r"""The :mod:`loky` module manages a pool of worker that can be re-used across time. It provides a robust and dynamic implementation os the :class:`ProcessPoolExecutor` and a function :func:`get_reusable_executor` which hide the pool management under the hood. """ from concurrent.futures import ( ALL_COMPLETED, FIRST_COMPLETED, FIRST_EXCEPTION, CancelledError, Executor, TimeoutError, as_completed, wait, ) from ._base import Future from .backend.context import cpu_count from .backend.reduction import set_loky_pickler from .reusable_executor import get_reusable_executor from .cloudpickle_wrapper import wrap_non_picklable_objects from .process_executor import BrokenProcessPool, ProcessPoolExecutor __all__ = [ "get_reusable_executor", "cpu_count", "wait", "as_completed", "Future", "Executor", "ProcessPoolExecutor", "BrokenProcessPool", "CancelledError", "TimeoutError", "FIRST_COMPLETED", "FIRST_EXCEPTION", "ALL_COMPLETED", "wrap_non_picklable_objects", "set_loky_pickler", ] __version__ = "3.4.1"