import threading import time from collections import Counter import numpy import pytest from thinc.api import ( Adam, CupyOps, Dropout, Linear, Model, Relu, Shim, Softmax, chain, change_attr_values, concatenate, set_dropout_rate, use_ops, with_debug, wrap_model_recursive, ) from thinc.compat import has_cupy_gpu from ..util import make_tempdir @pytest.fixture def model_with_no_args(): return Linear() def create_model(name): return Model(name, lambda X: (X, lambda dY: dY)) def test_model_defaults_to_cpu(model_with_no_args): assert not isinstance(model_with_no_args.ops, CupyOps) def test_models_get_different_ids(model_with_no_args): model1 = Linear() model2 = Linear() assert != def test_model_init(): class MyShim(Shim): name = "testshim" model_a = create_model("a") model = Model( "test", lambda X: (X, lambda dY: dY), dims={"nI": 10, "nO": None}, params={"W": numpy.zeros((10,)), "b": None}, refs={"a": model_a, "b": None}, attrs={"foo": "bar"}, shims=[MyShim(None)], layers=[model_a, model_a], ) assert model.has_param("W") assert model.get_param("W").shape == (10,) assert model.has_param("b") is None with pytest.raises(KeyError): model.get_param("b") with pytest.raises(KeyError): model.get_param("X") model.set_param("X", numpy.zeros((10,))) assert model.has_param("X") assert model.get_param("X").shape == (10,) with model.use_params({(, "X"): numpy.ones((10,))}): assert numpy.array_equal(model.get_param("X"), numpy.ones((10,))) assert numpy.array_equal(model.get_param("X"), numpy.zeros((10,))) assert not model.has_grad("W") assert not model.has_grad("xyz") with pytest.raises(KeyError): model.get_grad("b") model.set_param("W", model.ops.alloc1f(10)) model.set_grad("W", model.ops.alloc1f(10)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.inc_grad("W", numpy.zeros((5, 0))) assert model.has_dim("nI") assert model.get_dim("nI") == 10 with pytest.raises(KeyError): model.get_dim("xyz") with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.get_dim("nO") assert model.has_ref("a") assert model.get_ref("a").name == "a" assert not model.has_ref("xyz") with pytest.raises(KeyError): model.get_ref("xyz") assert model.has_ref("b") is None with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.get_ref("b") model.set_ref("c", model_a) assert model.has_ref("c") assert model.get_ref("c").name == "a" with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.set_ref("c", create_model("c")) assert "foo" in model.attrs assert "bar" not in model.attrs assert model.attrs["foo"] == "bar" with pytest.raises(KeyError): model.attrs["bar"] model.attrs["bar"] = "baz" model_copy = model.copy() assert == "test" def test_model_set_dim(): class MyShim(Shim): name = "testshim" model_a = create_model("a") model = Model( "test", lambda X: (X, lambda dY: dY), dims={"nI": 5, "nO": None}, params={"W": None, "b": None}, refs={"a": model_a, "b": None}, attrs={"foo": "bar"}, shims=[MyShim(None)], layers=[model_a, model_a], ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.set_dim("nI", 10) # force can be used before any parameters are set model.set_dim("nI", 10, force=True) model.set_param("W", model.ops.alloc1f(10)) model.set_grad("W", model.ops.alloc1f(10)) assert model.has_dim("nI") assert model.get_dim("nI") == 10 with pytest.raises(KeyError): model.set_dim("xyz", 20) with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.set_dim("nI", 20) # force can't be used after any parameter is set with pytest.raises(ValueError): model.set_dim("nI", 20, force=True) def test_param_names(): model = create_model("tmp") assert model.param_names == tuple() model.set_param("param1", None) assert model.param_names == ("param1",) model.set_param("param2", None) assert model.param_names == ("param1", "param2") def test_grad_names(): model = create_model("tmp") assert model.grad_names == tuple() model.set_param("param1", model.ops.alloc2f(4, 4)) model.set_grad("param1", model.ops.alloc2f(4, 4) + 1) assert model.grad_names == ("param1",) def test_dim_names(): model = Linear(5, 3) assert model.dim_names == ("nO", "nI") def test_model_set_reference(): parent = create_model("parent") child = create_model("child") grandchild = create_model("child") parent.layers.append(child) assert parent.ref_names == tuple() parent.set_ref("kid", child) assert parent.ref_names == ("kid",) assert parent.get_ref("kid") is child child.layers.append(grandchild) with pytest.raises(KeyError): parent.get_ref("grandkid") parent.set_ref("grandkid", grandchild) assert parent.get_ref("grandkid") is grandchild parent.remove_node(grandchild) assert grandchild not in child.layers assert not parent.has_ref("grandkind") def test_maybe_methods(): model = Linear(5) assert model.maybe_get_dim("nI") is None model.set_dim("nI", 4) assert model.maybe_get_dim("nI") == 4 assert model.maybe_get_ref("boo") is None assert model.maybe_get_param("W") is None model.initialize() assert model.maybe_get_param("W") is not None def test_model_can_save_to_disk(model_with_no_args): with make_tempdir() as path: model_with_no_args.to_disk(path / "thinc_model") def test_model_can_load_from_disk(model_with_no_args): with make_tempdir() as path: model_with_no_args.to_disk(path / "thinc_model") m2 = model_with_no_args.from_disk(path / "thinc_model") assert model_with_no_args.to_bytes() == m2.to_bytes() def test_model_can_roundtrip_with_path_subclass(model_with_no_args, pathy_fixture): path = pathy_fixture / "thinc_model" model_with_no_args.to_disk(path) m2 = model_with_no_args.from_disk(path) assert model_with_no_args.to_bytes() == m2.to_bytes() def test_change_attr_values(model_with_no_args): model = model_with_no_args = "target" model.attrs["has_var"] = False change_attr_values(model, {"target": {"has_var": True, "error": True}}) assert model.attrs["has_var"] is True assert "error" not in model.attrs def test_set_dropout(): model = Dropout() assert model.attrs["dropout_rate"] == 0.0 set_dropout_rate(model, 0.2) assert model.attrs["dropout_rate"] == 0.2 def test_set_dropout_2(model_with_no_args): model = model_with_no_args = "dropout" model.attrs["dropout_rate"] = 0.0 set_dropout_rate(model, 0.2) assert model.attrs["dropout_rate"] == 0.2 def test_bind_plus(): with Model.define_operators({"+": lambda a, b: (,}): m = create_model(name="a") + create_model(name="b") assert m == ("a", "b") def test_plus_chain(): with Model.define_operators({"+": lambda a, b: a}): m = ( create_model(name="a") + create_model(name="b") + create_model(name="c") + create_model(name="d") ) assert == "a" def test_overload_operators_in_subthread(): """Test we can create a model in a child thread with overloaded operators.""" # Worker1 will start and run, while worker 2 sleeps after Model.define_operators. # Without thread-safety, worker2 will find that its operator definitions # have been removed, causing an error. worker1 = threading.Thread(target=_overload_plus, args=("+", 0)) worker2 = threading.Thread(target=_overload_plus, args=("*", 1)) worker2.start() worker1.start() worker1.join() worker2.join() worker1 = threading.Thread(target=_overload_plus, args=("+", 1)) worker2 = threading.Thread(target=_overload_plus, args=("*", 0)) worker2.start() worker1.start() worker1.join() worker2.join() def _overload_plus(operator, sleep): m1 = create_model(name="a") m2 = create_model(name="b") with Model.define_operators({operator: lambda a, b: +}): time.sleep(sleep) if operator == "+": value = m1 + m2 else: value = m1 * m2 assert value == "ab" assert Model._context_operators.get() == {} def test_nested_operator_contexts(): m1 = create_model(name="a") m2 = create_model(name="b") assert Model._context_operators.get() == {} with Model.define_operators({"+": lambda a, b: +}): value = m1 + m2 with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 * m2 with Model.define_operators({"*": lambda a, b: +}): with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 + m2 value = m1 * m2 with Model.define_operators({"-": lambda a, b: +}): with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 + m2 value = m1 - m2 with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 + m2 value = m1 * m2 value = m1 + m2 with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 * m2 assert value == "ab" assert Model._context_operators.get() == {} @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", "+ - * @ / // % ** << >> & ^ |".split()) def test_all_operators(op): m1 = Linear() m2 = Linear() with Model.define_operators({op: lambda a, b: +}): if op == "+": value = m1 + m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 + m2 if op == "-": value = m1 - m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 - m2 if op == "*": value = m1 * m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 * m2 if op == "@": value = m1.__matmul__(m2) # Be kind to Python 2... else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1.__matmul__(m2) if op == "/": value = m1 / m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 / m2 if op == "//": value = m1 // m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 // m2 if op == "^": value = m1 ^ m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 ^ m2 if op == "%": value = m1 % m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 % m2 if op == "**": value = m1**m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1**m2 if op == "<<": value = m1 << m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 << m2 if op == ">>": value = m1 >> m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 >> m2 if op == "&": value = m1 & m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 & m2 if op == "^": value = m1 ^ m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 ^ m2 if op == "|": value = m1 | m2 else: with pytest.raises(TypeError): value = m1 | m2 # noqa: F841 assert Model._context_operators.get() == {} def test_unique_id_multithreading(): """Create a bunch of threads and assert they all get unique IDs""" list_of_ids = [] def get_model_id(id_list, index): id_list.append(create_model(name=f"worker{index}").id) counter = 0 while len(list_of_ids) < 1000: workers = [] for i in range(50): w = threading.Thread(target=get_model_id, args=(list_of_ids, counter)) workers.append(w) counter += 1 for w in workers: w.start() for w in workers: w.join() assert len(list_of_ids) == len(list(set(list_of_ids))) @pytest.mark.skipif(not has_cupy_gpu, reason="needs CuPy GPU") def test_model_gpu(): pytest.importorskip("ml_datasets") import ml_datasets with use_ops("cupy"): n_hidden = 32 dropout = 0.2 (train_X, train_Y), (dev_X, dev_Y) = ml_datasets.mnist() model = chain( Relu(nO=n_hidden, dropout=dropout), Relu(nO=n_hidden, dropout=dropout), Softmax(), ) # make sure the data is on the right device train_X = model.ops.asarray(train_X) train_Y = model.ops.asarray(train_Y) dev_X = model.ops.asarray(dev_X) dev_Y = model.ops.asarray(dev_Y) model.initialize(X=train_X[:5], Y=train_Y[:5]) optimizer = Adam(0.001) batch_size = 128 for i in range(2): batches = model.ops.multibatch(batch_size, train_X, train_Y, shuffle=True) for X, Y in batches: Yh, backprop = model.begin_update(X) backprop(Yh - Y) model.finish_update(optimizer) # Evaluate and print progress correct = 0 total = 0 for X, Y in model.ops.multibatch(batch_size, dev_X, dev_Y): Yh = model.predict(X) correct += (Yh.argmax(axis=1) == Y.argmax(axis=1)).sum() total += Yh.shape[0] def test_replace_node(): relu1 = Relu(5) relu2 = Relu(5) relu_chain = chain(relu1, relu2) relu1_debug = with_debug(relu1) debug = Model( "test", lambda X: (X, lambda dY: dY), layers=[relu1, relu2, relu1, relu_chain], refs={"relu1": relu1, "relu2": relu2, "relu3": relu1}, ) debug.replace_node(relu1, relu1_debug) assert debug.layers[0] == relu1_debug assert debug.layers[1] == relu2 assert debug.layers[2] == relu1_debug assert debug.get_ref("relu1") == relu1_debug assert debug.get_ref("relu2") == relu2 assert debug.get_ref("relu3") == relu1_debug # Check that nodes are replaced recursively assert debug.layers[3] == relu_chain assert debug.layers[3].layers[0] == relu1_debug assert debug.layers[3].layers[1] == relu2 def test_replace_node_with_indirect_node_ref(): # a # / \ # x b[y=y] # | | # y x # | # y def dummy_model(name, layers): return Model(name, lambda model, X, is_train: ..., layers=layers) y = dummy_model("y", []) x = dummy_model("x", [y]) y_debug = with_debug(y) b = dummy_model("b", [x]) b.set_ref("y", y) a = chain(x, b) = "a" a.replace_node(y, y_debug) assert a.layers[0].layers[0] == y_debug assert a.layers[1].layers[0].layers[0] == y_debug assert a.layers[1].get_ref("y") == y_debug def test_with_debug(): pytest.importorskip("ml_datasets") import ml_datasets (train_X, train_Y), (dev_X, dev_Y) = ml_datasets.mnist() counts = Counter() def on_init(*_): counts["init"] += 1 def on_forward(*_): counts["forward"] += 1 def on_backprop(*_): counts["backprop"] += 1 relu = Relu() relu2 = with_debug( Relu(), on_init=on_init, on_forward=on_forward, on_backprop=on_backprop ) chained = chain(relu, relu2, relu2) chained.initialize(X=train_X[:5], Y=train_Y[:5]) _, backprop = chained(X=train_X[:5], is_train=False) # Not real loss gradients, but we don't care for testing. backprop(train_Y[:5]) # Four times forward, because initialization also applies forward for # validation. assert counts == {"init": 2, "forward": 4, "backprop": 2} def test_recursive_wrap(): def dummy_model(name, layers): return Model(name, lambda model, X, is_train: ..., layers=layers) # Check: # # * Recursion: chain -> relu # * Multiple sublayers: chain -> [relu, relu] relu = Relu(5) chained = chain(relu, relu) chained_debug = wrap_model_recursive( chained, lambda model: dummy_model(f"dummy({})", [model]) ) assert == "dummy(relu>>relu)" assert chained_debug.layers[0] is chained assert chained_debug.layers[0].layers[0].name == "dummy(relu)" assert chained_debug.layers[0].layers[0].layers[0] is relu assert chained_debug.layers[0].layers[1].name == "dummy(relu)" assert chained_debug.layers[0].layers[1].layers[0] is relu def test_recursive_double_wrap(): def dummy_model(name, layers): return Model(name, lambda model, X, is_train: ..., layers=layers) relu = Relu(5) chained = chain(relu, relu) concat = concatenate(chained, chained, relu) concat_wrapped = wrap_model_recursive( concat, lambda model: dummy_model(f"dummy({})", [model]) ) n_debug = 0 for model in concat_wrapped.walk(): if"dummy"): n_debug += 1 # There should be 3 unique dummy wrappers: # * Around concatenate. # * Around chain. # * Around relu. assert n_debug == 3 assert concat_wrapped.layers[0].layers[0].layers[0].layers[0].name == "dummy(relu)" assert concat_wrapped.layers[0].layers[0].layers[0].layers[1].name == "dummy(relu)" assert concat_wrapped.layers[0].layers[1].layers[0].layers[0].name == "dummy(relu)" assert concat_wrapped.layers[0].layers[1].layers[0].layers[1].name == "dummy(relu)" assert concat_wrapped.layers[0].layers[2].name == "dummy(relu)" def test_wrap_non_child_references(): relu = Relu(5) relu2 = Relu(5) chained = chain(relu, relu) chained2 = chain(relu2, chained) chained2.set_ref("relu", relu) # Fails in case non-child references cannot be set. wrap_model_recursive(chained2, with_debug) def test_walk_dfs(): relu = Relu(5) relu2 = Relu(5) inner_chain = chain(relu, relu2) chained = chain(inner_chain, inner_chain) assert list(chained.walk(order="dfs_pre")) == [chained, inner_chain, relu, relu2] assert list(chained.walk(order="dfs_post")) == [ relu, relu2, inner_chain, chained, ] def test_walk_bfs_post_order_fails(): relu = Relu(5) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid order"): relu.walk(order="dfs_post_order") def test_model_copy_with_loop(): class MyShim(Shim): name = "testshim" def to_bytes(self): return test_replace_node_with_indirect_node_ref def from_bytes(self, bytes): pass model_a = create_model("a") working_shim = MyShim(None) layer = Model( "test", lambda X: (X, lambda dY: dY), dims={"nI": 5, "nO": 5}, params={"W": numpy.zeros((10,)), "b": None}, refs={"a": model_a, "b": None}, attrs={"foo": "bar"}, shims=[working_shim], layers=[model_a, model_a], ) layer2 = Model( "test2", lambda X: (X, lambda dY: dY), dims={"nI": 5, "nO": 5}, params={"W": numpy.zeros((10,)), "b": None}, refs={"a": model_a, "b": None}, attrs={"foo": "bar"}, shims=[working_shim], layers=[model_a, model_a], ) relu = Relu(5) model = chain(layer, relu, layer, layer2) model2 = model.copy() model.from_dict(model2.to_dict()) assert == "test>>relu>>test>>test2" assert model2.layers[0] == model2.layers[2] assert id(model2.layers[0].shims[0]) == id(model2.layers[3].shims[0])