2234 lines
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2234 lines
71 KiB
"""Base class for all the objects in SymPy"""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Mapping
from itertools import chain, zip_longest
from .assumptions import _prepare_class_assumptions
from .cache import cacheit
from .core import ordering_of_classes
from .sympify import _sympify, sympify, SympifyError, _external_converter
from .sorting import ordered
from .kind import Kind, UndefinedKind
from ._print_helpers import Printable
from sympy.utilities.decorator import deprecated
from sympy.utilities.exceptions import sympy_deprecation_warning
from sympy.utilities.iterables import iterable, numbered_symbols
from sympy.utilities.misc import filldedent, func_name
from inspect import getmro
def as_Basic(expr):
"""Return expr as a Basic instance using strict sympify
or raise a TypeError; this is just a wrapper to _sympify,
raising a TypeError instead of a SympifyError."""
return _sympify(expr)
except SympifyError:
raise TypeError(
'Argument must be a Basic object, not `%s`' % func_name(
def _old_compare(x: type, y: type) -> int:
# If the other object is not a Basic subclass, then we are not equal to it.
if not issubclass(y, Basic):
return -1
n1 = x.__name__
n2 = y.__name__
if n1 == n2:
return 0
UNKNOWN = len(ordering_of_classes) + 1
i1 = ordering_of_classes.index(n1)
except ValueError:
i2 = ordering_of_classes.index(n2)
except ValueError:
if i1 == UNKNOWN and i2 == UNKNOWN:
return (n1 > n2) - (n1 < n2)
return (i1 > i2) - (i1 < i2)
class Basic(Printable):
Base class for all SymPy objects.
Notes and conventions
1) Always use ``.args``, when accessing parameters of some instance:
>>> from sympy import cot
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> cot(x).args
>>> cot(x).args[0]
>>> (x*y).args
(x, y)
>>> (x*y).args[1]
2) Never use internal methods or variables (the ones prefixed with ``_``):
>>> cot(x)._args # do not use this, use cot(x).args instead
3) By "SymPy object" we mean something that can be returned by
``sympify``. But not all objects one encounters using SymPy are
subclasses of Basic. For example, mutable objects are not:
>>> from sympy import Basic, Matrix, sympify
>>> A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]).as_mutable()
>>> isinstance(A, Basic)
>>> B = sympify(A)
>>> isinstance(B, Basic)
__slots__ = ('_mhash', # hash value
'_args', # arguments
_args: tuple[Basic, ...]
_mhash: int | None
def __sympy__(self):
return True
def __init_subclass__(cls):
# Initialize the default_assumptions FactKB and also any assumptions
# property methods. This method will only be called for subclasses of
# Basic but not for Basic itself so we call
# _prepare_class_assumptions(Basic) below the class definition.
# To be overridden with True in the appropriate subclasses
is_number = False
is_Atom = False
is_Symbol = False
is_symbol = False
is_Indexed = False
is_Dummy = False
is_Wild = False
is_Function = False
is_Add = False
is_Mul = False
is_Pow = False
is_Number = False
is_Float = False
is_Rational = False
is_Integer = False
is_NumberSymbol = False
is_Order = False
is_Derivative = False
is_Piecewise = False
is_Poly = False
is_AlgebraicNumber = False
is_Relational = False
is_Equality = False
is_Boolean = False
is_Not = False
is_Matrix = False
is_Vector = False
is_Point = False
is_MatAdd = False
is_MatMul = False
is_real: bool | None
is_extended_real: bool | None
is_zero: bool | None
is_negative: bool | None
is_commutative: bool | None
kind: Kind = UndefinedKind
def __new__(cls, *args):
obj = object.__new__(cls)
obj._assumptions = cls.default_assumptions
obj._mhash = None # will be set by __hash__ method.
obj._args = args # all items in args must be Basic objects
return obj
def copy(self):
return self.func(*self.args)
def __getnewargs__(self):
return self.args
def __getstate__(self):
return None
def __setstate__(self, state):
for name, value in state.items():
setattr(self, name, value)
def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol):
if protocol < 2:
msg = "Only pickle protocol 2 or higher is supported by SymPy"
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
return super().__reduce_ex__(protocol)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
# hash cannot be cached using cache_it because infinite recurrence
# occurs as hash is needed for setting cache dictionary keys
h = self._mhash
if h is None:
h = hash((type(self).__name__,) + self._hashable_content())
self._mhash = h
return h
def _hashable_content(self):
"""Return a tuple of information about self that can be used to
compute the hash. If a class defines additional attributes,
like ``name`` in Symbol, then this method should be updated
accordingly to return such relevant attributes.
Defining more than _hashable_content is necessary if __eq__ has
been defined by a class. See note about this in Basic.__eq__."""
return self._args
def assumptions0(self):
Return object `type` assumptions.
For example:
Symbol('x', real=True)
Symbol('x', integer=True)
are different objects. In other words, besides Python type (Symbol in
this case), the initial assumptions are also forming their typeinfo.
>>> from sympy import Symbol
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> x.assumptions0
{'commutative': True}
>>> x = Symbol("x", positive=True)
>>> x.assumptions0
{'commutative': True, 'complex': True, 'extended_negative': False,
'extended_nonnegative': True, 'extended_nonpositive': False,
'extended_nonzero': True, 'extended_positive': True, 'extended_real':
True, 'finite': True, 'hermitian': True, 'imaginary': False,
'infinite': False, 'negative': False, 'nonnegative': True,
'nonpositive': False, 'nonzero': True, 'positive': True, 'real':
True, 'zero': False}
return {}
def compare(self, other):
Return -1, 0, 1 if the object is smaller, equal, or greater than other.
Not in the mathematical sense. If the object is of a different type
from the "other" then their classes are ordered according to
the sorted_classes list.
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> x.compare(y)
>>> x.compare(x)
>>> y.compare(x)
# all redefinitions of __cmp__ method should start with the
# following lines:
if self is other:
return 0
n1 = self.__class__
n2 = other.__class__
c = _old_compare(n1, n2)
if c:
return c
st = self._hashable_content()
ot = other._hashable_content()
c = (len(st) > len(ot)) - (len(st) < len(ot))
if c:
return c
for l, r in zip(st, ot):
l = Basic(*l) if isinstance(l, frozenset) else l
r = Basic(*r) if isinstance(r, frozenset) else r
if isinstance(l, Basic):
c = l.compare(r)
c = (l > r) - (l < r)
if c:
return c
return 0
def _compare_pretty(a, b):
from sympy.series.order import Order
if isinstance(a, Order) and not isinstance(b, Order):
return 1
if not isinstance(a, Order) and isinstance(b, Order):
return -1
if a.is_Rational and b.is_Rational:
l = a.p * b.q
r = b.p * a.q
return (l > r) - (l < r)
from .symbol import Wild
p1, p2, p3 = Wild("p1"), Wild("p2"), Wild("p3")
r_a = a.match(p1 * p2**p3)
if r_a and p3 in r_a:
a3 = r_a[p3]
r_b = b.match(p1 * p2**p3)
if r_b and p3 in r_b:
b3 = r_b[p3]
c = Basic.compare(a3, b3)
if c != 0:
return c
return Basic.compare(a, b)
def fromiter(cls, args, **assumptions):
Create a new object from an iterable.
This is a convenience function that allows one to create objects from
any iterable, without having to convert to a list or tuple first.
>>> from sympy import Tuple
>>> Tuple.fromiter(i for i in range(5))
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
return cls(*tuple(args), **assumptions)
def class_key(cls):
"""Nice order of classes."""
return 5, 0, cls.__name__
def sort_key(self, order=None):
Return a sort key.
>>> from sympy import S, I
>>> sorted([S(1)/2, I, -I], key=lambda x: x.sort_key())
[1/2, -I, I]
>>> S("[x, 1/x, 1/x**2, x**2, x**(1/2), x**(1/4), x**(3/2)]")
[x, 1/x, x**(-2), x**2, sqrt(x), x**(1/4), x**(3/2)]
>>> sorted(_, key=lambda x: x.sort_key())
[x**(-2), 1/x, x**(1/4), sqrt(x), x, x**(3/2), x**2]
# XXX: remove this when issue 5169 is fixed
def inner_key(arg):
if isinstance(arg, Basic):
return arg.sort_key(order)
return arg
args = self._sorted_args
args = len(args), tuple([inner_key(arg) for arg in args])
return self.class_key(), args, S.One.sort_key(), S.One
def _do_eq_sympify(self, other):
"""Returns a boolean indicating whether a == b when either a
or b is not a Basic. This is only done for types that were either
added to `converter` by a 3rd party or when the object has `_sympy_`
defined. This essentially reuses the code in `_sympify` that is
specific for this use case. Non-user defined types that are meant
to work with SymPy should be handled directly in the __eq__ methods
of the `Basic` classes it could equate to and not be converted. Note
that after conversion, `==` is used again since it is not
necessarily clear whether `self` or `other`'s __eq__ method needs
to be used."""
for superclass in type(other).__mro__:
conv = _external_converter.get(superclass)
if conv is not None:
return self == conv(other)
if hasattr(other, '_sympy_'):
return self == other._sympy_()
return NotImplemented
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Return a boolean indicating whether a == b on the basis of
their symbolic trees.
This is the same as a.compare(b) == 0 but faster.
If a class that overrides __eq__() needs to retain the
implementation of __hash__() from a parent class, the
interpreter must be told this explicitly by setting
__hash__ : Callable[[object], int] = <ParentClass>.__hash__.
Otherwise the inheritance of __hash__() will be blocked,
just as if __hash__ had been explicitly set to None.
from https://docs.python.org/dev/reference/datamodel.html#object.__hash__
if self is other:
return True
if not isinstance(other, Basic):
return self._do_eq_sympify(other)
# check for pure number expr
if not (self.is_Number and other.is_Number) and (
type(self) != type(other)):
return False
a, b = self._hashable_content(), other._hashable_content()
if a != b:
return False
# check number *in* an expression
for a, b in zip(a, b):
if not isinstance(a, Basic):
if a.is_Number and type(a) != type(b):
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
"""``a != b`` -> Compare two symbolic trees and see whether they are different
this is the same as:
``a.compare(b) != 0``
but faster
return not self == other
def dummy_eq(self, other, symbol=None):
Compare two expressions and handle dummy symbols.
>>> from sympy import Dummy
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> u = Dummy('u')
>>> (u**2 + 1).dummy_eq(x**2 + 1)
>>> (u**2 + 1) == (x**2 + 1)
>>> (u**2 + y).dummy_eq(x**2 + y, x)
>>> (u**2 + y).dummy_eq(x**2 + y, y)
s = self.as_dummy()
o = _sympify(other)
o = o.as_dummy()
dummy_symbols = [i for i in s.free_symbols if i.is_Dummy]
if len(dummy_symbols) == 1:
dummy = dummy_symbols.pop()
return s == o
if symbol is None:
symbols = o.free_symbols
if len(symbols) == 1:
symbol = symbols.pop()
return s == o
tmp = dummy.__class__()
return s.xreplace({dummy: tmp}) == o.xreplace({symbol: tmp})
def atoms(self, *types):
"""Returns the atoms that form the current object.
By default, only objects that are truly atomic and cannot
be divided into smaller pieces are returned: symbols, numbers,
and number symbols like I and pi. It is possible to request
atoms of any type, however, as demonstrated below.
>>> from sympy import I, pi, sin
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> (1 + x + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms()
{1, 2, I, pi, x, y}
If one or more types are given, the results will contain only
those types of atoms.
>>> from sympy import Number, NumberSymbol, Symbol
>>> (1 + x + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(Symbol)
{x, y}
>>> (1 + x + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(Number)
{1, 2}
>>> (1 + x + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(Number, NumberSymbol)
{1, 2, pi}
>>> (1 + x + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(Number, NumberSymbol, I)
{1, 2, I, pi}
Note that I (imaginary unit) and zoo (complex infinity) are special
types of number symbols and are not part of the NumberSymbol class.
The type can be given implicitly, too:
>>> (1 + x + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(x) # x is a Symbol
{x, y}
Be careful to check your assumptions when using the implicit option
since ``S(1).is_Integer = True`` but ``type(S(1))`` is ``One``, a special type
of SymPy atom, while ``type(S(2))`` is type ``Integer`` and will find all
integers in an expression:
>>> from sympy import S
>>> (1 + x + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(S(1))
>>> (1 + x + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(S(2))
{1, 2}
Finally, arguments to atoms() can select more than atomic atoms: any
SymPy type (loaded in core/__init__.py) can be listed as an argument
and those types of "atoms" as found in scanning the arguments of the
expression recursively:
>>> from sympy import Function, Mul
>>> from sympy.core.function import AppliedUndef
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> (1 + f(x) + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(Function)
{f(x), sin(y + I*pi)}
>>> (1 + f(x) + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(AppliedUndef)
>>> (1 + x + 2*sin(y + I*pi)).atoms(Mul)
{I*pi, 2*sin(y + I*pi)}
if types:
types = tuple(
[t if isinstance(t, type) else type(t) for t in types])
nodes = _preorder_traversal(self)
if types:
result = {node for node in nodes if isinstance(node, types)}
result = {node for node in nodes if not node.args}
return result
def free_symbols(self) -> set[Basic]:
"""Return from the atoms of self those which are free symbols.
Not all free symbols are ``Symbol``. Eg: IndexedBase('I')[0].free_symbols
For most expressions, all symbols are free symbols. For some classes
this is not true. e.g. Integrals use Symbols for the dummy variables
which are bound variables, so Integral has a method to return all
symbols except those. Derivative keeps track of symbols with respect
to which it will perform a derivative; those are
bound variables, too, so it has its own free_symbols method.
Any other method that uses bound variables should implement a
free_symbols method."""
empty: set[Basic] = set()
return empty.union(*(a.free_symbols for a in self.args))
def expr_free_symbols(self):
The expr_free_symbols property is deprecated. Use free_symbols to get
the free symbols of an expression.
return set()
def as_dummy(self):
"""Return the expression with any objects having structurally
bound symbols replaced with unique, canonical symbols within
the object in which they appear and having only the default
assumption for commutativity being True. When applied to a
symbol a new symbol having only the same commutativity will be
>>> from sympy import Integral, Symbol
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> r = Symbol('r', real=True)
>>> Integral(r, (r, x)).as_dummy()
Integral(_0, (_0, x))
>>> _.variables[0].is_real is None
>>> r.as_dummy()
Any object that has structurally bound variables should have
a property, `bound_symbols` that returns those symbols
appearing in the object.
from .symbol import Dummy, Symbol
def can(x):
# mask free that shadow bound
free = x.free_symbols
bound = set(x.bound_symbols)
d = {i: Dummy() for i in bound & free}
x = x.subs(d)
# replace bound with canonical names
x = x.xreplace(x.canonical_variables)
# return after undoing masking
return x.xreplace({v: k for k, v in d.items()})
if not self.has(Symbol):
return self
return self.replace(
lambda x: hasattr(x, 'bound_symbols'),
def canonical_variables(self):
"""Return a dictionary mapping any variable defined in
``self.bound_symbols`` to Symbols that do not clash
with any free symbols in the expression.
>>> from sympy import Lambda
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> Lambda(x, 2*x).canonical_variables
{x: _0}
if not hasattr(self, 'bound_symbols'):
return {}
dums = numbered_symbols('_')
reps = {}
# watch out for free symbol that are not in bound symbols;
# those that are in bound symbols are about to get changed
bound = self.bound_symbols
names = {i.name for i in self.free_symbols - set(bound)}
for b in bound:
d = next(dums)
if b.is_Symbol:
while d.name in names:
d = next(dums)
reps[b] = d
return reps
def rcall(self, *args):
"""Apply on the argument recursively through the expression tree.
This method is used to simulate a common abuse of notation for
operators. For instance, in SymPy the following will not work:
``(x+Lambda(y, 2*y))(z) == x+2*z``,
however, you can use:
>>> from sympy import Lambda
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
>>> (x + Lambda(y, 2*y)).rcall(z)
x + 2*z
return Basic._recursive_call(self, args)
def _recursive_call(expr_to_call, on_args):
"""Helper for rcall method."""
from .symbol import Symbol
def the_call_method_is_overridden(expr):
for cls in getmro(type(expr)):
if '__call__' in cls.__dict__:
return cls != Basic
if callable(expr_to_call) and the_call_method_is_overridden(expr_to_call):
if isinstance(expr_to_call, Symbol): # XXX When you call a Symbol it is
return expr_to_call # transformed into an UndefFunction
return expr_to_call(*on_args)
elif expr_to_call.args:
args = [Basic._recursive_call(
sub, on_args) for sub in expr_to_call.args]
return type(expr_to_call)(*args)
return expr_to_call
def is_hypergeometric(self, k):
from sympy.simplify.simplify import hypersimp
from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise
if self.has(Piecewise):
return None
return hypersimp(self, k) is not None
def is_comparable(self):
"""Return True if self can be computed to a real number
(or already is a real number) with precision, else False.
>>> from sympy import exp_polar, pi, I
>>> (I*exp_polar(I*pi/2)).is_comparable
>>> (I*exp_polar(I*pi*2)).is_comparable
A False result does not mean that `self` cannot be rewritten
into a form that would be comparable. For example, the
difference computed below is zero but without simplification
it does not evaluate to a zero with precision:
>>> e = 2**pi*(1 + 2**pi)
>>> dif = e - e.expand()
>>> dif.is_comparable
>>> dif.n(2)._prec
is_extended_real = self.is_extended_real
if is_extended_real is False:
return False
if not self.is_number:
return False
# don't re-eval numbers that are already evaluated since
# this will create spurious precision
n, i = [p.evalf(2) if not p.is_Number else p
for p in self.as_real_imag()]
if not (i.is_Number and n.is_Number):
return False
if i:
# if _prec = 1 we can't decide and if not,
# the answer is False because numbers with
# imaginary parts can't be compared
# so return False
return False
return n._prec != 1
def func(self):
The top-level function in an expression.
The following should hold for all objects::
>> x == x.func(*x.args)
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> a = 2*x
>>> a.func
<class 'sympy.core.mul.Mul'>
>>> a.args
(2, x)
>>> a.func(*a.args)
>>> a == a.func(*a.args)
return self.__class__
def args(self) -> tuple[Basic, ...]:
"""Returns a tuple of arguments of 'self'.
>>> from sympy import cot
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> cot(x).args
>>> cot(x).args[0]
>>> (x*y).args
(x, y)
>>> (x*y).args[1]
Never use self._args, always use self.args.
Only use _args in __new__ when creating a new function.
Do not override .args() from Basic (so that it is easy to
change the interface in the future if needed).
return self._args
def _sorted_args(self):
The same as ``args``. Derived classes which do not fix an
order on their arguments should override this method to
produce the sorted representation.
return self.args
def as_content_primitive(self, radical=False, clear=True):
"""A stub to allow Basic args (like Tuple) to be skipped when computing
the content and primitive components of an expression.
See Also
return S.One, self
def subs(self, *args, **kwargs):
Substitutes old for new in an expression after sympifying args.
`args` is either:
- two arguments, e.g. foo.subs(old, new)
- one iterable argument, e.g. foo.subs(iterable). The iterable may be
o an iterable container with (old, new) pairs. In this case the
replacements are processed in the order given with successive
patterns possibly affecting replacements already made.
o a dict or set whose key/value items correspond to old/new pairs.
In this case the old/new pairs will be sorted by op count and in
case of a tie, by number of args and the default_sort_key. The
resulting sorted list is then processed as an iterable container
(see previous).
If the keyword ``simultaneous`` is True, the subexpressions will not be
evaluated until all the substitutions have been made.
>>> from sympy import pi, exp, limit, oo
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> (1 + x*y).subs(x, pi)
pi*y + 1
>>> (1 + x*y).subs({x:pi, y:2})
1 + 2*pi
>>> (1 + x*y).subs([(x, pi), (y, 2)])
1 + 2*pi
>>> reps = [(y, x**2), (x, 2)]
>>> (x + y).subs(reps)
>>> (x + y).subs(reversed(reps))
x**2 + 2
>>> (x**2 + x**4).subs(x**2, y)
y**2 + y
To replace only the x**2 but not the x**4, use xreplace:
>>> (x**2 + x**4).xreplace({x**2: y})
x**4 + y
To delay evaluation until all substitutions have been made,
set the keyword ``simultaneous`` to True:
>>> (x/y).subs([(x, 0), (y, 0)])
>>> (x/y).subs([(x, 0), (y, 0)], simultaneous=True)
This has the added feature of not allowing subsequent substitutions
to affect those already made:
>>> ((x + y)/y).subs({x + y: y, y: x + y})
>>> ((x + y)/y).subs({x + y: y, y: x + y}, simultaneous=True)
y/(x + y)
In order to obtain a canonical result, unordered iterables are
sorted by count_op length, number of arguments and by the
default_sort_key to break any ties. All other iterables are left
>>> from sympy import sqrt, sin, cos
>>> from sympy.abc import a, b, c, d, e
>>> A = (sqrt(sin(2*x)), a)
>>> B = (sin(2*x), b)
>>> C = (cos(2*x), c)
>>> D = (x, d)
>>> E = (exp(x), e)
>>> expr = sqrt(sin(2*x))*sin(exp(x)*x)*cos(2*x) + sin(2*x)
>>> expr.subs(dict([A, B, C, D, E]))
a*c*sin(d*e) + b
The resulting expression represents a literal replacement of the
old arguments with the new arguments. This may not reflect the
limiting behavior of the expression:
>>> (x**3 - 3*x).subs({x: oo})
>>> limit(x**3 - 3*x, x, oo)
If the substitution will be followed by numerical
evaluation, it is better to pass the substitution to
evalf as
>>> (1/x).evalf(subs={x: 3.0}, n=21)
rather than
>>> (1/x).subs({x: 3.0}).evalf(21)
as the former will ensure that the desired level of precision is
See Also
replace: replacement capable of doing wildcard-like matching,
parsing of match, and conditional replacements
xreplace: exact node replacement in expr tree; also capable of
using matching rules
sympy.core.evalf.EvalfMixin.evalf: calculates the given formula to a desired level of precision
from .containers import Dict
from .symbol import Dummy, Symbol
from .numbers import _illegal
unordered = False
if len(args) == 1:
sequence = args[0]
if isinstance(sequence, set):
unordered = True
elif isinstance(sequence, (Dict, Mapping)):
unordered = True
sequence = sequence.items()
elif not iterable(sequence):
raise ValueError(filldedent("""
When a single argument is passed to subs
it should be a dictionary of old: new pairs or an iterable
of (old, new) tuples."""))
elif len(args) == 2:
sequence = [args]
raise ValueError("subs accepts either 1 or 2 arguments")
def sympify_old(old):
if isinstance(old, str):
# Use Symbol rather than parse_expr for old
return Symbol(old)
elif isinstance(old, type):
# Allow a type e.g. Function('f') or sin
return sympify(old, strict=False)
return sympify(old, strict=True)
def sympify_new(new):
if isinstance(new, (str, type)):
# Allow a type or parse a string input
return sympify(new, strict=False)
return sympify(new, strict=True)
sequence = [(sympify_old(s1), sympify_new(s2)) for s1, s2 in sequence]
# skip if there is no change
sequence = [(s1, s2) for s1, s2 in sequence if not _aresame(s1, s2)]
simultaneous = kwargs.pop('simultaneous', False)
if unordered:
from .sorting import _nodes, default_sort_key
sequence = dict(sequence)
# order so more complex items are first and items
# of identical complexity are ordered so
# f(x) < f(y) < x < y
# \___ 2 __/ \_1_/ <- number of nodes
# For more complex ordering use an unordered sequence.
k = list(ordered(sequence, default=False, keys=(
lambda x: -_nodes(x),
sequence = [(k, sequence[k]) for k in k]
# do infinities first
if not simultaneous:
redo = [i for i, seq in enumerate(sequence) if seq[1] in _illegal]
for i in reversed(redo):
sequence.insert(0, sequence.pop(i))
if simultaneous: # XXX should this be the default for dict subs?
reps = {}
rv = self
kwargs['hack2'] = True
m = Dummy('subs_m')
for old, new in sequence:
com = new.is_commutative
if com is None:
com = True
d = Dummy('subs_d', commutative=com)
# using d*m so Subs will be used on dummy variables
# in things like Derivative(f(x, y), x) in which x
# is both free and bound
rv = rv._subs(old, d*m, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(rv, Basic):
reps[d] = new
reps[m] = S.One # get rid of m
return rv.xreplace(reps)
rv = self
for old, new in sequence:
rv = rv._subs(old, new, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(rv, Basic):
return rv
def _subs(self, old, new, **hints):
"""Substitutes an expression old -> new.
If self is not equal to old then _eval_subs is called.
If _eval_subs does not want to make any special replacement
then a None is received which indicates that the fallback
should be applied wherein a search for replacements is made
amongst the arguments of self.
>>> from sympy import Add
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
Add's _eval_subs knows how to target x + y in the following
so it makes the change:
>>> (x + y + z).subs(x + y, 1)
z + 1
Add's _eval_subs does not need to know how to find x + y in
the following:
>>> Add._eval_subs(z*(x + y) + 3, x + y, 1) is None
The returned None will cause the fallback routine to traverse the args and
pass the z*(x + y) arg to Mul where the change will take place and the
substitution will succeed:
>>> (z*(x + y) + 3).subs(x + y, 1)
z + 3
** Developers Notes **
An _eval_subs routine for a class should be written if:
1) any arguments are not instances of Basic (e.g. bool, tuple);
2) some arguments should not be targeted (as in integration
3) if there is something other than a literal replacement
that should be attempted (as in Piecewise where the condition
may be updated without doing a replacement).
If it is overridden, here are some special cases that might arise:
1) If it turns out that no special change was made and all
the original sub-arguments should be checked for
replacements then None should be returned.
2) If it is necessary to do substitutions on a portion of
the expression then _subs should be called. _subs will
handle the case of any sub-expression being equal to old
(which usually would not be the case) while its fallback
will handle the recursion into the sub-arguments. For
example, after Add's _eval_subs removes some matching terms
it must process the remaining terms so it calls _subs
on each of the un-matched terms and then adds them
onto the terms previously obtained.
3) If the initial expression should remain unchanged then
the original expression should be returned. (Whenever an
expression is returned, modified or not, no further
substitution of old -> new is attempted.) Sum's _eval_subs
routine uses this strategy when a substitution is attempted
on any of its summation variables.
def fallback(self, old, new):
Try to replace old with new in any of self's arguments.
hit = False
args = list(self.args)
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if not hasattr(arg, '_eval_subs'):
arg = arg._subs(old, new, **hints)
if not _aresame(arg, args[i]):
hit = True
args[i] = arg
if hit:
rv = self.func(*args)
hack2 = hints.get('hack2', False)
if hack2 and self.is_Mul and not rv.is_Mul: # 2-arg hack
coeff = S.One
nonnumber = []
for i in args:
if i.is_Number:
coeff *= i
nonnumber = self.func(*nonnumber)
if coeff is S.One:
return nonnumber
return self.func(coeff, nonnumber, evaluate=False)
return rv
return self
if _aresame(self, old):
return new
rv = self._eval_subs(old, new)
if rv is None:
rv = fallback(self, old, new)
return rv
def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
"""Override this stub if you want to do anything more than
attempt a replacement of old with new in the arguments of self.
See also
return None
def xreplace(self, rule):
Replace occurrences of objects within the expression.
rule : dict-like
Expresses a replacement rule
xreplace : the result of the replacement
>>> from sympy import symbols, pi, exp
>>> x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
>>> (1 + x*y).xreplace({x: pi})
pi*y + 1
>>> (1 + x*y).xreplace({x: pi, y: 2})
1 + 2*pi
Replacements occur only if an entire node in the expression tree is
>>> (x*y + z).xreplace({x*y: pi})
z + pi
>>> (x*y*z).xreplace({x*y: pi})
>>> (2*x).xreplace({2*x: y, x: z})
>>> (2*2*x).xreplace({2*x: y, x: z})
>>> (x + y + 2).xreplace({x + y: 2})
x + y + 2
>>> (x + 2 + exp(x + 2)).xreplace({x + 2: y})
x + exp(y) + 2
xreplace does not differentiate between free and bound symbols. In the
following, subs(x, y) would not change x since it is a bound symbol,
but xreplace does:
>>> from sympy import Integral
>>> Integral(x, (x, 1, 2*x)).xreplace({x: y})
Integral(y, (y, 1, 2*y))
Trying to replace x with an expression raises an error:
>>> Integral(x, (x, 1, 2*x)).xreplace({x: 2*y}) # doctest: +SKIP
ValueError: Invalid limits given: ((2*y, 1, 4*y),)
See Also
replace: replacement capable of doing wildcard-like matching,
parsing of match, and conditional replacements
subs: substitution of subexpressions as defined by the objects
value, _ = self._xreplace(rule)
return value
def _xreplace(self, rule):
Helper for xreplace. Tracks whether a replacement actually occurred.
if self in rule:
return rule[self], True
elif rule:
args = []
changed = False
for a in self.args:
_xreplace = getattr(a, '_xreplace', None)
if _xreplace is not None:
a_xr = _xreplace(rule)
changed |= a_xr[1]
args = tuple(args)
if changed:
return self.func(*args), True
return self, False
def has(self, *patterns):
Test whether any subexpression matches any of the patterns.
>>> from sympy import sin
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
>>> (x**2 + sin(x*y)).has(z)
>>> (x**2 + sin(x*y)).has(x, y, z)
>>> x.has(x)
Note ``has`` is a structural algorithm with no knowledge of
mathematics. Consider the following half-open interval:
>>> from sympy import Interval
>>> i = Interval.Lopen(0, 5); i
Interval.Lopen(0, 5)
>>> i.args
(0, 5, True, False)
>>> i.has(4) # there is no "4" in the arguments
>>> i.has(0) # there *is* a "0" in the arguments
Instead, use ``contains`` to determine whether a number is in the
interval or not:
>>> i.contains(4)
>>> i.contains(0)
Note that ``expr.has(*patterns)`` is exactly equivalent to
``any(expr.has(p) for p in patterns)``. In particular, ``False`` is
returned when the list of patterns is empty.
>>> x.has()
return self._has(iterargs, *patterns)
def has_xfree(self, s: set[Basic]):
"""Return True if self has any of the patterns in s as a
free argument, else False. This is like `Basic.has_free`
but this will only report exact argument matches.
>>> from sympy import Function
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> f(x).has_xfree({f})
>>> f(x).has_xfree({f(x)})
>>> f(x + 1).has_xfree({x})
>>> f(x + 1).has_xfree({x + 1})
>>> f(x + y + 1).has_xfree({x + 1})
# protect O(1) containment check by requiring:
if type(s) is not set:
raise TypeError('expecting set argument')
return any(a in s for a in iterfreeargs(self))
def has_free(self, *patterns):
"""Return True if self has object(s) ``x`` as a free expression
else False.
>>> from sympy import Integral, Function
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> g = Function('g')
>>> expr = Integral(f(x), (f(x), 1, g(y)))
>>> expr.free_symbols
>>> expr.has_free(g(y))
>>> expr.has_free(*(x, f(x)))
This works for subexpressions and types, too:
>>> expr.has_free(g)
>>> (x + y + 1).has_free(y + 1)
if not patterns:
return False
p0 = patterns[0]
if len(patterns) == 1 and iterable(p0) and not isinstance(p0, Basic):
# Basic can contain iterables (though not non-Basic, ideally)
# but don't encourage mixed passing patterns
raise TypeError(filldedent('''
Expecting 1 or more Basic args, not a single
non-Basic iterable. Don't forget to unpack
iterables: `eq.has_free(*patterns)`'''))
# try quick test first
s = set(patterns)
rv = self.has_xfree(s)
if rv:
return rv
# now try matching through slower _has
return self._has(iterfreeargs, *patterns)
def _has(self, iterargs, *patterns):
# separate out types and unhashable objects
type_set = set() # only types
p_set = set() # hashable non-types
for p in patterns:
if isinstance(p, type) and issubclass(p, Basic):
if not isinstance(p, Basic):
p = _sympify(p)
except SympifyError:
continue # Basic won't have this in it
p_set.add(p) # fails if object defines __eq__ but
# doesn't define __hash__
types = tuple(type_set) #
for i in iterargs(self): #
if i in p_set: # <--- here, too
return True
if isinstance(i, types):
return True
# use matcher if defined, e.g. operations defines
# matcher that checks for exact subset containment,
# (x + y + 1).has(x + 1) -> True
for i in p_set - type_set: # types don't have matchers
if not hasattr(i, '_has_matcher'):
match = i._has_matcher()
if any(match(arg) for arg in iterargs(self)):
return True
# no success
return False
def replace(self, query, value, map=False, simultaneous=True, exact=None):
Replace matching subexpressions of ``self`` with ``value``.
If ``map = True`` then also return the mapping {old: new} where ``old``
was a sub-expression found with query and ``new`` is the replacement
value for it. If the expression itself does not match the query, then
the returned value will be ``self.xreplace(map)`` otherwise it should
be ``self.subs(ordered(map.items()))``.
Traverses an expression tree and performs replacement of matching
subexpressions from the bottom to the top of the tree. The default
approach is to do the replacement in a simultaneous fashion so
changes made are targeted only once. If this is not desired or causes
problems, ``simultaneous`` can be set to False.
In addition, if an expression containing more than one Wild symbol
is being used to match subexpressions and the ``exact`` flag is None
it will be set to True so the match will only succeed if all non-zero
values are received for each Wild that appears in the match pattern.
Setting this to False accepts a match of 0; while setting it True
accepts all matches that have a 0 in them. See example below for
The list of possible combinations of queries and replacement values
is listed below:
Initial setup
>>> from sympy import log, sin, cos, tan, Wild, Mul, Add
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> f = log(sin(x)) + tan(sin(x**2))
1.1. type -> type
obj.replace(type, newtype)
When object of type ``type`` is found, replace it with the
result of passing its argument(s) to ``newtype``.
>>> f.replace(sin, cos)
log(cos(x)) + tan(cos(x**2))
>>> sin(x).replace(sin, cos, map=True)
(cos(x), {sin(x): cos(x)})
>>> (x*y).replace(Mul, Add)
x + y
1.2. type -> func
obj.replace(type, func)
When object of type ``type`` is found, apply ``func`` to its
argument(s). ``func`` must be written to handle the number
of arguments of ``type``.
>>> f.replace(sin, lambda arg: sin(2*arg))
log(sin(2*x)) + tan(sin(2*x**2))
>>> (x*y).replace(Mul, lambda *args: sin(2*Mul(*args)))
2.1. pattern -> expr
obj.replace(pattern(wild), expr(wild))
Replace subexpressions matching ``pattern`` with the expression
written in terms of the Wild symbols in ``pattern``.
>>> a, b = map(Wild, 'ab')
>>> f.replace(sin(a), tan(a))
log(tan(x)) + tan(tan(x**2))
>>> f.replace(sin(a), tan(a/2))
log(tan(x/2)) + tan(tan(x**2/2))
>>> f.replace(sin(a), a)
log(x) + tan(x**2)
>>> (x*y).replace(a*x, a)
Matching is exact by default when more than one Wild symbol
is used: matching fails unless the match gives non-zero
values for all Wild symbols:
>>> (2*x + y).replace(a*x + b, b - a)
y - 2
>>> (2*x).replace(a*x + b, b - a)
When set to False, the results may be non-intuitive:
>>> (2*x).replace(a*x + b, b - a, exact=False)
2.2. pattern -> func
obj.replace(pattern(wild), lambda wild: expr(wild))
All behavior is the same as in 2.1 but now a function in terms of
pattern variables is used rather than an expression:
>>> f.replace(sin(a), lambda a: sin(2*a))
log(sin(2*x)) + tan(sin(2*x**2))
3.1. func -> func
obj.replace(filter, func)
Replace subexpression ``e`` with ``func(e)`` if ``filter(e)``
is True.
>>> g = 2*sin(x**3)
>>> g.replace(lambda expr: expr.is_Number, lambda expr: expr**2)
The expression itself is also targeted by the query but is done in
such a fashion that changes are not made twice.
>>> e = x*(x*y + 1)
>>> e.replace(lambda x: x.is_Mul, lambda x: 2*x)
2*x*(2*x*y + 1)
When matching a single symbol, `exact` will default to True, but
this may or may not be the behavior that is desired:
Here, we want `exact=False`:
>>> from sympy import Function
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> e = f(1) + f(0)
>>> q = f(a), lambda a: f(a + 1)
>>> e.replace(*q, exact=False)
f(1) + f(2)
>>> e.replace(*q, exact=True)
f(0) + f(2)
But here, the nature of matching makes selecting
the right setting tricky:
>>> e = x**(1 + y)
>>> (x**(1 + y)).replace(x**(1 + a), lambda a: x**-a, exact=False)
>>> (x**(1 + y)).replace(x**(1 + a), lambda a: x**-a, exact=True)
x**(-x - y + 1)
>>> (x**y).replace(x**(1 + a), lambda a: x**-a, exact=False)
>>> (x**y).replace(x**(1 + a), lambda a: x**-a, exact=True)
x**(1 - y)
It is probably better to use a different form of the query
that describes the target expression more precisely:
>>> (1 + x**(1 + y)).replace(
... lambda x: x.is_Pow and x.exp.is_Add and x.exp.args[0] == 1,
... lambda x: x.base**(1 - (x.exp - 1)))
x**(1 - y) + 1
See Also
subs: substitution of subexpressions as defined by the objects
xreplace: exact node replacement in expr tree; also capable of
using matching rules
query = _sympify(query)
except SympifyError:
value = _sympify(value)
except SympifyError:
if isinstance(query, type):
_query = lambda expr: isinstance(expr, query)
if isinstance(value, type):
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
elif callable(value):
_value = lambda expr, result: value(*expr.args)
raise TypeError(
"given a type, replace() expects another "
"type or a callable")
elif isinstance(query, Basic):
_query = lambda expr: expr.match(query)
if exact is None:
from .symbol import Wild
exact = (len(query.atoms(Wild)) > 1)
if isinstance(value, Basic):
if exact:
_value = lambda expr, result: (value.subs(result)
if all(result.values()) else expr)
_value = lambda expr, result: value.subs(result)
elif callable(value):
# match dictionary keys get the trailing underscore stripped
# from them and are then passed as keywords to the callable;
# if ``exact`` is True, only accept match if there are no null
# values amongst those matched.
if exact:
_value = lambda expr, result: (value(**
{str(k)[:-1]: v for k, v in result.items()})
if all(val for val in result.values()) else expr)
_value = lambda expr, result: value(**
{str(k)[:-1]: v for k, v in result.items()})
raise TypeError(
"given an expression, replace() expects "
"another expression or a callable")
elif callable(query):
_query = query
if callable(value):
_value = lambda expr, result: value(expr)
raise TypeError(
"given a callable, replace() expects "
"another callable")
raise TypeError(
"first argument to replace() must be a "
"type, an expression or a callable")
def walk(rv, F):
"""Apply ``F`` to args and then to result.
args = getattr(rv, 'args', None)
if args is not None:
if args:
newargs = tuple([walk(a, F) for a in args])
if args != newargs:
rv = rv.func(*newargs)
if simultaneous:
# if rv is something that was already
# matched (that was changed) then skip
# applying F again
for i, e in enumerate(args):
if rv == e and e != newargs[i]:
return rv
rv = F(rv)
return rv
mapping = {} # changes that took place
def rec_replace(expr):
result = _query(expr)
if result or result == {}:
v = _value(expr, result)
if v is not None and v != expr:
if map:
mapping[expr] = v
expr = v
return expr
rv = walk(self, rec_replace)
return (rv, mapping) if map else rv
def find(self, query, group=False):
"""Find all subexpressions matching a query."""
query = _make_find_query(query)
results = list(filter(query, _preorder_traversal(self)))
if not group:
return set(results)
groups = {}
for result in results:
if result in groups:
groups[result] += 1
groups[result] = 1
return groups
def count(self, query):
"""Count the number of matching subexpressions."""
query = _make_find_query(query)
return sum(bool(query(sub)) for sub in _preorder_traversal(self))
def matches(self, expr, repl_dict=None, old=False):
Helper method for match() that looks for a match between Wild symbols
in self and expressions in expr.
>>> from sympy import symbols, Wild, Basic
>>> a, b, c = symbols('a b c')
>>> x = Wild('x')
>>> Basic(a + x, x).matches(Basic(a + b, c)) is None
>>> Basic(a + x, x).matches(Basic(a + b + c, b + c))
{x_: b + c}
expr = sympify(expr)
if not isinstance(expr, self.__class__):
return None
if repl_dict is None:
repl_dict = {}
repl_dict = repl_dict.copy()
if self == expr:
return repl_dict
if len(self.args) != len(expr.args):
return None
d = repl_dict # already a copy
for arg, other_arg in zip(self.args, expr.args):
if arg == other_arg:
if arg.is_Relational:
d = arg.xreplace(d).matches(other_arg, d, old=old)
except TypeError: # Should be InvalidComparisonError when introduced
d = None
d = arg.xreplace(d).matches(other_arg, d, old=old)
if d is None:
return None
return d
def match(self, pattern, old=False):
Pattern matching.
Wild symbols match all.
Return ``None`` when expression (self) does not match
with pattern. Otherwise return a dictionary such that::
pattern.xreplace(self.match(pattern)) == self
>>> from sympy import Wild, Sum
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> p = Wild("p")
>>> q = Wild("q")
>>> r = Wild("r")
>>> e = (x+y)**(x+y)
>>> e.match(p**p)
{p_: x + y}
>>> e.match(p**q)
{p_: x + y, q_: x + y}
>>> e = (2*x)**2
>>> e.match(p*q**r)
{p_: 4, q_: x, r_: 2}
>>> (p*q**r).xreplace(e.match(p*q**r))
Structurally bound symbols are ignored during matching:
>>> Sum(x, (x, 1, 2)).match(Sum(y, (y, 1, p)))
{p_: 2}
But they can be identified if desired:
>>> Sum(x, (x, 1, 2)).match(Sum(q, (q, 1, p)))
{p_: 2, q_: x}
The ``old`` flag will give the old-style pattern matching where
expressions and patterns are essentially solved to give the
match. Both of the following give None unless ``old=True``:
>>> (x - 2).match(p - x, old=True)
{p_: 2*x - 2}
>>> (2/x).match(p*x, old=True)
{p_: 2/x**2}
pattern = sympify(pattern)
# match non-bound symbols
canonical = lambda x: x if x.is_Symbol else x.as_dummy()
m = canonical(pattern).matches(canonical(self), old=old)
if m is None:
return m
from .symbol import Wild
from .function import WildFunction
from ..tensor.tensor import WildTensor, WildTensorIndex, WildTensorHead
wild = pattern.atoms(Wild, WildFunction, WildTensor, WildTensorIndex, WildTensorHead)
# sanity check
if set(m) - wild:
raise ValueError(filldedent('''
Some `matches` routine did not use a copy of repl_dict
and injected unexpected symbols. Report this as an
error at https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues'''))
# now see if bound symbols were requested
bwild = wild - set(m)
if not bwild:
return m
# replace free-Wild symbols in pattern with match result
# so they will match but not be in the next match
wpat = pattern.xreplace(m)
# identify remaining bound wild
w = wpat.matches(self, old=old)
# add them to m
if w:
# done
return m
def count_ops(self, visual=None):
"""Wrapper for count_ops that returns the operation count."""
from .function import count_ops
return count_ops(self, visual)
def doit(self, **hints):
"""Evaluate objects that are not evaluated by default like limits,
integrals, sums and products. All objects of this kind will be
evaluated recursively, unless some species were excluded via 'hints'
or unless the 'deep' hint was set to 'False'.
>>> from sympy import Integral
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> 2*Integral(x, x)
2*Integral(x, x)
>>> (2*Integral(x, x)).doit()
>>> (2*Integral(x, x)).doit(deep=False)
2*Integral(x, x)
if hints.get('deep', True):
terms = [term.doit(**hints) if isinstance(term, Basic) else term
for term in self.args]
return self.func(*terms)
return self
def simplify(self, **kwargs):
"""See the simplify function in sympy.simplify"""
from sympy.simplify.simplify import simplify
return simplify(self, **kwargs)
def refine(self, assumption=True):
"""See the refine function in sympy.assumptions"""
from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine
return refine(self, assumption)
def _eval_derivative_n_times(self, s, n):
# This is the default evaluator for derivatives (as called by `diff`
# and `Derivative`), it will attempt a loop to derive the expression
# `n` times by calling the corresponding `_eval_derivative` method,
# while leaving the derivative unevaluated if `n` is symbolic. This
# method should be overridden if the object has a closed form for its
# symbolic n-th derivative.
from .numbers import Integer
if isinstance(n, (int, Integer)):
obj = self
for i in range(n):
obj2 = obj._eval_derivative(s)
if obj == obj2 or obj2 is None:
obj = obj2
return obj2
return None
def rewrite(self, *args, deep=True, **hints):
Rewrite *self* using a defined rule.
Rewriting transforms an expression to another, which is mathematically
equivalent but structurally different. For example you can rewrite
trigonometric functions as complex exponentials or combinatorial
functions as gamma function.
This method takes a *pattern* and a *rule* as positional arguments.
*pattern* is optional parameter which defines the types of expressions
that will be transformed. If it is not passed, all possible expressions
will be rewritten. *rule* defines how the expression will be rewritten.
args : Expr
A *rule*, or *pattern* and *rule*.
- *pattern* is a type or an iterable of types.
- *rule* can be any object.
deep : bool, optional
If ``True``, subexpressions are recursively transformed. Default is
If *pattern* is unspecified, all possible expressions are transformed.
>>> from sympy import cos, sin, exp, I
>>> from sympy.abc import x
>>> expr = cos(x) + I*sin(x)
>>> expr.rewrite(exp)
Pattern can be a type or an iterable of types.
>>> expr.rewrite(sin, exp)
exp(I*x)/2 + cos(x) - exp(-I*x)/2
>>> expr.rewrite([cos,], exp)
exp(I*x)/2 + I*sin(x) + exp(-I*x)/2
>>> expr.rewrite([cos, sin], exp)
Rewriting behavior can be implemented by defining ``_eval_rewrite()``
>>> from sympy import Expr, sqrt, pi
>>> class MySin(Expr):
... def _eval_rewrite(self, rule, args, **hints):
... x, = args
... if rule == cos:
... return cos(pi/2 - x, evaluate=False)
... if rule == sqrt:
... return sqrt(1 - cos(x)**2)
>>> MySin(MySin(x)).rewrite(cos)
cos(-cos(-x + pi/2) + pi/2)
>>> MySin(x).rewrite(sqrt)
sqrt(1 - cos(x)**2)
Defining ``_eval_rewrite_as_[...]()`` method is supported for backwards
compatibility reason. This may be removed in the future and using it is
>>> class MySin(Expr):
... def _eval_rewrite_as_cos(self, *args, **hints):
... x, = args
... return cos(pi/2 - x, evaluate=False)
>>> MySin(x).rewrite(cos)
cos(-x + pi/2)
if not args:
return self
pattern = args[:-1]
rule = args[-1]
# support old design by _eval_rewrite_as_[...] method
if isinstance(rule, str):
method = "_eval_rewrite_as_%s" % rule
elif hasattr(rule, "__name__"):
# rule is class or function
clsname = rule.__name__
method = "_eval_rewrite_as_%s" % clsname
# rule is instance
clsname = rule.__class__.__name__
method = "_eval_rewrite_as_%s" % clsname
if pattern:
if iterable(pattern[0]):
pattern = pattern[0]
pattern = tuple(p for p in pattern if self.has(p))
if not pattern:
return self
# hereafter, empty pattern is interpreted as all pattern.
return self._rewrite(pattern, rule, method, **hints)
def _rewrite(self, pattern, rule, method, **hints):
deep = hints.pop('deep', True)
if deep:
args = [a._rewrite(pattern, rule, method, **hints)
for a in self.args]
args = self.args
if not pattern or any(isinstance(self, p) for p in pattern):
meth = getattr(self, method, None)
if meth is not None:
rewritten = meth(*args, **hints)
rewritten = self._eval_rewrite(rule, args, **hints)
if rewritten is not None:
return rewritten
if not args:
return self
return self.func(*args)
def _eval_rewrite(self, rule, args, **hints):
return None
_constructor_postprocessor_mapping = {} # type: ignore
def _exec_constructor_postprocessors(cls, obj):
# WARNING: This API is experimental.
# This is an experimental API that introduces constructor
# postprosessors for SymPy Core elements. If an argument of a SymPy
# expression has a `_constructor_postprocessor_mapping` attribute, it will
# be interpreted as a dictionary containing lists of postprocessing
# functions for matching expression node names.
clsname = obj.__class__.__name__
postprocessors = defaultdict(list)
for i in obj.args:
postprocessor_mappings = (
for cls in type(i).mro()
if cls in Basic._constructor_postprocessor_mapping
for k, v in chain.from_iterable(postprocessor_mappings):
postprocessors[k].extend([j for j in v if j not in postprocessors[k]])
except TypeError:
for f in postprocessors.get(clsname, []):
obj = f(obj)
return obj
def _sage_(self):
Convert *self* to a symbolic expression of SageMath.
This version of the method is merely a placeholder.
old_method = self._sage_
from sage.interfaces.sympy import sympy_init
sympy_init() # may monkey-patch _sage_ method into self's class or superclasses
if old_method == self._sage_:
raise NotImplementedError('conversion to SageMath is not implemented')
# call the freshly monkey-patched method
return self._sage_()
def could_extract_minus_sign(self):
return False # see Expr.could_extract_minus_sign
# For all Basic subclasses _prepare_class_assumptions is called by
# Basic.__init_subclass__ but that method is not called for Basic itself so we
# call the function here instead.
class Atom(Basic):
A parent class for atomic things. An atom is an expression with no subexpressions.
Symbol, Number, Rational, Integer, ...
But not: Add, Mul, Pow, ...
is_Atom = True
__slots__ = ()
def matches(self, expr, repl_dict=None, old=False):
if self == expr:
if repl_dict is None:
return {}
return repl_dict.copy()
def xreplace(self, rule, hack2=False):
return rule.get(self, self)
def doit(self, **hints):
return self
def class_key(cls):
return 2, 0, cls.__name__
def sort_key(self, order=None):
return self.class_key(), (1, (str(self),)), S.One.sort_key(), S.One
def _eval_simplify(self, **kwargs):
return self
def _sorted_args(self):
# this is here as a safeguard against accidentally using _sorted_args
# on Atoms -- they cannot be rebuilt as atom.func(*atom._sorted_args)
# since there are no args. So the calling routine should be checking
# to see that this property is not called for Atoms.
raise AttributeError('Atoms have no args. It might be necessary'
' to make a check for Atoms in the calling code.')
def _aresame(a, b):
"""Return True if a and b are structurally the same, else False.
In SymPy (as in Python) two numbers compare the same if they
have the same underlying base-2 representation even though
they may not be the same type:
>>> from sympy import S
>>> 2.0 == S(2)
>>> 0.5 == S.Half
This routine was written to provide a query for such cases that
would give false when the types do not match:
>>> from sympy.core.basic import _aresame
>>> _aresame(S(2.0), S(2))
from .numbers import Number
from .function import AppliedUndef, UndefinedFunction as UndefFunc
if isinstance(a, Number) and isinstance(b, Number):
return a == b and a.__class__ == b.__class__
for i, j in zip_longest(_preorder_traversal(a), _preorder_traversal(b)):
if i != j or type(i) != type(j):
if ((isinstance(i, UndefFunc) and isinstance(j, UndefFunc)) or
(isinstance(i, AppliedUndef) and isinstance(j, AppliedUndef))):
if i.class_key() != j.class_key():
return False
return False
return True
def _ne(a, b):
# use this as a second test after `a != b` if you want to make
# sure that things are truly equal, e.g.
# a, b = 0.5, S.Half
# a !=b or _ne(a, b) -> True
from .numbers import Number
# 0.5 == S.Half
if isinstance(a, Number) and isinstance(b, Number):
return a.__class__ != b.__class__
def _atomic(e, recursive=False):
"""Return atom-like quantities as far as substitution is
concerned: Derivatives, Functions and Symbols. Do not
return any 'atoms' that are inside such quantities unless
they also appear outside, too, unless `recursive` is True.
>>> from sympy import Derivative, Function, cos
>>> from sympy.abc import x, y
>>> from sympy.core.basic import _atomic
>>> f = Function('f')
>>> _atomic(x + y)
{x, y}
>>> _atomic(x + f(y))
{x, f(y)}
>>> _atomic(Derivative(f(x), x) + cos(x) + y)
{y, cos(x), Derivative(f(x), x)}
pot = _preorder_traversal(e)
seen = set()
if isinstance(e, Basic):
free = getattr(e, "free_symbols", None)
if free is None:
return {e}
return set()
from .symbol import Symbol
from .function import Derivative, Function
atoms = set()
for p in pot:
if p in seen:
if isinstance(p, Symbol) and p in free:
elif isinstance(p, (Derivative, Function)):
if not recursive:
return atoms
def _make_find_query(query):
"""Convert the argument of Basic.find() into a callable"""
query = _sympify(query)
except SympifyError:
if isinstance(query, type):
return lambda expr: isinstance(expr, query)
elif isinstance(query, Basic):
return lambda expr: expr.match(query) is not None
return query
# Delayed to avoid cyclic import
from .singleton import S
from .traversal import (preorder_traversal as _preorder_traversal,
iterargs, iterfreeargs)
preorder_traversal = deprecated(
Using preorder_traversal from the sympy.core.basic submodule is
Instead, use preorder_traversal from the top-level sympy namespace, like