183 lines
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183 lines
6.3 KiB
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, cast
from ..backends import Ops
from ..config import registry
from ..initializers import glorot_uniform_init, zero_init
from ..model import Model
from ..types import Floats1d, Floats2d, Floats4d, Padded, Ragged
from ..util import get_width
from .noop import noop
def LSTM(
nO: Optional[int] = None,
nI: Optional[int] = None,
bi: bool = False,
depth: int = 1,
dropout: float = 0.0,
init_W: Optional[Callable] = None,
init_b: Optional[Callable] = None,
) -> Model[Padded, Padded]:
if depth == 0:
msg = "LSTM depth must be at least 1. Maybe we should make this a noop?"
raise ValueError(msg)
if init_W is None:
init_W = glorot_uniform_init
if init_b is None:
init_b = zero_init
model: Model[Padded, Padded] = Model(
dims={"nO": nO, "nI": nI, "depth": depth, "dirs": 1 + int(bi)},
attrs={"registry_name": "LSTM.v1", "dropout_rate": dropout},
params={"LSTM": None, "HC0": None},
init=partial(init, init_W, init_b),
return model
def PyTorchLSTM(
nO: int, nI: int, *, bi: bool = False, depth: int = 1, dropout: float = 0.0
) -> Model[Padded, Padded]:
import torch.nn
from .pytorchwrapper import PyTorchRNNWrapper
from .with_padded import with_padded
if depth == 0:
return noop() # type: ignore[misc]
nH = nO
if bi:
nH = nO // 2
pytorch_rnn = PyTorchRNNWrapper(
torch.nn.LSTM(nI, nH, depth, bidirectional=bi, dropout=dropout)
pytorch_rnn.set_dim("nO", nO)
pytorch_rnn.set_dim("nI", nI)
return with_padded(pytorch_rnn)
def init(
init_W: Callable,
init_b: Callable,
model: Model,
X: Optional[Padded] = None,
Y: Optional[Padded] = None,
) -> None:
if X is not None:
model.set_dim("nI", get_width(X))
if Y is not None:
model.set_dim("nO", get_width(Y))
nH = int(model.get_dim("nO") / model.get_dim("dirs"))
nI = model.get_dim("nI")
depth = model.get_dim("depth")
dirs = model.get_dim("dirs")
# It's easiest to use the initializer if we alloc the weights separately
# and then stick them all together afterwards. The order matters here:
# we need to keep the same format that CuDNN expects.
params = []
# Convenience
init_W = partial(init_W, model.ops)
init_b = partial(init_b, model.ops)
layer_nI = nI
for i in range(depth):
for j in range(dirs):
# Input-to-gates weights and biases.
params.append(init_W((nH, layer_nI)))
params.append(init_W((nH, layer_nI)))
params.append(init_W((nH, layer_nI)))
params.append(init_W((nH, layer_nI)))
# Hidden-to-gates weights and biases
params.append(init_W((nH, nH)))
params.append(init_W((nH, nH)))
params.append(init_W((nH, nH)))
params.append(init_W((nH, nH)))
layer_nI = nH * dirs
model.set_param("LSTM", model.ops.xp.concatenate([p.ravel() for p in params]))
model.set_param("HC0", zero_init(model.ops, (2, depth, dirs, nH)))
size = model.get_param("LSTM").size
expected = 4 * dirs * nH * (nH + nI) + dirs * (8 * nH)
for _ in range(1, depth):
expected += 4 * dirs * (nH + nH * dirs) * nH + dirs * (8 * nH)
assert size == expected, (size, expected)
def forward(
model: Model[Padded, Padded], Xp: Padded, is_train: bool
) -> Tuple[Padded, Callable]:
dropout = model.attrs["dropout_rate"]
Xr = _padded_to_packed(model.ops, Xp)
LSTM = cast(Floats1d, model.get_param("LSTM"))
HC0 = cast(Floats4d, model.get_param("HC0"))
H0 = HC0[0]
C0 = HC0[1]
if is_train:
# Apply dropout over *weights*, not *activations*. RNN activations are
# heavily correlated, so dropout over the activations is less effective.
# This trick was explained in Yarin Gal's thesis, and popularised by
# Smerity in the AWD-LSTM. It also means we can do the dropout outside
# of the backend, improving compatibility.
mask = cast(Floats1d, model.ops.get_dropout_mask(LSTM.shape, dropout))
LSTM = LSTM * mask
Y, fwd_state = model.ops.lstm_forward_training(
LSTM, H0, C0, cast(Floats2d, Xr.data), Xr.lengths
Y = model.ops.lstm_forward_inference(
LSTM, H0, C0, cast(Floats2d, Xr.data), Xr.lengths
fwd_state = tuple()
assert Y.shape == (Xr.data.shape[0], Y.shape[1]), (Xr.data.shape, Y.shape)
Yp = _packed_to_padded(model.ops, Ragged(Y, Xr.lengths), Xp)
def backprop(dYp: Padded) -> Padded:
assert fwd_state
dYr = _padded_to_packed(model.ops, dYp)
dX, dLSTM = model.ops.backprop_lstm(
cast(Floats2d, dYr.data), dYr.lengths, LSTM, fwd_state
dLSTM *= mask
model.inc_grad("LSTM", dLSTM)
return _packed_to_padded(model.ops, Ragged(dX, dYr.lengths), dYp)
return Yp, backprop
def _padded_to_packed(ops: Ops, Xp: Padded) -> Ragged:
"""Strip padding from a padded sequence."""
assert Xp.lengths.sum() == Xp.size_at_t.sum(), (
Y = ops.alloc2f(Xp.lengths.sum(), Xp.data.shape[2])
start = 0
for t in range(Xp.size_at_t.shape[0]):
batch_size = Xp.size_at_t[t]
Y[start : start + batch_size] = Xp.data[t, :batch_size] # type: ignore[assignment]
start += batch_size
return Ragged(Y, Xp.size_at_t)
def _packed_to_padded(ops: Ops, Xr: Ragged, Xp: Padded) -> Padded:
Y = ops.alloc3f(Xp.data.shape[0], Xp.data.shape[1], Xr.data.shape[1])
X = cast(Floats2d, Xr.data)
start = 0
for t in range(Xp.size_at_t.shape[0]):
batch_size = Xp.size_at_t[t]
Y[t, :batch_size] = X[start : start + batch_size]
start += batch_size
return Padded(Y, size_at_t=Xp.size_at_t, lengths=Xp.lengths, indices=Xp.indices)