# # The Python Imaging Library # $Id$ # # Simple PostScript graphics interface # # History: # 1996-04-20 fl Created # 1999-01-10 fl Added gsave/grestore to image method # 2005-05-04 fl Fixed floating point issue in image (from Eric Etheridge) # # Copyright (c) 1997-2005 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 1996 by Fredrik Lundh. # # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. # from __future__ import annotations import sys from . import EpsImagePlugin ## # Simple PostScript graphics interface. class PSDraw: """ Sets up printing to the given file. If ``fp`` is omitted, ``sys.stdout.buffer`` or ``sys.stdout`` is assumed. """ def __init__(self, fp=None): if not fp: try: fp = sys.stdout.buffer except AttributeError: fp = sys.stdout self.fp = fp def begin_document(self, id=None): """Set up printing of a document. (Write PostScript DSC header.)""" # FIXME: incomplete self.fp.write( b"%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n" b"save\n" b"/showpage { } def\n" b"%%EndComments\n" b"%%BeginDocument\n" ) # self.fp.write(ERROR_PS) # debugging! self.fp.write(EDROFF_PS) self.fp.write(VDI_PS) self.fp.write(b"%%EndProlog\n") self.isofont = {} def end_document(self): """Ends printing. (Write PostScript DSC footer.)""" self.fp.write(b"%%EndDocument\nrestore showpage\n%%End\n") if hasattr(self.fp, "flush"): self.fp.flush() def setfont(self, font, size): """ Selects which font to use. :param font: A PostScript font name :param size: Size in points. """ font = bytes(font, "UTF-8") if font not in self.isofont: # reencode font self.fp.write(b"/PSDraw-%s ISOLatin1Encoding /%s E\n" % (font, font)) self.isofont[font] = 1 # rough self.fp.write(b"/F0 %d /PSDraw-%s F\n" % (size, font)) def line(self, xy0, xy1): """ Draws a line between the two points. Coordinates are given in PostScript point coordinates (72 points per inch, (0, 0) is the lower left corner of the page). """ self.fp.write(b"%d %d %d %d Vl\n" % (*xy0, *xy1)) def rectangle(self, box): """ Draws a rectangle. :param box: A tuple of four integers, specifying left, bottom, width and height. """ self.fp.write(b"%d %d M 0 %d %d Vr\n" % box) def text(self, xy, text): """ Draws text at the given position. You must use :py:meth:`~PIL.PSDraw.PSDraw.setfont` before calling this method. """ text = bytes(text, "UTF-8") text = b"\\(".join(text.split(b"(")) text = b"\\)".join(text.split(b")")) xy += (text,) self.fp.write(b"%d %d M (%s) S\n" % xy) def image(self, box, im, dpi=None): """Draw a PIL image, centered in the given box.""" # default resolution depends on mode if not dpi: if im.mode == "1": dpi = 200 # fax else: dpi = 100 # grayscale # image size (on paper) x = im.size[0] * 72 / dpi y = im.size[1] * 72 / dpi # max allowed size xmax = float(box[2] - box[0]) ymax = float(box[3] - box[1]) if x > xmax: y = y * xmax / x x = xmax if y > ymax: x = x * ymax / y y = ymax dx = (xmax - x) / 2 + box[0] dy = (ymax - y) / 2 + box[1] self.fp.write(b"gsave\n%f %f translate\n" % (dx, dy)) if (x, y) != im.size: # EpsImagePlugin._save prints the image at (0,0,xsize,ysize) sx = x / im.size[0] sy = y / im.size[1] self.fp.write(b"%f %f scale\n" % (sx, sy)) EpsImagePlugin._save(im, self.fp, None, 0) self.fp.write(b"\ngrestore\n") # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # PostScript driver # # EDROFF.PS -- PostScript driver for Edroff 2 # # History: # 94-01-25 fl: created (edroff 2.04) # # Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1994. # EDROFF_PS = b"""\ /S { show } bind def /P { moveto show } bind def /M { moveto } bind def /X { 0 rmoveto } bind def /Y { 0 exch rmoveto } bind def /E { findfont dup maxlength dict begin { 1 index /FID ne { def } { pop pop } ifelse } forall /Encoding exch def dup /FontName exch def currentdict end definefont pop } bind def /F { findfont exch scalefont dup setfont [ exch /setfont cvx ] cvx bind def } bind def """ # # VDI.PS -- PostScript driver for VDI meta commands # # History: # 94-01-25 fl: created (edroff 2.04) # # Copyright (c) Fredrik Lundh 1994. # VDI_PS = b"""\ /Vm { moveto } bind def /Va { newpath arcn stroke } bind def /Vl { moveto lineto stroke } bind def /Vc { newpath 0 360 arc closepath } bind def /Vr { exch dup 0 rlineto exch dup 0 exch rlineto exch neg 0 rlineto 0 exch neg rlineto setgray fill } bind def /Tm matrix def /Ve { Tm currentmatrix pop translate scale newpath 0 0 .5 0 360 arc closepath Tm setmatrix } bind def /Vf { currentgray exch setgray fill setgray } bind def """ # # ERROR.PS -- Error handler # # History: # 89-11-21 fl: created (pslist 1.10) # ERROR_PS = b"""\ /landscape false def /errorBUF 200 string def /errorNL { currentpoint 10 sub exch pop 72 exch moveto } def errordict begin /handleerror { initmatrix /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont newpath 72 720 moveto $error begin /newerror false def (PostScript Error) show errorNL errorNL (Error: ) show /errorname load errorBUF cvs show errorNL errorNL (Command: ) show /command load dup type /stringtype ne { errorBUF cvs } if show errorNL errorNL (VMstatus: ) show vmstatus errorBUF cvs show ( bytes available, ) show errorBUF cvs show ( bytes used at level ) show errorBUF cvs show errorNL errorNL (Operand stargck: ) show errorNL /ostargck load { dup type /stringtype ne { errorBUF cvs } if 72 0 rmoveto show errorNL } forall errorNL (Execution stargck: ) show errorNL /estargck load { dup type /stringtype ne { errorBUF cvs } if 72 0 rmoveto show errorNL } forall end showpage } def end """