
e_cls = e.__class__
if verbose > 2:
with pytest.raises(e_cls):
pdist(X, metric=metric, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(e_cls):
pdist(X, metric=eval(metric), **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(e_cls):
pdist(X, metric="test_" + metric, **kwargs)
assert_allclose(y1, y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
assert_allclose(y1, y3, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_calling_conventions(self, metric):
# Ensures that specifying the metric with a str or scipy function
# gives the same behaviour (i.e. same result or same exception).
# NOTE: The correctness should be checked within each metric tests.
# NOTE: Extra args should be checked with a dedicated test
for eo_name in self.rnd_eo_names:
# subsampling input data to speed-up tests
# NOTE: num samples needs to be > than dimensions for mahalanobis
X = eo[eo_name][::5, ::2]
if verbose > 2:
print("testing: ", metric, " with: ", eo_name)
if metric in {'dice', 'yule', 'matching',
'rogerstanimoto', 'russellrao', 'sokalmichener',
'kulczynski1'} and 'bool' not in eo_name:
# python version permits non-bools e.g. for fuzzy logic
self._check_calling_conventions(X, metric)
# Testing built-in metrics with extra args
if metric == "seuclidean":
V = np.var(X.astype(np.float64), axis=0, ddof=1)
self._check_calling_conventions(X, metric, V=V)
elif metric == "mahalanobis":
V = np.atleast_2d(np.cov(X.astype(np.float64).T))
VI = np.array(np.linalg.inv(V).T)
self._check_calling_conventions(X, metric, VI=VI)
def test_pdist_dtype_equivalence(self, metric):
# Tests that the result is not affected by type up-casting
eps = 1e-07
tests = [(eo['random-bool-data'], self.valid_upcasts['bool']),
(eo['random-uint-data'], self.valid_upcasts['uint']),
(eo['random-int-data'], self.valid_upcasts['int']),
(eo['random-float32-data'], self.valid_upcasts['float32'])]
for test in tests:
X1 = test[0][::5, ::2]
y1 = pdist(X1, metric=metric)
except Exception as e:
e_cls = e.__class__
if verbose > 2:
for new_type in test[1]:
X2 = new_type(X1)
with pytest.raises(e_cls):
pdist(X2, metric=metric)
for new_type in test[1]:
y2 = pdist(new_type(X1), metric=metric)
assert_allclose(y1, y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
def test_pdist_out(self, metric):
# Test that out parameter works properly
eps = 1e-15
X = eo['random-float32-data'][::5, ::2]
out_size = int((X.shape[0] * (X.shape[0] - 1)) / 2)
kwargs = dict()
if metric == 'minkowski':
kwargs['p'] = 1.23
out1 = np.empty(out_size, dtype=np.float64)
Y_right = pdist(X, metric, **kwargs)
Y_test1 = pdist(X, metric, out=out1, **kwargs)
# test that output is numerically equivalent
assert_allclose(Y_test1, Y_right, rtol=eps)
# test that Y_test1 and out1 are the same object
assert_(Y_test1 is out1)
# test for incorrect shape
out2 = np.empty(out_size + 3, dtype=np.float64)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pdist(X, metric, out=out2, **kwargs)
# test for (C-)contiguous output
out3 = np.empty(2 * out_size, dtype=np.float64)[::2]
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pdist(X, metric, out=out3, **kwargs)
# test for incorrect dtype
out5 = np.empty(out_size, dtype=np.int64)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pdist(X, metric, out=out5, **kwargs)
def test_striding(self, metric):
# test that striding is handled correct with calls to
# _copy_array_if_base_present
eps = 1e-15
X = eo['random-float32-data'][::5, ::2]
X_copy = X.copy()
# confirm contiguity
assert_(not X.flags.c_contiguous)
kwargs = dict()
if metric == 'minkowski':
kwargs['p'] = 1.23
Y1 = pdist(X, metric, **kwargs)
Y2 = pdist(X_copy, metric, **kwargs)
# test that output is numerically equivalent
assert_allclose(Y1, Y2, rtol=eps, verbose=verbose > 2)
class TestSomeDistanceFunctions:
def setup_method(self):
# 1D arrays
x = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
y = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 5.0])
self.cases = [(x, y)]
def test_minkowski(self):
for x, y in self.cases:
dist1 = minkowski(x, y, p=1)
assert_almost_equal(dist1, 3.0)
dist1p5 = minkowski(x, y, p=1.5)
assert_almost_equal(dist1p5, (1.0 + 2.0**1.5)**(2. / 3))
dist2 = minkowski(x, y, p=2)
assert_almost_equal(dist2, 5.0 ** 0.5)
dist0p25 = minkowski(x, y, p=0.25)
assert_almost_equal(dist0p25, (1.0 + 2.0 ** 0.25) ** 4)
# Check that casting input to minimum scalar type doesn't affect result
# (issue #10262). This could be extended to more test inputs with
# np.min_scalar_type(np.max(input_matrix)).
a = np.array([352, 916])
b = np.array([350, 660])
assert_equal(minkowski(a, b),
minkowski(a.astype('uint16'), b.astype('uint16')))
def test_euclidean(self):
for x, y in self.cases:
dist = weuclidean(x, y)
assert_almost_equal(dist, np.sqrt(5))
def test_sqeuclidean(self):
for x, y in self.cases:
dist = wsqeuclidean(x, y)
assert_almost_equal(dist, 5.0)
def test_cosine(self):
for x, y in self.cases:
dist = wcosine(x, y)
assert_almost_equal(dist, 1.0 - 18.0 / (np.sqrt(14) * np.sqrt(27)))
def test_cosine_output_dtype(self):
# Regression test for gh-19541
assert isinstance(wcorrelation([1, 1], [1, 1], centered=False), float)
assert isinstance(wcosine([1, 1], [1, 1]), float)
def test_correlation(self):
xm = np.array([-1.0, 0, 1.0])
ym = np.array([-4.0 / 3, -4.0 / 3, 5.0 - 7.0 / 3])
for x, y in self.cases:
dist = wcorrelation(x, y)
assert_almost_equal(dist, 1.0 -, ym) / (norm(xm) * norm(ym)))
def test_correlation_positive(self):
# Regression test for gh-12320 (negative return value due to rounding
x = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., -2., 0., 0., 0., -2., -2., -2.,
0., -2., 0., -2., 0., 0., -1., -2., 0., 1., 0., 0., -2.,
0., 0., -2., 0., -2., -2., -2., -2., -2., -2., 0.])
y = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., -1., 1., 1., 1., -1., -1., -1.,
1., -1., 1., -1., 1., 1., 0., -1., 1., 2., 1., 1., -1.,
1., 1., -1., 1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., -1., 1.])
dist = correlation(x, y)
assert 0 <= dist <= 10 * np.finfo(np.float64).eps
def test_mahalanobis(self):
x = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
y = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 5.0])
vi = np.array([[2.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 2.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 2.0]])
for x, y in self.cases:
dist = mahalanobis(x, y, vi)
assert_almost_equal(dist, np.sqrt(6.0))
class TestSquareForm:
checked_dtypes = [np.float64, np.float32, np.int32, np.int8, bool]
def test_squareform_matrix(self):
for dtype in self.checked_dtypes:
def test_squareform_vector(self):
for dtype in self.checked_dtypes:
def check_squareform_matrix(self, dtype):
A = np.zeros((0, 0), dtype=dtype)
rA = squareform(A)
assert_equal(rA.shape, (0,))
assert_equal(rA.dtype, dtype)
A = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=dtype)
rA = squareform(A)
assert_equal(rA.shape, (0,))
assert_equal(rA.dtype, dtype)
A = np.array([[0, 4.2], [4.2, 0]], dtype=dtype)
rA = squareform(A)
assert_equal(rA.shape, (1,))
assert_equal(rA.dtype, dtype)
assert_array_equal(rA, np.array([4.2], dtype=dtype))
def check_squareform_vector(self, dtype):
v = np.zeros((0,), dtype=dtype)
rv = squareform(v)
assert_equal(rv.shape, (1, 1))
assert_equal(rv.dtype, dtype)
assert_array_equal(rv, [[0]])
v = np.array([8.3], dtype=dtype)
rv = squareform(v)
assert_equal(rv.shape, (2, 2))
assert_equal(rv.dtype, dtype)
assert_array_equal(rv, np.array([[0, 8.3], [8.3, 0]], dtype=dtype))
def test_squareform_multi_matrix(self):
for n in range(2, 5):
def check_squareform_multi_matrix(self, n):
X = np.random.rand(n, 4)
Y = wpdist_no_const(X)
assert_equal(len(Y.shape), 1)
A = squareform(Y)
Yr = squareform(A)
s = A.shape
k = 0
if verbose >= 3:
print(A.shape, Y.shape, Yr.shape)
assert_equal(len(s), 2)
assert_equal(len(Yr.shape), 1)
assert_equal(s[0], s[1])
for i in range(0, s[0]):
for j in range(i + 1, s[1]):
if i != j:
assert_equal(A[i, j], Y[k])
k += 1
assert_equal(A[i, j], 0)
class TestNumObsY:
def test_num_obs_y_multi_matrix(self):
for n in range(2, 10):
X = np.random.rand(n, 4)
Y = wpdist_no_const(X)
assert_equal(num_obs_y(Y), n)
def test_num_obs_y_1(self):
# Tests num_obs_y(y) on a condensed distance matrix over 1
# observations. Expecting exception.
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_num_obs_y_2(self):
# Tests num_obs_y(y) on a condensed distance matrix over 2
# observations.
def test_num_obs_y_3(self):
def test_num_obs_y_4(self):
def test_num_obs_y_5_10(self):
for i in range(5, 16):
def test_num_obs_y_2_100(self):
# Tests num_obs_y(y) on 100 improper condensed distance matrices.
# Expecting exception.
a = set()
for n in range(2, 16):
a.add(n * (n - 1) / 2)
for i in range(5, 105):
if i not in a:
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def minit(self, n):
def bad_y(self, n):
y = np.random.rand(n)
return num_obs_y(y)
def check_y(self, n):
return num_obs_y(self.make_y(n)) == n
def make_y(self, n):
return np.random.rand((n * (n - 1)) // 2)
class TestNumObsDM:
def test_num_obs_dm_multi_matrix(self):
for n in range(1, 10):
X = np.random.rand(n, 4)
Y = wpdist_no_const(X)
A = squareform(Y)
if verbose >= 3:
print(A.shape, Y.shape)
assert_equal(num_obs_dm(A), n)
def test_num_obs_dm_0(self):
# Tests num_obs_dm(D) on a 0x0 distance matrix. Expecting exception.
def test_num_obs_dm_1(self):
# Tests num_obs_dm(D) on a 1x1 distance matrix.
def test_num_obs_dm_2(self):
def test_num_obs_dm_3(self):
def test_num_obs_dm_4(self):
def check_D(self, n):
return num_obs_dm(self.make_D(n)) == n
def make_D(self, n):
return np.random.rand(n, n)
def is_valid_dm_throw(D):
return is_valid_dm(D, throw=True)
class TestIsValidDM:
def test_is_valid_dm_improper_shape_1D_E(self):
D = np.zeros((5,), dtype=np.float64)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_is_valid_dm_improper_shape_1D_F(self):
D = np.zeros((5,), dtype=np.float64)
assert_equal(is_valid_dm(D), False)
def test_is_valid_dm_improper_shape_3D_E(self):
D = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=np.float64)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_is_valid_dm_improper_shape_3D_F(self):
D = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=np.float64)
assert_equal(is_valid_dm(D), False)
def test_is_valid_dm_nonzero_diagonal_E(self):
y = np.random.rand(10)
D = squareform(y)
for i in range(0, 5):
D[i, i] = 2.0
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_is_valid_dm_nonzero_diagonal_F(self):
y = np.random.rand(10)
D = squareform(y)
for i in range(0, 5):
D[i, i] = 2.0
assert_equal(is_valid_dm(D), False)
def test_is_valid_dm_asymmetric_E(self):
y = np.random.rand(10)
D = squareform(y)
D[1, 3] = D[3, 1] + 1
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_is_valid_dm_asymmetric_F(self):
y = np.random.rand(10)
D = squareform(y)
D[1, 3] = D[3, 1] + 1
assert_equal(is_valid_dm(D), False)
def test_is_valid_dm_correct_1_by_1(self):
D = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=np.float64)
assert_equal(is_valid_dm(D), True)
def test_is_valid_dm_correct_2_by_2(self):
y = np.random.rand(1)
D = squareform(y)
assert_equal(is_valid_dm(D), True)
def test_is_valid_dm_correct_3_by_3(self):
y = np.random.rand(3)
D = squareform(y)
assert_equal(is_valid_dm(D), True)
def test_is_valid_dm_correct_4_by_4(self):
y = np.random.rand(6)
D = squareform(y)
assert_equal(is_valid_dm(D), True)
def test_is_valid_dm_correct_5_by_5(self):
y = np.random.rand(10)
D = squareform(y)
assert_equal(is_valid_dm(D), True)
def is_valid_y_throw(y):
return is_valid_y(y, throw=True)
class TestIsValidY:
# If test case name ends on "_E" then an exception is expected for the
# given input, if it ends in "_F" then False is expected for the is_valid_y
# check. Otherwise the input is expected to be valid.
def test_is_valid_y_improper_shape_2D_E(self):
y = np.zeros((3, 3,), dtype=np.float64)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_is_valid_y_improper_shape_2D_F(self):
y = np.zeros((3, 3,), dtype=np.float64)
assert_equal(is_valid_y(y), False)
def test_is_valid_y_improper_shape_3D_E(self):
y = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=np.float64)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_is_valid_y_improper_shape_3D_F(self):
y = np.zeros((3, 3, 3), dtype=np.float64)
assert_equal(is_valid_y(y), False)
def test_is_valid_y_correct_2_by_2(self):
y = self.correct_n_by_n(2)
assert_equal(is_valid_y(y), True)
def test_is_valid_y_correct_3_by_3(self):
y = self.correct_n_by_n(3)
assert_equal(is_valid_y(y), True)
def test_is_valid_y_correct_4_by_4(self):
y = self.correct_n_by_n(4)
assert_equal(is_valid_y(y), True)
def test_is_valid_y_correct_5_by_5(self):
y = self.correct_n_by_n(5)
assert_equal(is_valid_y(y), True)
def test_is_valid_y_2_100(self):
a = set()
for n in range(2, 16):
a.add(n * (n - 1) / 2)
for i in range(5, 105):
if i not in a:
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def bad_y(self, n):
y = np.random.rand(n)
return is_valid_y(y, throw=True)
def correct_n_by_n(self, n):
y = np.random.rand((n * (n - 1)) // 2)
return y
@pytest.mark.parametrize("p", [-10.0, -0.5, 0.0])
def test_bad_p(p):
# Raise ValueError if p <=0.
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
minkowski([1, 2], [3, 4], p)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
minkowski([1, 2], [3, 4], p, [1, 1])
def test_sokalsneath_all_false():
# Regression test for ticket #876
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
sokalsneath([False, False, False], [False, False, False])
def test_canberra():
# Regression test for ticket #1430.
assert_equal(wcanberra([1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6]), 1)
assert_equal(wcanberra([1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0]), 2)
def test_braycurtis():
# Regression test for ticket #1430.
assert_almost_equal(wbraycurtis([1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 6]), 1. / 3, decimal=15)
assert_almost_equal(wbraycurtis([1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0]), 0.5, decimal=15)
def test_euclideans():
# Regression test for ticket #1328.
x1 = np.array([1, 1, 1])
x2 = np.array([0, 0, 0])
# Basic test of the calculation.
assert_almost_equal(wsqeuclidean(x1, x2), 3.0, decimal=14)
assert_almost_equal(weuclidean(x1, x2), np.sqrt(3), decimal=14)
# Check flattening for (1, N) or (N, 1) inputs
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input vector should be 1-D"):
weuclidean(x1[np.newaxis, :], x2[np.newaxis, :]), np.sqrt(3)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input vector should be 1-D"):
wsqeuclidean(x1[np.newaxis, :], x2[np.newaxis, :])
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input vector should be 1-D"):
wsqeuclidean(x1[:, np.newaxis], x2[:, np.newaxis])
# Distance metrics only defined for vectors (= 1-D)
x = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
weuclidean(x, x)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
wsqeuclidean(x, x)
# Another check, with random data.
rs = np.random.RandomState(1234567890)
x = rs.rand(10)
y = rs.rand(10)
d1 = weuclidean(x, y)
d2 = wsqeuclidean(x, y)
assert_almost_equal(d1**2, d2, decimal=14)
def test_hamming_unequal_length():
# Regression test for gh-4290.
x = [0, 0, 1]
y = [1, 0, 1, 0]
# Used to give an AttributeError from ndarray.mean called on bool
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
whamming(x, y)
def test_hamming_unequal_length_with_w():
u = [0, 0, 1]
v = [0, 0, 1]
w = [1, 0, 1, 0]
msg = "'w' should have the same length as 'u' and 'v'."
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
whamming(u, v, w)
def test_hamming_string_array():
a = np.array(['eggs', 'spam', 'spam', 'eggs', 'spam', 'spam', 'spam',
'spam', 'spam', 'spam', 'spam', 'eggs', 'eggs', 'spam',
'eggs', 'eggs', 'eggs', 'eggs', 'eggs', 'spam'],
b = np.array(['eggs', 'spam', 'spam', 'eggs', 'eggs', 'spam', 'spam',
'spam', 'spam', 'eggs', 'spam', 'eggs', 'spam', 'eggs',
'spam', 'spam', 'eggs', 'spam', 'spam', 'eggs'],
desired = 0.45
assert_allclose(whamming(a, b), desired)
def test_minkowski_w():
# Regression test for gh-8142.
arr_in = np.array([[83.33333333, 100., 83.33333333, 100., 36.,
60., 90., 150., 24., 48.],
[83.33333333, 100., 83.33333333, 100., 36.,
60., 90., 150., 24., 48.]])
p0 = pdist(arr_in, metric='minkowski', p=1, w=None)
c0 = cdist(arr_in, arr_in, metric='minkowski', p=1, w=None)
p1 = pdist(arr_in, metric='minkowski', p=1)
c1 = cdist(arr_in, arr_in, metric='minkowski', p=1)
assert_allclose(p0, p1, rtol=1e-15)
assert_allclose(c0, c1, rtol=1e-15)
def test_sqeuclidean_dtypes():
# Assert that sqeuclidean returns the right types of values.
# Integer types should be converted to floating for stability.
# Floating point types should be the same as the input.
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = [4, 5, 6]
for dtype in [np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64]:
d = wsqeuclidean(np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype), np.asarray(y, dtype=dtype))
assert_(np.issubdtype(d.dtype, np.floating))
for dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64]:
umax = np.iinfo(dtype).max
d1 = wsqeuclidean([0], np.asarray([umax], dtype=dtype))
d2 = wsqeuclidean(np.asarray([umax], dtype=dtype), [0])
assert_equal(d1, d2)
assert_equal(d1, np.float64(umax)**2)
dtypes = [np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]
for dtype in ['float16', 'float128']:
# These aren't present in older numpy versions; float128 may also not
# be present on all platforms.
if hasattr(np, dtype):
dtypes.append(getattr(np, dtype))
for dtype in dtypes:
d = wsqeuclidean(np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype), np.asarray(y, dtype=dtype))
assert_equal(d.dtype, dtype)
def test_sokalmichener():
# Test that sokalmichener has the same result for bool and int inputs.
p = [True, True, False]
q = [True, False, True]
x = [int(b) for b in p]
y = [int(b) for b in q]
dist1 = sokalmichener(p, q)
dist2 = sokalmichener(x, y)
# These should be exactly the same.
assert_equal(dist1, dist2)
def test_sokalmichener_with_weight():
# from: | 1 | | 0 |
# to: | 1 | | 1 |
# weight| | 1 | | 0.2
ntf = 0 * 1 + 0 * 0.2
nft = 0 * 1 + 1 * 0.2
ntt = 1 * 1 + 0 * 0.2
nff = 0 * 1 + 0 * 0.2
expected = 2 * (nft + ntf) / (ntt + nff + 2 * (nft + ntf))
assert_almost_equal(expected, 0.2857143)
actual = sokalmichener([1, 0], [1, 1], w=[1, 0.2])
assert_almost_equal(expected, actual)
a1 = [False, False, True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, True,
True, True, False, True, False, False, False, True, True]
a2 = [True, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, False, True,
True, True, True, True, False, False, False, True, True, True]
for w in [0.05, 0.1, 1.0, 20.0]:
assert_almost_equal(sokalmichener(a2, a1, [w]), 0.6666666666666666)
def test_modifies_input(metric):
# test whether cdist or pdist modifies input arrays
X1 = np.asarray([[1., 2., 3.],
[1.2, 2.3, 3.4],
[2.2, 2.3, 4.4],
[22.2, 23.3, 44.4]])
X1_copy = X1.copy()
cdist(X1, X1, metric)
pdist(X1, metric)
assert_array_equal(X1, X1_copy)
def test_Xdist_deprecated_args(metric):
# testing both cdist and pdist deprecated warnings
X1 = np.asarray([[1., 2., 3.],
[1.2, 2.3, 3.4],
[2.2, 2.3, 4.4],
[22.2, 23.3, 44.4]])
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X1, metric, 2.)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, metric, 2.)
for arg in ["p", "V", "VI"]:
kwargs = {arg: "foo"}
if ((arg == "V" and metric == "seuclidean")
or (arg == "VI" and metric == "mahalanobis")
or (arg == "p" and metric == "minkowski")):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
cdist(X1, X1, metric, **kwargs)
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pdist(X1, metric, **kwargs)
def test_Xdist_non_negative_weights(metric):
X = eo['random-float32-data'][::5, ::2]
w = np.ones(X.shape[1])
w[::5] = -w[::5]
if metric in ['seuclidean', 'mahalanobis', 'jensenshannon']:
pytest.skip("not applicable")
for m in [metric, eval(metric), "test_" + metric]:
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
pdist(X, m, w=w)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cdist(X, X, m, w=w)
def test__validate_vector():
x = [1, 2, 3]
y = _validate_vector(x)
assert_array_equal(y, x)
y = _validate_vector(x, dtype=np.float64)
assert_array_equal(y, x)
assert_equal(y.dtype, np.float64)
x = [1]
y = _validate_vector(x)
assert_equal(y.ndim, 1)
assert_equal(y, x)
x = 1
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input vector should be 1-D"):
x = np.arange(5).reshape(1, -1, 1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input vector should be 1-D"):
x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input vector should be 1-D"):
def test_yule_all_same():
# Test yule avoids a divide by zero when exactly equal
x = np.ones((2, 6), dtype=bool)
d = wyule(x[0], x[0])
assert d == 0.0
d = pdist(x, 'yule')
assert_equal(d, [0.0])
d = cdist(x[:1], x[:1], 'yule')
assert_equal(d, [[0.0]])
def test_jensenshannon():
assert_almost_equal(jensenshannon([1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], 2.0),
assert_almost_equal(jensenshannon([1.0, 0.0], [0.5, 0.5]),
assert_almost_equal(jensenshannon([1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), 0.0)
assert_almost_equal(jensenshannon([[1.0, 2.0]], [[0.5, 1.5]], axis=0),
[0.0, 0.0])
assert_almost_equal(jensenshannon([[1.0, 2.0]], [[0.5, 1.5]], axis=1),
assert_almost_equal(jensenshannon([[1.0, 2.0]], [[0.5, 1.5]], axis=0,
keepdims=True), [[0.0, 0.0]])
assert_almost_equal(jensenshannon([[1.0, 2.0]], [[0.5, 1.5]], axis=1,
keepdims=True), [[0.0649045]])
a = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
[9, 10, 11, 12]])
b = np.array([[13, 14, 15, 16],
[17, 18, 19, 20],
[21, 22, 23, 24]])
assert_almost_equal(jensenshannon(a, b, axis=0),
[0.1954288, 0.1447697, 0.1138377, 0.0927636])
assert_almost_equal(jensenshannon(a, b, axis=1),
[0.1402339, 0.0399106, 0.0201815])
def test_gh_17703():
arr_1 = np.array([1, 0, 0])
arr_2 = np.array([2, 0, 0])
expected = dice(arr_1, arr_2)
actual = pdist([arr_1, arr_2], metric='dice')
assert_allclose(actual, expected)
actual = cdist(np.atleast_2d(arr_1),
np.atleast_2d(arr_2), metric='dice')
assert_allclose(actual, expected)
def test_immutable_input(metric):
if metric in ("jensenshannon", "mahalanobis", "seuclidean"):
pytest.skip("not applicable")
x = np.arange(10, dtype=np.float64)
getattr(scipy.spatial.distance, metric)(x, x, w=x)