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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
# Many scipy.stats functions support `axis` and `nan_policy` parameters.
# When the two are combined, it can be tricky to get all the behavior just
# right. This file contains utility functions useful for scipy.stats functions
# that support `axis` and `nan_policy`, including a decorator that
# automatically adds `axis` and `nan_policy` arguments to a function.
import numpy as np
from functools import wraps
from scipy._lib._docscrape import FunctionDoc, Parameter
from scipy._lib._util import _contains_nan, AxisError, _get_nan
import inspect
def _broadcast_arrays(arrays, axis=None):
Broadcast shapes of arrays, ignoring incompatibility of specified axes
new_shapes = _broadcast_array_shapes(arrays, axis=axis)
if axis is None:
new_shapes = [new_shapes]*len(arrays)
return [np.broadcast_to(array, new_shape)
for array, new_shape in zip(arrays, new_shapes)]
def _broadcast_array_shapes(arrays, axis=None):
Broadcast shapes of arrays, ignoring incompatibility of specified axes
shapes = [np.asarray(arr).shape for arr in arrays]
return _broadcast_shapes(shapes, axis)
def _broadcast_shapes(shapes, axis=None):
Broadcast shapes, ignoring incompatibility of specified axes
if not shapes:
return shapes
# input validation
if axis is not None:
axis = np.atleast_1d(axis)
axis_int = axis.astype(int)
if not np.array_equal(axis_int, axis):
raise AxisError('`axis` must be an integer, a '
'tuple of integers, or `None`.')
axis = axis_int
# First, ensure all shapes have same number of dimensions by prepending 1s.
n_dims = max([len(shape) for shape in shapes])
new_shapes = np.ones((len(shapes), n_dims), dtype=int)
for row, shape in zip(new_shapes, shapes):
row[len(row)-len(shape):] = shape # can't use negative indices (-0:)
# Remove the shape elements of the axes to be ignored, but remember them.
if axis is not None:
axis[axis < 0] = n_dims + axis[axis < 0]
axis = np.sort(axis)
if axis[-1] >= n_dims or axis[0] < 0:
message = (f"`axis` is out of bounds "
f"for array of dimension {n_dims}")
raise AxisError(message)
if len(np.unique(axis)) != len(axis):
raise AxisError("`axis` must contain only distinct elements")
removed_shapes = new_shapes[:, axis]
new_shapes = np.delete(new_shapes, axis, axis=1)
# If arrays are broadcastable, shape elements that are 1 may be replaced
# with a corresponding non-1 shape element. Assuming arrays are
# broadcastable, that final shape element can be found with:
new_shape = np.max(new_shapes, axis=0)
# except in case of an empty array:
new_shape *= new_shapes.all(axis=0)
# Among all arrays, there can only be one unique non-1 shape element.
# Therefore, if any non-1 shape element does not match what we found
# above, the arrays must not be broadcastable after all.
if np.any(~((new_shapes == 1) | (new_shapes == new_shape))):
raise ValueError("Array shapes are incompatible for broadcasting.")
if axis is not None:
# Add back the shape elements that were ignored
new_axis = axis - np.arange(len(axis))
new_shapes = [tuple(np.insert(new_shape, new_axis, removed_shape))
for removed_shape in removed_shapes]
return new_shapes
return tuple(new_shape)
def _broadcast_array_shapes_remove_axis(arrays, axis=None):
Broadcast shapes of arrays, dropping specified axes
Given a sequence of arrays `arrays` and an integer or tuple `axis`, find
the shape of the broadcast result after consuming/dropping `axis`.
In other words, return output shape of a typical hypothesis test on
`arrays` vectorized along `axis`.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.stats._axis_nan_policy import _broadcast_array_shapes
>>> a = np.zeros((5, 2, 1))
>>> b = np.zeros((9, 3))
>>> _broadcast_array_shapes((a, b), 1)
(5, 3)
# Note that here, `axis=None` means do not consume/drop any axes - _not_
# ravel arrays before broadcasting.
shapes = [arr.shape for arr in arrays]
return _broadcast_shapes_remove_axis(shapes, axis)
def _broadcast_shapes_remove_axis(shapes, axis=None):
Broadcast shapes, dropping specified axes
Same as _broadcast_array_shapes, but given a sequence
of array shapes `shapes` instead of the arrays themselves.
shapes = _broadcast_shapes(shapes, axis)
shape = shapes[0]
if axis is not None:
shape = np.delete(shape, axis)
return tuple(shape)
def _broadcast_concatenate(arrays, axis, paired=False):
"""Concatenate arrays along an axis with broadcasting."""
arrays = _broadcast_arrays(arrays, axis if not paired else None)
res = np.concatenate(arrays, axis=axis)
return res
# TODO: add support for `axis` tuples
def _remove_nans(samples, paired):
"Remove nans from paired or unpaired 1D samples"
# potential optimization: don't copy arrays that don't contain nans
if not paired:
return [sample[~np.isnan(sample)] for sample in samples]
# for paired samples, we need to remove the whole pair when any part
# has a nan
nans = np.isnan(samples[0])
for sample in samples[1:]:
nans = nans | np.isnan(sample)
not_nans = ~nans
return [sample[not_nans] for sample in samples]
def _remove_sentinel(samples, paired, sentinel):
"Remove sentinel values from paired or unpaired 1D samples"
# could consolidate with `_remove_nans`, but it's not quite as simple as
# passing `sentinel=np.nan` because `(np.nan == np.nan) is False`
# potential optimization: don't copy arrays that don't contain sentinel
if not paired:
return [sample[sample != sentinel] for sample in samples]
# for paired samples, we need to remove the whole pair when any part
# has a nan
sentinels = (samples[0] == sentinel)
for sample in samples[1:]:
sentinels = sentinels | (sample == sentinel)
not_sentinels = ~sentinels
return [sample[not_sentinels] for sample in samples]
def _masked_arrays_2_sentinel_arrays(samples):
# masked arrays in `samples` are converted to regular arrays, and values
# corresponding with masked elements are replaced with a sentinel value
# return without modifying arrays if none have a mask
has_mask = False
for sample in samples:
mask = getattr(sample, 'mask', False)
has_mask = has_mask or np.any(mask)
if not has_mask:
return samples, None # None means there is no sentinel value
# Choose a sentinel value. We can't use `np.nan`, because sentinel (masked)
# values are always omitted, but there are different nan policies.
dtype = np.result_type(*samples)
dtype = dtype if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.number) else np.float64
for i in range(len(samples)):
# Things get more complicated if the arrays are of different types.
# We could have different sentinel values for each array, but
# the purpose of this code is convenience, not efficiency.
samples[i] = samples[i].astype(dtype, copy=False)
inexact = np.issubdtype(dtype, np.inexact)
info = np.finfo if inexact else np.iinfo
max_possible, min_possible = info(dtype).max, info(dtype).min
nextafter = np.nextafter if inexact else (lambda x, _: x - 1)
sentinel = max_possible
# For simplicity, min_possible/np.infs are not candidate sentinel values
while sentinel > min_possible:
for sample in samples:
if np.any(sample == sentinel): # choose a new sentinel value
sentinel = nextafter(sentinel, -np.inf)
else: # when sentinel value is OK, break the while loop
message = ("This function replaces masked elements with sentinel "
"values, but the data contains all distinct values of this "
"data type. Consider promoting the dtype to `np.float64`.")
raise ValueError(message)
# replace masked elements with sentinel value
out_samples = []
for sample in samples:
mask = getattr(sample, 'mask', None)
if mask is not None: # turn all masked arrays into sentinel arrays
mask = np.broadcast_to(mask, sample.shape)
sample = if np.any(mask) else
sample = np.asarray(sample) # `` could be a memoryview?
sample[mask] = sentinel
return out_samples, sentinel
def _check_empty_inputs(samples, axis):
Check for empty sample; return appropriate output for a vectorized hypotest
# if none of the samples are empty, we need to perform the test
if not any(sample.size == 0 for sample in samples):
return None
# otherwise, the statistic and p-value will be either empty arrays or
# arrays with NaNs. Produce the appropriate array and return it.
output_shape = _broadcast_array_shapes_remove_axis(samples, axis)
output = np.ones(output_shape) * _get_nan(*samples)
return output
def _add_reduced_axes(res, reduced_axes, keepdims):
Add reduced axes back to all the arrays in the result object
if keepdims = True.
return ([np.expand_dims(output, reduced_axes) for output in res]
if keepdims else res)
# Standard docstring / signature entries for `axis`, `nan_policy`, `keepdims`
_name = 'axis'
_desc = (
"""If an int, the axis of the input along which to compute the statistic.
The statistic of each axis-slice (e.g. row) of the input will appear in a
corresponding element of the output.
If ``None``, the input will be raveled before computing the statistic."""
def _get_axis_params(default_axis=0, _name=_name, _desc=_desc): # bind NOW
_type = f"int or None, default: {default_axis}"
_axis_parameter_doc = Parameter(_name, _type, _desc)
_axis_parameter = inspect.Parameter(_name,
return _axis_parameter_doc, _axis_parameter
_name = 'nan_policy'
_type = "{'propagate', 'omit', 'raise'}"
_desc = (
"""Defines how to handle input NaNs.
- ``propagate``: if a NaN is present in the axis slice (e.g. row) along
which the statistic is computed, the corresponding entry of the output
will be NaN.
- ``omit``: NaNs will be omitted when performing the calculation.
If insufficient data remains in the axis slice along which the
statistic is computed, the corresponding entry of the output will be
- ``raise``: if a NaN is present, a ``ValueError`` will be raised."""
_nan_policy_parameter_doc = Parameter(_name, _type, _desc)
_nan_policy_parameter = inspect.Parameter(_name,
_name = 'keepdims'
_type = "bool, default: False"
_desc = (
"""If this is set to True, the axes which are reduced are left
in the result as dimensions with size one. With this option,
the result will broadcast correctly against the input array."""
_keepdims_parameter_doc = Parameter(_name, _type, _desc)
_keepdims_parameter = inspect.Parameter(_name,
_standard_note_addition = (
"""\nBeginning in SciPy 1.9, ``np.matrix`` inputs (not recommended for new
code) are converted to ``np.ndarray`` before the calculation is performed. In
this case, the output will be a scalar or ``np.ndarray`` of appropriate shape
rather than a 2D ``np.matrix``. Similarly, while masked elements of masked
arrays are ignored, the output will be a scalar or ``np.ndarray`` rather than a
masked array with ``mask=False``.""").split('\n')
def _axis_nan_policy_factory(tuple_to_result, default_axis=0,
n_samples=1, paired=False,
result_to_tuple=None, too_small=0,
n_outputs=2, kwd_samples=[], override=None):
"""Factory for a wrapper that adds axis/nan_policy params to a function.
tuple_to_result : callable
Callable that returns an object of the type returned by the function
being wrapped (e.g. the namedtuple or dataclass returned by a
statistical test) provided the separate components (e.g. statistic,
default_axis : int, default: 0
The default value of the axis argument. Standard is 0 except when
backwards compatibility demands otherwise (e.g. `None`).
n_samples : int or callable, default: 1
The number of data samples accepted by the function
(e.g. `mannwhitneyu`), a callable that accepts a dictionary of
parameters passed into the function and returns the number of data
samples (e.g. `wilcoxon`), or `None` to indicate an arbitrary number
of samples (e.g. `kruskal`).
paired : {False, True}
Whether the function being wrapped treats the samples as paired (i.e.
corresponding elements of each sample should be considered as different
components of the same sample.)
result_to_tuple : callable, optional
Function that unpacks the results of the function being wrapped into
a tuple. This is essentially the inverse of `tuple_to_result`. Default
is `None`, which is appropriate for statistical tests that return a
statistic, pvalue tuple (rather than, e.g., a non-iterable datalass).
too_small : int or callable, default: 0
The largest unnacceptably small sample for the function being wrapped.
For example, some functions require samples of size two or more or they
raise an error. This argument prevents the error from being raised when
input is not 1D and instead places a NaN in the corresponding element
of the result. If callable, it must accept a list of samples, axis,
and a dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the wrapper function as
arguments and return a bool indicating weather the samples passed are
too small.
n_outputs : int or callable, default: 2
The number of outputs produced by the function given 1d sample(s). For
example, hypothesis tests that return a namedtuple or result object
with attributes ``statistic`` and ``pvalue`` use the default
``n_outputs=2``; summary statistics with scalar output use
``n_outputs=1``. Alternatively, may be a callable that accepts a
dictionary of arguments passed into the wrapped function and returns
the number of outputs corresponding with those arguments.
kwd_samples : sequence, default: []
The names of keyword parameters that should be treated as samples. For
example, `gmean` accepts as its first argument a sample `a` but
also `weights` as a fourth, optional keyword argument. In this case, we
use `n_samples=1` and kwd_samples=['weights'].
override : dict, default: {'vectorization': False, 'nan_propagation': True}
Pass a dictionary with ``'vectorization': True`` to ensure that the
decorator overrides the function's behavior for multimensional input.
Use ``'nan_propagation': False`` to ensure that the decorator does not
override the function's behavior for ``nan_policy='propagate'``.
(See `scipy.stats.mode`, for example.)
# Specify which existing behaviors the decorator must override
temp = override or {}
override = {'vectorization': False,
'nan_propagation': True}
if result_to_tuple is None:
def result_to_tuple(res):
return res
if not callable(too_small):
def is_too_small(samples, *ts_args, axis=-1, **ts_kwargs):
for sample in samples:
if sample.shape[axis] <= too_small:
return True
return False
is_too_small = too_small
def axis_nan_policy_decorator(hypotest_fun_in):
def axis_nan_policy_wrapper(*args, _no_deco=False, **kwds):
if _no_deco: # for testing, decorator does nothing
return hypotest_fun_in(*args, **kwds)
# We need to be flexible about whether position or keyword
# arguments are used, but we need to make sure users don't pass
# both for the same parameter. To complicate matters, some
# functions accept samples with *args, and some functions already
# accept `axis` and `nan_policy` as positional arguments.
# The strategy is to make sure that there is no duplication
# between `args` and `kwds`, combine the two into `kwds`, then
# the samples, `nan_policy`, and `axis` from `kwds`, as they are
# dealt with separately.
# Check for intersection between positional and keyword args
params = list(inspect.signature(hypotest_fun_in).parameters)
if n_samples is None:
# Give unique names to each positional sample argument
# Note that *args can't be provided as a keyword argument
params = [f"arg{i}" for i in range(len(args))] + params[1:]
# raise if there are too many positional args
maxarg = (np.inf if inspect.getfullargspec(hypotest_fun_in).varargs
else len(inspect.getfullargspec(hypotest_fun_in).args))
if len(args) > maxarg: # let the function raise the right error
hypotest_fun_in(*args, **kwds)
# raise if multiple values passed for same parameter
d_args = dict(zip(params, args))
intersection = set(d_args) & set(kwds)
if intersection: # let the function raise the right error
hypotest_fun_in(*args, **kwds)
# Consolidate other positional and keyword args into `kwds`
# rename avoids UnboundLocalError
if callable(n_samples):
# Future refactoring idea: no need for callable n_samples.
# Just replace `n_samples` and `kwd_samples` with a single
# list of the names of all samples, and treat all of them
# as `kwd_samples` are treated below.
n_samp = n_samples(kwds)
n_samp = n_samples or len(args)
# get the number of outputs
n_out = n_outputs # rename to avoid UnboundLocalError
if callable(n_out):
n_out = n_out(kwds)
# If necessary, rearrange function signature: accept other samples
# as positional args right after the first n_samp args
kwd_samp = [name for name in kwd_samples
if kwds.get(name, None) is not None]
n_kwd_samp = len(kwd_samp)
if not kwd_samp:
hypotest_fun_out = hypotest_fun_in
def hypotest_fun_out(*samples, **kwds):
new_kwds = dict(zip(kwd_samp, samples[n_samp:]))
return hypotest_fun_in(*samples[:n_samp], **kwds)
# Extract the things we need here
try: # if something is missing
samples = [np.atleast_1d(kwds.pop(param))
for param in (params[:n_samp] + kwd_samp)]
except KeyError: # let the function raise the right error
# might need to revisit this if required arg is not a "sample"
hypotest_fun_in(*args, **kwds)
vectorized = True if 'axis' in params else False
vectorized = vectorized and not override['vectorization']
axis = kwds.pop('axis', default_axis)
nan_policy = kwds.pop('nan_policy', 'propagate')
keepdims = kwds.pop("keepdims", False)
del args # avoid the possibility of passing both `args` and `kwds`
# convert masked arrays to regular arrays with sentinel values
samples, sentinel = _masked_arrays_2_sentinel_arrays(samples)
# standardize to always work along last axis
reduced_axes = axis
if axis is None:
if samples:
# when axis=None, take the maximum of all dimensions since
# all the dimensions are reduced.
n_dims = np.max([sample.ndim for sample in samples])
reduced_axes = tuple(range(n_dims))
samples = [np.asarray(sample.ravel()) for sample in samples]
samples = _broadcast_arrays(samples, axis=axis)
axis = np.atleast_1d(axis)
n_axes = len(axis)
# move all axes in `axis` to the end to be raveled
samples = [np.moveaxis(sample, axis, range(-len(axis), 0))
for sample in samples]
shapes = [sample.shape for sample in samples]
# New shape is unchanged for all axes _not_ in `axis`
# At the end, we append the product of the shapes of the axes
# in `axis`. Appending -1 doesn't work for zero-size arrays!
new_shapes = [shape[:-n_axes] + ([-n_axes:]),)
for shape in shapes]
samples = [sample.reshape(new_shape)
for sample, new_shape in zip(samples, new_shapes)]
axis = -1 # work over the last axis
NaN = _get_nan(*samples)
# if axis is not needed, just handle nan_policy and return
ndims = np.array([sample.ndim for sample in samples])
if np.all(ndims <= 1):
# Addresses nan_policy == "raise"
if nan_policy != 'propagate' or override['nan_propagation']:
contains_nan = [_contains_nan(sample, nan_policy)[0]
for sample in samples]
# Behave as though there are no NaNs (even if there are)
contains_nan = [False]*len(samples)
# Addresses nan_policy == "propagate"
if any(contains_nan) and (nan_policy == 'propagate'
and override['nan_propagation']):
res = np.full(n_out, NaN)
res = _add_reduced_axes(res, reduced_axes, keepdims)
return tuple_to_result(*res)
# Addresses nan_policy == "omit"
if any(contains_nan) and nan_policy == 'omit':
# consider passing in contains_nan
samples = _remove_nans(samples, paired)
# ideally, this is what the behavior would be:
# if is_too_small(samples):
# return tuple_to_result(NaN, NaN)
# but some existing functions raise exceptions, and changing
# behavior of those would break backward compatibility.
if sentinel:
samples = _remove_sentinel(samples, paired, sentinel)
res = hypotest_fun_out(*samples, **kwds)
res = result_to_tuple(res)
res = _add_reduced_axes(res, reduced_axes, keepdims)
return tuple_to_result(*res)
# check for empty input
# ideally, move this to the top, but some existing functions raise
# exceptions for empty input, so overriding it would break
# backward compatibility.
empty_output = _check_empty_inputs(samples, axis)
# only return empty output if zero sized input is too small.
if (
empty_output is not None
and (is_too_small(samples, kwds) or empty_output.size == 0)
res = [empty_output.copy() for i in range(n_out)]
res = _add_reduced_axes(res, reduced_axes, keepdims)
return tuple_to_result(*res)
# otherwise, concatenate all samples along axis, remembering where
# each separate sample begins
lengths = np.array([sample.shape[axis] for sample in samples])
split_indices = np.cumsum(lengths)
x = _broadcast_concatenate(samples, axis)
# Addresses nan_policy == "raise"
if nan_policy != 'propagate' or override['nan_propagation']:
contains_nan, _ = _contains_nan(x, nan_policy)
contains_nan = False # behave like there are no NaNs
if vectorized and not contains_nan and not sentinel:
res = hypotest_fun_out(*samples, axis=axis, **kwds)
res = result_to_tuple(res)
res = _add_reduced_axes(res, reduced_axes, keepdims)
return tuple_to_result(*res)
# Addresses nan_policy == "omit"
if contains_nan and nan_policy == 'omit':
def hypotest_fun(x):
samples = np.split(x, split_indices)[:n_samp+n_kwd_samp]
samples = _remove_nans(samples, paired)
if sentinel:
samples = _remove_sentinel(samples, paired, sentinel)
if is_too_small(samples, kwds):
return np.full(n_out, NaN)
return result_to_tuple(hypotest_fun_out(*samples, **kwds))
# Addresses nan_policy == "propagate"
elif (contains_nan and nan_policy == 'propagate'
and override['nan_propagation']):
def hypotest_fun(x):
if np.isnan(x).any():
return np.full(n_out, NaN)
samples = np.split(x, split_indices)[:n_samp+n_kwd_samp]
if sentinel:
samples = _remove_sentinel(samples, paired, sentinel)
if is_too_small(samples, kwds):
return np.full(n_out, NaN)
return result_to_tuple(hypotest_fun_out(*samples, **kwds))
def hypotest_fun(x):
samples = np.split(x, split_indices)[:n_samp+n_kwd_samp]
if sentinel:
samples = _remove_sentinel(samples, paired, sentinel)
if is_too_small(samples, kwds):
return np.full(n_out, NaN)
return result_to_tuple(hypotest_fun_out(*samples, **kwds))
x = np.moveaxis(x, axis, 0)
res = np.apply_along_axis(hypotest_fun, axis=0, arr=x)
res = _add_reduced_axes(res, reduced_axes, keepdims)
return tuple_to_result(*res)
_axis_parameter_doc, _axis_parameter = _get_axis_params(default_axis)
doc = FunctionDoc(axis_nan_policy_wrapper)
parameter_names = [ for param in doc['Parameters']]
if 'axis' in parameter_names:
doc['Parameters'][parameter_names.index('axis')] = (
if 'nan_policy' in parameter_names:
doc['Parameters'][parameter_names.index('nan_policy')] = (
if 'keepdims' in parameter_names:
doc['Parameters'][parameter_names.index('keepdims')] = (
doc['Notes'] += _standard_note_addition
doc = str(doc).split("\n", 1)[1] # remove signature
axis_nan_policy_wrapper.__doc__ = str(doc)
sig = inspect.signature(axis_nan_policy_wrapper)
parameters = sig.parameters
parameter_list = list(parameters.values())
if 'axis' not in parameters:
if 'nan_policy' not in parameters:
if 'keepdims' not in parameters:
sig = sig.replace(parameters=parameter_list)
axis_nan_policy_wrapper.__signature__ = sig
return axis_nan_policy_wrapper
return axis_nan_policy_decorator