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2024-05-03 04:18:51 +03:00
from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple
import numpy
from ..config import registry
from ..model import Model
from ..types import Floats2d, Ints2d
InT = Ints2d
OutT = Floats2d
def uniqued(layer: Model, *, column: int = 0) -> Model[InT, OutT]:
"""Group inputs to a layer, so that the layer only has to compute for the
unique values. The data is transformed back before output, and the same
transformation is applied for the gradient. Effectively, this is a cache
local to each minibatch.
return Model(
dims={"nO": None, "nI": None},
attrs={"column": column},
def forward(model: Model[InT, OutT], X: InT, is_train: bool) -> Tuple[OutT, Callable]:
column: int = model.attrs["column"]
layer = model.layers[0]
if X.size < 2:
return layer(X, is_train)
keys = X[:, column]
if not isinstance(keys, numpy.ndarray):
keys = keys.get() # pragma: no cover
uniq_keys, ind, inv, counts = layer.ops.xp.unique(
keys, return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True
counts = model.ops.reshape2i(counts, -1, 1)
X_uniq = X[ind]
Y_uniq, bp_Y_uniq = layer(X_uniq, is_train)
Y = Y_uniq[inv].reshape((X.shape[0],) + Y_uniq.shape[1:])
uniq_shape = tuple(Y_uniq.shape)
def backprop(dY: OutT) -> InT:
dY_uniq = layer.ops.alloc2f(*uniq_shape)
layer.ops.scatter_add(dY_uniq, layer.ops.asarray_i(inv), dY)
d_uniques = bp_Y_uniq(dY_uniq)
# This confusing bit of indexing "ununiques"
return (d_uniques / counts)[inv]
return Y, backprop
def init(
model: Model[InT, OutT], X: Optional[InT] = None, Y: Optional[OutT] = None
) -> None:
layer = model.layers[0]
layer.initialize(X=X, Y=Y)
if layer.has_dim("nI"):
model.set_dim("nI", layer.get_dim("nI")) # pragma: no cover
if layer.has_dim("nO"):
model.set_dim("nO", layer.get_dim("nO"))