import torch import torch.distributed as dist from torch.autograd.function import Function class SyncBatchNorm(Function): @staticmethod def forward(self, input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, eps, momentum, process_group, world_size): if not ( input.is_contiguous(memory_format=torch.channels_last) or input.is_contiguous(memory_format=torch.channels_last_3d) ): input = input.contiguous() if weight is not None: weight = weight.contiguous() size = int(input.numel() // input.size(1)) if size == 1 and world_size < 2: raise ValueError(f'Expected more than 1 value per channel when training, got input size {size}') num_channels = input.shape[1] if input.numel() > 0: # calculate mean/invstd for input. mean, invstd = torch.batch_norm_stats(input, eps) count = torch.full( (1,), input.numel() // input.size(1), dtype=mean.dtype, device=mean.device ) # C, C, 1 -> (2C + 1) combined =[mean, invstd, count], dim=0) else: # for empty input, set stats and the count to zero. The stats with # zero count will be filtered out later when computing global mean # & invstd, but they still needs to participate the all_gather # collective communication to unblock other peer processes. combined = torch.zeros( 2 * num_channels + 1, dtype=input.dtype, device=input.device ) # Use allgather instead of allreduce because count could be different across # ranks, simple all reduce op can not give correct results. # batch_norm_gather_stats_with_counts calculates global mean & invstd based on # all gathered mean, invstd and count. # for nccl backend, use the optimized version of all gather. # The Gloo backend does not support `all_gather_into_tensor`. if process_group._get_backend_name() != "gloo": # world_size * (2C + 1) combined_size = combined.numel() combined_flat = torch.empty(1, combined_size * world_size, dtype=combined.dtype, device=combined.device) dist.all_gather_into_tensor(combined_flat, combined, process_group, async_op=False) combined = torch.reshape(combined_flat, (world_size, combined_size)) # world_size * (2C + 1) -> world_size * C, world_size * C, world_size * 1 mean_all, invstd_all, count_all = torch.split(combined, num_channels, dim=1) else: # world_size * (2C + 1) combined_list = [ torch.empty_like(combined) for _ in range(world_size) ] dist.all_gather(combined_list, combined, process_group, async_op=False) combined = torch.stack(combined_list, dim=0) # world_size * (2C + 1) -> world_size * C, world_size * C, world_size * 1 mean_all, invstd_all, count_all = torch.split(combined, num_channels, dim=1) if not (torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.is_current_stream_capturing()): # The lines below force a synchronization between CUDA and CPU, because # the shape of the result count_all depends on the values in mask tensor. # Such synchronizations break CUDA Graph capturing. # See # FIXME: describes # a better longer-term solution. # remove stats from empty inputs mask = count_all.squeeze(-1) >= 1 count_all = count_all[mask] mean_all = mean_all[mask] invstd_all = invstd_all[mask] # calculate global mean & invstd counts = count_all.view(-1) if running_mean is not None and counts.dtype != running_mean.dtype: counts = mean, invstd = torch.batch_norm_gather_stats_with_counts( input, mean_all, invstd_all, running_mean, running_var, momentum, eps, counts, ) self.save_for_backward(input, weight, mean, invstd, self.process_group = process_group # apply element-wise normalization if input.numel() > 0: return torch.batch_norm_elemt(input, weight, bias, mean, invstd, eps) else: return torch.empty_like(input) @staticmethod def backward(self, grad_output): if not ( grad_output.is_contiguous(memory_format=torch.channels_last) or grad_output.is_contiguous(memory_format=torch.channels_last_3d) ): grad_output = grad_output.contiguous() saved_input, weight, mean, invstd, count_tensor = self.saved_tensors grad_input = grad_weight = grad_bias = None process_group = self.process_group if saved_input.numel() > 0: # calculate local stats as well as grad_weight / grad_bias sum_dy, sum_dy_xmu, grad_weight, grad_bias = torch.batch_norm_backward_reduce( grad_output, saved_input, mean, invstd, weight, self.needs_input_grad[0], self.needs_input_grad[1], self.needs_input_grad[2] ) if self.needs_input_grad[0]: # synchronizing stats used to calculate input gradient. num_channels = sum_dy.shape[0] combined =[sum_dy, sum_dy_xmu], dim=0) torch.distributed.all_reduce( combined, torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM, process_group, async_op=False) sum_dy, sum_dy_xmu = torch.split(combined, num_channels) # backward pass for gradient calculation if weight is not None and weight.dtype != mean.dtype: weight = grad_input = torch.batch_norm_backward_elemt( grad_output, saved_input, mean, invstd, weight, sum_dy, sum_dy_xmu, count_tensor ) # synchronizing of grad_weight / grad_bias is not needed as distributed # training would handle all reduce. if weight is None or not self.needs_input_grad[1]: grad_weight = None if weight is None or not self.needs_input_grad[2]: grad_bias = None else: # This process got an empty input tensor in the forward pass. # Although this process can directly set grad_input as an empty # tensor of zeros, it still needs to participate in the collective # communication to unblock its peers, as other peer processes might # have received non-empty inputs. num_channels = saved_input.shape[1] if self.needs_input_grad[0]: # launch all_reduce to unblock other peer processes combined = torch.zeros( 2 * num_channels, dtype=saved_input.dtype, device=saved_input.device ) torch.distributed.all_reduce( combined, torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM, process_group, async_op=False) # Leave grad_input, grad_weight and grad_bias as None, which will be # interpreted by the autograd engine as Tensors full of zeros. return grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias, None, None, None, None, None, None class CrossMapLRN2d(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input, size, alpha=1e-4, beta=0.75, k=1): ctx.size = size ctx.alpha = alpha ctx.beta = beta ctx.k = k ctx.scale = None if input.dim() != 4: raise ValueError(f"CrossMapLRN2d: Expected input to be 4D, got {input.dim()}D instead.") ctx.scale = ctx.scale or output = batch_size = input.size(0) channels = input.size(1) input_height = input.size(2) input_width = input.size(3) output.resize_as_(input) ctx.scale.resize_as_(input) # use output storage as temporary buffer input_square = output torch.pow(input, 2, out=input_square) pre_pad = int((ctx.size - 1) / 2 + 1) pre_pad_crop = min(pre_pad, channels) scale_first =, 0) scale_first.zero_() # compute first feature map normalization for c in range(pre_pad_crop): scale_first.add_(, c)) # reuse computations for next feature maps normalization # by adding the next feature map and removing the previous for c in range(1, channels): scale_previous =, c - 1) scale_current =, c) scale_current.copy_(scale_previous) if c < channels - pre_pad + 1: square_next =, c + pre_pad - 1) scale_current.add_(square_next, alpha=1) if c > pre_pad: square_previous =, c - pre_pad) scale_current.add_(square_previous, alpha=-1) ctx.scale.mul_(ctx.alpha / ctx.size).add_(ctx.k) torch.pow(ctx.scale, -ctx.beta, out=output) output.mul_(input) ctx.save_for_backward(input, output) return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): input, output = ctx.saved_tensors grad_input = batch_size = input.size(0) channels = input.size(1) input_height = input.size(2) input_width = input.size(3) paddded_ratio = + ctx.size - 1, input_height, input_width) accum_ratio =, input_width) cache_ratio_value = 2 * ctx.alpha * ctx.beta / ctx.size inversePrePad = int(ctx.size - (ctx.size - 1) / 2) grad_input.resize_as_(input) torch.pow(ctx.scale, -ctx.beta, out=grad_input).mul_(grad_output) paddded_ratio.zero_() padded_ratio_center = paddded_ratio.narrow(0, inversePrePad, channels) for n in range(batch_size): torch.mul(grad_output[n], output[n], out=padded_ratio_center) padded_ratio_center.div_(ctx.scale[n]) torch.sum( paddded_ratio.narrow(0, 0, ctx.size - 1), 0, keepdim=False, out=accum_ratio) for c in range(channels): accum_ratio.add_(paddded_ratio[c + ctx.size - 1]) grad_input[n][c].addcmul_(input[n][c], accum_ratio, value=-cache_ratio_value) accum_ratio.add_(paddded_ratio[c], alpha=-1) return grad_input, None, None, None, None class BackwardHookFunction(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, *args): ctx.mark_non_differentiable(*[arg for arg in args if not arg.requires_grad]) return args @staticmethod def backward(ctx, *args): return args