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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
from enum import Enum
from typing import NamedTuple, Dict, List, Set
from torch.fx.node import Node, map_arg
class Partition:
"""Partition class contains all the information about an individual partition.
It also provides necessary methods for manipulation the partition.
def __init__(self, partition_id: int) -> None:
self.nodes: Set[Node] = set()
self.partition_id = partition_id
self.parents: Set[Partition] = set()
self.children: Set[Partition] = set()
self.bfs_level: int = -1
self.used_mem_bytes: int = 0
self.logical_device_ids: List[int] = []
def __str__(self):
return str(self.partition_id)
def recalculate_mem_size(self):
self.used_mem_bytes = 0
for node in self.nodes:
self.used_mem_bytes += get_extra_size_of(node, self.nodes)
def add_node(self, node):
input_nodes: Dict[Node, None] = {}
map_arg(node.args, input_nodes.setdefault)
map_arg(node.kwargs, input_nodes.setdefault)
# Add current node's input nodes if they are placeholder or constants
for n in input_nodes:
if n.op in {"placeholder", "get_attr"}:
def remove_node(self, node):
# Remove a node only if the node is in the partition
if node in self.nodes:
# Collect the node's input nodes
input_nodes: Dict[Node, None] = {}
map_arg(node.args, input_nodes.setdefault)
map_arg(node.kwargs, input_nodes.setdefault)
# Check if an input node is a placeholder or get_attr,
# and this input node is not used by some other nodes in this partition,
# the remove this input node
for input_node in input_nodes:
if all(
n not in self.nodes for n in input_node.users
) and input_node.op in {"placeholder", "get_attr"}:
class Device(NamedTuple):
name: str
available_mem_bytes: int
logical_id: int
class NodeLatency(NamedTuple):
# Latency due to the memory bandwidth
mem_latency_sec: float
# Latency due to the computation
computer_latency_sec: float
class PartitionLatency(NamedTuple):
# Sum of all nodes' memory latency on the critical path
mem_latency_sec: float
# Sum of all nodes' compute latency on the critical path
computer_latency_sec: float
# Latency of the critical path
overall_latency_sec: float
class PartitionMode(Enum):
size_based = 0
sparse_nn = 1
cost_aware = 2
kl_based = 3
aot_based = 4
class PartitionerConfig(NamedTuple):
devices: List[Device]
mode: PartitionMode = PartitionMode.size_based
transfer_rate_bytes_per_sec: float = 0.0
node_to_latency_mapping: Dict[Node, NodeLatency] = {}
node_to_partition_mapping: Dict[Node, int] = {}
partition_to_logical_device_mapping: Dict[int, List[int]] = {}
# Saturate host by replicating partitions to the remaining idle devices.
saturate_host: bool = False
def get_extra_size_of(node: Node, nodes: Set[Node]) -> int:
"""Given a node and a set of nodes,
this function return the extra size that needed
if this node is included in this set.
# Find all its input nodes
input_nodes: Dict[Node, None] = {}
map_arg(node.args, input_nodes.setdefault)
map_arg(node.kwargs, input_nodes.setdefault)
# Calculate total size of related nodes
total_size_of_input_nodes = 0
for n in input_nodes:
# Make sure this node hasn't been in this set yet
if n not in nodes:
size_bytes = getattr(n, "size_bytes", None)
if size_bytes:
total_size_of_input_nodes += size_bytes.output_size
raise RuntimeError("node has no size_bytes attr")
# Don't forget the op node itself
size_bytes = getattr(node, "size_bytes", None)
if size_bytes:
total_size_of_input_nodes += size_bytes.total_size
raise RuntimeError("node has no size_bytes attr")
return total_size_of_input_nodes
def get_latency_of_one_partition(
partition: Partition, node_to_latency_mapping: Dict[Node, NodeLatency]
) -> PartitionLatency:
"""Given a partition and its nodes' latency, return a PartitionLatency for this partition"""
def get_top_nodes(partition: Partition) -> List[Node]:
"""Given a partition, return a list of nodes on the top bfs level"""
top_nodes: List[Node] = []
for node in partition.nodes:
# Skip placeholder and get_attr nodes
if node.op in {"placeholder", "get_attr"}:
input_nodes: Dict[Node, None] = {}
map_arg(node.args, input_nodes.setdefault)
map_arg(node.kwargs, input_nodes.setdefault)
# If a node has no input nodes in this partition,
# or its input nodes in this partition are placeholders and get_attrs
# this node is on the top bfs level in this partition
if not any(
n in partition.nodes and n.op not in {"placeholder", "get_attr"}
for n in input_nodes
return top_nodes
def dfs_helper(node: Node, partition_latency) -> PartitionLatency:
"""Given a top node of a partition, this function returns
the latency of the critical path in the partition
node_latency = node_to_latency_mapping[node]
# Calculate the current overall latency of the partition
overall_latency_sec = partition_latency.overall_latency_sec + max(
node_latency.computer_latency_sec, node_latency.mem_latency_sec
# Update the mem latency of this path
mem_latency_sec = (
partition_latency.mem_latency_sec + node_latency.mem_latency_sec
# Update the compute latency of this path
computer_latency_sec = (
partition_latency.computer_latency_sec + node_latency.computer_latency_sec
# Get all users of this node that are in this partition
users = set(node.users).intersection(partition.nodes)
if users:
max_latency = PartitionLatency(
mem_latency_sec=0.0, computer_latency_sec=0.0, overall_latency_sec=0.0
for n in users:
# Get new partition latency recursively
new_partition_latency = dfs_helper(
mem_latency_sec, computer_latency_sec, overall_latency_sec
if (
> max_latency.overall_latency_sec
max_latency = new_partition_latency
return max_latency
# If there is no user, the node is at bottom of the partition
return PartitionLatency(
mem_latency_sec, computer_latency_sec, overall_latency_sec
# Main part starts
# Get all top level nodes of this partition
top_nodes = get_top_nodes(partition)
critical_path_latency = PartitionLatency(
mem_latency_sec=0.0, computer_latency_sec=0.0, overall_latency_sec=0.0
# Go through all top nodes and find the largest latency (critical pass latency)
for node in top_nodes:
partition_latency = dfs_helper(
mem_latency_sec=0.0, computer_latency_sec=0.0, overall_latency_sec=0.0
if (
> critical_path_latency.overall_latency_sec
critical_path_latency = partition_latency
return critical_path_latency
def get_partition_to_latency_mapping(
partitions: List[Partition], node_to_latency_mapping: Dict[Node, NodeLatency]
) -> Dict[Partition, PartitionLatency]:
"""Given all the partitions and node_to_latency_mapping dictionary,
return a mapping dictionary of each partition to its overall latency
partition_to_latency_mapping: Dict[Partition, PartitionLatency] = {}
# Go through each partition and get its latency
for partition in partitions:
partition_latency = get_latency_of_one_partition(
partition, node_to_latency_mapping
partition_to_latency_mapping[partition] = partition_latency
return partition_to_latency_mapping
def get_comm_latency_between(
parent_partition: Partition,
child_partition: Partition,
transfer_rate_bytes_per_sec: float,
"""Given two partitions (parent and child),
calculate the communication latency between the two.
# If two partitions are on the same device, the comm latency is 0.
if (
parent_partition.logical_device_ids != []
and child_partition.logical_device_ids != []
and parent_partition.logical_device_ids == child_partition.logical_device_ids
return 0.0
# Keep tracking the communication size between parent and child
comm_size = 0
# Keep tracking all the counted node
visited_nodes = set()
# Go through all nodes in the child partition
# If a node has input nodes from the parent partition,
# the output size of those input nodes will be counted
# and added to comm_size
for node in child_partition.nodes:
input_nodes: Dict[Node, None] = {}
map_arg(node.args, input_nodes.setdefault)
map_arg(node.kwargs, input_nodes.setdefault)
for n in input_nodes:
if n in parent_partition.nodes and n not in visited_nodes:
size_bytes = getattr(n, "size_bytes", None)
if size_bytes is not None:
comm_size += size_bytes.output_size
return comm_size / transfer_rate_bytes_per_sec
def get_latency_of_partitioned_graph(
partitions: List[Partition],
partition_to_latency_mapping: Dict[Partition, PartitionLatency],
transfer_rate_bytes_per_sec: float,
"""Given all partitions in a graph, find the critical path among all partitions
and return its latency as the latency of the whole graph
def dfs_helper(partition: Partition, latency_so_far_sec: float) -> float:
"""This function helps to recursively get the latency of a path of partitions"""
# Update latency by adding current partition's latency
latency_so_far_sec += partition_to_latency_mapping[
children = partition.children
if partition.children:
max_latency_sec = 0.0
for child in partition.children:
# Calculate latency between
comm_latency_sec = get_comm_latency_between(
partition, child, transfer_rate_bytes_per_sec
new_latency_sec = dfs_helper(
child, latency_so_far_sec + comm_latency_sec
if new_latency_sec > max_latency_sec:
max_latency_sec = new_latency_sec
return max_latency_sec
return latency_so_far_sec
def get_top_partitions(partitions: List[Partition]) -> List[Partition]:
"""This function is to return all the partitions without parents
as the starting points of all the paths
top_partitions = []
for partition in partitions:
# If a partition has no parents, then it is a top partition
if len(partition.parents) == 0:
return top_partitions
top_partitions = get_top_partitions(partitions)
critical_path_latency_sec = 0.0
for partition in top_partitions:
latency_sec = dfs_helper(partition, 0.0)
if latency_sec > critical_path_latency_sec:
critical_path_latency_sec = latency_sec
return critical_path_latency_sec