import time import numpy as np import pygame as pg from moviepy.decorators import requires_duration pg.init() pg.display.set_caption('MoviePy') @requires_duration def preview(clip, fps=22050, buffersize=4000, nbytes=2, audioFlag=None, videoFlag=None): """ Plays the sound clip with pygame. Parameters ----------- fps Frame rate of the sound. 44100 gives top quality, but may cause problems if your computer is not fast enough and your clip is complicated. If the sound jumps during the preview, lower it (11025 is still fine, 5000 is tolerable). buffersize The sound is not generated all at once, but rather made by bunches of frames (chunks). ``buffersize`` is the size of such a chunk. Try varying it if you meet audio problems (but you shouldn't have to). nbytes: Number of bytes to encode the sound: 1 for 8bit sound, 2 for 16bit, 4 for 32bit sound. 2 bytes is fine. audioFlag, videoFlag: Instances of class threading events that are used to synchronize video and audio during ``VideoClip.preview()``. """ pg.mixer.quit() pg.mixer.init(fps, -8 * nbytes, clip.nchannels, 1024) totalsize = int(fps*clip.duration) pospos = np.array(list(range(0, totalsize, buffersize))+[totalsize]) tt = (1.0/fps)*np.arange(pospos[0], pospos[1]) sndarray = clip.to_soundarray(tt, nbytes=nbytes, quantize=True) chunk = pg.sndarray.make_sound(sndarray) if (audioFlag is not None) and (videoFlag is not None): audioFlag.set() videoFlag.wait() channel = for i in range(1, len(pospos)-1): tt = (1.0/fps)*np.arange(pospos[i], pospos[i+1]) sndarray = clip.to_soundarray(tt, nbytes=nbytes, quantize=True) chunk = pg.sndarray.make_sound(sndarray) while channel.get_queue(): time.sleep(0.003) if videoFlag is not None: if not videoFlag.is_set(): channel.stop() del channel return channel.queue(chunk)