import struct import pytest from collections import OrderedDict from io import BytesIO from srsly.msgpack import packb, unpackb, Unpacker, Packer def check(data, use_list=False): re = unpackb(packb(data), use_list=use_list) assert re == data def testPack(): test_data = [ 0, 1, 127, 128, 255, 256, 65535, 65536, 4294967295, 4294967296, -1, -32, -33, -128, -129, -32768, -32769, -4294967296, -4294967297, 1.0, b"", b"a", b"a" * 31, b"a" * 32, None, True, False, (), ((),), ((), None), {None: 0}, (1 << 23), ] for td in test_data: check(td) def testPackUnicode(): test_data = ["", "abcd", ["defgh"], "Русский текст"] for td in test_data: re = unpackb(packb(td), use_list=1, raw=False) assert re == td packer = Packer() data = packer.pack(td) re = Unpacker(BytesIO(data), raw=False, use_list=1).unpack() assert re == td def testPackUTF32(): # deprecated try: test_data = ["", "abcd", ["defgh"], "Русский текст"] for td in test_data: re = unpackb(packb(td, encoding="utf-32"), use_list=1, encoding="utf-32") assert re == td except LookupError as e: pytest.xfail(e) def testPackBytes(): test_data = [b"", b"abcd", (b"defgh",)] for td in test_data: check(td) def testPackByteArrays(): test_data = [bytearray(b""), bytearray(b"abcd"), (bytearray(b"defgh"),)] for td in test_data: check(td) def testIgnoreUnicodeErrors(): # deprecated re = unpackb( packb(b"abc\xeddef"), encoding="utf-8", unicode_errors="ignore", use_list=1 ) assert re == "abcdef" def testStrictUnicodeUnpack(): with pytest.raises(UnicodeDecodeError): unpackb(packb(b"abc\xeddef"), raw=False, use_list=1) def testStrictUnicodePack(): # deprecated with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): packb("abc\xeddef", encoding="ascii", unicode_errors="strict") def testIgnoreErrorsPack(): # deprecated re = unpackb( packb("abcФФФdef", encoding="ascii", unicode_errors="ignore"), raw=False, use_list=1, ) assert re == "abcdef" def testDecodeBinary(): re = unpackb(packb(b"abc"), encoding=None, use_list=1) assert re == b"abc" def testPackFloat(): assert packb(1.0, use_single_float=True) == b"\xca" + struct.pack(str(">f"), 1.0) assert packb(1.0, use_single_float=False) == b"\xcb" + struct.pack(str(">d"), 1.0) def testArraySize(sizes=[0, 5, 50, 1000]): bio = BytesIO() packer = Packer() for size in sizes: bio.write(packer.pack_array_header(size)) for i in range(size): bio.write(packer.pack(i)) unpacker = Unpacker(bio, use_list=1) for size in sizes: assert unpacker.unpack() == list(range(size)) def test_manualreset(sizes=[0, 5, 50, 1000]): packer = Packer(autoreset=False) for size in sizes: packer.pack_array_header(size) for i in range(size): packer.pack(i) bio = BytesIO(packer.bytes()) unpacker = Unpacker(bio, use_list=1) for size in sizes: assert unpacker.unpack() == list(range(size)) packer.reset() assert packer.bytes() == b"" def testMapSize(sizes=[0, 5, 50, 1000]): bio = BytesIO() packer = Packer() for size in sizes: bio.write(packer.pack_map_header(size)) for i in range(size): bio.write(packer.pack(i)) # key bio.write(packer.pack(i * 2)) # value unpacker = Unpacker(bio) for size in sizes: assert unpacker.unpack() == dict((i, i * 2) for i in range(size)) def test_odict(): seq = [(b"one", 1), (b"two", 2), (b"three", 3), (b"four", 4)] od = OrderedDict(seq) assert unpackb(packb(od), use_list=1) == dict(seq) def pair_hook(seq): return list(seq) assert unpackb(packb(od), object_pairs_hook=pair_hook, use_list=1) == seq def test_pairlist(): pairlist = [(b"a", 1), (2, b"b"), (b"foo", b"bar")] packer = Packer() packed = packer.pack_map_pairs(pairlist) unpacked = unpackb(packed, object_pairs_hook=list) assert pairlist == unpacked def test_get_buffer(): packer = Packer(autoreset=0, use_bin_type=True) packer.pack([1, 2]) strm = BytesIO() strm.write(packer.getbuffer()) written = strm.getvalue() expected = packb([1, 2], use_bin_type=True) assert written == expected