import contextlib import functools import inspect import os import platform import random import tempfile import threading from contextvars import ContextVar from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast, ) import numpy from packaging.version import Version try: from pydantic.v1 import ValidationError, create_model except ImportError: from pydantic import ValidationError, create_model # type: ignore from wasabi import table from .compat import ( cupy, cupy_from_dlpack, has_cupy, has_cupy_gpu, has_gpu, has_mxnet, has_tensorflow, has_torch, has_torch_cuda_gpu, has_torch_mps, ) from .compat import mxnet as mx from .compat import tensorflow as tf from .compat import torch DATA_VALIDATION: ContextVar[bool] = ContextVar("DATA_VALIDATION", default=False) from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from . import types # noqa: E402 from .types import ArgsKwargs, ArrayXd, FloatsXd, IntsXd, Padded, Ragged # noqa: E402 if TYPE_CHECKING: from .api import Ops def get_torch_default_device() -> "torch.device": if torch is None: raise ValueError("Cannot get default Torch device when Torch is not available.") from .backends import get_current_ops from .backends.cupy_ops import CupyOps from .backends.mps_ops import MPSOps ops = get_current_ops() if isinstance(ops, CupyOps): device_id = torch.cuda.current_device() return torch.device(f"cuda:{device_id}") elif isinstance(ops, MPSOps): return torch.device("mps") return torch.device("cpu") def get_array_module(arr): # pragma: no cover if is_numpy_array(arr): return numpy elif is_cupy_array(arr): return cupy else: raise ValueError( "Only numpy and cupy arrays are supported" f", but found {type(arr)} instead. If " "get_array_module module wasn't called " "directly, this might indicate a bug in Thinc." ) def gpu_is_available(): return has_gpu def fix_random_seed(seed: int = 0) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Set the random seed across random, numpy.random and cupy.random.""" random.seed(seed) numpy.random.seed(seed) if has_torch: torch.manual_seed(seed) if has_cupy_gpu: cupy.random.seed(seed) if has_torch and has_torch_cuda_gpu: torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False def is_xp_array(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check whether an object is a numpy or cupy array.""" return is_numpy_array(obj) or is_cupy_array(obj) def is_cupy_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover """Check whether an object is a cupy array.""" if not has_cupy: return False elif isinstance(obj, cupy.ndarray): return True else: return False def is_numpy_array(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check whether an object is a numpy array.""" if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray): return True else: return False def is_torch_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover if torch is None: return False elif isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor): return True else: return False def is_torch_cuda_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover return is_torch_array(obj) and obj.is_cuda def is_torch_gpu_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover return is_torch_cuda_array(obj) or is_torch_mps_array(obj) def is_torch_mps_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover return is_torch_array(obj) and hasattr(obj, "is_mps") and obj.is_mps def is_tensorflow_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover if not has_tensorflow: return False elif isinstance(obj, tf.Tensor): # type: ignore return True else: return False def is_tensorflow_gpu_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover return is_tensorflow_array(obj) and "GPU:" in obj.device def is_mxnet_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover if not has_mxnet: return False elif isinstance(obj, mx.nd.NDArray): # type: ignore return True else: return False def is_mxnet_gpu_array(obj: Any) -> bool: # pragma: no cover return is_mxnet_array(obj) and obj.context.device_type != "cpu" def to_numpy(data): # pragma: no cover if isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray): return data elif has_cupy and isinstance(data, cupy.ndarray): return data.get() else: return numpy.array(data) def set_active_gpu(gpu_id: int) -> "cupy.cuda.Device": # pragma: no cover """Set the current GPU device for cupy and torch (if available).""" if not has_cupy_gpu: raise ValueError("No CUDA GPU devices detected") device = cupy.cuda.device.Device(gpu_id) device.use() if has_torch_cuda_gpu: torch.cuda.set_device(gpu_id) return device def require_cpu() -> bool: # pragma: no cover """Use CPU through best available backend.""" from .backends import get_ops, set_current_ops ops = get_ops("cpu") set_current_ops(ops) return True def prefer_gpu(gpu_id: int = 0) -> bool: # pragma: no cover """Use GPU if it's available. Returns True if so, False otherwise.""" if has_gpu: require_gpu(gpu_id=gpu_id) return has_gpu def require_gpu(gpu_id: int = 0) -> bool: # pragma: no cover from .backends import CupyOps, MPSOps, set_current_ops if platform.system() == "Darwin" and not has_torch_mps: if has_torch: raise ValueError("Cannot use GPU, installed PyTorch does not support MPS") raise ValueError("Cannot use GPU, PyTorch is not installed") elif platform.system() != "Darwin" and not has_cupy: raise ValueError("Cannot use GPU, CuPy is not installed") elif not has_gpu: raise ValueError("No GPU devices detected") if has_cupy_gpu: set_current_ops(CupyOps()) set_active_gpu(gpu_id) else: set_current_ops(MPSOps()) return True def copy_array(dst: ArrayXd, src: ArrayXd) -> None: # pragma: no cover if isinstance(dst, numpy.ndarray) and isinstance(src, numpy.ndarray): dst[:] = src elif is_cupy_array(dst): src = cupy.array(src, copy=False) cupy.copyto(dst, src) else: numpy.copyto(dst, src) # type: ignore def to_categorical( Y: IntsXd, n_classes: Optional[int] = None, *, label_smoothing: float = 0.0, ) -> FloatsXd: if n_classes is None: n_classes = int(numpy.max(Y) + 1) # type: ignore if label_smoothing < 0.0: raise ValueError( "Label-smoothing parameter has to be greater than or equal to 0" ) if label_smoothing == 0.0: if n_classes == 0: raise ValueError("n_classes should be at least 1") nongold_prob = 0.0 else: if not n_classes > 1: raise ValueError( "n_classes should be greater than 1 when label smoothing is enabled," f"but {n_classes} was provided." ) nongold_prob = label_smoothing / (n_classes - 1) max_smooth = (n_classes - 1) / n_classes if n_classes > 1 and label_smoothing >= max_smooth: raise ValueError( f"For {n_classes} classes " "label_smoothing parameter has to be less than " f"{max_smooth}, but found {label_smoothing}." ) xp = get_array_module(Y) label_distr = xp.full((n_classes, n_classes), nongold_prob, dtype="float32") xp.fill_diagonal(label_distr, 1 - label_smoothing) return label_distr[Y] def get_width( X: Union[ArrayXd, Ragged, Padded, Sequence[ArrayXd]], *, dim: int = -1 ) -> int: """Infer the 'width' of a batch of data, which could be any of: Array, Ragged, Padded or Sequence of Arrays. """ if isinstance(X, Ragged): return get_width(, dim=dim) elif isinstance(X, Padded): return get_width(, dim=dim) elif hasattr(X, "shape") and hasattr(X, "ndim"): X = cast(ArrayXd, X) if len(X.shape) == 0: return 0 elif len(X.shape) == 1: return int(X.max()) + 1 else: return X.shape[dim] elif isinstance(X, (list, tuple)): if len(X) == 0: return 0 else: return get_width(X[0], dim=dim) else: err = "Cannot get width of object: has neither shape nor __getitem__" raise ValueError(err) def assert_tensorflow_installed() -> None: # pragma: no cover """Raise an ImportError if TensorFlow is not installed.""" template = "TensorFlow support requires {pkg}: pip install thinc[tensorflow]\n\nEnable TensorFlow support with thinc.api.enable_tensorflow()" if not has_tensorflow: raise ImportError(template.format(pkg="tensorflow>=2.0.0,<2.6.0")) def assert_mxnet_installed() -> None: # pragma: no cover """Raise an ImportError if MXNet is not installed.""" if not has_mxnet: raise ImportError( "MXNet support requires mxnet: pip install thinc[mxnet]\n\nEnable MXNet support with thinc.api.enable_mxnet()" ) def assert_pytorch_installed() -> None: # pragma: no cover """Raise an ImportError if PyTorch is not installed.""" if not has_torch: raise ImportError("PyTorch support requires torch: pip install thinc[torch]") def convert_recursive( is_match: Callable[[Any], bool], convert_item: Callable[[Any], Any], obj: Any ) -> Any: """Either convert a single value if it matches a given function, or recursively walk over potentially nested lists, tuples and dicts applying the conversion, and returns the same type. Also supports the ArgsKwargs dataclass. """ if is_match(obj): return convert_item(obj) elif isinstance(obj, ArgsKwargs): converted = convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, list(obj.items())) return ArgsKwargs.from_items(converted) elif isinstance(obj, dict): converted = {} for key, value in obj.items(): key = convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, key) value = convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, value) converted[key] = value return converted elif isinstance(obj, list): return [convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, item) for item in obj] elif isinstance(obj, tuple): return tuple(convert_recursive(is_match, convert_item, item) for item in obj) else: return obj def iterate_recursive(is_match: Callable[[Any], bool], obj: Any) -> Any: """Either yield a single value if it matches a given function, or recursively walk over potentially nested lists, tuples and dicts yielding matching values. Also supports the ArgsKwargs dataclass. """ if is_match(obj): yield obj elif isinstance(obj, ArgsKwargs): yield from iterate_recursive(is_match, list(obj.items())) elif isinstance(obj, dict): for key, value in obj.items(): yield from iterate_recursive(is_match, key) yield from iterate_recursive(is_match, value) elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple): for item in obj: yield from iterate_recursive(is_match, item) def xp2torch( xp_tensor: ArrayXd, requires_grad: bool = False, device: Optional["torch.device"] = None, ) -> "torch.Tensor": # pragma: no cover """Convert a numpy or cupy tensor to a PyTorch tensor.""" assert_pytorch_installed() if device is None: device = get_torch_default_device() if hasattr(xp_tensor, "toDlpack"): dlpack_tensor = xp_tensor.toDlpack() # type: ignore torch_tensor = torch.utils.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor) elif hasattr(xp_tensor, "__dlpack__"): torch_tensor = torch.utils.dlpack.from_dlpack(xp_tensor) else: torch_tensor = torch.from_numpy(xp_tensor) torch_tensor = if requires_grad: torch_tensor.requires_grad_() return torch_tensor def torch2xp( torch_tensor: "torch.Tensor", *, ops: Optional["Ops"] = None ) -> ArrayXd: # pragma: no cover """Convert a torch tensor to a numpy or cupy tensor depending on the `ops` parameter. If `ops` is `None`, the type of the resultant tensor will be determined by the source tensor's device. """ from .api import NumpyOps assert_pytorch_installed() if is_torch_cuda_array(torch_tensor): if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps): return torch_tensor.detach().cpu().numpy() else: return cupy_from_dlpack(torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(torch_tensor)) else: if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or ops is None: return torch_tensor.detach().cpu().numpy() else: return cupy.asarray(torch_tensor) def xp2tensorflow( xp_tensor: ArrayXd, requires_grad: bool = False, as_variable: bool = False ) -> "tf.Tensor": # type: ignore # pragma: no cover """Convert a numpy or cupy tensor to a TensorFlow Tensor or Variable""" assert_tensorflow_installed() if hasattr(xp_tensor, "toDlpack"): dlpack_tensor = xp_tensor.toDlpack() # type: ignore tf_tensor = tf.experimental.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor) # type: ignore elif hasattr(xp_tensor, "__dlpack__"): dlpack_tensor = xp_tensor.__dlpack__() # type: ignore tf_tensor = tf.experimental.dlpack.from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor) # type: ignore else: tf_tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(xp_tensor) # type: ignore if as_variable: # tf.Variable() automatically puts in GPU if available. # So we need to control it using the context manager with tf.device(tf_tensor.device): # type: ignore tf_tensor = tf.Variable(tf_tensor, trainable=requires_grad) # type: ignore if requires_grad is False and as_variable is False: # tf.stop_gradient() automatically puts in GPU if available. # So we need to control it using the context manager with tf.device(tf_tensor.device): # type: ignore tf_tensor = tf.stop_gradient(tf_tensor) # type: ignore return tf_tensor def tensorflow2xp( tf_tensor: "tf.Tensor", *, ops: Optional["Ops"] = None # type: ignore ) -> ArrayXd: # pragma: no cover """Convert a Tensorflow tensor to numpy or cupy tensor depending on the `ops` parameter. If `ops` is `None`, the type of the resultant tensor will be determined by the source tensor's device. """ from .api import NumpyOps assert_tensorflow_installed() if is_tensorflow_gpu_array(tf_tensor): if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps): return tf_tensor.numpy() else: dlpack_tensor = tf.experimental.dlpack.to_dlpack(tf_tensor) # type: ignore return cupy_from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor) else: if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or ops is None: return tf_tensor.numpy() else: return cupy.asarray(tf_tensor.numpy()) def xp2mxnet( xp_tensor: ArrayXd, requires_grad: bool = False ) -> "mx.nd.NDArray": # type: ignore # pragma: no cover """Convert a numpy or cupy tensor to a MXNet tensor.""" assert_mxnet_installed() if hasattr(xp_tensor, "toDlpack"): dlpack_tensor = xp_tensor.toDlpack() # type: ignore mx_tensor = mx.nd.from_dlpack(dlpack_tensor) # type: ignore else: mx_tensor = mx.nd.from_numpy(xp_tensor) # type: ignore if requires_grad: mx_tensor.attach_grad() return mx_tensor def mxnet2xp( mx_tensor: "mx.nd.NDArray", *, ops: Optional["Ops"] = None # type: ignore ) -> ArrayXd: # pragma: no cover """Convert a MXNet tensor to a numpy or cupy tensor.""" from .api import NumpyOps assert_mxnet_installed() if is_mxnet_gpu_array(mx_tensor): if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps): return mx_tensor.detach().asnumpy() else: return cupy_from_dlpack(mx_tensor.to_dlpack_for_write()) else: if isinstance(ops, NumpyOps) or ops is None: return mx_tensor.detach().asnumpy() else: return cupy.asarray(mx_tensor.asnumpy()) # This is how functools.partials seems to do it, too, to retain the return type PartialT = TypeVar("PartialT") def partial( func: Callable[..., PartialT], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[..., PartialT]: """Wrapper around functools.partial that retains docstrings and can include other workarounds if needed. """ partial_func = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) partial_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return partial_func class DataValidationError(ValueError): def __init__( self, name: str, X: Any, Y: Any, errors: Union[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], List[Dict[str, Any]]] = [], ) -> None: """Custom error for validating inputs / outputs at runtime.""" message = f"Data validation error in '{name}'" type_info = f"X: {type(X)} Y: {type(Y)}" data = [] for error in errors: err_loc = " -> ".join([str(p) for p in error.get("loc", [])]) data.append((err_loc, error.get("msg"))) result = [message, type_info, table(data)] ValueError.__init__(self, "\n\n" + "\n".join(result)) class _ArgModelConfig: extra = "forbid" arbitrary_types_allowed = True def validate_fwd_input_output( name: str, func: Callable[[Any, Any, bool], Any], X: Any, Y: Any ) -> None: """Validate the input and output of a forward function against the type annotations, if available. Used in Model.initialize with the input and output samples as they pass through the network. """ sig = inspect.signature(func) empty = inspect.Signature.empty params = list(sig.parameters.values()) if len(params) != 3: bad_params = f"{len(params)} ({', '.join([ for p in params])})" err = f"Invalid forward function. Expected 3 arguments (model, X , is_train), got {bad_params}" raise DataValidationError(name, X, Y, [{"msg": err}]) annot_x = params[1].annotation annot_y = sig.return_annotation sig_args: Dict[str, Any] = {"__config__": _ArgModelConfig} args = {} if X is not None and annot_x != empty: if isinstance(X, list) and len(X) > 5: X = X[:5] sig_args["X"] = (annot_x, ...) args["X"] = X if Y is not None and annot_y != empty: if isinstance(Y, list) and len(Y) > 5: Y = Y[:5] sig_args["Y"] = (annot_y, ...) args["Y"] = (Y, lambda x: x) ArgModel = create_model("ArgModel", **sig_args) # Make sure the forward refs are resolved and the types used by them are # available in the correct scope. See #494 for details. ArgModel.update_forward_refs(**types.__dict__) try: ArgModel.parse_obj(args) except ValidationError as e: raise DataValidationError(name, X, Y, e.errors()) from None @contextlib.contextmanager def make_tempfile(mode="r"): f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode=mode, delete=False) yield f f.close() os.remove( @contextlib.contextmanager def data_validation(validation): with threading.Lock(): prev = DATA_VALIDATION.get() DATA_VALIDATION.set(validation) yield DATA_VALIDATION.set(prev) @contextlib.contextmanager def use_nvtx_range(message: str, id_color: int = -1): """Context manager to register the executed code as an NVTX range. The ranges can be used as markers in CUDA profiling.""" if has_cupy: cupy.cuda.nvtx.RangePush(message, id_color) yield cupy.cuda.nvtx.RangePop() else: yield @dataclass class ArrayInfo: """Container for info for checking array compatibility.""" shape: types.Shape dtype: types.DTypes @classmethod def from_array(cls, arr: ArrayXd): return cls(shape=arr.shape, dtype=arr.dtype) def check_consistency(self, arr: ArrayXd): if arr.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError( f"Shape mismatch in backprop. Y: {self.shape}, dY: {arr.shape}" ) if arr.dtype != self.dtype: raise ValueError( f"Type mismatch in backprop. Y: {self.dtype}, dY: {arr.dtype}" ) # fmt: off __all__ = [ "get_array_module", "get_torch_default_device", "fix_random_seed", "is_cupy_array", "is_numpy_array", "set_active_gpu", "prefer_gpu", "require_gpu", "copy_array", "to_categorical", "get_width", "xp2torch", "torch2xp", "tensorflow2xp", "xp2tensorflow", "validate_fwd_input_output", "DataValidationError", "make_tempfile", "use_nvtx_range", "ArrayInfo", "has_cupy", "has_torch", ] # fmt: on