import as pgl from pyglet import font from sympy.core import S from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.plot_object import PlotObject from sympy.plotting.pygletplot.util import billboard_matrix, dot_product, \ get_direction_vectors, strided_range, vec_mag, vec_sub from sympy.utilities.iterables import is_sequence class PlotAxes(PlotObject): def __init__(self, *args, style='', none=None, frame=None, box=None, ordinate=None, stride=0.25, visible='', overlay='', colored='', label_axes='', label_ticks='', tick_length=0.1, font_face='Arial', font_size=28, **kwargs): # initialize style parameter style = style.lower() # allow alias kwargs to override style kwarg if none is not None: style = 'none' if frame is not None: style = 'frame' if box is not None: style = 'box' if ordinate is not None: style = 'ordinate' if style in ['', 'ordinate']: self._render_object = PlotAxesOrdinate(self) elif style in ['frame', 'box']: self._render_object = PlotAxesFrame(self) elif style in ['none']: self._render_object = None else: raise ValueError(("Unrecognized axes style %s.") % (style)) # initialize stride parameter try: stride = eval(stride) except TypeError: pass if is_sequence(stride): if len(stride) != 3: raise ValueError("length should be equal to 3") self._stride = stride else: self._stride = [stride, stride, stride] self._tick_length = float(tick_length) # setup bounding box and ticks self._origin = [0, 0, 0] self.reset_bounding_box() def flexible_boolean(input, default): if input in [True, False]: return input if input in ('f', 'F', 'false', 'False'): return False if input in ('t', 'T', 'true', 'True'): return True return default # initialize remaining parameters self.visible = flexible_boolean(kwargs, True) self._overlay = flexible_boolean(overlay, True) self._colored = flexible_boolean(colored, False) self._label_axes = flexible_boolean(label_axes, False) self._label_ticks = flexible_boolean(label_ticks, True) # setup label font self.font_face = font_face self.font_size = font_size # this is also used to reinit the # font on window close/reopen self.reset_resources() def reset_resources(self): self.label_font = None def reset_bounding_box(self): self._bounding_box = [[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]] self._axis_ticks = [[], [], []] def draw(self): if self._render_object: pgl.glPushAttrib(pgl.GL_ENABLE_BIT | pgl.GL_POLYGON_BIT | pgl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) if self._overlay: pgl.glDisable(pgl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) self._render_object.draw() pgl.glPopAttrib() def adjust_bounds(self, child_bounds): b = self._bounding_box c = child_bounds for i in range(3): if abs(c[i][0]) is S.Infinity or abs(c[i][1]) is S.Infinity: continue b[i][0] = c[i][0] if b[i][0] is None else min([b[i][0], c[i][0]]) b[i][1] = c[i][1] if b[i][1] is None else max([b[i][1], c[i][1]]) self._bounding_box = b self._recalculate_axis_ticks(i) def _recalculate_axis_ticks(self, axis): b = self._bounding_box if b[axis][0] is None or b[axis][1] is None: self._axis_ticks[axis] = [] else: self._axis_ticks[axis] = strided_range(b[axis][0], b[axis][1], self._stride[axis]) def toggle_visible(self): self.visible = not self.visible def toggle_colors(self): self._colored = not self._colored class PlotAxesBase(PlotObject): def __init__(self, parent_axes): self._p = parent_axes def draw(self): color = [([0.2, 0.1, 0.3], [0.2, 0.1, 0.3], [0.2, 0.1, 0.3]), ([0.9, 0.3, 0.5], [0.5, 1.0, 0.5], [0.3, 0.3, 0.9])][self._p._colored] self.draw_background(color) self.draw_axis(2, color[2]) self.draw_axis(1, color[1]) self.draw_axis(0, color[0]) def draw_background(self, color): pass # optional def draw_axis(self, axis, color): raise NotImplementedError() def draw_text(self, text, position, color, scale=1.0): if len(color) == 3: color = (color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0) if self._p.label_font is None: self._p.label_font = font.load(self._p.font_face, self._p.font_size, bold=True, italic=False) label = font.Text(self._p.label_font, text, color=color, valign=font.Text.BASELINE, halign=font.Text.CENTER) pgl.glPushMatrix() pgl.glTranslatef(*position) billboard_matrix() scale_factor = 0.005 * scale pgl.glScalef(scale_factor, scale_factor, scale_factor) pgl.glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0) label.draw() pgl.glPopMatrix() def draw_line(self, v, color): o = self._p._origin pgl.glBegin(pgl.GL_LINES) pgl.glColor3f(*color) pgl.glVertex3f(v[0][0] + o[0], v[0][1] + o[1], v[0][2] + o[2]) pgl.glVertex3f(v[1][0] + o[0], v[1][1] + o[1], v[1][2] + o[2]) pgl.glEnd() class PlotAxesOrdinate(PlotAxesBase): def __init__(self, parent_axes): super().__init__(parent_axes) def draw_axis(self, axis, color): ticks = self._p._axis_ticks[axis] radius = self._p._tick_length / 2.0 if len(ticks) < 2: return # calculate the vector for this axis axis_lines = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] axis_lines[0][axis], axis_lines[1][axis] = ticks[0], ticks[-1] axis_vector = vec_sub(axis_lines[1], axis_lines[0]) # calculate angle to the z direction vector pos_z = get_direction_vectors()[2] d = abs(dot_product(axis_vector, pos_z)) d = d / vec_mag(axis_vector) # don't draw labels if we're looking down the axis labels_visible = abs(d - 1.0) > 0.02 # draw the ticks and labels for tick in ticks: self.draw_tick_line(axis, color, radius, tick, labels_visible) # draw the axis line and labels self.draw_axis_line(axis, color, ticks[0], ticks[-1], labels_visible) def draw_axis_line(self, axis, color, a_min, a_max, labels_visible): axis_line = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] axis_line[0][axis], axis_line[1][axis] = a_min, a_max self.draw_line(axis_line, color) if labels_visible: self.draw_axis_line_labels(axis, color, axis_line) def draw_axis_line_labels(self, axis, color, axis_line): if not self._p._label_axes: return axis_labels = [axis_line[0][::], axis_line[1][::]] axis_labels[0][axis] -= 0.3 axis_labels[1][axis] += 0.3 a_str = ['X', 'Y', 'Z'][axis] self.draw_text("-" + a_str, axis_labels[0], color) self.draw_text("+" + a_str, axis_labels[1], color) def draw_tick_line(self, axis, color, radius, tick, labels_visible): tick_axis = {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 1}[axis] tick_line = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] tick_line[0][axis] = tick_line[1][axis] = tick tick_line[0][tick_axis], tick_line[1][tick_axis] = -radius, radius self.draw_line(tick_line, color) if labels_visible: self.draw_tick_line_label(axis, color, radius, tick) def draw_tick_line_label(self, axis, color, radius, tick): if not self._p._label_axes: return tick_label_vector = [0, 0, 0] tick_label_vector[axis] = tick tick_label_vector[{0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 1}[axis]] = [-1, 1, 1][ axis] * radius * 3.5 self.draw_text(str(tick), tick_label_vector, color, scale=0.5) class PlotAxesFrame(PlotAxesBase): def __init__(self, parent_axes): super().__init__(parent_axes) def draw_background(self, color): pass def draw_axis(self, axis, color): raise NotImplementedError()