import threading import time import numpy as np import pygame as pg from moviepy.decorators import convert_masks_to_RGB, requires_duration from import cvsecs pg.init() pg.display.set_caption('MoviePy') def imdisplay(imarray, screen=None): """Splashes the given image array on the given pygame screen """ a = pg.surfarray.make_surface(imarray.swapaxes(0, 1)) if screen is None: screen = pg.display.set_mode(imarray.shape[:2][::-1]) screen.blit(a, (0, 0)) pg.display.flip() @convert_masks_to_RGB def show(clip, t=0, with_mask=True, interactive=False): """ Splashes the frame of clip corresponding to time ``t``. Parameters ------------ t Time in seconds of the frame to display. with_mask ``False`` if the clip has a mask but you want to see the clip without the mask. """ if isinstance(t, tuple): t = cvsecs(*t) if with_mask and (clip.mask is not None): import as cvc clip = cvc.CompositeVideoClip([clip.set_position((0, 0))]) img = clip.get_frame(t) imdisplay(img) if interactive: result = [] while True: for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE: print("Keyboard interrupt") return result elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x, y = pg.mouse.get_pos() rgb = img[y, x] result.append({'position': (x, y), 'color': rgb}) print("position, color : ", "%s, %s" % (str((x, y)), str(rgb))) time.sleep(.03) @requires_duration @convert_masks_to_RGB def preview(clip, fps=15, audio=True, audio_fps=22050, audio_buffersize=3000, audio_nbytes=2, fullscreen=False): """ Displays the clip in a window, at the given frames per second (of movie) rate. It will avoid that the clip be played faster than normal, but it cannot avoid the clip to be played slower than normal if the computations are complex. In this case, try reducing the ``fps``. Parameters ------------ fps Number of frames per seconds in the displayed video. audio ``True`` (default) if you want the clip's audio be played during the preview. audio_fps The frames per second to use when generating the audio sound. fullscreen ``True`` if you want the preview to be displayed fullscreen. """ if fullscreen: flags = pg.FULLSCREEN else: flags = 0 # compute and splash the first image screen = pg.display.set_mode(clip.size, flags) audio = audio and ( is not None) if audio: # the sound will be played in parrallel. We are not # parralellizing it on different CPUs because it seems that # pygame and openCV already use several cpus it seems. # two synchro-flags to tell whether audio and video are ready videoFlag = threading.Event() audioFlag = threading.Event() # launch the thread audiothread = threading.Thread(, args=(audio_fps, audio_buffersize, audio_nbytes, audioFlag, videoFlag)) audiothread.start() img = clip.get_frame(0) imdisplay(img, screen) if audio: # synchronize with audio videoFlag.set() # say to the audio: video is ready audioFlag.wait() # wait for the audio to be ready result = [] t0 = time.time() for t in np.arange(1.0 / fps, clip.duration-.001, 1.0 / fps): img = clip.get_frame(t) for event in pg.event.get(): if event.type == pg.QUIT or \ (event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE): if audio: videoFlag.clear() print("Interrupt") return result elif event.type == pg.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x, y = pg.mouse.get_pos() rgb = img[y, x] result.append({'time': t, 'position': (x, y), 'color': rgb}) print("time, position, color : ", "%.03f, %s, %s" % (t, str((x, y)), str(rgb))) t1 = time.time() time.sleep(max(0, t - (t1-t0))) imdisplay(img, screen)