217 lines
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217 lines
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# cython: infer_types=True, cdivision=True, bounds_check=False, wraparound=False, profile=False
cimport cython
cimport numpy as np
from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, uint32_t, uint64_t
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple
from ..backends import CupyOps, NumpyOps
from ..config import registry
from ..model import Model
from ..types import ArrayXd
from ..util import get_array_module, get_width, is_cupy_array, is_numpy_array
InT = Tuple[ArrayXd, ArrayXd, ArrayXd]
OutT = ArrayXd
def SparseLinear(nO: Optional[int] = None, length: int = 2 ** 18):
# NB: We can't have generic return type annotation if we want function to
# be bound (and inspectable): https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/2753
return Model(
params={"W": None, "b": None},
dims={"nO": nO, "length": length},
attrs={"v1_indexing": True},
def SparseLinear_v2(nO: Optional[int] = None, length: int = 2 ** 18):
# NB: We can't have generic return type annotation if we want function to
# be bound (and inspectable): https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/2753
return Model(
params={"W": None, "b": None},
dims={"nO": nO, "length": length},
attrs={"v1_indexing": False},
def forward(model: Model, keys_values_lengths: InT, is_train: bool) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable]:
# NB: We can't have generic Model annotation if we want function to
# be bound (and inspectable): https://github.com/cython/cython/issues/2753
keys, values, lengths = keys_values_lengths
if is_cupy_array(keys):
# Currently we don't have a GPU-compatible implementation of this function :(
# It sucks, but at least we can get the correct result by copying to CPU.
return _begin_gpu_update(model, keys, values, lengths)
return _begin_cpu_update(model, keys, values, lengths)
def init(model: Model[InT, OutT], X: Optional[InT] = None, Y: Optional[OutT] = None) -> Model[InT, OutT]:
if Y is not None:
model.set_dim("nO", get_width(Y))
nO = model.get_dim("nO")
length = model.get_dim("length")
model.set_param("W", model.ops.alloc((nO * length,), dtype="f"))
model.set_param("b", model.ops.alloc((nO,), dtype="f"))
return model
def _begin_gpu_update(model: Model[InT, OutT], keys: ArrayXd, values: ArrayXd, lengths: ArrayXd) -> Tuple[ArrayXd, Callable]:
xp = get_array_module(keys)
scores_cpu, callback = _begin_cpu_update(model, keys.get(), values.get(), lengths.get())
def backprop_gpu_update(d_scores: ArrayXd) -> Tuple[ArrayXd, ArrayXd, ArrayXd]:
return (keys, values, lengths)
return xp.asarray(scores_cpu), backprop_gpu_update
def _begin_cpu_update(model, np.ndarray keys, np.ndarray values, np.ndarray lengths):
cdef int nO = model.get_dim("nO")
cdef int length = model.get_dim("length")
cdef np.ndarray W = model.get_param("W")
cdef np.ndarray b = model.get_param("b")
cdef np.ndarray scores = model.ops.alloc((len(lengths), nO))
cdef bint v1_indexing = model.attrs["v1_indexing"]
scores += b
<uint64_t*>keys.data, <float*>values.data, <int32_t*>lengths.data,
lengths.shape[0], nO,
<float*>W.data, length, v1_indexing)
return scores, _finish_linear_update(model, keys, values, lengths)
class _finish_linear_update:
"""Move this out of a closure, into its own callable object, to avoid
pickling errors :(."""
def __init__(self, model, keys, values, lengths):
self.model = model
self.keys = keys
self.values = values
self.lengths = lengths
def __call__(self, float[:, ::1] d_scores):
nO = self.model.get_dim("nO")
length = self.model.get_dim("length")
cdef np.ndarray d_weights = self.model.ops.alloc((nO*length,))
cdef np.ndarray d_bias = self.model.ops.alloc((nO,))
cdef np.ndarray keys = self.keys
cdef np.ndarray values = self.values
cdef np.ndarray lengths = self.lengths
cdef bint v1_indexing = self.model.attrs["v1_indexing"]
<uint64_t*>keys.data, <float*>values.data, <int32_t*>lengths.data,
lengths.shape[0], nO, &d_scores[0,0], length, v1_indexing)
cdef int i, j
for i in range(d_scores.shape[0]):
for j in range(d_scores.shape[1]):
d_bias[j] += d_scores[i, j]
self.model.inc_grad("W", d_weights)
self.model.inc_grad("b", d_bias)
return (self.keys, self.values, self.lengths)
# v1_indexing is invalid and only uses a subset of the weight matrix, v1
# indexing is provided here for compatibility. See #752 for more information.
cdef void set_scoresC(float* scores,
const uint64_t* keys, const float* values, const int32_t* lengths,
int batch_size, int nr_out, const float* weights, int nr_weight,
bint v1_indexing) nogil:
cdef uint32_t idx1, idx2
cdef uint32_t hash1, hash2
for length in lengths[:batch_size]:
for i in range(length):
hash1 = MurmurHash3_x86_32_uint64(keys[i], 0)
hash2 = MurmurHash3_x86_32_uint64(keys[i], 1)
if v1_indexing:
idx1 = hash1 & (nr_weight-1)
idx2 = hash2 & (nr_weight-1)
idx1 = hash1 % nr_weight
idx2 = hash2 % nr_weight
value = values[i]
for clas in range(nr_out):
if v1_indexing:
scores[clas] += weights[idx1 + clas] * value
scores[clas] += weights[idx2 + clas] * value
scores[clas] += weights[(clas * nr_weight) + idx1] * value
scores[clas] += weights[(clas * nr_weight) + idx2] * value
scores += nr_out
keys += length
values += length
# v1_indexing is invalid and only uses a subset of the weight matrix, v1
# indexing is provided here for compatibility. See #752 for more information.
cdef void set_gradientC(float* d_weights,
const uint64_t* keys, const float* values, const int32_t* lengths,
int batch_size, int nr_out, const float* d_scores, int nr_weight,
bint v1_indexing) nogil:
cdef uint32_t idx1, idx2
cdef uint32_t hash1, hash2
for length in lengths[:batch_size]:
for i in range(length):
hash1 = MurmurHash3_x86_32_uint64(keys[i], 0)
hash2 = MurmurHash3_x86_32_uint64(keys[i], 1)
if v1_indexing:
idx1 = hash1 & (nr_weight-1)
idx2 = hash2 & (nr_weight-1)
idx1 = hash1 % nr_weight
idx2 = hash2 % nr_weight
value = values[i]
for clas in range(nr_out):
if v1_indexing:
d_weights[idx1 + clas] += d_scores[clas] * value
d_weights[idx2 + clas] += d_scores[clas] * value
d_weights[(clas * nr_weight) + idx1] += d_scores[clas] * value
d_weights[(clas * nr_weight) + idx2] += d_scores[clas] * value
d_scores += nr_out
keys += length
values += length
cdef uint32_t MurmurHash3_x86_32_uint64(uint64_t key, uint32_t seed) nogil:
cdef uint32_t h1 = seed
cdef uint32_t c1 = 0xcc9e2d51u
cdef uint32_t c2 = 0x1b873593u
cdef uint32_t k1
k1 = key & 0xffffffffu
k1 *= c1
k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >> 17)
k1 *= c2
h1 ^= k1
h1 = (h1 << 13) | (h1 >> 19)
h1 = h1*5+0xe6546b64u
k1 = key >> 32
k1 *= c1
k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >> 17)
k1 *= c2
h1 ^= k1
h1 = (h1 << 13) | (h1 >> 19)
h1 = h1*5+0xe6546b64u
h1 ^= 8
h1 ^= h1 >> 16
h1 *= 0x85ebca6bu
h1 ^= h1 >> 13
h1 *= 0xc2b2ae35u
h1 ^= h1 >> 16
return h1