""" Import hooks; when installed with the install() function, these hooks allow importing .pyx files as if they were Python modules. If you want the hook installed every time you run Python you can add it to your Python version by adding these lines to sitecustomize.py (which you can create from scratch in site-packages if it doesn't exist there or somewhere else on your python path):: import pyximport pyximport.install() For instance on the Mac with a non-system Python 2.3, you could create sitecustomize.py with only those two lines at /usr/local/lib/python2.3/site-packages/sitecustomize.py . A custom distutils.core.Extension instance and setup() args (Distribution) for for the build can be defined by a .pyxbld file like: # examplemod.pyxbld def make_ext(modname, pyxfilename): from distutils.extension import Extension return Extension(name = modname, sources=[pyxfilename, 'hello.c'], include_dirs=['/myinclude'] ) def make_setup_args(): return dict(script_args=["--compiler=mingw32"]) Extra dependencies can be defined by a .pyxdep . See README. Since Cython 0.11, the :mod:`pyximport` module also has experimental compilation support for normal Python modules. This allows you to automatically run Cython on every .pyx and .py module that Python imports, including parts of the standard library and installed packages. Cython will still fail to compile a lot of Python modules, in which case the import mechanism will fall back to loading the Python source modules instead. The .py import mechanism is installed like this:: pyximport.install(pyimport = True) Running this module as a top-level script will run a test and then print the documentation. """ import glob import importlib import os import sys from importlib.abc import MetaPathFinder from importlib.machinery import ExtensionFileLoader, SourceFileLoader from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location mod_name = "pyximport" PY_EXT = ".py" PYX_EXT = ".pyx" PYXDEP_EXT = ".pyxdep" PYXBLD_EXT = ".pyxbld" DEBUG_IMPORT = False def _print(message, args): if args: message = message % args print(message) def _debug(message, *args): if DEBUG_IMPORT: _print(message, args) def _info(message, *args): _print(message, args) def load_source(file_path): import importlib.util from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("XXXX", file_path, loader=SourceFileLoader("XXXX", file_path)) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) return module def get_distutils_extension(modname, pyxfilename, language_level=None): # try: # import hashlib # except ImportError: # import md5 as hashlib # extra = "_" + hashlib.md5(open(pyxfilename).read()).hexdigest() # modname = modname + extra extension_mod,setup_args = handle_special_build(modname, pyxfilename) if not extension_mod: if not isinstance(pyxfilename, str): # distutils is stupid in Py2 and requires exactly 'str' # => encode accidentally coerced unicode strings back to str pyxfilename = pyxfilename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) from distutils.extension import Extension extension_mod = Extension(name = modname, sources=[pyxfilename]) if language_level is not None: extension_mod.cython_directives = {'language_level': language_level} return extension_mod,setup_args def handle_special_build(modname, pyxfilename): special_build = os.path.splitext(pyxfilename)[0] + PYXBLD_EXT ext = None setup_args={} if os.path.exists(special_build): # globls = {} # locs = {} # execfile(special_build, globls, locs) # ext = locs["make_ext"](modname, pyxfilename) mod = load_source(special_build) make_ext = getattr(mod,'make_ext',None) if make_ext: ext = make_ext(modname, pyxfilename) assert ext and ext.sources, "make_ext in %s did not return Extension" % special_build make_setup_args = getattr(mod, 'make_setup_args',None) if make_setup_args: setup_args = make_setup_args() assert isinstance(setup_args,dict), ("make_setup_args in %s did not return a dict" % special_build) assert ext or setup_args, ("neither make_ext nor make_setup_args %s" % special_build) ext.sources = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(special_build), source) for source in ext.sources] return ext, setup_args def handle_dependencies(pyxfilename): testing = '_test_files' in globals() dependfile = os.path.splitext(pyxfilename)[0] + PYXDEP_EXT # by default let distutils decide whether to rebuild on its own # (it has a better idea of what the output file will be) # but we know more about dependencies so force a rebuild if # some of the dependencies are newer than the pyxfile. if os.path.exists(dependfile): with open(dependfile) as fid: depends = fid.readlines() depends = [depend.strip() for depend in depends] # gather dependencies in the "files" variable # the dependency file is itself a dependency files = [dependfile] for depend in depends: fullpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dependfile), depend) files.extend(glob.glob(fullpath)) # only for unit testing to see we did the right thing if testing: _test_files[:] = [] #$pycheck_no # if any file that the pyxfile depends upon is newer than # the pyx file, 'touch' the pyx file so that distutils will # be tricked into rebuilding it. for file in files: from distutils.dep_util import newer if newer(file, pyxfilename): _debug("Rebuilding %s because of %s", pyxfilename, file) filetime = os.path.getmtime(file) os.utime(pyxfilename, (filetime, filetime)) if testing: _test_files.append(file) def build_module(name, pyxfilename, pyxbuild_dir=None, inplace=False, language_level=None): assert os.path.exists(pyxfilename), "Path does not exist: %s" % pyxfilename handle_dependencies(pyxfilename) extension_mod, setup_args = get_distutils_extension(name, pyxfilename, language_level) build_in_temp = pyxargs.build_in_temp sargs = pyxargs.setup_args.copy() sargs.update(setup_args) build_in_temp = sargs.pop('build_in_temp',build_in_temp) from . import pyxbuild olddir = os.getcwd() common = '' if pyxbuild_dir and sys.platform == 'win32': # Windows concatenates the pyxbuild_dir to the pyxfilename when # compiling, and then complains that the filename is too long common = os.path.commonprefix([pyxbuild_dir, pyxfilename]) if len(common) > 30: pyxfilename = os.path.relpath(pyxfilename, common) pyxbuild_dir = os.path.relpath(pyxbuild_dir, common) os.chdir(common) try: so_path = pyxbuild.pyx_to_dll(pyxfilename, extension_mod, build_in_temp=build_in_temp, pyxbuild_dir=pyxbuild_dir, setup_args=sargs, inplace=inplace, reload_support=pyxargs.reload_support) finally: os.chdir(olddir) so_path = os.path.join(common, so_path) assert os.path.exists(so_path), "Cannot find: %s" % so_path junkpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(so_path), name+"_*") #very dangerous with --inplace ? yes, indeed, trying to eat my files ;) junkstuff = glob.glob(junkpath) for path in junkstuff: if path != so_path: try: os.remove(path) except IOError: _info("Couldn't remove %s", path) return so_path # import hooks class PyxImportMetaFinder(MetaPathFinder): def __init__(self, extension=PYX_EXT, pyxbuild_dir=None, inplace=False, language_level=None): self.pyxbuild_dir = pyxbuild_dir self.inplace = inplace self.language_level = language_level self.extension = extension def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None): if not path: path = [os.getcwd()] # top level import -- if "." in fullname: *parents, name = fullname.split(".") else: name = fullname for entry in path: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(entry, name)): # this module has child modules filename = os.path.join(entry, name, "__init__" + self.extension) submodule_locations = [os.path.join(entry, name)] else: filename = os.path.join(entry, name + self.extension) submodule_locations = None if not os.path.exists(filename): continue return spec_from_file_location( fullname, filename, loader=PyxImportLoader(filename, self.pyxbuild_dir, self.inplace, self.language_level), submodule_search_locations=submodule_locations) return None # we don't know how to import this class PyImportMetaFinder(MetaPathFinder): def __init__(self, extension=PY_EXT, pyxbuild_dir=None, inplace=False, language_level=None): self.pyxbuild_dir = pyxbuild_dir self.inplace = inplace self.language_level = language_level self.extension = extension self.uncompilable_modules = {} self.blocked_modules = ['Cython', 'pyxbuild', 'pyximport.pyxbuild', 'distutils', 'cython'] self.blocked_packages = ['Cython.', 'distutils.'] def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None): if fullname in sys.modules: return None if any([fullname.startswith(pkg) for pkg in self.blocked_packages]): return None if fullname in self.blocked_modules: # prevent infinite recursion return None self.blocked_modules.append(fullname) name = fullname if not path: path = [os.getcwd()] # top level import -- try: for entry in path: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(entry, name)): # this module has child modules filename = os.path.join(entry, name, "__init__" + self.extension) submodule_locations = [os.path.join(entry, name)] else: filename = os.path.join(entry, name + self.extension) submodule_locations = None if not os.path.exists(filename): continue return spec_from_file_location( fullname, filename, loader=PyxImportLoader(filename, self.pyxbuild_dir, self.inplace, self.language_level), submodule_search_locations=submodule_locations) finally: self.blocked_modules.pop() return None # we don't know how to import this class PyxImportLoader(ExtensionFileLoader): def __init__(self, filename, pyxbuild_dir, inplace, language_level): module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] super().__init__(module_name, filename) self._pyxbuild_dir = pyxbuild_dir self._inplace = inplace self._language_level = language_level def create_module(self, spec): try: so_path = build_module(spec.name, pyxfilename=spec.origin, pyxbuild_dir=self._pyxbuild_dir, inplace=self._inplace, language_level=self._language_level) self.path = so_path spec.origin = so_path return super().create_module(spec) except Exception as failure_exc: _debug("Failed to load extension module: %r" % failure_exc) if pyxargs.load_py_module_on_import_failure and spec.origin.endswith(PY_EXT): spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(spec.name, spec.origin, loader=SourceFileLoader(spec.name, spec.origin)) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) assert mod.__file__ in (spec.origin, spec.origin + 'c', spec.origin + 'o'), (mod.__file__, spec.origin) return mod else: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] import traceback exc = ImportError("Building module %s failed: %s" % ( spec.name, traceback.format_exception_only(*sys.exc_info()[:2]))) raise exc.with_traceback(tb) def exec_module(self, module): try: return super().exec_module(module) except Exception as failure_exc: import traceback _debug("Failed to load extension module: %r" % failure_exc) raise ImportError("Executing module %s failed %s" % ( module.__file__, traceback.format_exception_only(*sys.exc_info()[:2]))) #install args class PyxArgs(object): build_dir=True build_in_temp=True setup_args={} #None def _have_importers(): has_py_importer = False has_pyx_importer = False for importer in sys.meta_path: if isinstance(importer, PyxImportMetaFinder): if isinstance(importer, PyImportMetaFinder): has_py_importer = True else: has_pyx_importer = True return has_py_importer, has_pyx_importer def install(pyximport=True, pyimport=False, build_dir=None, build_in_temp=True, setup_args=None, reload_support=False, load_py_module_on_import_failure=False, inplace=False, language_level=None): """ Main entry point for pyxinstall. Call this to install the ``.pyx`` import hook in your meta-path for a single Python process. If you want it to be installed whenever you use Python, add it to your ``sitecustomize`` (as described above). :param pyximport: If set to False, does not try to import ``.pyx`` files. :param pyimport: You can pass ``pyimport=True`` to also install the ``.py`` import hook in your meta-path. Note, however, that it is rather experimental, will not work at all for some ``.py`` files and packages, and will heavily slow down your imports due to search and compilation. Use at your own risk. :param build_dir: By default, compiled modules will end up in a ``.pyxbld`` directory in the user's home directory. Passing a different path as ``build_dir`` will override this. :param build_in_temp: If ``False``, will produce the C files locally. Working with complex dependencies and debugging becomes more easy. This can principally interfere with existing files of the same name. :param setup_args: Dict of arguments for Distribution. See ``distutils.core.setup()``. :param reload_support: Enables support for dynamic ``reload(my_module)``, e.g. after a change in the Cython code. Additional files ``.reloadNN`` may arise on that account, when the previously loaded module file cannot be overwritten. :param load_py_module_on_import_failure: If the compilation of a ``.py`` file succeeds, but the subsequent import fails for some reason, retry the import with the normal ``.py`` module instead of the compiled module. Note that this may lead to unpredictable results for modules that change the system state during their import, as the second import will rerun these modifications in whatever state the system was left after the import of the compiled module failed. :param inplace: Install the compiled module (``.so`` for Linux and Mac / ``.pyd`` for Windows) next to the source file. :param language_level: The source language level to use: 2 or 3. The default is to use the language level of the current Python runtime for .py files and Py2 for ``.pyx`` files. """ if setup_args is None: setup_args = {} if not build_dir: build_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pyxbld') global pyxargs pyxargs = PyxArgs() #$pycheck_no pyxargs.build_dir = build_dir pyxargs.build_in_temp = build_in_temp pyxargs.setup_args = (setup_args or {}).copy() pyxargs.reload_support = reload_support pyxargs.load_py_module_on_import_failure = load_py_module_on_import_failure has_py_importer, has_pyx_importer = _have_importers() py_importer, pyx_importer = None, None if pyimport and not has_py_importer: py_importer = PyImportMetaFinder(pyxbuild_dir=build_dir, inplace=inplace, language_level=language_level) # make sure we import Cython before we install the import hook import Cython.Compiler.Main, Cython.Compiler.Pipeline, Cython.Compiler.Optimize sys.meta_path.insert(0, py_importer) if pyximport and not has_pyx_importer: pyx_importer = PyxImportMetaFinder(pyxbuild_dir=build_dir, inplace=inplace, language_level=language_level) sys.meta_path.append(pyx_importer) return py_importer, pyx_importer def uninstall(py_importer, pyx_importer): """ Uninstall an import hook. """ try: sys.meta_path.remove(py_importer) except ValueError: pass try: sys.meta_path.remove(pyx_importer) except ValueError: pass # MAIN def show_docs(): import __main__ __main__.__name__ = mod_name for name in dir(__main__): item = getattr(__main__, name) try: setattr(item, "__module__", mod_name) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass help(__main__) if __name__ == '__main__': show_docs()