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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
# Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
# TODO: We should just make these methods all "pure-virtual" and move
# all implementation out, into for now.
"""Contains an abstract base class for protocol messages."""
__author__ = ' (Will Robinson)'
class Error(Exception):
"""Base error type for this module."""
class DecodeError(Error):
"""Exception raised when deserializing messages."""
class EncodeError(Error):
"""Exception raised when serializing messages."""
class Message(object):
"""Abstract base class for protocol messages.
Protocol message classes are almost always generated by the protocol
compiler. These generated types subclass Message and implement the methods
shown below.
# TODO: Link to an HTML document here.
# TODO: Document that instances of this class will also
# have an Extensions attribute with __getitem__ and __setitem__.
# Again, not sure how to best convey this.
# TODO: Document these fields and methods.
__slots__ = []
#: The :class:`google.protobuf.Descriptor`
# for this message type.
def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
clone = type(self)()
return clone
def __eq__(self, other_msg):
"""Recursively compares two messages by value and structure."""
raise NotImplementedError
def __ne__(self, other_msg):
# Can't just say self != other_msg, since that would infinitely recurse. :)
return not self == other_msg
def __hash__(self):
raise TypeError('unhashable object')
def __str__(self):
"""Outputs a human-readable representation of the message."""
raise NotImplementedError
def __unicode__(self):
"""Outputs a human-readable representation of the message."""
raise NotImplementedError
def MergeFrom(self, other_msg):
"""Merges the contents of the specified message into current message.
This method merges the contents of the specified message into the current
message. Singular fields that are set in the specified message overwrite
the corresponding fields in the current message. Repeated fields are
appended. Singular sub-messages and groups are recursively merged.
other_msg (Message): A message to merge into the current message.
raise NotImplementedError
def CopyFrom(self, other_msg):
"""Copies the content of the specified message into the current message.
The method clears the current message and then merges the specified
message using MergeFrom.
other_msg (Message): A message to copy into the current one.
if self is other_msg:
def Clear(self):
"""Clears all data that was set in the message."""
raise NotImplementedError
def SetInParent(self):
"""Mark this as present in the parent.
This normally happens automatically when you assign a field of a
sub-message, but sometimes you want to make the sub-message
present while keeping it empty. If you find yourself using this,
you may want to reconsider your design.
raise NotImplementedError
def IsInitialized(self):
"""Checks if the message is initialized.
bool: The method returns True if the message is initialized (i.e. all of
its required fields are set).
raise NotImplementedError
# TODO: MergeFromString() should probably return None and be
# implemented in terms of a helper that returns the # of bytes read. Our
# deserialization routines would use the helper when recursively
# deserializing, but the end user would almost always just want the no-return
# MergeFromString().
def MergeFromString(self, serialized):
"""Merges serialized protocol buffer data into this message.
When we find a field in `serialized` that is already present
in this message:
- If it's a "repeated" field, we append to the end of our list.
- Else, if it's a scalar, we overwrite our field.
- Else, (it's a nonrepeated composite), we recursively merge
into the existing composite.
serialized (bytes): Any object that allows us to call
``memoryview(serialized)`` to access a string of bytes using the
buffer interface.
int: The number of bytes read from `serialized`.
For non-group messages, this will always be `len(serialized)`,
but for messages which are actually groups, this will
generally be less than `len(serialized)`, since we must
stop when we reach an ``END_GROUP`` tag. Note that if
we *do* stop because of an ``END_GROUP`` tag, the number
of bytes returned does not include the bytes
for the ``END_GROUP`` tag information.
DecodeError: if the input cannot be parsed.
# TODO: Document handling of unknown fields.
# TODO: When we switch to a helper, this will return None.
raise NotImplementedError
def ParseFromString(self, serialized):
"""Parse serialized protocol buffer data in binary form into this message.
Like :func:`MergeFromString()`, except we clear the object first.
message.DecodeError if the input cannot be parsed.
return self.MergeFromString(serialized)
def SerializeToString(self, **kwargs):
"""Serializes the protocol message to a binary string.
Keyword Args:
deterministic (bool): If true, requests deterministic serialization
of the protobuf, with predictable ordering of map keys.
A binary string representation of the message if all of the required
fields in the message are set (i.e. the message is initialized).
EncodeError: if the message isn't initialized (see :func:`IsInitialized`).
raise NotImplementedError
def SerializePartialToString(self, **kwargs):
"""Serializes the protocol message to a binary string.
This method is similar to SerializeToString but doesn't check if the
message is initialized.
Keyword Args:
deterministic (bool): If true, requests deterministic serialization
of the protobuf, with predictable ordering of map keys.
bytes: A serialized representation of the partial message.
raise NotImplementedError
# TODO: Decide whether we like these better
# than auto-generated has_foo() and clear_foo() methods
# on the instances themselves. This way is less consistent
# with C++, but it makes reflection-type access easier and
# reduces the number of magically autogenerated things.
# TODO: Be sure to document (and test) exactly
# which field names are accepted here. Are we case-sensitive?
# What do we do with fields that share names with Python keywords
# like 'lambda' and 'yield'?
# nnorwitz says:
# """
# Typically (in python), an underscore is appended to names that are
# keywords. So they would become lambda_ or yield_.
# """
def ListFields(self):
"""Returns a list of (FieldDescriptor, value) tuples for present fields.
A message field is non-empty if HasField() would return true. A singular
primitive field is non-empty if HasField() would return true in proto2 or it
is non zero in proto3. A repeated field is non-empty if it contains at least
one element. The fields are ordered by field number.
list[tuple(FieldDescriptor, value)]: field descriptors and values
for all fields in the message which are not empty. The values vary by
field type.
raise NotImplementedError
def HasField(self, field_name):
"""Checks if a certain field is set for the message.
For a oneof group, checks if any field inside is set. Note that if the
field_name is not defined in the message descriptor, :exc:`ValueError` will
be raised.
field_name (str): The name of the field to check for presence.
bool: Whether a value has been set for the named field.
ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message.
raise NotImplementedError
def ClearField(self, field_name):
"""Clears the contents of a given field.
Inside a oneof group, clears the field set. If the name neither refers to a
defined field or oneof group, :exc:`ValueError` is raised.
field_name (str): The name of the field to check for presence.
ValueError: if the `field_name` is not a member of this message.
raise NotImplementedError
def WhichOneof(self, oneof_group):
"""Returns the name of the field that is set inside a oneof group.
If no field is set, returns None.
oneof_group (str): the name of the oneof group to check.
str or None: The name of the group that is set, or None.
ValueError: no group with the given name exists
raise NotImplementedError
def HasExtension(self, field_descriptor):
"""Checks if a certain extension is present for this message.
Extensions are retrieved using the :attr:`Extensions` mapping (if present).
field_descriptor: The field descriptor for the extension to check.
bool: Whether the extension is present for this message.
KeyError: if the extension is repeated. Similar to repeated fields,
there is no separate notion of presence: a "not present" repeated
extension is an empty list.
raise NotImplementedError
def ClearExtension(self, field_descriptor):
"""Clears the contents of a given extension.
field_descriptor: The field descriptor for the extension to clear.
raise NotImplementedError
def UnknownFields(self):
"""Returns the UnknownFieldSet.
UnknownFieldSet: The unknown fields stored in this message.
raise NotImplementedError
def DiscardUnknownFields(self):
"""Clears all fields in the :class:`UnknownFieldSet`.
This operation is recursive for nested message.
raise NotImplementedError
def ByteSize(self):
"""Returns the serialized size of this message.
Recursively calls ByteSize() on all contained messages.
int: The number of bytes required to serialize this message.
raise NotImplementedError
def FromString(cls, s):
raise NotImplementedError
def _SetListener(self, message_listener):
"""Internal method used by the protocol message implementation.
Clients should not call this directly.
Sets a listener that this message will call on certain state transitions.
The purpose of this method is to register back-edges from children to
parents at runtime, for the purpose of setting "has" bits and
byte-size-dirty bits in the parent and ancestor objects whenever a child or
descendant object is modified.
If the client wants to disconnect this Message from the object tree, she
explicitly sets callback to None.
If message_listener is None, unregisters any existing listener. Otherwise,
message_listener must implement the MessageListener interface in
internal/, and we discard any listener registered
via a previous _SetListener() call.
raise NotImplementedError
def __getstate__(self):
"""Support the pickle protocol."""
return dict(serialized=self.SerializePartialToString())
def __setstate__(self, state):
"""Support the pickle protocol."""
serialized = state['serialized']
# On Python 3, using encoding='latin1' is required for unpickling
# protos pickled by Python 2.
if not isinstance(serialized, bytes):
serialized = serialized.encode('latin1')
def __reduce__(self):
message_descriptor = self.DESCRIPTOR
if message_descriptor.containing_type is None:
return type(self), (), self.__getstate__()
# the message type must be nested.
# Python does not pickle nested classes; use the symbol_database on the
# receiving end.
container = message_descriptor
return (_InternalConstructMessage, (container.full_name,),
def _InternalConstructMessage(full_name):
"""Constructs a nested message."""
from google.protobuf import symbol_database # pylint:disable=g-import-not-at-top
return symbol_database.Default().GetSymbol(full_name)()