import numpy import pytest from numpy.testing import assert_allclose from thinc.api import ( Dropout, Linear, Model, NumpyOps, add, clone, concatenate, map_list, noop, ) from thinc.layers import chain, tuplify @pytest.fixture(params=[1, 2, 9]) def nB(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=[1, 6]) def nI(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=[1, 5, 3]) def nH(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=[1, 2, 7, 9]) def nO(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture def model1(nH, nI): return Linear(nH, nI) @pytest.fixture def model2(nO, nH): return Linear(nO, nH) @pytest.fixture def model3(nO): return Linear(nO, nO) def test_tuplify_zero(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): tuplify() def test_tuplify_one(model1): with pytest.raises(TypeError): tuplify(model1) def test_tuplify_two(model1, model2): model = tuplify(model1, model2) assert len(model.layers) == 2 def test_tuplify_operator_two(model1, model2): with Model.define_operators({"&": tuplify}): model = model1 & model2 assert len(model.layers) == 2 def test_tuplify_dulicates_input(): model = tuplify(noop(), noop()) ones = numpy.ones([10]) out = model.predict(ones) assert out == (ones, ones) def test_tuplify_initialize(nI, nO): linear = Linear(nO) model = tuplify(linear, linear) ones = numpy.ones((1, nI), dtype="float") model.initialize(X=ones) def test_tuplify_three(model1, model2, model3): model = tuplify(model1, model2, model3) assert len(model.layers) == 3 def test_tuplify_operator_three(model1, model2, model3): # Previously we 'flattened' these nested calls. We might opt to do so # again, especially for the operators. with Model.define_operators({"&": tuplify}): model = model1 & model2 & model3 assert len(model.layers) == 2 assert len(model.layers[0].layers) == 2 def test_chain_zero(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): chain() def test_chain_one(model1): with pytest.raises(TypeError): chain(model1) def test_chain_two(model1, model2): model = chain(model1, model2) assert len(model.layers) == 2 def test_chain_operator_two(model1, model2): with Model.define_operators({">>": chain}): model = model1 >> model2 assert len(model.layers) == 2 def test_chain_three(model1, model2, model3): model = chain(model1, model2, model3) assert len(model.layers) == 3 def test_chain_operator_three(model1, model2, model3): # Previously we 'flattened' these nested calls. We might opt to do so # again, especially for the operators. with Model.define_operators({">>": chain}): model = model1 >> model2 >> model3 assert len(model.layers) == 2 assert len(model.layers[0].layers) == 2 def test_chain_right_branch(model1, model2, model3): # Previously we 'flattened' these nested calls. We might opt to do so # again, especially for the operators. merge1 = chain(model1, model2) merge2 = chain(merge1, model3) assert len(merge1.layers) == 2 assert len(merge2.layers) == 2 @pytest.mark.parametrize("ops", [NumpyOps(), NumpyOps(use_blis=True)]) def test_chain(ops): data = numpy.asarray([[1, 2, 3, 4]], dtype="f") model = chain(Linear(1), Dropout(), Linear(1)) model.ops = ops model.initialize(data, data) Y, backprop = model(data, is_train=True) backprop(Y) # Layers with and without nO/nI model = chain(Linear(1), Dropout(), Linear(1, 1)) model.initialize(data, data) # Setting dim on model model = chain(Linear(1), Dropout(), Linear(1)) model.set_dim("nO", 1) model.initialize(data, None) model = chain(Linear(1, 1), Dropout(), Linear(1, 1)) model.set_dim("nI", 1) model.initialize(None, data) # Not enough arguments with pytest.raises(TypeError): chain(Linear()) with pytest.raises(TypeError): chain() def test_concatenate_one(model1): model = concatenate(model1) assert isinstance(model, Model) def test_concatenate_two(model1, model2): model = concatenate(model1, model2) assert len(model.layers) == 2 def test_concatenate_operator_two(model1, model2): with Model.define_operators({"|": concatenate}): model = model1 | model2 assert len(model.layers) == 2 def test_concatenate_three(model1, model2, model3): model = concatenate(model1, model2, model3) assert len(model.layers) == 3 def test_concatenate_operator_three(model1, model2, model3): with Model.define_operators({"|": concatenate}): model = model1 | model2 | model3 assert len(model.layers) == 3 def test_clone_changes_predictions(nH, nI): model1 = Linear(nH) model = clone(model1, 10) ones = numpy.ones((10, nI), dtype="f") model.initialize(X=ones) output_from_cloned = model.predict(ones) output_from_orig = model1.predict(ones) assert output_from_cloned.sum() != output_from_orig.sum() def test_clone_gives_distinct_ids(nH, nI): model = clone(Linear(nH), 5) assert len(model.layers) == 5 seen_ids = set() for node in model.walk(): assert not in seen_ids seen_ids.add( assert len(seen_ids) == 6 def test_clone_noop(): model = clone(Linear(), 0) assert len(model.layers) == 0 assert == "noop" def test_concatenate_noop(): model = concatenate() assert len(model.layers) == 0 assert == "noop" def test_noop(): data = numpy.asarray([1, 2, 3], dtype="f") model = noop(Linear(), Linear()) model.initialize(data, data) Y, backprop = model(data, is_train=True) assert numpy.array_equal(Y, data) dX = backprop(Y) assert numpy.array_equal(dX, data) def test_add(): data = numpy.asarray([[1, 2, 3, 4]], dtype="f") model = add(Linear(), Linear()) model.initialize(data, data) Y, backprop = model(data, is_train=True) Y2 = sum(layer.predict(data) for layer in model.layers) assert numpy.array_equal(Y, Y2) dX = backprop(Y) assert dX.shape == data.shape # Test that nesting works model2 = add(model, Linear()) assert len(model2.layers) == 3 model.initialize(data, data) Y = model2.predict(data) Y2 = sum(layer.predict(data) for layer in model2.layers) assert numpy.array_equal(Y, Y2) def test_add_edge_cases(): data = numpy.asarray([[1, 2, 3, 4]], dtype="f") with pytest.raises(TypeError): add() model = add(Linear(), Linear()) model._layers = [] Y, backprop = model(data, is_train=True) assert numpy.array_equal(data, Y) dX = backprop(Y) assert numpy.array_equal(dX, data) def test_concatenate(): data = numpy.asarray([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype="f") model = concatenate(Linear(), Linear()) model.initialize(data, data) Y, backprop = model(data, is_train=True) assert Y.shape[1] == sum([layer.predict(data).shape[1] for layer in model.layers]) dX = backprop(Y) assert dX.shape == data.shape def test_map_list(): nI = 4 nO = 9 Xs = [numpy.zeros((6, nI), dtype="f"), numpy.ones((3, nI), dtype="f")] Y_shapes = [(x.shape[0], nO) for x in Xs] model = map_list(Linear()) model.initialize(X=Xs, Y=[numpy.zeros(shape, dtype="f") for shape in Y_shapes]) Ys, backprop = model(Xs, is_train=True) assert isinstance(Ys, list) assert len(Ys) == len(Xs) layer = model.layers[0] for X, Y in zip(Xs, Ys): assert_allclose(layer.predict(X), Y) dXs = backprop(Ys) assert isinstance(dXs, list) assert len(dXs) == len(Xs) assert dXs[0].shape == Xs[0].shape assert dXs[1].shape == Xs[1].shape