837 lines
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837 lines
33 KiB
Implementation of operations on numpy timedelta64.
import numpy as np
import operator
import llvmlite.ir
from llvmlite.ir import Constant
from numba.core import types, cgutils
from numba.core.cgutils import create_constant_array
from numba.core.imputils import (lower_builtin, lower_constant,
impl_ret_untracked, lower_cast)
from numba.np import npdatetime_helpers, numpy_support, npyfuncs
from numba.extending import overload_method
from numba.core.config import IS_32BITS
from numba.core.errors import LoweringError
# datetime64 and timedelta64 use the same internal representation
DATETIME64 = TIMEDELTA64 = llvmlite.ir.IntType(64)
NAT = Constant(TIMEDELTA64, npdatetime_helpers.NAT)
TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG = (types.NPTimedelta,) * 2
def scale_by_constant(builder, val, factor):
Multiply *val* by the constant *factor*.
return builder.mul(val, Constant(TIMEDELTA64, factor))
def unscale_by_constant(builder, val, factor):
Divide *val* by the constant *factor*.
return builder.sdiv(val, Constant(TIMEDELTA64, factor))
def add_constant(builder, val, const):
Add constant *const* to *val*.
return builder.add(val, Constant(TIMEDELTA64, const))
def scale_timedelta(context, builder, val, srcty, destty):
Scale the timedelta64 *val* from *srcty* to *destty*
(both numba.types.NPTimedelta instances)
factor = npdatetime_helpers.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(
srcty.unit, destty.unit)
if factor is None:
# This can happen when using explicit output in a ufunc.
msg = f"cannot convert timedelta64 from {srcty.unit} to {destty.unit}"
raise LoweringError(msg)
return scale_by_constant(builder, val, factor)
def normalize_timedeltas(context, builder, left, right, leftty, rightty):
Scale either *left* or *right* to the other's unit, in order to have
homogeneous units.
factor = npdatetime_helpers.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(
leftty.unit, rightty.unit)
if factor is not None:
return scale_by_constant(builder, left, factor), right
factor = npdatetime_helpers.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(
rightty.unit, leftty.unit)
if factor is not None:
return left, scale_by_constant(builder, right, factor)
# Typing should not let this happen, except on == and != operators
raise RuntimeError("cannot normalize %r and %r" % (leftty, rightty))
def alloc_timedelta_result(builder, name='ret'):
Allocate a NaT-initialized datetime64 (or timedelta64) result slot.
ret = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, TIMEDELTA64, name=name)
builder.store(NAT, ret)
return ret
def alloc_boolean_result(builder, name='ret'):
Allocate an uninitialized boolean result slot.
ret = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, llvmlite.ir.IntType(1), name=name)
return ret
def is_not_nat(builder, val):
Return a predicate which is true if *val* is not NaT.
return builder.icmp_unsigned('!=', val, NAT)
def are_not_nat(builder, vals):
Return a predicate which is true if all of *vals* are not NaT.
assert len(vals) >= 1
pred = is_not_nat(builder, vals[0])
for val in vals[1:]:
pred = builder.and_(pred, is_not_nat(builder, val))
return pred
normal_year_months = create_constant_array(
[31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31])
leap_year_months = create_constant_array(
[31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31])
normal_year_months_acc = create_constant_array(
[0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334])
leap_year_months_acc = create_constant_array(
[0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335])
def datetime_constant(context, builder, ty, pyval):
return DATETIME64(pyval.astype(np.int64))
# Arithmetic operators on timedelta64
@lower_builtin(operator.pos, types.NPTimedelta)
def timedelta_pos_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
res = args[0]
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(operator.neg, types.NPTimedelta)
def timedelta_neg_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
res = builder.neg(args[0])
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(abs, types.NPTimedelta)
def timedelta_abs_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
val, = args
ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
with builder.if_else(cgutils.is_scalar_neg(builder, val)) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
builder.store(builder.neg(val), ret)
with otherwise:
builder.store(val, ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
def timedelta_sign_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
val, = args
ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
zero = Constant(TIMEDELTA64, 0)
with builder.if_else(builder.icmp_signed('>', val, zero)
) as (gt_zero, le_zero):
with gt_zero:
builder.store(Constant(TIMEDELTA64, 1), ret)
with le_zero:
with builder.if_else(builder.icmp_unsigned('==', val, zero)
) as (eq_zero, lt_zero):
with eq_zero:
builder.store(Constant(TIMEDELTA64, 0), ret)
with lt_zero:
builder.store(Constant(TIMEDELTA64, -1), ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(operator.add, *TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG)
@lower_builtin(operator.iadd, *TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG)
def timedelta_add_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
[va, vb] = args
[ta, tb] = sig.args
ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, are_not_nat(builder, [va, vb])):
va = scale_timedelta(context, builder, va, ta, sig.return_type)
vb = scale_timedelta(context, builder, vb, tb, sig.return_type)
builder.store(builder.add(va, vb), ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(operator.sub, *TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG)
@lower_builtin(operator.isub, *TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG)
def timedelta_sub_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
[va, vb] = args
[ta, tb] = sig.args
ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, are_not_nat(builder, [va, vb])):
va = scale_timedelta(context, builder, va, ta, sig.return_type)
vb = scale_timedelta(context, builder, vb, tb, sig.return_type)
builder.store(builder.sub(va, vb), ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
def _timedelta_times_number(context, builder, td_arg, td_type,
number_arg, number_type, return_type):
ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, is_not_nat(builder, td_arg)):
if isinstance(number_type, types.Float):
val = builder.sitofp(td_arg, number_arg.type)
val = builder.fmul(val, number_arg)
val = _cast_to_timedelta(context, builder, val)
val = builder.mul(td_arg, number_arg)
# The scaling is required for ufunc np.multiply() with an explicit
# output in a different unit.
val = scale_timedelta(context, builder, val, td_type, return_type)
builder.store(val, ret)
return builder.load(ret)
@lower_builtin(operator.mul, types.NPTimedelta, types.Integer)
@lower_builtin(operator.imul, types.NPTimedelta, types.Integer)
@lower_builtin(operator.mul, types.NPTimedelta, types.Float)
@lower_builtin(operator.imul, types.NPTimedelta, types.Float)
def timedelta_times_number(context, builder, sig, args):
res = _timedelta_times_number(context, builder,
args[0], sig.args[0], args[1], sig.args[1],
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(operator.mul, types.Integer, types.NPTimedelta)
@lower_builtin(operator.imul, types.Integer, types.NPTimedelta)
@lower_builtin(operator.mul, types.Float, types.NPTimedelta)
@lower_builtin(operator.imul, types.Float, types.NPTimedelta)
def number_times_timedelta(context, builder, sig, args):
res = _timedelta_times_number(context, builder,
args[1], sig.args[1], args[0], sig.args[0],
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(operator.truediv, types.NPTimedelta, types.Integer)
@lower_builtin(operator.itruediv, types.NPTimedelta, types.Integer)
@lower_builtin(operator.floordiv, types.NPTimedelta, types.Integer)
@lower_builtin(operator.ifloordiv, types.NPTimedelta, types.Integer)
@lower_builtin(operator.truediv, types.NPTimedelta, types.Float)
@lower_builtin(operator.itruediv, types.NPTimedelta, types.Float)
@lower_builtin(operator.floordiv, types.NPTimedelta, types.Float)
@lower_builtin(operator.ifloordiv, types.NPTimedelta, types.Float)
def timedelta_over_number(context, builder, sig, args):
td_arg, number_arg = args
number_type = sig.args[1]
ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
ok = builder.and_(is_not_nat(builder, td_arg),
builder.not_(cgutils.is_scalar_zero_or_nan(builder, number_arg)))
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, ok):
# Denominator is non-zero, non-NaN
if isinstance(number_type, types.Float):
val = builder.sitofp(td_arg, number_arg.type)
val = builder.fdiv(val, number_arg)
val = _cast_to_timedelta(context, builder, val)
val = builder.sdiv(td_arg, number_arg)
# The scaling is required for ufuncs np.*divide() with an explicit
# output in a different unit.
val = scale_timedelta(context, builder, val,
sig.args[0], sig.return_type)
builder.store(val, ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(operator.truediv, *TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG)
@lower_builtin(operator.itruediv, *TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG)
def timedelta_over_timedelta(context, builder, sig, args):
[va, vb] = args
[ta, tb] = sig.args
not_nan = are_not_nat(builder, [va, vb])
ll_ret_type = context.get_value_type(sig.return_type)
ret = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ll_ret_type, name='ret')
builder.store(Constant(ll_ret_type, float('nan')), ret)
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, not_nan):
va, vb = normalize_timedeltas(context, builder, va, vb, ta, tb)
va = builder.sitofp(va, ll_ret_type)
vb = builder.sitofp(vb, ll_ret_type)
builder.store(builder.fdiv(va, vb), ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(operator.floordiv, *TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG)
def timedelta_floor_div_timedelta(context, builder, sig, args):
[va, vb] = args
[ta, tb] = sig.args
ll_ret_type = context.get_value_type(sig.return_type)
not_nan = are_not_nat(builder, [va, vb])
ret = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ll_ret_type, name='ret')
zero = Constant(ll_ret_type, 0)
one = Constant(ll_ret_type, 1)
builder.store(zero, ret)
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, not_nan):
va, vb = normalize_timedeltas(context, builder, va, vb, ta, tb)
# is the denominator zero or NaT?
denom_ok = builder.not_(builder.icmp_signed('==', vb, zero))
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, denom_ok):
# is either arg negative?
vaneg = builder.icmp_signed('<', va, zero)
neg = builder.or_(vaneg, builder.icmp_signed('<', vb, zero))
with builder.if_else(neg) as (then, otherwise):
with then: # one or more value negative
with builder.if_else(vaneg) as (negthen, negotherwise):
with negthen:
top = builder.sub(va, one)
div = builder.sdiv(top, vb)
builder.store(div, ret)
with negotherwise:
top = builder.add(va, one)
div = builder.sdiv(top, vb)
builder.store(div, ret)
with otherwise:
div = builder.sdiv(va, vb)
builder.store(div, ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
def timedelta_mod_timedelta(context, builder, sig, args):
# inspired by https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/fe8072a12d65e43bd2e0b0f9ad67ab0108cc54b3/numpy/core/src/umath/loops.c.src#L1424
# alg is basically as `a % b`:
# if a or b is NaT return NaT
# elseif b is 0 return NaT
# else pretend a and b are int and do pythonic int modulus
[va, vb] = args
[ta, tb] = sig.args
not_nan = are_not_nat(builder, [va, vb])
ll_ret_type = context.get_value_type(sig.return_type)
ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
builder.store(NAT, ret)
zero = Constant(ll_ret_type, 0)
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, not_nan):
va, vb = normalize_timedeltas(context, builder, va, vb, ta, tb)
# is the denominator zero or NaT?
denom_ok = builder.not_(builder.icmp_signed('==', vb, zero))
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, denom_ok):
# is either arg negative?
vapos = builder.icmp_signed('>', va, zero)
vbpos = builder.icmp_signed('>', vb, zero)
rem = builder.srem(va, vb)
cond = builder.or_(builder.and_(vapos, vbpos),
builder.icmp_signed('==', rem, zero))
with builder.if_else(cond) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
builder.store(rem, ret)
with otherwise:
builder.store(builder.add(rem, vb), ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
# Comparison operators on timedelta64
def _create_timedelta_comparison_impl(ll_op, default_value):
def impl(context, builder, sig, args):
[va, vb] = args
[ta, tb] = sig.args
ret = alloc_boolean_result(builder)
with builder.if_else(are_not_nat(builder, [va, vb])) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
norm_a, norm_b = normalize_timedeltas(
context, builder, va, vb, ta, tb)
except RuntimeError:
# Cannot normalize units => the values are unequal (except if NaT)
builder.store(default_value, ret)
builder.store(builder.icmp_unsigned(ll_op, norm_a, norm_b), ret)
with otherwise:
# NaT ==/>=/>/</<= NaT is False
# NaT != <anything, including NaT> is True
if ll_op == '!=':
builder.store(cgutils.true_bit, ret)
builder.store(cgutils.false_bit, ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
return impl
def _create_timedelta_ordering_impl(ll_op):
def impl(context, builder, sig, args):
[va, vb] = args
[ta, tb] = sig.args
ret = alloc_boolean_result(builder)
with builder.if_else(are_not_nat(builder, [va, vb])) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
norm_a, norm_b = normalize_timedeltas(
context, builder, va, vb, ta, tb)
builder.store(builder.icmp_signed(ll_op, norm_a, norm_b), ret)
with otherwise:
# NaT >=/>/</<= NaT is False
builder.store(cgutils.false_bit, ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
return impl
timedelta_eq_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_comparison_impl(
'==', cgutils.false_bit)
timedelta_ne_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_comparison_impl(
'!=', cgutils.true_bit)
timedelta_lt_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_ordering_impl('<')
timedelta_le_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_ordering_impl('<=')
timedelta_gt_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_ordering_impl('>')
timedelta_ge_timedelta_impl = _create_timedelta_ordering_impl('>=')
for op_, func in [(operator.eq, timedelta_eq_timedelta_impl),
(operator.ne, timedelta_ne_timedelta_impl),
(operator.lt, timedelta_lt_timedelta_impl),
(operator.le, timedelta_le_timedelta_impl),
(operator.gt, timedelta_gt_timedelta_impl),
(operator.ge, timedelta_ge_timedelta_impl)]:
lower_builtin(op_, *TIMEDELTA_BINOP_SIG)(func)
# Arithmetic on datetime64
def is_leap_year(builder, year_val):
Return a predicate indicating whether *year_val* (offset by 1970) is a
leap year.
actual_year = builder.add(year_val, Constant(DATETIME64, 1970))
multiple_of_4 = cgutils.is_null(
builder, builder.and_(actual_year, Constant(DATETIME64, 3)))
not_multiple_of_100 = cgutils.is_not_null(
builder, builder.srem(actual_year, Constant(DATETIME64, 100)))
multiple_of_400 = cgutils.is_null(
builder, builder.srem(actual_year, Constant(DATETIME64, 400)))
return builder.and_(multiple_of_4,
builder.or_(not_multiple_of_100, multiple_of_400))
def year_to_days(builder, year_val):
Given a year *year_val* (offset to 1970), return the number of days
since the 1970 epoch.
# The algorithm below is copied from Numpy's get_datetimestruct_days()
# (src/multiarray/datetime.c)
ret = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, TIMEDELTA64)
# First approximation
days = scale_by_constant(builder, year_val, 365)
# Adjust for leap years
with builder.if_else(cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, year_val)) \
as (if_neg, if_pos):
with if_pos:
# At or after 1970:
# 1968 is the closest leap year before 1970.
# Exclude the current year, so add 1.
from_1968 = add_constant(builder, year_val, 1)
# Add one day for each 4 years
p_days = builder.add(days,
unscale_by_constant(builder, from_1968, 4))
# 1900 is the closest previous year divisible by 100
from_1900 = add_constant(builder, from_1968, 68)
# Subtract one day for each 100 years
p_days = builder.sub(p_days,
unscale_by_constant(builder, from_1900, 100))
# 1600 is the closest previous year divisible by 400
from_1600 = add_constant(builder, from_1900, 300)
# Add one day for each 400 years
p_days = builder.add(p_days,
unscale_by_constant(builder, from_1600, 400))
builder.store(p_days, ret)
with if_neg:
# Before 1970:
# NOTE `year_val` is negative, and so will be `from_1972` and `from_2000`.
# 1972 is the closest later year after 1970.
# Include the current year, so subtract 2.
from_1972 = add_constant(builder, year_val, -2)
# Subtract one day for each 4 years (`from_1972` is negative)
n_days = builder.add(days,
unscale_by_constant(builder, from_1972, 4))
# 2000 is the closest later year divisible by 100
from_2000 = add_constant(builder, from_1972, -28)
# Add one day for each 100 years
n_days = builder.sub(n_days,
unscale_by_constant(builder, from_2000, 100))
# 2000 is also the closest later year divisible by 400
# Subtract one day for each 400 years
n_days = builder.add(n_days,
unscale_by_constant(builder, from_2000, 400))
builder.store(n_days, ret)
return builder.load(ret)
def reduce_datetime_for_unit(builder, dt_val, src_unit, dest_unit):
dest_unit_code = npdatetime_helpers.DATETIME_UNITS[dest_unit]
src_unit_code = npdatetime_helpers.DATETIME_UNITS[src_unit]
if dest_unit_code < 2 or src_unit_code >= 2:
return dt_val, src_unit
# Need to compute the day ordinal for *dt_val*
if src_unit_code == 0:
# Years to days
year_val = dt_val
days_val = year_to_days(builder, year_val)
# Months to days
leap_array = cgutils.global_constant(builder, "leap_year_months_acc",
normal_array = cgutils.global_constant(builder, "normal_year_months_acc",
days = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, TIMEDELTA64)
# First compute year number and month number
year, month = cgutils.divmod_by_constant(builder, dt_val, 12)
# Then deduce the number of days
with builder.if_else(is_leap_year(builder, year)) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
addend = builder.load(cgutils.gep(builder, leap_array,
0, month, inbounds=True))
builder.store(addend, days)
with otherwise:
addend = builder.load(cgutils.gep(builder, normal_array,
0, month, inbounds=True))
builder.store(addend, days)
days_val = year_to_days(builder, year)
days_val = builder.add(days_val, builder.load(days))
if dest_unit_code == 2:
# Need to scale back to weeks
weeks, _ = cgutils.divmod_by_constant(builder, days_val, 7)
return weeks, 'W'
return days_val, 'D'
def convert_datetime_for_arith(builder, dt_val, src_unit, dest_unit):
Convert datetime *dt_val* from *src_unit* to *dest_unit*.
# First partial conversion to days or weeks, if necessary.
dt_val, dt_unit = reduce_datetime_for_unit(
builder, dt_val, src_unit, dest_unit)
# Then multiply by the remaining constant factor.
dt_factor = npdatetime_helpers.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(dt_unit, dest_unit)
if dt_factor is None:
# This can happen when using explicit output in a ufunc.
raise LoweringError("cannot convert datetime64 from %r to %r"
% (src_unit, dest_unit))
return scale_by_constant(builder, dt_val, dt_factor)
def _datetime_timedelta_arith(ll_op_name):
def impl(context, builder, dt_arg, dt_unit,
td_arg, td_unit, ret_unit):
ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, are_not_nat(builder, [dt_arg, td_arg])):
dt_arg = convert_datetime_for_arith(builder, dt_arg,
dt_unit, ret_unit)
td_factor = npdatetime_helpers.get_timedelta_conversion_factor(
td_unit, ret_unit)
td_arg = scale_by_constant(builder, td_arg, td_factor)
ret_val = getattr(builder, ll_op_name)(dt_arg, td_arg)
builder.store(ret_val, ret)
return builder.load(ret)
return impl
_datetime_plus_timedelta = _datetime_timedelta_arith('add')
_datetime_minus_timedelta = _datetime_timedelta_arith('sub')
# datetime64 + timedelta64
@lower_builtin(operator.add, types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)
@lower_builtin(operator.iadd, types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)
def datetime_plus_timedelta(context, builder, sig, args):
dt_arg, td_arg = args
dt_type, td_type = sig.args
res = _datetime_plus_timedelta(context, builder,
dt_arg, dt_type.unit,
td_arg, td_type.unit,
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
@lower_builtin(operator.add, types.NPTimedelta, types.NPDatetime)
@lower_builtin(operator.iadd, types.NPTimedelta, types.NPDatetime)
def timedelta_plus_datetime(context, builder, sig, args):
td_arg, dt_arg = args
td_type, dt_type = sig.args
res = _datetime_plus_timedelta(context, builder,
dt_arg, dt_type.unit,
td_arg, td_type.unit,
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
# datetime64 - timedelta64
@lower_builtin(operator.sub, types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)
@lower_builtin(operator.isub, types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)
def datetime_minus_timedelta(context, builder, sig, args):
dt_arg, td_arg = args
dt_type, td_type = sig.args
res = _datetime_minus_timedelta(context, builder,
dt_arg, dt_type.unit,
td_arg, td_type.unit,
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
# datetime64 - datetime64
@lower_builtin(operator.sub, types.NPDatetime, types.NPDatetime)
def datetime_minus_datetime(context, builder, sig, args):
va, vb = args
ta, tb = sig.args
unit_a = ta.unit
unit_b = tb.unit
ret_unit = sig.return_type.unit
ret = alloc_timedelta_result(builder)
with cgutils.if_likely(builder, are_not_nat(builder, [va, vb])):
va = convert_datetime_for_arith(builder, va, unit_a, ret_unit)
vb = convert_datetime_for_arith(builder, vb, unit_b, ret_unit)
ret_val = builder.sub(va, vb)
builder.store(ret_val, ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
# datetime64 comparisons
def _create_datetime_comparison_impl(ll_op):
def impl(context, builder, sig, args):
va, vb = args
ta, tb = sig.args
unit_a = ta.unit
unit_b = tb.unit
ret_unit = npdatetime_helpers.get_best_unit(unit_a, unit_b)
ret = alloc_boolean_result(builder)
with builder.if_else(are_not_nat(builder, [va, vb])) as (then, otherwise):
with then:
norm_a = convert_datetime_for_arith(
builder, va, unit_a, ret_unit)
norm_b = convert_datetime_for_arith(
builder, vb, unit_b, ret_unit)
ret_val = builder.icmp_signed(ll_op, norm_a, norm_b)
builder.store(ret_val, ret)
with otherwise:
if ll_op == '!=':
ret_val = cgutils.true_bit
ret_val = cgutils.false_bit
builder.store(ret_val, ret)
res = builder.load(ret)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
return impl
datetime_eq_datetime_impl = _create_datetime_comparison_impl('==')
datetime_ne_datetime_impl = _create_datetime_comparison_impl('!=')
datetime_lt_datetime_impl = _create_datetime_comparison_impl('<')
datetime_le_datetime_impl = _create_datetime_comparison_impl('<=')
datetime_gt_datetime_impl = _create_datetime_comparison_impl('>')
datetime_ge_datetime_impl = _create_datetime_comparison_impl('>=')
for op, func in [(operator.eq, datetime_eq_datetime_impl),
(operator.ne, datetime_ne_datetime_impl),
(operator.lt, datetime_lt_datetime_impl),
(operator.le, datetime_le_datetime_impl),
(operator.gt, datetime_gt_datetime_impl),
(operator.ge, datetime_ge_datetime_impl)]:
lower_builtin(op, *[types.NPDatetime]*2)(func)
# datetime/timedelta fmax/fmin maximum/minimum support
def _gen_datetime_max_impl(NAT_DOMINATES):
def datetime_max_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
# note this could be optimizing relying on the actual value of NAT
# but as NumPy doesn't rely on this, this seems more resilient
in1, in2 = args
in1_not_nat = is_not_nat(builder, in1)
in2_not_nat = is_not_nat(builder, in2)
in1_ge_in2 = builder.icmp_signed('>=', in1, in2)
res = builder.select(in1_ge_in2, in1, in2)
# NaT now dominates, like NaN
in1, in2 = in2, in1
res = builder.select(in1_not_nat, res, in2)
res = builder.select(in2_not_nat, res, in1)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
return datetime_max_impl
datetime_maximum_impl = _gen_datetime_max_impl(True)
datetime_fmax_impl = _gen_datetime_max_impl(False)
def _gen_datetime_min_impl(NAT_DOMINATES):
def datetime_min_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
# note this could be optimizing relying on the actual value of NAT
# but as NumPy doesn't rely on this, this seems more resilient
in1, in2 = args
in1_not_nat = is_not_nat(builder, in1)
in2_not_nat = is_not_nat(builder, in2)
in1_le_in2 = builder.icmp_signed('<=', in1, in2)
res = builder.select(in1_le_in2, in1, in2)
# NaT now dominates, like NaN
in1, in2 = in2, in1
res = builder.select(in1_not_nat, res, in2)
res = builder.select(in2_not_nat, res, in1)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
return datetime_min_impl
datetime_minimum_impl = _gen_datetime_min_impl(True)
datetime_fmin_impl = _gen_datetime_min_impl(False)
def _gen_timedelta_max_impl(NAT_DOMINATES):
def timedelta_max_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
# note this could be optimizing relying on the actual value of NAT
# but as NumPy doesn't rely on this, this seems more resilient
in1, in2 = args
in1_not_nat = is_not_nat(builder, in1)
in2_not_nat = is_not_nat(builder, in2)
in1_ge_in2 = builder.icmp_signed('>=', in1, in2)
res = builder.select(in1_ge_in2, in1, in2)
# NaT now dominates, like NaN
in1, in2 = in2, in1
res = builder.select(in1_not_nat, res, in2)
res = builder.select(in2_not_nat, res, in1)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
return timedelta_max_impl
timedelta_maximum_impl = _gen_timedelta_max_impl(True)
timedelta_fmax_impl = _gen_timedelta_max_impl(False)
def _gen_timedelta_min_impl(NAT_DOMINATES):
def timedelta_min_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
# note this could be optimizing relying on the actual value of NAT
# but as NumPy doesn't rely on this, this seems more resilient
in1, in2 = args
in1_not_nat = is_not_nat(builder, in1)
in2_not_nat = is_not_nat(builder, in2)
in1_le_in2 = builder.icmp_signed('<=', in1, in2)
res = builder.select(in1_le_in2, in1, in2)
# NaT now dominates, like NaN
in1, in2 = in2, in1
res = builder.select(in1_not_nat, res, in2)
res = builder.select(in2_not_nat, res, in1)
return impl_ret_untracked(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
return timedelta_min_impl
timedelta_minimum_impl = _gen_timedelta_min_impl(True)
timedelta_fmin_impl = _gen_timedelta_min_impl(False)
def _cast_to_timedelta(context, builder, val):
temp = builder.alloca(TIMEDELTA64)
val_is_nan = builder.fcmp_unordered('uno', val, val)
with builder.if_else(val_is_nan) as (
then, els):
with then:
# NaN does not guarantee to cast to NAT.
# We should store NAT explicitly.
builder.store(NAT, temp)
with els:
builder.store(builder.fptosi(val, TIMEDELTA64), temp)
return builder.load(temp)
@lower_builtin(np.isnat, types.NPDatetime)
@lower_builtin(np.isnat, types.NPTimedelta)
def _np_isnat_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
return npyfuncs.np_datetime_isnat_impl(context, builder, sig, args)
@lower_cast(types.NPDatetime, types.Integer)
@lower_cast(types.NPTimedelta, types.Integer)
def _cast_npdatetime_int64(context, builder, fromty, toty, val):
if toty.bitwidth != 64: # all date time types are 64 bit
msg = f"Cannot cast {fromty} to {toty} as {toty} is not 64 bits wide."
raise ValueError(msg)
return val
@overload_method(types.NPTimedelta, '__hash__')
@overload_method(types.NPDatetime, '__hash__')
def ol_hash_npdatetime(x):
if IS_32BITS:
def impl(x):
x = np.int64(x)
if x < 2**31 - 1: # x < LONG_MAX
y = np.int32(x)
hi = (np.int64(x) & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 32
lo = (np.int64(x) & 0x00000000ffffffff)
y = np.int32(lo + (1000003) * hi)
if y == -1:
y = np.int32(-2)
return y
def impl(x):
if np.int64(x) == -1:
return np.int64(-2)
return np.int64(x)
return impl
lower_builtin(npdatetime_helpers.datetime_minimum, types.NPDatetime, types.NPDatetime)(datetime_minimum_impl)
lower_builtin(npdatetime_helpers.datetime_minimum, types.NPTimedelta, types.NPTimedelta)(datetime_minimum_impl)
lower_builtin(npdatetime_helpers.datetime_maximum, types.NPDatetime, types.NPDatetime)(datetime_maximum_impl)
lower_builtin(npdatetime_helpers.datetime_maximum, types.NPTimedelta, types.NPTimedelta)(datetime_maximum_impl)