# Natural Language Toolkit: evaluation of dependency parser # # Author: Long Duong # # Copyright (C) 2001-2023 NLTK Project # URL: # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT import unicodedata class DependencyEvaluator: """ Class for measuring labelled and unlabelled attachment score for dependency parsing. Note that the evaluation ignores punctuation. >>> from nltk.parse import DependencyGraph, DependencyEvaluator >>> gold_sent = DependencyGraph(\""" ... Pierre NNP 2 NMOD ... Vinken NNP 8 SUB ... , , 2 P ... 61 CD 5 NMOD ... years NNS 6 AMOD ... old JJ 2 NMOD ... , , 2 P ... will MD 0 ROOT ... join VB 8 VC ... the DT 11 NMOD ... board NN 9 OBJ ... as IN 9 VMOD ... a DT 15 NMOD ... nonexecutive JJ 15 NMOD ... director NN 12 PMOD ... Nov. NNP 9 VMOD ... 29 CD 16 NMOD ... . . 9 VMOD ... \""") >>> parsed_sent = DependencyGraph(\""" ... Pierre NNP 8 NMOD ... Vinken NNP 1 SUB ... , , 3 P ... 61 CD 6 NMOD ... years NNS 6 AMOD ... old JJ 2 NMOD ... , , 3 AMOD ... will MD 0 ROOT ... join VB 8 VC ... the DT 11 AMOD ... board NN 9 OBJECT ... as IN 9 NMOD ... a DT 15 NMOD ... nonexecutive JJ 15 NMOD ... director NN 12 PMOD ... Nov. NNP 9 VMOD ... 29 CD 16 NMOD ... . . 9 VMOD ... \""") >>> de = DependencyEvaluator([parsed_sent],[gold_sent]) >>> las, uas = de.eval() >>> las 0.6 >>> uas 0.8 >>> abs(uas - 0.8) < 0.00001 True """ def __init__(self, parsed_sents, gold_sents): """ :param parsed_sents: the list of parsed_sents as the output of parser :type parsed_sents: list(DependencyGraph) """ self._parsed_sents = parsed_sents self._gold_sents = gold_sents def _remove_punct(self, inStr): """ Function to remove punctuation from Unicode string. :param input: the input string :return: Unicode string after remove all punctuation """ punc_cat = {"Pc", "Pd", "Ps", "Pe", "Pi", "Pf", "Po"} return "".join(x for x in inStr if unicodedata.category(x) not in punc_cat) def eval(self): """ Return the Labeled Attachment Score (LAS) and Unlabeled Attachment Score (UAS) :return : tuple(float,float) """ if len(self._parsed_sents) != len(self._gold_sents): raise ValueError( " Number of parsed sentence is different with number of gold sentence." ) corr = 0 corrL = 0 total = 0 for i in range(len(self._parsed_sents)): parsed_sent_nodes = self._parsed_sents[i].nodes gold_sent_nodes = self._gold_sents[i].nodes if len(parsed_sent_nodes) != len(gold_sent_nodes): raise ValueError("Sentences must have equal length.") for parsed_node_address, parsed_node in parsed_sent_nodes.items(): gold_node = gold_sent_nodes[parsed_node_address] if parsed_node["word"] is None: continue if parsed_node["word"] != gold_node["word"]: raise ValueError("Sentence sequence is not matched.") # Ignore if word is punctuation by default # if (parsed_sent[j]["word"] in string.punctuation): if self._remove_punct(parsed_node["word"]) == "": continue total += 1 if parsed_node["head"] == gold_node["head"]: corr += 1 if parsed_node["rel"] == gold_node["rel"]: corrL += 1 return corrL / total, corr / total