import torch from torch.fx.passes.infra.partitioner import CapabilityBasedPartitioner from torch.fx.passes.operator_support import OperatorSupport from torch.fx.passes.tools_common import CALLABLE_NODE_OPS from torch.fx.passes.fake_tensor_prop import FakeTensorProp from torch.utils import _pytree as pytree import operator class CudaGraphsSupport(OperatorSupport): # TODO: why is submodules passed here def is_node_supported(self, submodules, node: torch.fx.Node) -> bool: if node.op not in CALLABLE_NODE_OPS: return False if in [torch.ops.aten.embedding_dense_backward.default]: return False if in [operator.getitem]: return True found_not_cuda = False def meta_fk(meta): return meta["val"] if "val" in meta else meta["fake_result"] def find_not_cuda(t): nonlocal found_not_cuda if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor) and t.device.type != 'cuda': found_not_cuda = True for n in node.all_input_nodes: pytree.tree_map_(find_not_cuda, meta_fk(n.meta)) pytree.tree_map_(find_not_cuda, meta_fk(node.meta)) # NB: factory function is accounted for because the result would be # cpu or cuda return not found_not_cuda def partition_cudagraphs(gm, inputs): """ Partition an FX graph into sub-GraphModules that can be validly run under CUDA graphs. For a subgraph to be runnable under CUDA, all of the operations must involve CUDA tensors only/ """ FakeTensorProp(gm).propagate(*inputs) supported_ops = CudaGraphsSupport() # TODO: single node partition may be wrong due to the pessimization # from copying in and out the data. Check in benchmarks, perhaps partitioner = CapabilityBasedPartitioner(gm, supported_ops, allows_single_node_partition=True) partitions = partitioner.propose_partitions() fused_graph = partitioner.fuse_partitions(partitions) return fused_graph