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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import ctypes
import functools
from numba.core import config, serialize, sigutils, types, typing, utils
from numba.core.caching import Cache, CacheImpl
from numba.core.compiler_lock import global_compiler_lock
from numba.core.dispatcher import Dispatcher
from numba.core.errors import NumbaPerformanceWarning
from numba.core.typing.typeof import Purpose, typeof
from numba.cuda.api import get_current_device
from numba.cuda.args import wrap_arg
from numba.cuda.compiler import compile_cuda, CUDACompiler
from numba.cuda.cudadrv import driver
from numba.cuda.cudadrv.devices import get_context
from numba.cuda.descriptor import cuda_target
from numba.cuda.errors import (missing_launch_config_msg,
from numba.cuda import types as cuda_types
from numba import cuda
from numba import _dispatcher
from warnings import warn
cuda_fp16_math_funcs = ['hsin', 'hcos',
'hlog', 'hlog10',
'hexp', 'hexp10',
'hsqrt', 'hrsqrt',
'hfloor', 'hceil',
'hrcp', 'hrint',
'htrunc', 'hdiv']
class _Kernel(serialize.ReduceMixin):
CUDA Kernel specialized for a given set of argument types. When called, this
object launches the kernel on the device.
def __init__(self, py_func, argtypes, link=None, debug=False,
lineinfo=False, inline=False, fastmath=False, extensions=None,
max_registers=None, opt=True, device=False):
if device:
raise RuntimeError('Cannot compile a device function as a kernel')
# _DispatcherBase.nopython_signatures() expects this attribute to be
# present, because it assumes an overload is a CompileResult. In the
# CUDA target, _Kernel instances are stored instead, so we provide this
# attribute here to avoid duplicating nopython_signatures() in the CUDA
# target with slight modifications.
self.objectmode = False
# The finalizer constructed by _DispatcherBase._make_finalizer also
# expects overloads to be a CompileResult. It uses the entry_point to
# remove a CompileResult from a target context. However, since we never
# insert kernels into a target context (there is no need because they
# cannot be called by other functions, only through the dispatcher) it
# suffices to pretend we have an entry point of None.
self.entry_point = None
self.py_func = py_func
self.argtypes = argtypes
self.debug = debug
self.lineinfo = lineinfo
self.extensions = extensions or []
nvvm_options = {
'fastmath': fastmath,
'opt': 3 if opt else 0
cc = get_current_device().compute_capability
cres = compile_cuda(self.py_func, types.void, self.argtypes,
tgt_ctx = cres.target_context
code = self.py_func.__code__
filename = code.co_filename
linenum = code.co_firstlineno
lib, kernel = tgt_ctx.prepare_cuda_kernel(cres.library, cres.fndesc,
debug, lineinfo, nvvm_options,
filename, linenum,
if not link:
link = []
# A kernel needs cooperative launch if grid_sync is being used.
self.cooperative = 'cudaCGGetIntrinsicHandle' in lib.get_asm_str()
# We need to link against cudadevrt if grid sync is being used.
if self.cooperative:
lib.needs_cudadevrt = True
res = [fn for fn in cuda_fp16_math_funcs
if (f'__numba_wrapper_{fn}' in lib.get_asm_str())]
if res:
# Path to the source containing the foreign function
basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
functions_cu_path = os.path.join(basedir,
for filepath in link:
# populate members
self.entry_name =
self.signature = cres.signature
self._type_annotation = cres.type_annotation
self._codelibrary = lib
self.call_helper = cres.call_helper
# The following are referred to by the cache implementation. Note:
# - There are no referenced environments in CUDA.
# - Kernels don't have lifted code.
# - reload_init is only for parfors.
self.target_context = tgt_ctx
self.fndesc = cres.fndesc
self.environment = cres.environment
self._referenced_environments = []
self.lifted = []
self.reload_init = []
def library(self):
return self._codelibrary
def type_annotation(self):
return self._type_annotation
def _find_referenced_environments(self):
return self._referenced_environments
def codegen(self):
return self.target_context.codegen()
def argument_types(self):
return tuple(self.signature.args)
def _rebuild(cls, cooperative, name, signature, codelibrary,
debug, lineinfo, call_helper, extensions):
Rebuild an instance.
instance = cls.__new__(cls)
# invoke parent constructor
super(cls, instance).__init__()
# populate members
instance.entry_point = None
instance.cooperative = cooperative
instance.entry_name = name
instance.signature = signature
instance._type_annotation = None
instance._codelibrary = codelibrary
instance.debug = debug
instance.lineinfo = lineinfo
instance.call_helper = call_helper
instance.extensions = extensions
return instance
def _reduce_states(self):
Reduce the instance for serialization.
Compiled definitions are serialized in PTX form.
Type annotation are discarded.
Thread, block and shared memory configuration are serialized.
Stream information is discarded.
return dict(cooperative=self.cooperative, name=self.entry_name,
signature=self.signature, codelibrary=self._codelibrary,
debug=self.debug, lineinfo=self.lineinfo,
call_helper=self.call_helper, extensions=self.extensions)
def bind(self):
Force binding to current CUDA context
def regs_per_thread(self):
The number of registers used by each thread for this kernel.
return self._codelibrary.get_cufunc().attrs.regs
def const_mem_size(self):
The amount of constant memory used by this kernel.
return self._codelibrary.get_cufunc().attrs.const
def shared_mem_per_block(self):
The amount of shared memory used per block for this kernel.
return self._codelibrary.get_cufunc().attrs.shared
def max_threads_per_block(self):
The maximum allowable threads per block.
return self._codelibrary.get_cufunc().attrs.maxthreads
def local_mem_per_thread(self):
The amount of local memory used per thread for this kernel.
return self._codelibrary.get_cufunc().attrs.local
def inspect_llvm(self):
Returns the LLVM IR for this kernel.
return self._codelibrary.get_llvm_str()
def inspect_asm(self, cc):
Returns the PTX code for this kernel.
return self._codelibrary.get_asm_str(cc=cc)
def inspect_sass_cfg(self):
Returns the CFG of the SASS for this kernel.
Requires nvdisasm to be available on the PATH.
return self._codelibrary.get_sass_cfg()
def inspect_sass(self):
Returns the SASS code for this kernel.
Requires nvdisasm to be available on the PATH.
return self._codelibrary.get_sass()
def inspect_types(self, file=None):
Produce a dump of the Python source of this function annotated with the
corresponding Numba IR and type information. The dump is written to
*file*, or *sys.stdout* if *file* is *None*.
if self._type_annotation is None:
raise ValueError("Type annotation is not available")
if file is None:
file = sys.stdout
print("%s %s" % (self.entry_name, self.argument_types), file=file)
print('-' * 80, file=file)
print(self._type_annotation, file=file)
print('=' * 80, file=file)
def max_cooperative_grid_blocks(self, blockdim, dynsmemsize=0):
Calculates the maximum number of blocks that can be launched for this
kernel in a cooperative grid in the current context, for the given block
and dynamic shared memory sizes.
:param blockdim: Block dimensions, either as a scalar for a 1D block, or
a tuple for 2D or 3D blocks.
:param dynsmemsize: Dynamic shared memory size in bytes.
:return: The maximum number of blocks in the grid.
ctx = get_context()
cufunc = self._codelibrary.get_cufunc()
if isinstance(blockdim, tuple):
blockdim = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, blockdim)
active_per_sm = ctx.get_active_blocks_per_multiprocessor(cufunc,
sm_count = ctx.device.MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT
return active_per_sm * sm_count
def launch(self, args, griddim, blockdim, stream=0, sharedmem=0):
# Prepare kernel
cufunc = self._codelibrary.get_cufunc()
if self.debug:
excname = + "__errcode__"
excmem, excsz = cufunc.module.get_global_symbol(excname)
assert excsz == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int)
excval = ctypes.c_int()
excmem.memset(0, stream=stream)
# Prepare arguments
retr = [] # hold functors for writeback
kernelargs = []
for t, v in zip(self.argument_types, args):
self._prepare_args(t, v, stream, retr, kernelargs)
if driver.USE_NV_BINDING:
zero_stream = driver.binding.CUstream(0)
zero_stream = None
stream_handle = stream and stream.handle or zero_stream
# Invoke kernel
if self.debug:
driver.device_to_host(ctypes.addressof(excval), excmem, excsz)
if excval.value != 0:
# An error occurred
def load_symbol(name):
mem, sz = cufunc.module.get_global_symbol("%s__%s__" %
val = ctypes.c_int()
driver.device_to_host(ctypes.addressof(val), mem, sz)
return val.value
tid = [load_symbol("tid" + i) for i in 'zyx']
ctaid = [load_symbol("ctaid" + i) for i in 'zyx']
code = excval.value
exccls, exc_args, loc = self.call_helper.get_exception(code)
# Prefix the exception message with the source location
if loc is None:
locinfo = ''
sym, filepath, lineno = loc
filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
locinfo = 'In function %r, file %s, line %s, ' % (sym,
# Prefix the exception message with the thread position
prefix = "%stid=%s ctaid=%s" % (locinfo, tid, ctaid)
if exc_args:
exc_args = ("%s: %s" % (prefix, exc_args[0]),) + \
exc_args = prefix,
raise exccls(*exc_args)
# retrieve auto converted arrays
for wb in retr:
def _prepare_args(self, ty, val, stream, retr, kernelargs):
Convert arguments to ctypes and append to kernelargs
# map the arguments using any extension you've registered
for extension in reversed(self.extensions):
ty, val = extension.prepare_args(
if isinstance(ty, types.Array):
devary = wrap_arg(val).to_device(retr, stream)
c_intp = ctypes.c_ssize_t
meminfo = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
parent = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
nitems = c_intp(devary.size)
itemsize = c_intp(devary.dtype.itemsize)
ptr = driver.device_pointer(devary)
if driver.USE_NV_BINDING:
ptr = int(ptr)
data = ctypes.c_void_p(ptr)
for ax in range(devary.ndim):
for ax in range(devary.ndim):
elif isinstance(ty, types.Integer):
cval = getattr(ctypes, "c_%s" % ty)(val)
elif ty == types.float16:
cval = ctypes.c_uint16(np.float16(val).view(np.uint16))
elif ty == types.float64:
cval = ctypes.c_double(val)
elif ty == types.float32:
cval = ctypes.c_float(val)
elif ty == types.boolean:
cval = ctypes.c_uint8(int(val))
elif ty == types.complex64:
elif ty == types.complex128:
elif isinstance(ty, (types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)):
elif isinstance(ty, types.Record):
devrec = wrap_arg(val).to_device(retr, stream)
ptr = devrec.device_ctypes_pointer
if driver.USE_NV_BINDING:
ptr = ctypes.c_void_p(int(ptr))
elif isinstance(ty, types.BaseTuple):
assert len(ty) == len(val)
for t, v in zip(ty, val):
self._prepare_args(t, v, stream, retr, kernelargs)
elif isinstance(ty, types.EnumMember):
ty.dtype, val.value, stream, retr, kernelargs
except NotImplementedError:
raise NotImplementedError(ty, val)
raise NotImplementedError(ty, val)
class ForAll(object):
def __init__(self, dispatcher, ntasks, tpb, stream, sharedmem):
if ntasks < 0:
raise ValueError("Can't create ForAll with negative task count: %s"
% ntasks)
self.dispatcher = dispatcher
self.ntasks = ntasks
self.thread_per_block = tpb = stream
self.sharedmem = sharedmem
def __call__(self, *args):
if self.ntasks == 0:
if self.dispatcher.specialized:
specialized = self.dispatcher
specialized = self.dispatcher.specialize(*args)
blockdim = self._compute_thread_per_block(specialized)
griddim = (self.ntasks + blockdim - 1) // blockdim
return specialized[griddim, blockdim,,
def _compute_thread_per_block(self, dispatcher):
tpb = self.thread_per_block
# Prefer user-specified config
if tpb != 0:
return tpb
# Else, ask the driver to give a good config
ctx = get_context()
# Dispatcher is specialized, so there's only one definition - get
# it so we can get the cufunc from the code library
kernel = next(iter(dispatcher.overloads.values()))
kwargs = dict(
b2d_func=0, # dynamic-shared memory is constant to blksz
_, tpb = ctx.get_max_potential_block_size(**kwargs)
return tpb
class _LaunchConfiguration:
def __init__(self, dispatcher, griddim, blockdim, stream, sharedmem):
self.dispatcher = dispatcher
self.griddim = griddim
self.blockdim = blockdim = stream
self.sharedmem = sharedmem
# Warn when the grid has fewer than 128 blocks. This number is
# chosen somewhat heuristically - ideally the minimum is 2 times
# the number of SMs, but the number of SMs varies between devices -
# some very small GPUs might only have 4 SMs, but an H100-SXM5 has
# 132. In general kernels should be launched with large grids
# (hundreds or thousands of blocks), so warning when fewer than 128
# blocks are used will likely catch most beginner errors, where the
# grid tends to be very small (single-digit or low tens of blocks).
min_grid_size = 128
grid_size = griddim[0] * griddim[1] * griddim[2]
if grid_size < min_grid_size:
msg = (f"Grid size {grid_size} will likely result in GPU "
"under-utilization due to low occupancy.")
def __call__(self, *args):
return, self.griddim, self.blockdim,, self.sharedmem)
class CUDACacheImpl(CacheImpl):
def reduce(self, kernel):
return kernel._reduce_states()
def rebuild(self, target_context, payload):
return _Kernel._rebuild(**payload)
def check_cachable(self, cres):
# CUDA Kernels are always cachable - the reasons for an entity not to
# be cachable are:
# - The presence of lifted loops, or
# - The presence of dynamic globals.
# neither of which apply to CUDA kernels.
return True
class CUDACache(Cache):
Implements a cache that saves and loads CUDA kernels and compile results.
_impl_class = CUDACacheImpl
def load_overload(self, sig, target_context):
# Loading an overload refreshes the context to ensure it is
# initialized. To initialize the correct (i.e. CUDA) target, we need to
# enforce that the current target is the CUDA target.
from numba.core.target_extension import target_override
with target_override('cuda'):
return super().load_overload(sig, target_context)
class CUDADispatcher(Dispatcher, serialize.ReduceMixin):
CUDA Dispatcher object. When configured and called, the dispatcher will
specialize itself for the given arguments (if no suitable specialized
version already exists) & compute capability, and launch on the device
associated with the current context.
Dispatcher objects are not to be constructed by the user, but instead are
created using the :func:`numba.cuda.jit` decorator.
# Whether to fold named arguments and default values. Default values are
# presently unsupported on CUDA, so we can leave this as False in all
# cases.
_fold_args = False
targetdescr = cuda_target
def __init__(self, py_func, targetoptions, pipeline_class=CUDACompiler):
super().__init__(py_func, targetoptions=targetoptions,
# The following properties are for specialization of CUDADispatchers. A
# specialized CUDADispatcher is one that is compiled for exactly one
# set of argument types, and bypasses some argument type checking for
# faster kernel launches.
# Is this a specialized dispatcher?
self._specialized = False
# If we produced specialized dispatchers, we cache them for each set of
# argument types
self.specializations = {}
def _numba_type_(self):
return cuda_types.CUDADispatcher(self)
def enable_caching(self):
self._cache = CUDACache(self.py_func)
def configure(self, griddim, blockdim, stream=0, sharedmem=0):
griddim, blockdim = normalize_kernel_dimensions(griddim, blockdim)
return _LaunchConfiguration(self, griddim, blockdim, stream, sharedmem)
def __getitem__(self, args):
if len(args) not in [2, 3, 4]:
raise ValueError('must specify at least the griddim and blockdim')
return self.configure(*args)
def forall(self, ntasks, tpb=0, stream=0, sharedmem=0):
"""Returns a 1D-configured dispatcher for a given number of tasks.
This assumes that:
- the kernel maps the Global Thread ID ``cuda.grid(1)`` to tasks on a
1-1 basis.
- the kernel checks that the Global Thread ID is upper-bounded by
``ntasks``, and does nothing if it is not.
:param ntasks: The number of tasks.
:param tpb: The size of a block. An appropriate value is chosen if this
parameter is not supplied.
:param stream: The stream on which the configured dispatcher will be
:param sharedmem: The number of bytes of dynamic shared memory required
by the kernel.
:return: A configured dispatcher, ready to launch on a set of
return ForAll(self, ntasks, tpb=tpb, stream=stream, sharedmem=sharedmem)
def extensions(self):
A list of objects that must have a `prepare_args` function. When a
specialized kernel is called, each argument will be passed through
to the `prepare_args` (from the last object in this list to the
first). The arguments to `prepare_args` are:
- `ty` the numba type of the argument
- `val` the argument value itself
- `stream` the CUDA stream used for the current call to the kernel
- `retr` a list of zero-arg functions that you may want to append
post-call cleanup work to.
The `prepare_args` function must return a tuple `(ty, val)`, which
will be passed in turn to the next right-most `extension`. After all
the extensions have been called, the resulting `(ty, val)` will be
passed into Numba's default argument marshalling logic.
return self.targetoptions.get('extensions')
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# An attempt to launch an unconfigured kernel
raise ValueError(missing_launch_config_msg)
def call(self, args, griddim, blockdim, stream, sharedmem):
Compile if necessary and invoke this kernel with *args*.
if self.specialized:
kernel = next(iter(self.overloads.values()))
kernel = _dispatcher.Dispatcher._cuda_call(self, *args)
kernel.launch(args, griddim, blockdim, stream, sharedmem)
def _compile_for_args(self, *args, **kws):
# Based on _DispatcherBase._compile_for_args.
assert not kws
argtypes = [self.typeof_pyval(a) for a in args]
return self.compile(tuple(argtypes))
def typeof_pyval(self, val):
# Based on _DispatcherBase.typeof_pyval, but differs from it to support
# the CUDA Array Interface.
return typeof(val, Purpose.argument)
except ValueError:
if cuda.is_cuda_array(val):
# When typing, we don't need to synchronize on the array's
# stream - this is done when the kernel is launched.
return typeof(cuda.as_cuda_array(val, sync=False),
def specialize(self, *args):
Create a new instance of this dispatcher specialized for the given
cc = get_current_device().compute_capability
argtypes = tuple(
[self.typingctx.resolve_argument_type(a) for a in args])
if self.specialized:
raise RuntimeError('Dispatcher already specialized')
specialization = self.specializations.get((cc, argtypes))
if specialization:
return specialization
targetoptions = self.targetoptions
specialization = CUDADispatcher(self.py_func,
specialization._specialized = True
self.specializations[cc, argtypes] = specialization
return specialization
def specialized(self):
True if the Dispatcher has been specialized.
return self._specialized
def get_regs_per_thread(self, signature=None):
Returns the number of registers used by each thread in this kernel for
the device in the current context.
:param signature: The signature of the compiled kernel to get register
usage for. This may be omitted for a specialized
:return: The number of registers used by the compiled variant of the
kernel for the given signature and current device.
if signature is not None:
return self.overloads[signature.args].regs_per_thread
if self.specialized:
return next(iter(self.overloads.values())).regs_per_thread
return {sig: overload.regs_per_thread
for sig, overload in self.overloads.items()}
def get_const_mem_size(self, signature=None):
Returns the size in bytes of constant memory used by this kernel for
the device in the current context.
:param signature: The signature of the compiled kernel to get constant
memory usage for. This may be omitted for a
specialized kernel.
:return: The size in bytes of constant memory allocated by the
compiled variant of the kernel for the given signature and
current device.
if signature is not None:
return self.overloads[signature.args].const_mem_size
if self.specialized:
return next(iter(self.overloads.values())).const_mem_size
return {sig: overload.const_mem_size
for sig, overload in self.overloads.items()}
def get_shared_mem_per_block(self, signature=None):
Returns the size in bytes of statically allocated shared memory
for this kernel.
:param signature: The signature of the compiled kernel to get shared
memory usage for. This may be omitted for a
specialized kernel.
:return: The amount of shared memory allocated by the compiled variant
of the kernel for the given signature and current device.
if signature is not None:
return self.overloads[signature.args].shared_mem_per_block
if self.specialized:
return next(iter(self.overloads.values())).shared_mem_per_block
return {sig: overload.shared_mem_per_block
for sig, overload in self.overloads.items()}
def get_max_threads_per_block(self, signature=None):
Returns the maximum allowable number of threads per block
for this kernel. Exceeding this threshold will result in
the kernel failing to launch.
:param signature: The signature of the compiled kernel to get the max
threads per block for. This may be omitted for a
specialized kernel.
:return: The maximum allowable threads per block for the compiled
variant of the kernel for the given signature and current
if signature is not None:
return self.overloads[signature.args].max_threads_per_block
if self.specialized:
return next(iter(self.overloads.values())).max_threads_per_block
return {sig: overload.max_threads_per_block
for sig, overload in self.overloads.items()}
def get_local_mem_per_thread(self, signature=None):
Returns the size in bytes of local memory per thread
for this kernel.
:param signature: The signature of the compiled kernel to get local
memory usage for. This may be omitted for a
specialized kernel.
:return: The amount of local memory allocated by the compiled variant
of the kernel for the given signature and current device.
if signature is not None:
return self.overloads[signature.args].local_mem_per_thread
if self.specialized:
return next(iter(self.overloads.values())).local_mem_per_thread
return {sig: overload.local_mem_per_thread
for sig, overload in self.overloads.items()}
def get_call_template(self, args, kws):
# Originally copied from _DispatcherBase.get_call_template. This
# version deviates slightly from the _DispatcherBase version in order
# to force casts when calling device functions. See e.g.
# TestDeviceFunc.test_device_casting, added in PR #7496.
Get a typing.ConcreteTemplate for this dispatcher and the given
*args* and *kws* types. This allows resolution of the return type.
A (template, pysig, args, kws) tuple is returned.
# Ensure an exactly-matching overload is available if we can
# compile. We proceed with the typing even if we can't compile
# because we may be able to force a cast on the caller side.
if self._can_compile:
# Create function type for typing
func_name = self.py_func.__name__
name = "CallTemplate({0})".format(func_name)
call_template = typing.make_concrete_template(
name, key=func_name, signatures=self.nopython_signatures)
pysig = utils.pysignature(self.py_func)
return call_template, pysig, args, kws
def compile_device(self, args, return_type=None):
"""Compile the device function for the given argument types.
Each signature is compiled once by caching the compiled function inside
this object.
Returns the `CompileResult`.
if args not in self.overloads:
with self._compiling_counter:
debug = self.targetoptions.get('debug')
lineinfo = self.targetoptions.get('lineinfo')
inline = self.targetoptions.get('inline')
fastmath = self.targetoptions.get('fastmath')
nvvm_options = {
'opt': 3 if self.targetoptions.get('opt') else 0,
'fastmath': fastmath
cc = get_current_device().compute_capability
cres = compile_cuda(self.py_func, return_type, args,
self.overloads[args] = cres
cres = self.overloads[args]
return cres
def add_overload(self, kernel, argtypes):
c_sig = [a._code for a in argtypes]
self._insert(c_sig, kernel, cuda=True)
self.overloads[argtypes] = kernel
def compile(self, sig):
Compile and bind to the current context a version of this kernel
specialized for the given signature.
argtypes, return_type = sigutils.normalize_signature(sig)
assert return_type is None or return_type == types.none
# Do we already have an in-memory compiled kernel?
if self.specialized:
return next(iter(self.overloads.values()))
kernel = self.overloads.get(argtypes)
if kernel is not None:
return kernel
# Can we load from the disk cache?
kernel = self._cache.load_overload(sig, self.targetctx)
if kernel is not None:
self._cache_hits[sig] += 1
# We need to compile a new kernel
self._cache_misses[sig] += 1
if not self._can_compile:
raise RuntimeError("Compilation disabled")
kernel = _Kernel(self.py_func, argtypes, **self.targetoptions)
# We call bind to force codegen, so that there is a cubin to cache
self._cache.save_overload(sig, kernel)
self.add_overload(kernel, argtypes)
return kernel
def inspect_llvm(self, signature=None):
Return the LLVM IR for this kernel.
:param signature: A tuple of argument types.
:return: The LLVM IR for the given signature, or a dict of LLVM IR
for all previously-encountered signatures.
device = self.targetoptions.get('device')
if signature is not None:
if device:
return self.overloads[signature].library.get_llvm_str()
return self.overloads[signature].inspect_llvm()
if device:
return {sig: overload.library.get_llvm_str()
for sig, overload in self.overloads.items()}
return {sig: overload.inspect_llvm()
for sig, overload in self.overloads.items()}
def inspect_asm(self, signature=None):
Return this kernel's PTX assembly code for for the device in the
current context.
:param signature: A tuple of argument types.
:return: The PTX code for the given signature, or a dict of PTX codes
for all previously-encountered signatures.
cc = get_current_device().compute_capability
device = self.targetoptions.get('device')
if signature is not None:
if device:
return self.overloads[signature].library.get_asm_str(cc)
return self.overloads[signature].inspect_asm(cc)
if device:
return {sig: overload.library.get_asm_str(cc)
for sig, overload in self.overloads.items()}
return {sig: overload.inspect_asm(cc)
for sig, overload in self.overloads.items()}
def inspect_sass_cfg(self, signature=None):
Return this kernel's CFG for the device in the current context.
:param signature: A tuple of argument types.
:return: The CFG for the given signature, or a dict of CFGs
for all previously-encountered signatures.
The CFG for the device in the current context is returned.
Requires nvdisasm to be available on the PATH.
if self.targetoptions.get('device'):
raise RuntimeError('Cannot get the CFG of a device function')
if signature is not None:
return self.overloads[signature].inspect_sass_cfg()
return {sig: defn.inspect_sass_cfg()
for sig, defn in self.overloads.items()}
def inspect_sass(self, signature=None):
Return this kernel's SASS assembly code for for the device in the
current context.
:param signature: A tuple of argument types.
:return: The SASS code for the given signature, or a dict of SASS codes
for all previously-encountered signatures.
SASS for the device in the current context is returned.
Requires nvdisasm to be available on the PATH.
if self.targetoptions.get('device'):
raise RuntimeError('Cannot inspect SASS of a device function')
if signature is not None:
return self.overloads[signature].inspect_sass()
return {sig: defn.inspect_sass()
for sig, defn in self.overloads.items()}
def inspect_types(self, file=None):
Produce a dump of the Python source of this function annotated with the
corresponding Numba IR and type information. The dump is written to
*file*, or *sys.stdout* if *file* is *None*.
if file is None:
file = sys.stdout
for _, defn in self.overloads.items():
def _rebuild(cls, py_func, targetoptions):
Rebuild an instance.
instance = cls(py_func, targetoptions)
return instance
def _reduce_states(self):
Reduce the instance for serialization.
Compiled definitions are discarded.
return dict(py_func=self.py_func,