import copy from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union import torch.fx from torch.fx._compatibility import compatibility from torch.fx.graph import map_arg from torch.fx.passes.utils import HolderModule, lift_subgraph_as_module from .tools_common import NodeList __all__ = ["getattr_recursive", "setattr_recursive", "Component", "split_by_tags"] @compatibility(is_backward_compatible=False) def getattr_recursive(obj, name): for layer in name.split("."): if hasattr(obj, layer): obj = getattr(obj, layer) else: return None return obj @compatibility(is_backward_compatible=False) def setattr_recursive(obj, attr, value): if "." not in attr: setattr(obj, attr, value) else: layer = attr.split(".") setattr_recursive(getattr(obj, layer[0]), ".".join(layer[1:]), value) @compatibility(is_backward_compatible=False) @dataclass class Component: """ A component serves as a container for a subgraph we want to create afterwards. """ graph: torch.fx.Graph order: int name: str # Stores the placeholder nodes in `graph`. input_placeholders: List = field(default_factory=list) # Store the nodes in original graph that are placeholder in `graph`. orig_inputs: List = field(default_factory=list) # Store the nodes in original graph that are outputs in `graph`. orig_outputs: List = field(default_factory=list) # Mapping from get_attr node in original graph to get_attr node in `graph`. getattr_maps: Dict[torch.fx.Node, torch.fx.Node] = field(default_factory=dict) constructor_args: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) gm: Optional[torch.fx.GraphModule] = None @compatibility(is_backward_compatible=False) def split_by_tags( gm: torch.fx.GraphModule, tags: List[str], return_fqn_mapping: bool = False, return_tuple: bool = False, GraphModuleCls: Type[torch.fx.GraphModule] = torch.fx.GraphModule, ) -> Union[torch.fx.GraphModule, Tuple[torch.fx.GraphModule, Dict[str, str]]]: """ Splits a GraphModule using tags on its graph nodes. We honor the order of tags. For example, we have tags = ["a", "b", "c"], the function will create the initial submodules in the order of "a", "b", "c". To set a tag: gm.graph.nodes[idx].tag = "mytag" This will result in all nodes with the same tag being extracted and placed in their own submodule. For placeholder, output and get_attr node, the tag is ignored. placeholder and output nodes are created when needed while get_attr nodes get copied to submodules where they are used. Given the following module def: class SimpleModule(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear1 = torch.nn.Linear(...) self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(...) self.linear3 = torch.nn.Linear(...) def forward(self, in1, in2): r1 = self.linear1(in1) r2 = self.linear2(in2) r3 =[r1, r2]) return self.linear3(r3) Marking the node corresponding to in1 with the tag sc.REQUEST_ONLY.lower() results in the following split: ro: def forward(self, in1): self = self.root linear1 = self.linear1(in1) return linear1 main: def forward(self, in2, linear1): self = self.root linear2 = self.linear2(in2) cat_1 =[linear1, linear2]) linear3 = self.linear3(cat_1) return linear3 main: def forward(self, in1, in2): self = self.root ro_0 = self.ro_0(in1) main_1 = self.main_1(in2, ro_0) return main_1 Returns: split_gm: torch fx graph after split orig_to_split_fqn_mapping: a map between the original fqn and the fqn after split for call_module and get_attr. """ def flatten(x: torch.fx.node.Argument) -> NodeList: """ Stores nodes in x to a list and returns the list. """ r: NodeList = [] map_arg(x, r.append) return r # Mapping from node in original module to node in created submodule. node_remapping: Dict[torch.fx.Node, torch.fx.Node] = {} # Mapping from node in original module or created submodules to # corresponding component. node_to_component: Dict[torch.fx.Node, Component] = {} # Mapping from tag to the corresponding component. tag_to_component: Dict[str, Component] = {} # Stores all components. all_components: List[Component] = [] # Stores nodes that will be used in main graph. used_in_main: Dict[torch.fx.Node, None] = {} # Main graph after split. main_g = torch.fx.Graph() # Mapping from node in original module to node in main graph after split. main_remapping: Dict[torch.fx.Node, torch.fx.Node] = {} # Output node of original module. output_node: Optional[torch.fx.Node] = None # Create a component for each tag, we don't expect to create other components afterwards. for tag in tags: comp = Component(torch.fx.Graph(), len(all_components), f"{tag}") all_components.append(comp) tag_to_component[tag] = comp # Traverse the nodes in original graph and take care of them. for node in gm.graph.nodes: if node.op == "output": if output_node is not None: raise RuntimeError("Multiple output nodes in graph!") output_node = node continue # Placeholders in the original graph get copied to main graph. if node.op == "placeholder": main_remapping[node] = main_g.placeholder(, type_expr=node.type) main_remapping[node].meta = copy.copy(node.meta) continue # Get_attr nodes are ignored because we are not tagging them. # Instead, we copy them directly to the submodules use them afterwards. if node.op == "get_attr": continue # Now we process callable nodes which are nodes with op of call_module, # call_function or call_method. Every callable nodes should be tagged. assert hasattr(node, "tag") upstream_components = [ node_to_component[x] for x in flatten(node.args) + flatten(node.kwargs) if x.op not in {"placeholder", "get_attr"} ] comp = tag_to_component[node.tag] node_to_component[node] = comp # Max order of upperstream components. mx = max((c.order for c in upstream_components), default=0) # Expect the component for `node` has higher order then its upstream components. assert comp.order >= mx # Map a input of `node` to nodes in the component's graph. def remap_func(x): # If input is a get_attr node, copy it to current component's graph. # Returns the get_attr node in current component's graph. if x.op == "get_attr": if x not in comp.getattr_maps: comp.getattr_maps[x] = comp.graph.get_attr(, type_expr=x.type ) return comp.getattr_maps[x] # If input is not a placeholder, it should have been put into a component # already. If it's the current component then we return the corresponding # node in the component. if x.op != "placeholder" and node_to_component[x] == comp: return node_remapping[x] # If input is a placeholder or it's in other components, we want to make it # as a placeholder in current component's graph. if x not in comp.orig_inputs: comp.orig_inputs.append(x) placeholder = comp.graph.placeholder(, type_expr=x.type) placeholder.meta = copy.copy(x.meta) comp.input_placeholders.append(placeholder) used_in_main[x] = None return comp.input_placeholders[comp.orig_inputs.index(x)] n = comp.graph.node_copy(node, remap_func) n.tag = node.tag # type: ignore[attr-defined] node_remapping[node] = n node_to_component[n] = comp if output_node is None: raise RuntimeError("Graph had no output node!") for x in flatten(output_node.args[0]): if x.op == "get_attr": # We don't need components mapping for nodes of type "get_attr" # that are consumed by the output. Only need to make sure we create # corresponding counterparts in the resulting graph. main_remapping[x] = main_g.get_attr(, type_expr=x.type) else: # All component results consumed by the output node should be # marked as "used in main". used_in_main[x] = None # If a node is used in main graph then we mark it as an output in the component # it belongs to. for n in used_in_main: if n.op != "placeholder": node_to_component[n].orig_outputs.append(n) # Now we create a graphmodule for each component. orig_to_split_fqn_mapping: Dict[str, str] = {} for comp in all_components: outs = tuple(map(node_remapping.__getitem__, comp.orig_outputs)) if return_tuple: comp.graph.output(outs) else: # Take care of the args of FX output node. If there's a single # output then the output node args is like (output_single), else # if there're multiple outputs then the output node args is like # ((output_0, output_1, ...)). comp.graph.output(outs[0] if len(outs) == 1 else outs), comp_orig_to_split_fqn_mapping = lift_subgraph_as_module( gm, subgraph=comp.graph, ) orig_to_split_fqn_mapping.update(comp_orig_to_split_fqn_mapping) # Create a call_module node in main graph. main_node = main_g.call_module(, args=tuple(map(main_remapping.__getitem__, comp.orig_inputs)), kwargs=None, ) if len(outs) == 1 and not return_tuple: main_remapping[comp.orig_outputs[0]] = main_node else: for i, o in enumerate(comp.orig_outputs): # Use Proxy to record getitem access. main_remapping[o] = torch.fx.Proxy(main_node)[i].node # type: ignore[index] main_g.output(map_arg(output_node.args[0], main_remapping.__getitem__)) main_root = HolderModule({ for comp in all_components}) main_g._codegen = gm.graph._codegen # If the output nodes consumes get_attr directly in the original graph, # then we need to make sure get_attr is copied to the new graph. for x in flatten(output_node.args[0]): if x.op == "get_attr": setattr(main_root,, getattr_recursive(gm, # type: ignore[arg-type] result_gm = GraphModuleCls(main_root, main_g) if return_fqn_mapping: return result_gm, orig_to_split_fqn_mapping return result_gm