858 lines
29 KiB
858 lines
29 KiB
import math
import os
import platform
import sys
import re
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
from numba.core import types
from numba.core.runtime import (
from numba.core.extending import intrinsic, include_path
from numba.core.typing import signature
from numba.core.imputils import impl_ret_untracked
from llvmlite import ir
import llvmlite.binding as llvm
from numba.core.unsafe.nrt import NRT_get_api
from numba.tests.support import (EnableNRTStatsMixin, TestCase, temp_directory,
import_dynamic, skip_if_32bit,
skip_unless_cffi, run_in_subprocess)
from numba.core.registry import cpu_target
import unittest
linux_only = unittest.skipIf(not sys.platform.startswith('linux'),
'linux only test')
x86_only = unittest.skipIf(platform.machine() not in ('i386', 'x86_64'),
'x86 only test')
class Dummy(object):
alive = 0
def __init__(self):
type(self).alive += 1
def __del__(self):
type(self).alive -= 1
class TestNrtMemInfoNotInitialized(unittest.TestCase):
Unit test for checking the use of the NRT fails if the
initialization sequence has not been run.
_numba_parallel_test_ = False
def test_init_fail(self):
methods = {'library': (),
'meminfo_new': ((), ()),
'meminfo_alloc': ((),),
for meth, args in methods.items():
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as raises:
rtsys._init = False
fn = getattr(rtsys, meth)
msg = "Runtime must be initialized before use."
self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
rtsys._init = True
class TestNrtMemInfo(unittest.TestCase):
Unit test for core MemInfo functionality
def setUp(self):
# Reset the Dummy class
Dummy.alive = 0
# initialize the NRT (in case the tests are run in isolation)
super(TestNrtMemInfo, self).setUp()
def test_meminfo_refct_1(self):
d = Dummy()
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 1)
addr = 0xdeadcafe # some made up location
mi = rtsys.meminfo_new(addr, d)
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
del d
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 1)
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 2)
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 1)
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
del mi
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 0)
def test_meminfo_refct_2(self):
d = Dummy()
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 1)
addr = 0xdeadcafe # some made up location
mi = rtsys.meminfo_new(addr, d)
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
del d
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 1)
for ct in range(100):
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1 + 100)
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 1)
for _ in range(100):
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
del mi
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 0)
def test_fake_memoryview(self):
d = Dummy()
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 1)
addr = 0xdeadcafe # some made up location
mi = rtsys.meminfo_new(addr, d)
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
mview = memoryview(mi)
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
self.assertEqual(addr, mi.data)
self.assertIs(mi, mview.obj)
self.assertEqual(mview.itemsize, 1)
self.assertEqual(mview.ndim, 1)
del d
del mi
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 1)
del mview
self.assertEqual(Dummy.alive, 0)
def test_memoryview(self):
from ctypes import c_uint32, c_void_p, POINTER, cast
dtype = np.dtype(np.uint32)
bytesize = dtype.itemsize * 10
mi = rtsys.meminfo_alloc(bytesize, safe=True)
addr = mi.data
c_arr = cast(c_void_p(mi.data), POINTER(c_uint32 * 10))
# Check 0xCB-filling
for i in range(10):
self.assertEqual(c_arr.contents[i], 0xcbcbcbcb)
# Init array with ctypes
for i in range(10):
c_arr.contents[i] = i + 1
mview = memoryview(mi)
self.assertEqual(mview.nbytes, bytesize)
self.assertIs(mi, mview.obj)
self.assertEqual(mview.itemsize, 1)
self.assertEqual(mview.ndim, 1)
del mi
arr = np.ndarray(dtype=dtype, shape=mview.nbytes // dtype.itemsize,
del mview
# Modify array with NumPy
np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(arr.size) + 1, arr)
arr += 1
# Check value reflected in ctypes
for i in range(10):
self.assertEqual(c_arr.contents[i], i + 2)
self.assertEqual(arr.ctypes.data, addr)
del arr
# At this point the memory is zero filled
# We can't check this deterministically because the memory could be
# consumed by another thread.
def test_buffer(self):
from ctypes import c_uint32, c_void_p, POINTER, cast
dtype = np.dtype(np.uint32)
bytesize = dtype.itemsize * 10
mi = rtsys.meminfo_alloc(bytesize, safe=True)
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
addr = mi.data
c_arr = cast(c_void_p(addr), POINTER(c_uint32 * 10))
# Check 0xCB-filling
for i in range(10):
self.assertEqual(c_arr.contents[i], 0xcbcbcbcb)
# Init array with ctypes
for i in range(10):
c_arr.contents[i] = i + 1
arr = np.ndarray(dtype=dtype, shape=bytesize // dtype.itemsize,
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
del mi
# Modify array with NumPy
np.testing.assert_equal(np.arange(arr.size) + 1, arr)
arr += 1
# Check value reflected in ctypes
for i in range(10):
self.assertEqual(c_arr.contents[i], i + 2)
self.assertEqual(arr.ctypes.data, addr)
del arr
# At this point the memory is zero filled
# We can't check this deterministically because the memory could be
# consumed by another thread.
def test_allocate_invalid_size(self):
# Checks that attempting to allocate too big a region fails gracefully.
size = types.size_t.maxval // 8 // 2
for pred in (True, False):
with self.assertRaises(MemoryError) as raises:
rtsys.meminfo_alloc(size, safe=pred)
self.assertIn(f"Requested allocation of {size} bytes failed.",
def test_allocate_negative_size(self):
# Checks that attempting to allocate negative number of bytes fails
# gracefully.
size = -10
for pred in (True, False):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as raises:
rtsys.meminfo_alloc(size, safe=pred)
msg = f"Cannot allocate a negative number of bytes: {size}."
self.assertIn(msg, str(raises.exception))
class TestTracemalloc(unittest.TestCase):
Test NRT-allocated memory can be tracked by tracemalloc.
def measure_memory_diff(self, func):
import tracemalloc
except ImportError:
self.skipTest("tracemalloc not available")
before = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
# Keep the result and only delete it after taking a snapshot
res = func()
after = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
del res
return after.compare_to(before, 'lineno')
def test_snapshot(self):
N = 1000000
dtype = np.int8
def alloc_nrt_memory():
Allocate and return a large array.
return np.empty(N, dtype)
def keep_memory():
return alloc_nrt_memory()
def release_memory():
alloc_lineno = keep_memory.__code__.co_firstlineno + 1
# Warmup JIT
# The large NRT-allocated array should appear topmost in the diff
diff = self.measure_memory_diff(keep_memory)
stat = diff[0]
# There is a slight overhead, so the allocated size won't exactly be N
self.assertGreaterEqual(stat.size, N)
self.assertLess(stat.size, N * 1.015,
msg=("Unexpected allocation overhead encountered. "
"May be due to difference in CPython "
"builds or running under coverage"))
frame = stat.traceback[0]
self.assertEqual(os.path.basename(frame.filename), "test_nrt.py")
self.assertEqual(frame.lineno, alloc_lineno)
# If NRT memory is released before taking a snapshot, it shouldn't
# appear.
diff = self.measure_memory_diff(release_memory)
stat = diff[0]
# Something else appears, but nothing the magnitude of N
self.assertLess(stat.size, N * 0.01)
class TestNRTIssue(TestCase):
def test_issue_with_refct_op_pruning(self):
GitHub Issue #1244 https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/1244
def calculate_2D_vector_mag(vector):
x, y = vector
return math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
def normalize_2D_vector(vector):
normalized_vector = np.empty(2, dtype=np.float64)
mag = calculate_2D_vector_mag(vector)
x, y = vector
normalized_vector[0] = x / mag
normalized_vector[1] = y / mag
return normalized_vector
def normalize_vectors(num_vectors, vectors):
normalized_vectors = np.empty((num_vectors, 2), dtype=np.float64)
for i in range(num_vectors):
vector = vectors[i]
normalized_vector = normalize_2D_vector(vector)
normalized_vectors[i, 0] = normalized_vector[0]
normalized_vectors[i, 1] = normalized_vector[1]
return normalized_vectors
num_vectors = 10
test_vectors = np.random.random((num_vectors, 2))
got = normalize_vectors(num_vectors, test_vectors)
expected = normalize_vectors.py_func(num_vectors, test_vectors)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected, got)
def test_incref_after_cast(self):
# Issue #1427: when casting a value before returning it, the
# cast result should be incref'ed, not the original value.
def f():
return 0.0, np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32)
# Note the return type isn't the same as the tuple type above:
# the first element is a complex rather than a float.
cfunc = njit((types.Tuple((types.complex128,
types.Array(types.int32, 1, 'C') )))())(f)
z, arr = cfunc()
self.assertPreciseEqual(z, 0j)
self.assertPreciseEqual(arr, np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int32))
def test_refct_pruning_issue_1511(self):
def f():
a = np.ones(10, dtype=np.float64)
b = np.ones(10, dtype=np.float64)
return a, b[:]
a, b = f()
np.testing.assert_equal(a, b)
np.testing.assert_equal(a, np.ones(10, dtype=np.float64))
def test_refct_pruning_issue_1526(self):
def udt(image, x, y):
next_loc = np.where(image == 1)
if len(next_loc[0]) == 0:
y_offset = 1
x_offset = 1
y_offset = next_loc[0][0]
x_offset = next_loc[1][0]
next_loc_x = (x - 1) + x_offset
next_loc_y = (y - 1) + y_offset
return next_loc_x, next_loc_y
a = np.array([[1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]])
expect = udt.py_func(a, 1, 6)
got = udt(a, 1, 6)
self.assertEqual(expect, got)
def test_no_nrt_on_njit_decoration(self):
# Checks that the NRT is not initialized/compiled as a result of
# decorating a function with `@njit`.
from numba import njit
# check the NRT is not initialized.
# decorate
def foo():
return 123
# check the NRT is still not initialized
# execute
self.assertEqual(foo(), foo.py_func())
# check the NRT is still now initialized as execution has definitely
# occurred.
class TestRefCtPruning(unittest.TestCase):
sample_llvm_ir = '''
define i32 @"MyFunction"(i8** noalias nocapture %retptr, { i8*, i32 }** noalias nocapture %excinfo, i8* noalias nocapture readnone %env, double %arg.vt.0, double %arg.vt.1, double %arg.vt.2, double %arg.vt.3, double %arg.bounds.0, double %arg.bounds.1, double %arg.bounds.2, double %arg.bounds.3, i8* %arg.xs.0, i8* nocapture readnone %arg.xs.1, i64 %arg.xs.2, i64 %arg.xs.3, double* nocapture readonly %arg.xs.4, i64 %arg.xs.5.0, i64 %arg.xs.6.0, i8* %arg.ys.0, i8* nocapture readnone %arg.ys.1, i64 %arg.ys.2, i64 %arg.ys.3, double* nocapture readonly %arg.ys.4, i64 %arg.ys.5.0, i64 %arg.ys.6.0, i8* %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.0, i8* nocapture readnone %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.1, i64 %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.2, i64 %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.3, i32* nocapture %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.4, i64 %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.5.0, i64 %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.5.1, i64 %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.6.0, i64 %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.6.1) local_unnamed_addr {
tail call void @NRT_incref(i8* %arg.xs.0)
tail call void @NRT_incref(i8* %arg.ys.0)
tail call void @NRT_incref(i8* %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.0)
%.251 = icmp sgt i64 %arg.xs.5.0, 0
br i1 %.251, label %B42.preheader, label %B160
B42.preheader: ; preds = %entry
%0 = add i64 %arg.xs.5.0, 1
br label %B42
B42: ; preds = %B40.backedge, %B42.preheader
%lsr.iv3 = phi i64 [ %lsr.iv.next, %B40.backedge ], [ %0, %B42.preheader ]
%lsr.iv1 = phi double* [ %scevgep2, %B40.backedge ], [ %arg.xs.4, %B42.preheader ]
%lsr.iv = phi double* [ %scevgep, %B40.backedge ], [ %arg.ys.4, %B42.preheader ]
%.381 = load double, double* %lsr.iv1, align 8
%.420 = load double, double* %lsr.iv, align 8
%.458 = fcmp ole double %.381, %arg.bounds.1
%not..432 = fcmp oge double %.381, %arg.bounds.0
%"$phi82.1.1" = and i1 %.458, %not..432
br i1 %"$phi82.1.1", label %B84, label %B40.backedge
B84: ; preds = %B42
%.513 = fcmp ole double %.420, %arg.bounds.3
%not..487 = fcmp oge double %.420, %arg.bounds.2
%"$phi106.1.1" = and i1 %.513, %not..487
br i1 %"$phi106.1.1", label %B108.endif.endif.endif, label %B40.backedge
B160: ; preds = %B40.backedge, %entry
tail call void @NRT_decref(i8* %arg.ys.0)
tail call void @NRT_decref(i8* %arg.xs.0)
tail call void @NRT_decref(i8* %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.0)
store i8* null, i8** %retptr, align 8
ret i32 0
B108.endif.endif.endif: ; preds = %B84
%.575 = fmul double %.381, %arg.vt.0
%.583 = fadd double %.575, %arg.vt.1
%.590 = fptosi double %.583 to i64
%.630 = fmul double %.420, %arg.vt.2
%.638 = fadd double %.630, %arg.vt.3
%.645 = fptosi double %.638 to i64
tail call void @NRT_incref(i8* %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.0) ; GONE 1
tail call void @NRT_decref(i8* null) ; GONE 2
tail call void @NRT_incref(i8* %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.0), !noalias !0 ; GONE 3
%.62.i.i = icmp slt i64 %.645, 0
%.63.i.i = select i1 %.62.i.i, i64 %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.5.0, i64 0
%.64.i.i = add i64 %.63.i.i, %.645
%.65.i.i = icmp slt i64 %.590, 0
%.66.i.i = select i1 %.65.i.i, i64 %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.5.1, i64 0
%.67.i.i = add i64 %.66.i.i, %.590
%.84.i.i = mul i64 %.64.i.i, %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.5.1
%.87.i.i = add i64 %.67.i.i, %.84.i.i
%.88.i.i = getelementptr i32, i32* %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.4, i64 %.87.i.i
%.89.i.i = load i32, i32* %.88.i.i, align 4, !noalias !3
%.99.i.i = add i32 %.89.i.i, 1
store i32 %.99.i.i, i32* %.88.i.i, align 4, !noalias !3
tail call void @NRT_decref(i8* %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.0), !noalias !0 ; GONE 4
tail call void @NRT_decref(i8* %arg.aggs_and_cols.0.0) ; GONE 5
br label %B40.backedge
B40.backedge: ; preds = %B108.endif.endif.endif, %B84, %B42
%scevgep = getelementptr double, double* %lsr.iv, i64 1
%scevgep2 = getelementptr double, double* %lsr.iv1, i64 1
%lsr.iv.next = add i64 %lsr.iv3, -1
%.294 = icmp sgt i64 %lsr.iv.next, 1
br i1 %.294, label %B42, label %B160
''' # noqa
def test_refct_pruning_op_recognize(self):
input_ir = self.sample_llvm_ir
input_lines = list(input_ir.splitlines())
before_increfs = [ln for ln in input_lines if 'NRT_incref' in ln]
before_decrefs = [ln for ln in input_lines if 'NRT_decref' in ln]
# prune
output_ir = nrtopt._remove_redundant_nrt_refct(input_ir)
output_lines = list(output_ir.splitlines())
after_increfs = [ln for ln in output_lines if 'NRT_incref' in ln]
after_decrefs = [ln for ln in output_lines if 'NRT_decref' in ln]
# check
self.assertNotEqual(before_increfs, after_increfs)
self.assertNotEqual(before_decrefs, after_decrefs)
pruned_increfs = set(before_increfs) - set(after_increfs)
pruned_decrefs = set(before_decrefs) - set(after_decrefs)
# the symm difference == or-combined
combined = pruned_increfs | pruned_decrefs
self.assertEqual(combined, pruned_increfs ^ pruned_decrefs)
pruned_lines = '\n'.join(combined)
# all GONE lines are pruned
for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
gone = '; GONE {}'.format(i)
self.assertIn(gone, pruned_lines)
# no other lines
self.assertEqual(len(list(pruned_lines.splitlines())), len(combined))
@unittest.skip("Pass removed as it was buggy. Re-enable when fixed.")
def test_refct_pruning_with_branches(self):
'''testcase from #2350'''
def _append_non_na(x, y, agg, field):
if not np.isnan(field):
agg[y, x] += 1
def _append(x, y, agg, field):
if not np.isnan(field):
if np.isnan(agg[y, x]):
agg[y, x] = field
agg[y, x] += field
def append(x, y, agg, field):
_append_non_na(x, y, agg, field)
_append(x, y, agg, field)
# Disable python wrapper to avoid detecting necessary
# refcount inside it
def extend(arr, field):
for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
for j in range(arr.shape[1]):
append(j, i, arr, field)
# Compile
extend.compile("(f4[:,::1], f4)")
# Test there are no reference count operations
llvmir = str(extend.inspect_llvm(extend.signatures[0]))
refops = list(re.finditer(r'(NRT_incref|NRT_decref)\([^\)]+\)', llvmir))
self.assertEqual(len(refops), 0)
def test_inline_asm(self):
"""The InlineAsm class from llvmlite.ir has no 'name' attr the refcount
pruning pass should be tolerant to this"""
def bar(tyctx, x, y):
def codegen(cgctx, builder, sig, args):
(arg_0, arg_1) = args
fty = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32), [ir.IntType(32),
mul = builder.asm(fty, "mov $2, $0; imul $1, $0", "=&r,r,r",
(arg_0, arg_1), name="asm_mul",
return impl_ret_untracked(cgctx, builder, sig.return_type, mul)
return signature(types.int32, types.int32, types.int32), codegen
def foo(x):
x += 1
z = bar(x, 2)
return z
self.assertEqual(foo(10), 22) # expect (10 + 1) * 2 = 22
class TestNrtExternalCFFI(EnableNRTStatsMixin, TestCase):
"""Testing the use of externally compiled C code that use NRT
def setUp(self):
# initialize the NRT (in case the tests are run in isolation)
super(TestNrtExternalCFFI, self).setUp()
def compile_cffi_module(self, name, source, cdef):
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()
ffi.set_source(name, source, include_dirs=[include_path()])
tmpdir = temp_directory("cffi_test_{}".format(name))
mod = import_dynamic(name)
return ffi, mod
def get_nrt_api_table(self):
from cffi import FFI
ffi = FFI()
nrt_get_api = ffi.cast("void* (*)()", _nrt_python.c_helpers['get_api'])
table = nrt_get_api()
return table
def test_manage_memory(self):
name = "{}_test_manage_memory".format(self.__class__.__name__)
source = r"""
#include <stdio.h>
#include "numba/core/runtime/nrt_external.h"
int status = 0;
void my_dtor(void *ptr) {
status = 0xdead;
NRT_MemInfo* test_nrt_api(NRT_api_functions *nrt) {
void * data = malloc(10);
NRT_MemInfo *mi = nrt->manage_memory(data, my_dtor);
status = 0xa110c;
return mi;
cdef = """
void* test_nrt_api(void *nrt);
extern int status;
ffi, mod = self.compile_cffi_module(name, source, cdef)
# Init status is 0
self.assertEqual(mod.lib.status, 0)
table = self.get_nrt_api_table()
out = mod.lib.test_nrt_api(table)
# status is now 0xa110c
self.assertEqual(mod.lib.status, 0xa110c)
mi_addr = int(ffi.cast("size_t", out))
mi = nrt.MemInfo(mi_addr)
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
del mi # force deallocation on mi
# status is now 0xdead
self.assertEqual(mod.lib.status, 0xdead)
def test_allocate(self):
name = "{}_test_allocate".format(self.__class__.__name__)
source = r"""
#include <stdio.h>
#include "numba/core/runtime/nrt_external.h"
NRT_MemInfo* test_nrt_api(NRT_api_functions *nrt, size_t n) {
size_t *data = NULL;
NRT_MemInfo *mi = nrt->allocate(n);
data = nrt->get_data(mi);
data[0] = 0xded;
data[1] = 0xabc;
data[2] = 0xdef;
return mi;
cdef = "void* test_nrt_api(void *nrt, size_t n);"
ffi, mod = self.compile_cffi_module(name, source, cdef)
table = self.get_nrt_api_table()
numbytes = 3 * np.dtype(np.intp).itemsize
out = mod.lib.test_nrt_api(table, numbytes)
mi_addr = int(ffi.cast("size_t", out))
mi = nrt.MemInfo(mi_addr)
self.assertEqual(mi.refcount, 1)
buffer = ffi.buffer(ffi.cast("char [{}]".format(numbytes), mi.data))
arr = np.ndarray(shape=(3,), dtype=np.intp, buffer=buffer)
np.testing.assert_equal(arr, [0xded, 0xabc, 0xdef])
def test_get_api(self):
from cffi import FFI
def test_nrt_api():
return NRT_get_api()
ffi = FFI()
expect = int(ffi.cast('size_t', self.get_nrt_api_table()))
got = test_nrt_api()
self.assertEqual(expect, got)
class TestNrtStatistics(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# Store the current stats state
self.__stats_state = _nrt_python.memsys_stats_enabled()
def tearDown(self):
# Set stats state back to whatever it was before the test ran
if self.__stats_state:
def test_stats_env_var_explicit_on(self):
# Checks that explicitly turning the stats on via the env var works.
src = """if 1:
from numba import njit
import numpy as np
from numba.core.runtime import rtsys, _nrt_python
from numba.core.registry import cpu_target
def foo():
return np.arange(10)[0]
# initialize the NRT before use
assert _nrt_python.memsys_stats_enabled()
orig_stats = rtsys.get_allocation_stats()
new_stats = rtsys.get_allocation_stats()
total_alloc = new_stats.alloc - orig_stats.alloc
total_free = new_stats.free - orig_stats.free
total_mi_alloc = new_stats.mi_alloc - orig_stats.mi_alloc
total_mi_free = new_stats.mi_free - orig_stats.mi_free
expected = 1
assert total_alloc == expected
assert total_free == expected
assert total_mi_alloc == expected
assert total_mi_free == expected
# Check env var explicitly being set works
env = os.environ.copy()
env['NUMBA_NRT_STATS'] = "1"
run_in_subprocess(src, env=env)
def check_env_var_off(self, env):
src = """if 1:
from numba import njit
import numpy as np
from numba.core.runtime import rtsys, _nrt_python
def foo():
return np.arange(10)[0]
assert _nrt_python.memsys_stats_enabled() == False
except RuntimeError as e:
assert "NRT stats are disabled." in str(e)
run_in_subprocess(src, env=env)
def test_stats_env_var_explicit_off(self):
# Checks that explicitly turning the stats off via the env var works.
env = os.environ.copy()
env['NUMBA_NRT_STATS'] = "0"
def test_stats_env_var_default_off(self):
# Checks that the env var not being set is the same as "off", i.e.
# default for Numba is off.
env = os.environ.copy()
env.pop('NUMBA_NRT_STATS', None)
def test_stats_status_toggle(self):
def foo():
tmp = np.ones(3)
return np.arange(5 * tmp[0])
# Switch on stats
# check the stats are on
for i in range(2):
# capture the stats state
stats_1 = rtsys.get_allocation_stats()
# Switch off stats
# check the stats are off
# run something that would move the counters were they enabled
# Switch on stats
# check the stats are on
# capture the stats state (should not have changed)
stats_2 = rtsys.get_allocation_stats()
# run something that will move the counters
# capture the stats state (should have changed)
stats_3 = rtsys.get_allocation_stats()
# check stats_1 == stats_2
self.assertEqual(stats_1, stats_2)
# check stats_2 < stats_3
self.assertLess(stats_2, stats_3)
def test_rtsys_stats_query_raises_exception_when_disabled(self):
# Checks that the standard rtsys.get_allocation_stats() query raises
# when stats counters are turned off.
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as raises:
self.assertIn("NRT stats are disabled.", str(raises.exception))
def test_nrt_explicit_stats_query_raises_exception_when_disabled(self):
# Checks the various memsys_get_stats functions raise if queried when
# the stats counters are disabled.
method_variations = ('alloc', 'free', 'mi_alloc', 'mi_free')
for meth in method_variations:
stats_func = getattr(_nrt_python, f'memsys_get_stats_{meth}')
with self.subTest(stats_func=stats_func):
# Turn stats off
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as raises:
self.assertIn("NRT stats are disabled.", str(raises.exception))
if __name__ == '__main__':