# Natural Language Toolkit: An Incremental Earley Chart Parser # # Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project # Author: Peter Ljunglöf # Rob Speer # Edward Loper # Steven Bird # Jean Mark Gawron # URL: # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT """ Data classes and parser implementations for *incremental* chart parsers, which use dynamic programming to efficiently parse a text. A "chart parser" derives parse trees for a text by iteratively adding \"edges\" to a \"chart\". Each "edge" represents a hypothesis about the tree structure for a subsequence of the text. The "chart" is a \"blackboard\" for composing and combining these hypotheses. A parser is "incremental", if it guarantees that for all i, j where i < j, all edges ending at i are built before any edges ending at j. This is appealing for, say, speech recognizer hypothesis filtering. The main parser class is ``EarleyChartParser``, which is a top-down algorithm, originally formulated by Jay Earley (1970). """ from time import perf_counter from nltk.parse.chart import ( BottomUpPredictCombineRule, BottomUpPredictRule, CachedTopDownPredictRule, Chart, ChartParser, EdgeI, EmptyPredictRule, FilteredBottomUpPredictCombineRule, FilteredSingleEdgeFundamentalRule, LeafEdge, LeafInitRule, SingleEdgeFundamentalRule, TopDownInitRule, ) from nltk.parse.featurechart import ( FeatureBottomUpPredictCombineRule, FeatureBottomUpPredictRule, FeatureChart, FeatureChartParser, FeatureEmptyPredictRule, FeatureSingleEdgeFundamentalRule, FeatureTopDownInitRule, FeatureTopDownPredictRule, ) # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Incremental Chart # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class IncrementalChart(Chart): def initialize(self): # A sequence of edge lists contained in this chart. self._edgelists = tuple([] for x in self._positions()) # The set of child pointer lists associated with each edge. self._edge_to_cpls = {} # Indexes mapping attribute values to lists of edges # (used by select()). self._indexes = {} def edges(self): return list(self.iteredges()) def iteredges(self): return (edge for edgelist in self._edgelists for edge in edgelist) def select(self, end, **restrictions): edgelist = self._edgelists[end] # If there are no restrictions, then return all edges. if restrictions == {}: return iter(edgelist) # Find the index corresponding to the given restrictions. restr_keys = sorted(restrictions.keys()) restr_keys = tuple(restr_keys) # If it doesn't exist, then create it. if restr_keys not in self._indexes: self._add_index(restr_keys) vals = tuple(restrictions[key] for key in restr_keys) return iter(self._indexes[restr_keys][end].get(vals, [])) def _add_index(self, restr_keys): # Make sure it's a valid index. for key in restr_keys: if not hasattr(EdgeI, key): raise ValueError("Bad restriction: %s" % key) # Create the index. index = self._indexes[restr_keys] = tuple({} for x in self._positions()) # Add all existing edges to the index. for end, edgelist in enumerate(self._edgelists): this_index = index[end] for edge in edgelist: vals = tuple(getattr(edge, key)() for key in restr_keys) this_index.setdefault(vals, []).append(edge) def _register_with_indexes(self, edge): end = edge.end() for (restr_keys, index) in self._indexes.items(): vals = tuple(getattr(edge, key)() for key in restr_keys) index[end].setdefault(vals, []).append(edge) def _append_edge(self, edge): self._edgelists[edge.end()].append(edge) def _positions(self): return range(self.num_leaves() + 1) class FeatureIncrementalChart(IncrementalChart, FeatureChart): def select(self, end, **restrictions): edgelist = self._edgelists[end] # If there are no restrictions, then return all edges. if restrictions == {}: return iter(edgelist) # Find the index corresponding to the given restrictions. restr_keys = sorted(restrictions.keys()) restr_keys = tuple(restr_keys) # If it doesn't exist, then create it. if restr_keys not in self._indexes: self._add_index(restr_keys) vals = tuple( self._get_type_if_possible(restrictions[key]) for key in restr_keys ) return iter(self._indexes[restr_keys][end].get(vals, [])) def _add_index(self, restr_keys): # Make sure it's a valid index. for key in restr_keys: if not hasattr(EdgeI, key): raise ValueError("Bad restriction: %s" % key) # Create the index. index = self._indexes[restr_keys] = tuple({} for x in self._positions()) # Add all existing edges to the index. for end, edgelist in enumerate(self._edgelists): this_index = index[end] for edge in edgelist: vals = tuple( self._get_type_if_possible(getattr(edge, key)()) for key in restr_keys ) this_index.setdefault(vals, []).append(edge) def _register_with_indexes(self, edge): end = edge.end() for (restr_keys, index) in self._indexes.items(): vals = tuple( self._get_type_if_possible(getattr(edge, key)()) for key in restr_keys ) index[end].setdefault(vals, []).append(edge) # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Incremental CFG Rules # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CompleteFundamentalRule(SingleEdgeFundamentalRule): def _apply_incomplete(self, chart, grammar, left_edge): end = left_edge.end() # When the chart is incremental, we only have to look for # empty complete edges here. for right_edge in chart.select( start=end, end=end, is_complete=True, lhs=left_edge.nextsym() ): new_edge = left_edge.move_dot_forward(right_edge.end()) if chart.insert_with_backpointer(new_edge, left_edge, right_edge): yield new_edge class CompleterRule(CompleteFundamentalRule): _fundamental_rule = CompleteFundamentalRule() def apply(self, chart, grammar, edge): if not isinstance(edge, LeafEdge): yield from self._fundamental_rule.apply(chart, grammar, edge) class ScannerRule(CompleteFundamentalRule): _fundamental_rule = CompleteFundamentalRule() def apply(self, chart, grammar, edge): if isinstance(edge, LeafEdge): yield from self._fundamental_rule.apply(chart, grammar, edge) class PredictorRule(CachedTopDownPredictRule): pass class FilteredCompleteFundamentalRule(FilteredSingleEdgeFundamentalRule): def apply(self, chart, grammar, edge): # Since the Filtered rule only works for grammars without empty productions, # we only have to bother with complete edges here. if edge.is_complete(): yield from self._apply_complete(chart, grammar, edge) # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Incremental FCFG Rules # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class FeatureCompleteFundamentalRule(FeatureSingleEdgeFundamentalRule): def _apply_incomplete(self, chart, grammar, left_edge): fr = self._fundamental_rule end = left_edge.end() # When the chart is incremental, we only have to look for # empty complete edges here. for right_edge in chart.select( start=end, end=end, is_complete=True, lhs=left_edge.nextsym() ): yield from fr.apply(chart, grammar, left_edge, right_edge) class FeatureCompleterRule(CompleterRule): _fundamental_rule = FeatureCompleteFundamentalRule() class FeatureScannerRule(ScannerRule): _fundamental_rule = FeatureCompleteFundamentalRule() class FeaturePredictorRule(FeatureTopDownPredictRule): pass # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Incremental CFG Chart Parsers # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EARLEY_STRATEGY = [ LeafInitRule(), TopDownInitRule(), CompleterRule(), ScannerRule(), PredictorRule(), ] TD_INCREMENTAL_STRATEGY = [ LeafInitRule(), TopDownInitRule(), CachedTopDownPredictRule(), CompleteFundamentalRule(), ] BU_INCREMENTAL_STRATEGY = [ LeafInitRule(), EmptyPredictRule(), BottomUpPredictRule(), CompleteFundamentalRule(), ] BU_LC_INCREMENTAL_STRATEGY = [ LeafInitRule(), EmptyPredictRule(), BottomUpPredictCombineRule(), CompleteFundamentalRule(), ] LC_INCREMENTAL_STRATEGY = [ LeafInitRule(), FilteredBottomUpPredictCombineRule(), FilteredCompleteFundamentalRule(), ] class IncrementalChartParser(ChartParser): """ An *incremental* chart parser implementing Jay Earley's parsing algorithm: | For each index end in [0, 1, ..., N]: | For each edge such that edge.end = end: | If edge is incomplete and edge.next is not a part of speech: | Apply PredictorRule to edge | If edge is incomplete and edge.next is a part of speech: | Apply ScannerRule to edge | If edge is complete: | Apply CompleterRule to edge | Return any complete parses in the chart """ def __init__( self, grammar, strategy=BU_LC_INCREMENTAL_STRATEGY, trace=0, trace_chart_width=50, chart_class=IncrementalChart, ): """ Create a new Earley chart parser, that uses ``grammar`` to parse texts. :type grammar: CFG :param grammar: The grammar used to parse texts. :type trace: int :param trace: The level of tracing that should be used when parsing a text. ``0`` will generate no tracing output; and higher numbers will produce more verbose tracing output. :type trace_chart_width: int :param trace_chart_width: The default total width reserved for the chart in trace output. The remainder of each line will be used to display edges. :param chart_class: The class that should be used to create the charts used by this parser. """ self._grammar = grammar self._trace = trace self._trace_chart_width = trace_chart_width self._chart_class = chart_class self._axioms = [] self._inference_rules = [] for rule in strategy: if rule.NUM_EDGES == 0: self._axioms.append(rule) elif rule.NUM_EDGES == 1: self._inference_rules.append(rule) else: raise ValueError( "Incremental inference rules must have " "NUM_EDGES == 0 or 1" ) def chart_parse(self, tokens, trace=None): if trace is None: trace = self._trace trace_new_edges = self._trace_new_edges tokens = list(tokens) self._grammar.check_coverage(tokens) chart = self._chart_class(tokens) grammar = self._grammar # Width, for printing trace edges. trace_edge_width = self._trace_chart_width // (chart.num_leaves() + 1) if trace: print(chart.pretty_format_leaves(trace_edge_width)) for axiom in self._axioms: new_edges = list(axiom.apply(chart, grammar)) trace_new_edges(chart, axiom, new_edges, trace, trace_edge_width) inference_rules = self._inference_rules for end in range(chart.num_leaves() + 1): if trace > 1: print("\n* Processing queue:", end, "\n") agenda = list(chart.select(end=end)) while agenda: edge = agenda.pop() for rule in inference_rules: new_edges = list(rule.apply(chart, grammar, edge)) trace_new_edges(chart, rule, new_edges, trace, trace_edge_width) for new_edge in new_edges: if new_edge.end() == end: agenda.append(new_edge) return chart class EarleyChartParser(IncrementalChartParser): def __init__(self, grammar, **parser_args): IncrementalChartParser.__init__(self, grammar, EARLEY_STRATEGY, **parser_args) class IncrementalTopDownChartParser(IncrementalChartParser): def __init__(self, grammar, **parser_args): IncrementalChartParser.__init__( self, grammar, TD_INCREMENTAL_STRATEGY, **parser_args ) class IncrementalBottomUpChartParser(IncrementalChartParser): def __init__(self, grammar, **parser_args): IncrementalChartParser.__init__( self, grammar, BU_INCREMENTAL_STRATEGY, **parser_args ) class IncrementalBottomUpLeftCornerChartParser(IncrementalChartParser): def __init__(self, grammar, **parser_args): IncrementalChartParser.__init__( self, grammar, BU_LC_INCREMENTAL_STRATEGY, **parser_args ) class IncrementalLeftCornerChartParser(IncrementalChartParser): def __init__(self, grammar, **parser_args): if not grammar.is_nonempty(): raise ValueError( "IncrementalLeftCornerParser only works for grammars " "without empty productions." ) IncrementalChartParser.__init__( self, grammar, LC_INCREMENTAL_STRATEGY, **parser_args ) # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Incremental FCFG Chart Parsers # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EARLEY_FEATURE_STRATEGY = [ LeafInitRule(), FeatureTopDownInitRule(), FeatureCompleterRule(), FeatureScannerRule(), FeaturePredictorRule(), ] TD_INCREMENTAL_FEATURE_STRATEGY = [ LeafInitRule(), FeatureTopDownInitRule(), FeatureTopDownPredictRule(), FeatureCompleteFundamentalRule(), ] BU_INCREMENTAL_FEATURE_STRATEGY = [ LeafInitRule(), FeatureEmptyPredictRule(), FeatureBottomUpPredictRule(), FeatureCompleteFundamentalRule(), ] BU_LC_INCREMENTAL_FEATURE_STRATEGY = [ LeafInitRule(), FeatureEmptyPredictRule(), FeatureBottomUpPredictCombineRule(), FeatureCompleteFundamentalRule(), ] class FeatureIncrementalChartParser(IncrementalChartParser, FeatureChartParser): def __init__( self, grammar, strategy=BU_LC_INCREMENTAL_FEATURE_STRATEGY, trace_chart_width=20, chart_class=FeatureIncrementalChart, **parser_args ): IncrementalChartParser.__init__( self, grammar, strategy=strategy, trace_chart_width=trace_chart_width, chart_class=chart_class, **parser_args ) class FeatureEarleyChartParser(FeatureIncrementalChartParser): def __init__(self, grammar, **parser_args): FeatureIncrementalChartParser.__init__( self, grammar, EARLEY_FEATURE_STRATEGY, **parser_args ) class FeatureIncrementalTopDownChartParser(FeatureIncrementalChartParser): def __init__(self, grammar, **parser_args): FeatureIncrementalChartParser.__init__( self, grammar, TD_INCREMENTAL_FEATURE_STRATEGY, **parser_args ) class FeatureIncrementalBottomUpChartParser(FeatureIncrementalChartParser): def __init__(self, grammar, **parser_args): FeatureIncrementalChartParser.__init__( self, grammar, BU_INCREMENTAL_FEATURE_STRATEGY, **parser_args ) class FeatureIncrementalBottomUpLeftCornerChartParser(FeatureIncrementalChartParser): def __init__(self, grammar, **parser_args): FeatureIncrementalChartParser.__init__( self, grammar, BU_LC_INCREMENTAL_FEATURE_STRATEGY, **parser_args ) # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Demonstration # //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// def demo( print_times=True, print_grammar=False, print_trees=True, trace=2, sent="I saw John with a dog with my cookie", numparses=5, ): """ A demonstration of the Earley parsers. """ import sys import time from nltk.parse.chart import demo_grammar # The grammar for ChartParser and SteppingChartParser: grammar = demo_grammar() if print_grammar: print("* Grammar") print(grammar) # Tokenize the sample sentence. print("* Sentence:") print(sent) tokens = sent.split() print(tokens) print() # Do the parsing. earley = EarleyChartParser(grammar, trace=trace) t = perf_counter() chart = earley.chart_parse(tokens) parses = list(chart.parses(grammar.start())) t = perf_counter() - t # Print results. if numparses: assert len(parses) == numparses, "Not all parses found" if print_trees: for tree in parses: print(tree) else: print("Nr trees:", len(parses)) if print_times: print("Time:", t) if __name__ == "__main__": demo()