""" Functions that operate on sparse matrices """ __all__ = ['count_blocks','estimate_blocksize'] from ._base import issparse from ._csr import csr_array from ._sparsetools import csr_count_blocks def estimate_blocksize(A,efficiency=0.7): """Attempt to determine the blocksize of a sparse matrix Returns a blocksize=(r,c) such that - A.nnz / A.tobsr( (r,c) ).nnz > efficiency """ if not (issparse(A) and A.format in ("csc", "csr")): A = csr_array(A) if A.nnz == 0: return (1,1) if not 0 < efficiency < 1.0: raise ValueError('efficiency must satisfy 0.0 < efficiency < 1.0') high_efficiency = (1.0 + efficiency) / 2.0 nnz = float(A.nnz) M,N = A.shape if M % 2 == 0 and N % 2 == 0: e22 = nnz / (4 * count_blocks(A,(2,2))) else: e22 = 0.0 if M % 3 == 0 and N % 3 == 0: e33 = nnz / (9 * count_blocks(A,(3,3))) else: e33 = 0.0 if e22 > high_efficiency and e33 > high_efficiency: e66 = nnz / (36 * count_blocks(A,(6,6))) if e66 > efficiency: return (6,6) else: return (3,3) else: if M % 4 == 0 and N % 4 == 0: e44 = nnz / (16 * count_blocks(A,(4,4))) else: e44 = 0.0 if e44 > efficiency: return (4,4) elif e33 > efficiency: return (3,3) elif e22 > efficiency: return (2,2) else: return (1,1) def count_blocks(A,blocksize): """For a given blocksize=(r,c) count the number of occupied blocks in a sparse matrix A """ r,c = blocksize if r < 1 or c < 1: raise ValueError('r and c must be positive') if issparse(A): if A.format == "csr": M,N = A.shape return csr_count_blocks(M,N,r,c,A.indptr,A.indices) elif A.format == "csc": return count_blocks(A.T,(c,r)) return count_blocks(csr_array(A),blocksize)